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Плейлист Calm Meditation

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(зараз в Мумбаї 05:53)
19:23 Relaxation Meditation Songs Divine; White Noise for Baby Sleep; Spa Music - Quiet Breeze
19:20 Miracle Tones; Solfeggio Healing Frequencies MT - 888 Hz Angel Number
19:15 Chakra Meditation Universe - Mantra
19:12 Shah Feryan - New Beginnings
19:09 Miracle Tones; Binaural Beats MT - 2 Hz Dreamless Sleep (Binaural Beats)
19:05 Opening Chakras Sanctuary - Chakra Yoga Exercises
19:00 Meditation Music - Shakuhachi Flute
18:57 Playplain - Only One to Be
18:55 Miracle Tones - 432 Hz Miracle Sleep Tone
18:53 Sleepy John - Sleep Ambience, Pt. 23
18:50 Fractal Designs - Seahorses
18:48 Miracle Tones; Solfeggio Healing Frequencies MT - 888 Hz Attract Wealth
18:45 Chakra Meditation Universe - Spa Music
18:41 Healing frequency music - 432 hz Delta Waves Binaural Deep Sleep, Pt. 3
18:39 Miracle Tones; Binaural Beats MT - 1 Hz Deep Sleep (Binaural Beats)
18:35 Opening Chakras Sanctuary - Heal Your Soul
18:32 Astral Perfection - Taurus (Meditation)
18:28 Meditation Music - Five Tibetan Rites
18:25 Playplain - Collecting Sunlight | Flying Towards Day
18:23 Miracle Tones - 432 Hz Deep Theta Meditation
18:20 Sleepy John - Sleep Ambience, Pt. 27
18:18 Miracle Tones; Solfeggio Healing Frequencies MT - 285 Hz Powerful Om Mantra Meditation
18:14 Chakra Meditation Universe - Peace of Mind
18:10 Adell Bridges - Drift (Meditation)
18:08 Miracle Tones; Binaural Beats MT - 60 Hz Transcendental States (Binaural Beats)
18:04 Opening Chakras Sanctuary - Yellow Aura
18:01 Orchid Swoon - Cloud Choir (Meditation)
17:57 Meditation Music - Better Sleep
17:53 Playplain - Measure the Sea | Goals
17:50 Miracle Tones - 432 Hz Healing Sleep Music
17:48 Sleepy John - Sleep Ambience, Pt. 14
17:46 Miracle Tones; Solfeggio Healing Frequencies MT - 417 Hz Positive Change
17:42 Chakra Meditation Universe - 7 Chakras
17:37 Aloen - Eternal Glow (Meditation)
17:35 Miracle Tones; Binaural Beats MT - 70 Hz Peak Awareness (Binaural Beats)
17:31 Opening Chakras Sanctuary - Meditation Techniques
17:21 Meditation Music - Beautiful Dreams
17:17 Playplain - Slice of Plasma
17:15 Miracle Tones - 777 Hz Angelic Healing Frequency
17:13 Sleepy John - Sleep Ambience, Pt. 16
17:11 Miracle Tones; Solfeggio Healing Frequencies MT - 528 Hz Meditation Music
17:07 Chakra Meditation Universe - Chakra Cleasing
17:05 Miracle Tones; Binaural Beats MT - 5 Hz Creativity (Binaural Beats)
17:00 Opening Chakras Sanctuary - Relaxing Sounds
16:54 Sky Symphony - Diamonds (Meditation)
16:52 Sleepy Trees - Yearning Vision (Meditation)
16:48 Meditation Music - Simple Serenity
16:44 Playplain - Bound Together
16:42 Miracle Tones - 432 Hz Calm the Mind
16:40 Sleepy John - Sleep Ambience, Pt. 11
16:38 Miracle Tones; Solfeggio Healing Frequencies MT - 174 Hz Pain Relief and Healing
16:34 Chakra Meditation Universe - Mandala
16:32 Miracle Tones; Binaural Beats MT - 11 Hz Flow State (Binaural Beats)
16:28 Opening Chakras Sanctuary - Lucid Dreams
16:25 Stardust Dreams - Clarity (Meditation)
16:21 Quiet Moon - Pure (Meditation)
16:15 Meditation Music - Caraibic Guitar Tracks (Ocean Sound)
16:11 Playplain - Formos Over
16:09 Miracle Tones - 777 Hz Law of Attraction Frequency
16:07 Sleepy John - Sleep Ambience, Pt. 32
16:04 Miracle Tones; Solfeggio Healing Frequencies MT - 528 Hz DNA Repair
