Uživo |
David Durham - Ton Amour Vaut Mieux
10:51 |
Hillsong En Français - Tu as tout donné
10:46 |
Matt Redman - The way of the cross
10:41 |
Mel-T - C'est Le Cri De Mon Coeur
10:35 |
Bethel Church At Vista Pointe Worship - We Need You Now
10:33 |
Donato Anzalone - DAnzalone 091 Bien parler pour bien vivre
10:27 |
JTM Band - O Quelle Grâce
10:23 |
ICF Worship, Esther McLaren - All About You
10:19 |
Ben Cantelon - How I Love You
10:16 |
Kenneth E. Hagin - NS 03-06
10:11 |
Matt Marvane - Toute La Terre
10:05 |
Jesus Culture - Infinite (feat. Kim Walker-Smith)
10:00 |
Embrase Nos Coeurs 2008 - Nous Contemplons
09:55 |
II Guys From Petra - God of Wonders
09:51 |
Karissma - Ma Soul
09:46 |
Hillsong UNITED - Mercy Mercy
09:42 |
JTM - Tout te donner
09:38 |
Peggy Polito - Cet air que je respire
09:32 |
Patrick Vandiver - 2 Sanctuary
09:32 |
Laura Madan - Laura Madan 66
09:27 |
Hillsong Young & Free - This Is Living (Acoustic)
09:22 |
Michael W. Smith - Live Forever
09:18 |
Planetshakers - Passion (Live in Melbourne)
09:16 |
Kenneth E. Hagin - NF 03-06
09:11 |
Aquero - Prenons Le Large
09:06 |
Mel-T - J'aspire A Ta Présence
09:00 |
Jesus Culture - Yes and Amen (feat. Chris McClarney)
08:57 |
Divers - Sur la piste
08:51 |
Free Chapel - Echo
08:46 |
Rolf Schneider - Homme crucifié
08:42 |
Bright City - We Believe
08:38 |
Matt Marvane - Un coin de paradis
08:33 |
Impact - Sola Gratia
08:31 |
Donato Anzalone - DAnzalone 127 Choisir son conjoint
08:25 |
WorshipNOIZ - Souffle sur moi
08:21 |
Aquero - La Ville Illuminée
08:18 |
Kenneth E. Hagin - NS 03-06
08:14 |
Rhema Worship - Holy Is The Lord
08:13 |
Hillsong UNITED - O Praise The Name (Anástasis)
08:08 |
Kings Kaleidoscope - Defender (Live)
08:02 |
Jesus Culture - God with Us (feat. Bryan Torwalt)
08:00 |
Lauren Daigle - Your Wings
07:57 |
Cathy Burton - Immanuel
07:53 |
Face à Face - Père
07:49 |
Dan Luiten - Toi seul es digne
07:45 |
Hillsong Young & Free - This Is Living (Acoustic)
07:40 |
Aquero - Trop D'amour
07:33 |
Patrick Vandiver - 4 Contemplation
07:32 |
Laura Madan - Laura Madan 05
07:27 |
David Durham - Je Ne Toublierai Pas
07:24 |
Hillsong - His Glory Appears
07:19 |
Samuel Olivier - Je lève les yeux
07:17 |
Kenneth E. Hagin - NF 03-06
07:13 |
Ethan - Merveilleux si merveilleux
07:09 |
Face à Face - Mon coeur t'appartient
07:05 |
Mel-T - C'est Le Cri De Mon Coeur
07:00 |
Bethel Music - Mercy and Majesty (Instrumental)
06:56 |
Hillsong UNITED - Another In The Fire (Live)
06:51 |
JTM - Saint
06:47 |
Axe21 Musique - Repousse mes limites
06:32 |
John S. Madan - À Vos Marques - Qui êtes-vous réellement ?
