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X-id 97.7 FM is a hit live online broadcasting music channel based on Reykjavík, Iceland. It plays different range of music genres like Alternative. Among the people of all ages, this radio channel plays music programs and talk shows 24 hours live online. This channel’s success was driven largely by the strength of its running programs with other talk shows and entertainment.
Discovered this station while on a short stay in Iceland and been listening off and on ever since. Heard some really cool music on here I never would have otherwise come across!
Marek Dziuk29.07.2022
fajny urozmaicony rock
Em Jackson12.02.2021
0902 & there's music on from The Untouchables OST by Ennio Morricone. Wow!
Bill Syrett21.10.2020
I absolutely love this station. I play it while at work here at Penn State. I get a lot of puzzled looks from students and co-workers as they walk by my office! I still have not absorbed as much Icelandic as I'd hoped, although I think I can say "97.7" reasonably well! Keep up the great work!
Erol Ünala03.08.2020
Great playlist
Axel Sebastián Serrano Robles18.07.2020
Hola que tal amigos les saluda Axel desde Ecuador, he escuchado su radio y me gusta mucho la verdad transmien buena música, quería saber si serían tan amables de reproducir nuestra canción Heavy metal en la radios nosotros los estamos sintonizando acá, aqui les dejaré el link de la canción y me avisan si nos podrán hacer conocer por su País que es muy bonito y en algún momento tener la certeza de conocerlo, soy el vocalista de la banda EUFHORIA, mis amigos gracias por su atención, saludos....!!!