16:02 Chakra Meditation Universe - Balancing Meditation
16:00 Miracle Tones; Binaural Beats MT - 3 Hz Access to Unconscious Mind (Binaural Beats)
15:57 Opening Chakras Sanctuary - Violet Flame
15:54 Imaginary Landscapes - Evolving
15:50 Nordic Lights - Peace Dream (Binaural Meditation)
15:44 Meditation Music - Nepalese Guru
15:41 Playplain - Pich Up Help
15:38 Miracle Tones - 432 Hz Raise Positive Energy
15:36 Sleepy John - Sleep Ambience, Pt. 24
15:33 Miracle Tones; Solfeggio Healing Frequencies MT - 285 Hz Quantum Cognition
15:29 Chakra Meditation Universe - Meditation
15:27 Miracle Tones; Binaural Beats MT - 12 Hz Super Learning (Binaural Beats)
15:23 Opening Chakras Sanctuary - Soul Star Chakra (Padaka)
15:13 Meditation Music - Open Hearts
15:09 Playplain - Back to History | Beautiful Mourners
15:03 Cerulea - Sentient (Meditation)
15:01 Miracle Tones - Eternal
14:59 Sleepy John - Sleep Ambience, Pt. 26
14:57 Miracle Tones; Solfeggio Healing Frequencies MT - 417 Hz Undo Damage
14:53 Oleyan - Dusk (Meditation)
14:49 Chakra Meditation Universe - Ocean Waves (Third Eye)
14:47 Miracle Tones; Binaural Beats MT - 7 Hz Meditation and Inner Peace (Binaural Beats)
14:43 Opening Chakras Sanctuary - Sound Therapy
14:39 Meditation Music - Simply Being
14:35 Playplain - Block a Block Up
14:31 Healing frequency music - 432 hz Delta Waves Binaural Deep Sleep, Pt. 2
14:29 Miracle Tones - Peaceful
14:26 Sleepy John - Sleep Ambience, Pt. 28
14:25 Miracle Tones; Solfeggio Healing Frequencies MT - 528 Hz Manifest Love
14:22 Timo Krantz - 432
14:18 Chakra Meditation Universe - Chakra Stones
14:16 Miracle Tones; Binaural Beats MT - 80 Hz Gamma Waves (Binaural Beats)
14:11 Opening Chakras Sanctuary - Self Realization
14:09 Relaxation Meditation Songs Divine; White Noise for Baby Sleep; Spa Music - Greener Pastures
14:06 Meditation Music - Therapy Yoga
14:02 Playplain - Drift Through the Need
13:59 Healing frequency music - 432 hz Delta Waves Binaural Deep Sleep, Pt. 1
13:56 Miracle Tones - Enough
13:54 Sleepy John - Sleep Ambience, Pt. 22
13:52 Miracle Tones; Solfeggio Healing Frequencies MT - 396 Hz Dissolve Negativity
13:49 Timo Krantz - 528
13:45 Chakra Meditation Universe - Chakra for Beginners
13:43 Miracle Tones; Binaural Beats MT - 10 Hz Stress Reduction (Binaural Beats)
13:39 Opening Chakras Sanctuary - Crown Chakra (Sahasrara)
13:37 Relaxation Meditation Songs Divine; White Noise for Baby Sleep; Spa Music - Sessions by the Fireside
13:33 Meditation Music - Sweet Moonlight
13:30 Playplain - Current Load
13:27 Healing frequency music - 432 hz Delta Waves Binaural Deep Sleep, Pt. 9
13:24 Miracle Tones - 432 Hz Bring Down Heart Rate
13:22 Sleepy John - Sleep Ambience, Pt. 29
13:20 Miracle Tones; Solfeggio Healing Frequencies MT - 639 Hz Heal Heart Chakra
13:16 upon a star - i n f i n i t e (meditation)
13:14 Timo Krantz - 417
13:10 Chakra Meditation Universe - Indigo
13:08 Miracle Tones; Binaural Beats MT - 40 Hz Memory Recall (Binaural Beats)
13:04 Opening Chakras Sanctuary - Spiritual Moments
13:00 Sollaris - Luminescent (Meditation)
12:57 Relaxation Meditation Songs Divine; White Noise for Baby Sleep; Spa Music - Winter Chill
12:53 Meditation Music - Morning Flower
12:50 Playplain - From a Mountain | Say Goodbye
12:47 Healing frequency music - 432 hz Delta Waves Binaural Deep Sleep, Pt. 10
12:44 Miracle Tones - 777 Hz Manifest Positivity and Self-Confidence
