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Free FM Rock playlist

Ne znate pjesmu koja svira na radiju? Upotrijebite naš servis da je pronađete! Naša playlista pohranjuje popis pjesama Free FM Rock-a za posljednjih 7 dana.

(sada je u Madrid 23:48)
23:02 Gracia SantiagoCorazon Purpura Old
22:59 The RasmusThe Rasmus - Ghostbusters
22:53 Duncan DhuDuncan Dhu - La casa azul
22:47 SingitLiveSingitLive - Rosanna
22:42 charly garciacharly garcia - Influencia
22:39 HoleHole - Celebrity Skin
22:35 BreadBread - Guitar Man
22:31 Nico BorieNico Borie - DON'T CRY
22:21 U2U2 - Angel Of Harlem
22:17 Deep Blue SomethingDeep Blue Something - Breakfast At Tiffany's
22:12 FreeFree - All Right Now
22:07 Joe CockerJoe Cocker - Unchain My Heart
22:03 First To ElevenFirst To Eleven - Bloody Mary
21:59 OpusOpus - Live Is Life
21:56 The BeatlesThe Beatles - I Should Have Known Better
21:50 WesternhagenWesternhagen - Sexy
21:45 Bon JoviBon Jovi - I'll Be There For You
21:41 The HootersThe Hooters - Johnny B.
21:37 HimHim - Wicked Game
21:29 AerosmithAerosmith - Walk This Way
21:23 StingSting - All This Time
21:18 Simple MindsSimple Minds - Alive and Kicking
21:14 Guns N' RosesGuns N' Roses - Chinese Democracy
21:11 ParamoreParamore - crushcrushcrush
21:08 The StranglersThe Stranglers - Skin Deep
21:05 The CureThe Cure - Killing an arab
20:03 MusicRocks 16Music Box Martes Jueves
19:59 REMREM - It's The End Of The World As We Know It (And I Feel Fine)
19:31 Free FMRokola IV
19:27 EuropeEurope - Superstitious
19:22 The Naked And FamousThe Naked And Famous - Young Blood
19:19 QueenQueen - I Want To Break Free
19:14 RushRush - Tom Sawyer
19:11 U2U2 - Everlasting Love
19:06 Lynryd SkynyrdLynryd Skynyrd - Sweet Home Alabama
19:02 Twisted SisterTwisted Sister - We're Not Gonna Take it
18:34 Free FMRokola II
18:29 The Metal ByrdsThe Metal Byrds - Good Harbour
18:26 The BeatlesThe Beatles - Penny Lane
18:00 Free FMRokola I
17:57 PolicePolice - Reggatta De Blanc
17:54 Los PerlasLos Perlas - Me encanta el café
17:49 La unionLa union - Maracaibo
17:46 The OffspringThe Offspring - You're Gonna Go Far, Kid
17:42 TAM TAM GO!TAM TAM GO! - Espaldas Mojadas
17:38 Rascal FlattsRascal Flatts - Life Is a Highway
17:35 Miriam CaminoMiriam Camino - Eye of the Tiger
17:31 Alien Ant FarmAlien Ant Farm - Smooth Criminal
17:27 NazarethNazareth - Where Are You Now
17:22 DURAN DURANDURAN DURAN - What Happens Tomorrow
17:18 RadioheadRadiohead - Karma Police
17:15 Ike And Tina TurnerIke And Tina Turner - Nutbush City Limits
17:12 Mando DiaoMando Diao - RUBI Y LOS CASINOS YO TENIA UN NOVIO...
17:08 Lenny KravitzLenny Kravitz - Ill Be Waiting
17:04 The FratellisThe Fratellis - Baby Fratelli
17:00 Ac DcAc Dc - Rock 'n Roll Train
16:55 Thin LizzyThin Lizzy - Whiskey In The Jar 1973
16:50 Bon JoviBon Jovi - Cama De Rosas
16:47 Heroes Del SilencioHeroes Del Silencio - Despertar
16:45 Violent FemmesViolent Femmes - Blister In The Sun
16:41 The Metal ByrdsThe Metal Byrds - Life Of The Party
16:36 BUNBURYBUNBURY - Lady Blue (Vinyl)
16:33 Los VioladoresLos Violadores - ¡Cómo es!