06:28 |
Rend Collective - YOUR NAME IS POWER
06:23 |
Victory - God Is With Us
06:20 |
ReJeanna Jolliff - One
06:17 |
Kenneth E. Hagin - NS 03-06
06:12 |
Bryan Ost - Je ne peux qu'imaginer
06:08 |
WorshipNOIZ - Rien ne lui est impossible
06:04 |
YouthFR - Souffle
06:00 |
Third Day - All The Heavens
05:56 |
Matt Marvane - Un Jour Nouveau
05:52 |
Whistle Blazer - Multicolore
05:48 |
II Guys From Petra - Draw Me Close
05:43 |
Bethel Music - Mercy and Majesty (Instrumental)
05:39 |
EPP Music - Je me confie en toi
05:34 |
Hillsong UNITED - King of Heaven
05:33 |
Laura Madan - Laura Madan 11
05:29 |
Planetshakers - Drawing Closer (Live in Kuala Lumpur)
05:25 |
Aquero - Un Nom Nouveau
05:20 |
David Durham - Au-Dessus De Tout
05:18 |
Kenneth E. Hagin - NF 03-06
05:15 |
Rend Collective Experiment - Praise Like Fireworks
05:11 |
Pierre-Nicolas De Katow - Fidèle (Tes bontés se renouvellent)
05:05 |
Mark Beswick - Knowing You
05:00 |
JTM - C'est toi Jesus
04:58 |
Jeremy Camp - Jesus Saves
04:55 |
Hillsong UNITED - Zion (Interlude)
04:50 |
Victory World Music feat. Montell Jordan and Beckah Shae - Shake Heaven feat. Montell Jordan and Beckah Shae
04:47 |
Bryan Ost - Dieu, tes bienfaits sont grands
04:41 |
Jesus Culture - Anything Can Happen (feat. Chris Quilala)
04:36 |
Rend Collective Experiment - Build Your Kingdom Here
04:34 |
Donato Anzalone - DAnzalone 104 La foi persistante
04:28 |
Bethel Music - Mention of Your Name (Instrumental)
04:23 |
Peter Madan - Tu mets un chant d'amour
04:21 |
Matt Marvane - Je T'exalterai
04:18 |
Kenneth E. Hagin - NS 03-06
04:14 |
Embrase Nos Coeurs 2008 - Dieu De Toute Grâce
04:09 |
Hillsong UNITED - A Million Suns
04:05 |
Divers - Conduits par l esprit
04:00 |
Michael W. Smith - Here I Am To Worship
03:59 |
Mali Music - My Blessings (Love Me)
03:54 |
Jesus Culture - Weight of Heaven (feat. Chris Quilala)
03:48 |
Planetshakers - You Are Here (Live in Manila)
03:44 |
David Durham - Je Sais
03:40 |
Third Day - Consuming Fire
03:33 |
Matt Redman - Deep Calls To Deep
03:32 |
Laura Madan - Laura Madan 31
03:28 |
II Guys From Petra - Come, Now Is the Time
03:23 |
Jesus Culture - In the River (feat. Kim Walker-Smith)
03:18 |
Hillsong Young & Free - Lifeline (Live)
03:16 |
Kenneth E. Hagin - NF 03-06
03:11 |
Sylvain Freymond & Louange Vivante - Me Voici, Seigneur
03:08 |
Hillsong - His Glory Appears
03:04 |
Sébastien Corn - Chroma No. 1: Apaise mon âme
03:00 |
Big Daddy Weave - Love Come To Life
02:57 |
JTM - A La Croix
02:52 |
ReJeanna Jolliff - Faithful
02:48 |
Matt Redman - The Yoke Is Easy
02:43 |
Hillsong Young & Free - Alive (Live)
02:39 |
François Reymond - Seigneur, par la clarté - JEM 495
02:35 |
Third Day - You're Everywhere
02:27 |
Jesus Culture - Halls of Heaven (feat. Chris Quilala)
02:23 |
Peter Madan - Ton amour me remplit
02:18 |
JTM - Je chanterai
02:16 |
Kenneth E. Hagin - NS 03-06
02:11 |
Bright City - We Believe
02:05 |
ReJeanna Jolliff - Destiny
02:00 |
Bethel Music & Francesca Battistelli - There's No Other Name (Live)
01:58 |
Embrase Nos Coeurs 2008 - Lumière Des Nations
01:54 |
Jesus Culture - Beautiful Day (feat. Derek Johnson)
01:51 |
II Guys From Petra - We Fall Down
01:47 |
JTM - Saint
01:43 |
Bethel Music, Jonathan David Helser, Melissa Helser - Raise a Hallelujah (Studio Version)
01:39 |
Hillsong Young & Free - This Is Living (feat. LeCrae)
01:36 |
Dan Luiten - À l'Agneau
01:35 |
Laura Madan - Laura Madan 51
01:29 |
Victory - Fully Devoted
01:24 |
Matt Redman - There is a louder shout to come
01:18 |
Free Chapel - Speechless
01:16 |
Kenneth E. Hagin - NF 03-06
01:12 |
Rolf Schneider - Dieu créateur
01:09 |
Carlos Whittaker - In The Arms
01:04 |
Divers - Mais où va ce monde
01:00 |
ReJeanna Jolliff - Victory
00:59 |
Victory - With You
00:55 |
JTM - Nous Chantons Ta Victoire (Bis)
00:50 |
Victory World Music feat. Montell Jordan and Beckah Shae - Shake Heaven feat. Montell Jordan and Beckah Shae
00:35 |
John S. Madan - À Vos Marques - Comment Établir et Faire Grandir les Chrétiens
00:29 |
Hillsong Young & Free - Embers (Live)
00:26 |
Hillsong UNITED - Zion (Interlude)
00:18 |
JTM - Nous Chantons Ta Victoire
00:16 |
Kenneth E. Hagin - NS 03-06
00:09 |
Matt Redman - Knocking on the door of heaven
00:05 |
Impact - Tu Es Notre Dieu
00:00 |
Jesus Culture - Love That Saves (feat. Ruthie Ridley)