12:42 Sleepy John - Sleep Ambience, Pt. 17
12:39 Oleyan - Morning Resonance
12:37 Miracle Tones; Solfeggio Healing Frequencies MT - 528 Hz Release Inner Conflict and Struggle
12:28 Music for Deep Meditation - Deep Relaxation With Savasana Sound Bath: Tibetan Singing Bowls, Hang Drum, Vocals and Rainstick (feat. Ann Malone)
12:24 upon a star - e t e r n a l (meditation)
12:20 Aureolin Sky - Slow Embers (Meditation)
12:18 Timo Krantz - 396
12:08 Epifania - Amethyst Rays (Extended)
12:04 Chakra Meditation Universe - Energy Flow
12:01 oh, the joy. - slow breaths
11:59 Miracle Tones; Binaural Beats MT - 4 Hz Theta Waves (Binaural Beats)
11:56 Into the Bliss - B e i n g (meditation)
11:52 Opening Chakras Sanctuary - Divine Bliss
11:48 Sollaris - Effulgent (Meditation)
11:45 Relaxation Meditation Songs Divine; White Noise for Baby Sleep; Spa Music - to Be Yourself
11:40 Meditation Music - Fireplace Sounds (Crackling Fire)
11:37 Playplain - No Darkness | Step by Step
11:33 Healing frequency music - 432 hz Delta Waves Binaural Deep Sleep, Pt. 4
11:30 Miracle Tones - Infinite
11:28 Sleepy John - Sleep Ambience, Pt. 31
11:26 Stardust Dreams - Twilight (Meditation Remix)
11:22 Oleyan - Meridian
11:20 Miracle Tones; Solfeggio Healing Frequencies MT - 285 Hz Heals and Regenerates Tissues
11:16 Music for Deep Meditation - The Space Between the Eyebrows, Ajna Chakra: Om In the Key of A (Improv Version)
11:13 upon a star - innervisions III
11:09 Aureolin Sky - Dream Weaver (Meditation)
11:07 Timo Krantz - 852
10:47 Epifania - Nourishment (Extended)
10:43 Dream Diver - Apricot Haze (Meditation)
10:39 Chakra Meditation Universe - Soothing Sounds
10:35 oh, the joy. - insight
10:33 Miracle Tones; Binaural Beats MT - 50 Hz High Level Cognition (Binaural Beats)
10:27 Tides of Time - Woodland Night (Meditation)
10:24 Into the Bliss - Moonbath
10:20 Opening Chakras Sanctuary - Reduce Anxiety
09:59 Sollaris - Presence (Extended)
09:56 Relaxation Meditation Songs Divine; White Noise for Baby Sleep; Spa Music - Nocturnal Slumber
09:51 Meditation Music - Infinite Cosmos
09:47 Playplain - Passing By | Moving Away
09:44 Healing frequency music - 432 hz Delta Waves Binaural Deep Sleep, Pt. 12
09:42 Miracle Tones - Calm
09:39 Sleepy John - Sleep Ambience, Pt. 19
09:36 Stardust Dreams - Moondreamer (Meditation)
09:33 Oleyan - Ease (Meditation)
09:31 Miracle Tones; Solfeggio Healing Frequencies MT - 417 Hz Let Go of Mental Blockages
09:28 Music for Deep Meditation - The Solar Plexus, Manipura Chakra: Om In the Key of E (Improv Version)
09:22 Cactus to Clouds - Pileus (Meditation)
09:16 upon a star - dream (meditation)
09:13 Aureolin Sky - Moonflower (Meditation)
09:11 Timo Krantz - 285
09:08 yandoo - Tide Within You
09:03 Epifania - Seraphic (Meditation)
08:59 Dream Diver - Panorama (Meditation)
08:55 Chakra Meditation Universe - Morning Meditation
08:53 oh, the joy. - journey beneath
08:51 Miracle Tones; Binaural Beats MT - 14 Hz Focused Attention (Binaural Beats)
08:47 Tides of Time - Suniia (Meditation)
08:44 Into the Bliss - Osmosis
08:40 Opening Chakras Sanctuary - Sacral Chakra (Svadhisthana)
08:36 Sollaris - Topaz
08:33 Relaxation Meditation Songs Divine; White Noise for Baby Sleep; Spa Music - Always Mindful
08:29 Meditation Music - Stress Reduction
08:26 Playplain - Exist Between | Bounding