16:31 The HousemartinsThe Housemartins - Happy Hour
16:26 Babylon ZooBabylon Zoo - Spaceman
16:22 La FronteraLa Frontera - El Límite
16:18 Bruce SpringsteenBruce Springsteen - I'm Goin' Down
16:13 BeatlesBeatles - Got To Get You Into My Life
16:05 Sister SinSister Sin - Fight Song
16:03 Blake LewisBlake Lewis - Time Of TheSeason
15:59 Red Hot Chili PeppersRed Hot Chili Peppers - Higher Ground
15:50 Guns N' RosesGuns N' Roses - Paradise City
15:46 The Rolling StonesThe Rolling Stones - Mess It Up
15:41 First to ElevenFirst to Eleven - Thriller
15:38 BostonBoston - Rock & Roll Band
15:35 The Beatles Paul McCartney George Harrison Richard StarkeyThe Beatles Paul McCartney George Harrison Richard Starkey - Here Comes The Sun
15:32 chad kroegerchad kroeger - Hero
15:29 vita de vievita de vie - praf de stele
15:24 DANZIGDANZIG - Mother
15:21 Ruxe-RuxeRuxe-Ruxe - Rock do País
15:17 TequilaTequila - Me Vuelvo Loco
15:14 Roy OrbisonRoy Orbison - Only The Lonely
15:11 Duran DuranDuran Duran - 2.A View To A Kill
15:08 The BeatlesThe Beatles - Komm, Gib Mir Deine Hand (I Want To Hold Your Hand) (Stereo)
15:05 AdoAdo - USSEEWA
15:01 Michael JacksonMichael Jackson - Beat It
14:54 White LionWhite Lion - Broken Heart
14:52 Creedence Clearwater RevivalCreedence Clearwater Revival - Bad Moon Rising
14:48 LoquilloLoquillo - Que hace una chica como tú en
14:43 U2U2 - new year's day
14:39 QueenQueen - I'm Going Slightly
14:35 Fleetwood MacFleetwood Mac - Everywhere (2017 Remaster)
14:33 BeatlesBeatles - it is only Love
14:31 Los SecretosLos Secretos - Déjame
14:27 Los RebeldesLos Rebeldes - Bajo La Luz De La luna
14:23 The Doobie BrothersThe Doobie Brothers - Listen To The Music
14:20 CSGACSGA - Ticket to Ride
14:15 patricio rey y sus redonditos de ricotapatricio rey y sus redonditos de ricota - jijiji
14:12 Hombres GHombres G - Lawrence de arabia
14:06 First To Eleven Violet Orlandi Lauren BabicFirst To Eleven Violet Orlandi Lauren Babic - Bohemian Rhapsody
14:02 The CranberriesThe Cranberries - Analyse
13:59 Simple PlanSimple Plan - Your Love Is a Lie
13:53 smashing pumpkinssmashing pumpkins - 1979
13:45 DoverDover - King George
13:41 ARIEL ROTARIEL ROT - Adiós mundo cruel (con Jaime Urrutia)
13:35 Richard AshcroftRichard Ashcroft - Bittersweet Symphony
13:30 john farnhamjohn farnham - you're the voice
13:26 SARATOGASARATOGA - Mi Venganza
13:22 The Rolling StonesThe Rolling Stones - Mixed Emotions
13:18 Ruxe RuxeRuxe Ruxe - Buratos
13:16 The BeatlesThe Beatles - I'll Be Back
13:12 Last ResortLast Resort - Papa Roach
13:10 David Lee RothDavid Lee Roth - California Girls
13:05 Sheryl CrowSheryl Crow - If It Makes You Happy
13:00 Paul McCartneyPaul McCartney - Band on the Run
12:52 Pearl JamPearl Jam - Black
12:49 Bob SegerBob Seger - Old Time Rock & Roll
12:43 Guns and RosesGuns and Roses - Sweet Child Of Mine
12:38 Los SecretosLos Secretos - y No Amanece
12:34 The KillersThe Killers - Read My Mind
12:31 WhitesnakeWhitesnake - Here I Go Again
12:26 AC DCAC DC - Hard As A Rock
12:23 beatlesbeatles - in my life
12:19 Bachman Turner OverdriveBachman Turner Overdrive - You Ain’t Seen Nothing Yet
12:16 AliasAlias - More Thans Words Can Say
12:07 Bob DylanBob Dylan - Hurricane
12:03 U2U2 - I Still Haven't Found What I'm Looking For
11:59 Phil CollinsPhil Collins - Sussudio
11:54 The PretendersThe Pretenders - Angel of the Morning
11:50 Jaime UrrutiaJaime Urrutia - Donde estas? - Videoclip Amigos
11:47 Neil YoungNeil Young - Heart of Gold
11:43 La UniónLa Unión - Damelo ya
