Radio Republik Indonesia (RRI) is the state radio network of Indonesia. The organization is a public broadcasting service. It is a national radio station that broadcasts all over Indonesia and abroad to serve all Indonesian citizens throughout the nation and overseas. RRI also provides information about Indonesia to people around the world. Voice of Indonesia is the division for overseas broadcasting.
Pokaż więcej
Ciri khas orang Bajau hanya bisa dibuktikan melalui klinis. Hasil penelitian Dr. Mellisa Ilardo dari Copenhagen University membuktikan, ukuran limfa orang Bajau 50% lebih besar dari limfa manusia normal. Tks.
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Polsek Kanor Polres Bojonegoro hadir nyimak
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Tetap jaya mengudara....
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Untuk program Wayang golek ada nomor WA nya kah...
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Pak anang ilove ypu fulll
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semangat kang apip
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Terima kasih Dr. Hendra Kholid
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Halo kak, mau tanya ada jadwal siaran tentang pendidikan hari ini, jam brp ya kak?
RRI was founded on 11 September 1945. Its headquarters are located on Jalan Medan Merdeka Barat in Central Jakarta. Its national news network Pro 3 broadcasts on 999 kHz AM and 88.8 MHz FM in the Jakarta area and is relayed by satellite and on FM in many Indonesian cities. Three other services are transmitted to the Jakarta area: Pro 1 (regional radio), Pro 2 (music and entertainment radio), and Pro 4 (cultural radio). Regional stations operate in major cities throughout the country, producing local programmes as well as relaying national news and other programmes from RRI Jakarta.
Jl. Medan Merdeka Barat 4-5 Jakarta 10270, Indonesia.