08:23 Healing frequency music - 432 hz Delta Waves Binaural Deep Sleep, Pt. 5
08:20 Miracle Tones - Present
08:18 Sleepy John - Sleep Ambience, Pt. 25
08:15 Sky Symphony - Translucence (Meditation)
08:12 Stardust Dreams - Illuminosity (Meditation Remix)
08:07 Imaginary Landscapes - Activation (Meditation)
08:03 Cerulea - Stargazing (Meditation)
08:00 Oleyan - Enshrine
07:57 Miracle Tones; Solfeggio Healing Frequencies MT - 963 Hz Open Third Eye
07:54 Music for Deep Meditation - The Throat Chakra, Vishudda: Om In the Key of G (Improv Version)
07:51 Cactus to Clouds - Celestine
07:48 upon a star - illuminations (meditation)
07:45 Spectrum Voyage - Violet Dreams (Meditation)
07:41 Aureolin Sky - Elixir (Meditation)
07:38 Timo Krantz - 174
07:35 yandoo - In Embryo
07:31 Epifania - Olea (Meditation)
07:27 Dream Diver - Healing Movements (Meditation)
07:23 Chakra Meditation Universe - Asian Music
07:20 oh, the joy. - mind's eye
07:18 Miracle Tones; Binaural Beats MT - 18 Hz Cognitive Thinking (Binaural Beats)
07:11 Tides of Time - Cloud Hopping (Meditation)
07:07 Into the Bliss - MoonHouse (Meditation)
07:04 Opening Chakras Sanctuary - Kundalini Experience
06:59 Sollaris - Arcana (Meditation)
06:56 Relaxation Meditation Songs Divine; White Noise for Baby Sleep; Spa Music - Cloudy Memories
06:52 Meditation Music - Emerald Island
06:48 Playplain - Open Up | Finally There
06:45 Healing frequency music - 432 hz Delta Waves Binaural Deep Sleep, Pt. 11
06:42 Miracle Tones - 432 Hz Healing Music
06:40 Sleepy John - Sleep Ambience, Pt. 12
06:37 Sky Symphony - O d y s s e y (Meditation)
06:33 Stardust Dreams - Golden (Meditation)
06:28 Imaginary Landscapes - Elatement (Meditation)
06:25 Nordic Lights - Beacon (Meditation)
06:22 Cerulea - Juneira (Meditation)
06:19 Oleyan - Uplifted (Meditation)
06:16 Miracle Tones; Solfeggio Healing Frequencies MT - 417 Hz Transmutation
06:13 Music for Deep Meditation - The Abode of Creativity, Swadhisthana: The Mantra Om In the Key of D
06:10 The Deep Sleep Scientists - Illuminate
06:06 Cactus to Clouds - Effluence (Ocean Edit)
06:02 upon a star - p e a c e (meditation)
05:59 Spectrum Voyage - Forest Green (Meditation)
05:55 Ray of Dreams - Pillow (Meditation)
05:51 Sound Bath - Sound Stimulation (40 Hz)
05:47 Aureolin Sky - Ever Slowly (Meditation)
05:44 Timo Krantz - 741
05:41 yandoo - Healing Spirit
05:38 Epifania - Opal
05:34 Dream Diver - Horizon (Meditation)
05:31 Celestial Realms - Polaris
05:27 Chakra Meditation Universe - Awakening
05:24 oh, the joy. - odyssey
05:22 Miracle Tones; Binaural Beats MT - 20 Hz Problem Solving (Binaural Beats)
05:18 Tides of Time - Traverse (Meditation)
05:14 Into the Bliss - Stargazer (Meditation)
05:11 TRANQL - Aluna (Meditation)
05:07 Opening Chakras Sanctuary - Solar Plexus Chakra (Manipura)
05:03 Sollaris - Wellness Wind Chimes
05:01 Relaxation Meditation Songs Divine; White Noise for Baby Sleep; Spa Music - Blades of Grass
04:54 Meditation Music - Non Stop Music
04:51 Playplain - Visible to the Open
04:47 Healing frequency music - 432 hz Delta Waves Binaural Deep Sleep, Pt. 8
04:45 Miracle Tones - Grounded
04:43 Sleepy John - Sleep Ambience, Pt. 15
04:38 Sky Symphony - Dreamseer (Meditation)
04:34 Stardust Dreams - Aura III
04:29 Imaginary Landscapes - Homage (Meditation)
04:26 Nordic Lights - The Great Fire (Meditation)
04:22 Cerulea - Possible
04:19 Oleyan - Reflect (Meditation)