11:40 miguel mateosmiguel mateos - atado a un sentimiento
11:36 Steel PantherSteel Panther - All I Wanna Do is Fuck (Myself Tonight)
11:33 REBELDES 79REBELDES 79 - Cadillac 79
11:29 Radio FuturaRadio Futura - 37 grados
11:23 Manic Street PreachersManic Street Preachers - If You Tolerate This Your Children Will Be Next
11:18 THE BEATLESTHE BEATLES - Golden Slumbers-Carry That Wei
11:14 Van HalenVan Halen - Can't Stop Lovin' You
11:09 RammsteinRammstein - Spiel Mit Mir
11:06 Hoodoo GurusHoodoo Gurus - Chained To The Wheel (2007 Remastered)
10:58 The BeatlesBeatles
10:51 los secretoslos secretos - Gracias Por Elegirme
10:49 The HousemartinsThe Housemartins - Five Get Over Excited
10:45 Simple MindsSimple Minds - Love Song
10:41 Celtas CortosCeltas Cortos - Tranquilo Majete
10:38 BeatlesBeatles - Sie liebt dich (Remastered 2009)
10:35 LafeeLafee - Ring Frei
10:31 tam tam go!tam tam go! - Atrapados en la red
10:21 my heart will go on titanic celine dion metal cover by jonathan young -3974634947955926535
10:13 METALLICAMETALLICA - Master of Puppets
10:09 Bruce SpringsteenBruce Springsteen - No Surrender
10:06 Los PrisionerosLos Prisioneros - We Are Sudamerican Rockers
10:03 CRS All-StarsCRS All-Stars - A Hard Day's Night;
09:59 Rita LeeRita Lee - A Hard Day's Night
09:58 The BeatlesThe Beatles - I Want To Hold Your Hand
09:51 Judas PriestJudas Priest - Turbo Lover
09:46 Stinus VidalStinus Vidal - A l'Ombra del Fum
09:42 Os Paralamas Do SucessoOs Paralamas Do Sucesso - Uma Brasileira
09:39 R.E.M.R.E.M. - Imitation Of Life
09:35 Black Stone CherryBlack Stone Cherry - Blame It on the Boom Boom
09:33 Bryan AdamsBryan Adams - Down On The Corner
09:29 HeartHeart - Never
09:24 The Rolling StonesThe Rolling Stones - Live By The Sword
09:19 David BowieDavid Bowie - Absolute Beginners
09:16 Derek & The DominosDerek & The Dominos - Layla
09:12 Moon MartinMoon Martin - Bad News
09:07 First to ElevenFirst to Eleven - Chasing Cars
09:02 QueenQueen - You Don't Fool Me
08:57 Leo Moracchioli feat. Peter HonoréLeo Moracchioli feat. Peter Honoré - Thunderstruck
08:53 Los BuitresLos Buitres - Amame
08:49 The Naked And FamousThe Naked And Famous - Young Blood
08:46 Electric Light OrchestraElectric Light Orchestra - Calling America
08:43 ModerattoModeratto - Sueltate El Pelo
08:39 inxsinxs - disappear
08:35 AerosmithAerosmith - Walk This Way
08:31 BeatlesBeatles - While My Guitar Gently Weeps
08:24 CornershopCornershop - Brimful of Asha
08:21 ChemiaChemia - Angina
08:13 The ClashThe Clash - London Calling
08:10 Stealers WheelStealers Wheel - Stuck In The Middle With You
08:05 Fleetwood MacFleetwood Mac - Gypsy
08:00 The WhoThe Who - Eminence Front
07:56 The Rolling StonesThe Rolling Stones - Satisfaction
07:51 The RasmusThe Rasmus - In the shadows
07:48 zapato 3zapato 3 - pantaletas negras
07:43 ZZ TopZZ Top - It's Only Love
07:39 medina azaharamedina azahara - todo tiene su fin
07:36 blink-182blink-182 - All The Small Things
07:32 QueenQueen - Friends Will Be Friends
07:27 REO SpeedwagonREO Speedwagon - Take It On the Run
07:23 Leo MoracchiolLeo Moracchiol - Now and Then
07:19 John CaffertyJohn Cafferty - Hearts On Fire
07:16 Vintage TroubleVintage Trouble - Strike Your Light (Audio) ft. Kamilah Marshall
07:12 survivorsurvivor - the moment of truth
07:07 OasisOasis - Sunday Morning Call
07:03 LoquilloLoquillo - El rompeolas
06:59 StyxStyx - Renegade
06:56 ThemThem - Please Don't Go
06:51 The AnimalsThe Animals - House of The Rising Sun
06:48 YazooYazoo - Don't Go
06:45 The WondersThe Wonders - That Thing You Do!
