Online Radio Box upotrebljava kolačiće za pružanje najbolje usluge korisnicima. Obrada vaših osobnih podataka mogla bi biti potrebna za omiljene radio postaje i glazbene žanrove, favorite korisnika, recenzije postaja i mnoge druge usluge.
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Tipperary Mid West Community Radio is a radio station serving Tipperary, Cashel and south county Tipperary on 104.8fm, 106.7fm and online. We broadcast music, local news, gig guides, Tipperary death notices and a variety of programmes of interest to the local community.
great show norman john morrissey cricklwood hi all in dulla
Mary Taylor20.08.2021
All it’s doing is loading continuously. I’ve missed Louise”s show for 2 weeks now because it won’t load. I stay in scotland and have been a close friend of Louise for nearly 30 years. It fair cheers me up hearing Louise. How can we fix this? I’ve tried all my devices at different times and none of them will load. HELP!!!
Louise Morrissey is amazing. I’ve only missed 2 shows since she started due to being in hospital. Could we have more shows from Louise every week. X
Timothy Ryan02.02.2021
Wonderful station. I am hearing it in O'Regan's Newfoundland Canada.
Paul Guerin13.09.2019
Coming over loud and clear over here in London Norman great show every morning takes me back to tipp every day give my best wishes to Shelly Guerin working in Tipp town great music Norman your sister Louise is a big hit in our house especially when you play the Galtee mountain boy keep up the good work Norman more power to your elbow Paul Guerin.