04:16 Miracle Tones; Solfeggio Healing Frequencies MT - 741 Hz Full Body Cell Level Detox
04:13 starry - Delicately (Meditation)
04:09 pello - Renewal (Meditation)
03:59 Music for Deep Meditation - Shavasana Sound Bath Therapy: Deep Healing Through the Power of Sound (feat. Ann Malone)
03:56 klemme - Notion (Meditation)
03:52 The Deep Sleep Scientists - Cosmic Reverie (Meditation)
03:47 Cactus to Clouds - Melismatic (Meditation)
03:44 upon a star - f o r e v e r (meditation)
03:40 Golden Slumber - Infinite Fields (Meditation)
03:37 Spectrum Voyage - Meditations (Meditation)
03:28 Ray of Dreams - Maybe Tomorrow (Meditation)
03:25 Sound Bath - Lean Towards the Light (Spa)
03:20 Silent Movement - Innervate (Meditation)
03:16 Aureolin Sky - Dream Weaver (Meditation)
03:12 Timo Krantz - 7.830
03:09 yandoo - Dune (Meditation)
03:04 Epifania - Copal (Meditation)
02:58 Dream Diver - Endurance (Meditation)
02:54 Celestial Realms - Navi (Meditation)
02:50 Stratus Drift - Aura (Meditation)
02:47 Chakra Meditation Universe - Tibetan Bowls
02:44 oh, the joy. - growth
02:42 Miracle Tones; Binaural Beats MT - 13 Hz Concentration (Binaural Beats)
02:39 Tides of Time - Messages (Meditation)
02:36 Into the Bliss - Temple of Time
02:32 TRANQL - Alasea (Meditation)
02:29 Opening Chakras Sanctuary - White Lotus
02:26 Miracle Tones; Solfeggio Healing Frequencies MT - Solfeggio Frequencies 639 Hz
02:21 Sollaris - Melodia (Meditation)
02:17 Relaxation Meditation Songs Divine; White Noise for Baby Sleep; Spa Music - Universal Knowledge
02:07 Meditation Music - Inner Currents
02:04 Playplain - Solitary Soul | Body Temple
01:59 Healing frequency music - 432 hz Delta Waves Binaural Deep Sleep, Pt. 6
01:57 Miracle Tones - 432 Hz Deep Relaxation
01:54 Miracle Tones; Solfeggio Healing Frequencies MT - 888 Hz Infinite Abundance, Love and Wealth
01:49 Aloen - Quietude (Meditation)
01:47 Sleepy John - Sleep Ambience, Pt. 18
01:44 Sky Symphony - Transcendence (Meditation)
01:41 Stardust Dreams - Tenderly (Meditation Remix)
01:37 Imaginary Landscapes - Softening
01:34 Nordic Lights - Compass (Meditation)
01:28 Cerulea - Slipping Away (Meditation)
01:25 Oleyan - Deepest Depths (Meditation)
01:22 ALLUMARE - Odaus (Meditation)
01:20 Miracle Tones; Solfeggio Healing Frequencies MT - 528 Hz Whole Body Regeneration
01:14 starry - Still (Meditation)
01:11 Calla Koru - Esen (Meditation)
01:08 Ryuichi Sakamoto - Launch
01:05 pello - Gathered (Meditation)
01:00 At Dusk - Paradise (Meditation)
00:56 AQUINE - Water Wind (Meditation)
00:51 Music for Deep Meditation - The Lotus of a Thousand Petals, Sahasrara: Om Divine In the Key of B (Improv With Harmonies Version)
00:49 Miracle Tones; Solfeggio Healing Frequencies MT - Solfeggio Frequencies 285 Hz
00:45 Lunarei - Parace (Meditation)
00:42 LUVT - Glowing (Meditation)
00:38 klemme - Thoughtful (Meditation)
00:35 The Deep Sleep Scientists - Mosaic (Meditation)
00:30 OK Chamomile - Cyrene's Solace (Meditation)
00:26 Tala Sky - Nestled (Meditation)
00:21 Cactus to Clouds - Cloud Canyon (Meditation)
00:17 upon a star - c e l e s t i a l (meditation)
00:15 Miracle Tones; Solfeggio Healing Frequencies MT - 417 Hz Remove Negative Blocks
00:11 Golden Slumber - Calm Rejuvenation (Meditation)
00:08 Pharanae - Motional (Meditation)
00:04 Shanti - Sentient (Meditation)
00:00 The Sound of Quiet - Soft Sands (Meditation)

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