06:42 AdoAdo - USSEEWA
06:39 B'52B'52 - Private Idaho
06:35 Rod StewartRod Stewart - Downtown Train
06:32 The BeatlesThe Beatles - No Reply (Take 2 From Anthology 1)
06:29 AC/DCAC/DC - Shot Down in Flames (Live at the Pavillion de Paris, Paris, France - December 1979)
06:25 Tahures ZurdosTahures Zurdos - La noche es
06:21 Nico BorieNico Borie - CREEP
06:16 The SmithsThe Smiths - There Is a Light That Never Goes Out (Take 1)
06:12 ExtremoduroExtremoduro - So Payaso
06:08 Status QuoStatus Quo - In The Army Now
06:04 QueenQueen - I Want To Break Free
06:00 TotoToto - Africa
05:34 Free FMRokola IV
05:30 Joe CockerJoe Cocker - Unchain My Heart
05:04 Free FMRokola III
05:01 46Melodias Cosmicas Lunes Viernes
04:57 The BeatlesBeatles
04:30 Free FMRokola II
04:04 Free FMRokola I
03:59 mike & the mechanicsmike & the mechanics - another cup of coffee
03:54 Manic Street PreachersManic Street Preachers - Your Love Alone Is Not Enough
03:49 Red Hot Chili PeppersRed Hot Chili Peppers - Dani California
03:45 Stars On 45Stars On 45 - Elvis Medley
03:40 ForeignerForeigner - Jukebox Hero
03:37 Eagle-Eye CherryEagle-Eye Cherry - are you still having fun
03:33 George HarrisonGeorge Harrison - What Is Life
03:30 Kelly ClarksonKelly Clarkson - Behind These Hazel Eyes
03:25 Bon JoviBon Jovi - Make A Memory
03:20 Joe CockerJoe Cocker - You Can Leave Your Hat On
03:17 Glenn FreyGlenn Frey - The Heat Is On
03:13 Paul McCartneyPaul McCartney - I Can't Imagine
03:08 BadfingerBadfinger - Without You (Remastered 2010)
03:02 The WhoThe Who - Won't Get Fooled Again
02:59 Roy OrbisonRoy Orbison - Only The Lonely
02:54 Nacha PopNacha Pop - La chica de ayer
02:51 Al AndersonAl Anderson - Crazy Like A Fox
02:48 Electric Light OrchestraElectric Light Orchestra - Hold On Tight
02:45 Leo MoracchioliLeo Moracchioli - Conga
02:41 All-American RejectsAll-American Rejects - Gives You Hell
02:38 Plastic BertrandPlastic Bertrand - Ça Plane Pour Moi (Remastered)
02:33 Rage Against The MachineRage Against The Machine - Killing In The Name
02:28 Red Hot Chili PeppersRed Hot Chili Peppers - Dani California
02:22 U2U2 - Sunday Bloody Sunday
02:19 Huey Lewis & The NewsHuey Lewis & The News - Power Of Love
02:14 MetallicaMetallica - Whiskey In The Jar
02:11 JoropoRockJoropoRock - Alna Llanera
02:08 John LennonJohn Lennon - Instant Karma!
02:03 Simple MindsSimple Minds - Love song
01:59 Lenny KravitzLenny Kravitz - Again
01:56 AirbourneAirbourne - Boneshaker
01:51 SemisonicSemisonic - Closing Time
01:48 The TroggsThe Troggs - Wild Thing
01:40 HotwireHotwire - Alone
01:36 Deep Blue SomethingDeep Blue Something - Breakfast At Tiffany's
01:33 The CarsThe Cars - You Might Think
01:30 Kip MooreKip Moore - She's Mine
01:25 Rolling StonesRolling Stones - Paint it Black
01:20 RoxetteRoxette - joyride
01:17 George HarrisonGeorge Harrison - Here comes the sun.
01:12 Bad CompanyBad Company - Feel Like Makin' Love (2015 Remaster)
01:08 vita de vievita de vie - praf de stele
01:04 GarbageGarbage - Stupid Girl
01:02 The DoorsThe Doors - Hello, I Love You
00:57 Henry & Los TipitosHenry & Los Tipitos - Pupilas Lejanas
00:51 PoisonPoison - Unskinny Bop Live
00:48 Urge OverkillUrge Overkill - Girl You'll be a Woman Soon
00:45 Escuela de Calor
00:39 la trampala trampa - no te rindas
00:36 KT TunstallKT Tunstall - Suddenly I See
00:31 La FronteraLa Frontera - El Limite
00:28 Mike Oldfield & Simon PhillipsMike Oldfield & Simon Phillips - Moonlight Shadow
00:23 Status QuoStatus Quo - Safety dance
00:19 HeartHeart - Never
00:11 First To ElevenFirst To Eleven - Girls Just Want to Have Fun
00:07 Loquillo Y Los TrogloditasLoquillo Y Los Trogloditas - Cadillac Solitario
00:04 The BeatlesThe Beatles - Real Love

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