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¿No sabe qué canción se jugó en la radio? Utilice nuestro servicio, para encontrarla. Nuestra lista de reproducción contiene la planificación de difusión NOVA 100% Dansk en los últimos 7 días.
En directo | Hot Sauce - Nik and Jay |
12:55 | One - Christopher |
12:52 | 2min - Phlake ft. Vera |
12:50 | Børn Af Natten - Ankerstjerne ft. Daniel Schulz ft. Panamah |
12:47 | Alt Ved Dig - Gobs |
12:44 | Føles Godt - Uro ft. Mekdes |
12:41 | I Made It - JOSVA ft. Andreas Odbjerg |
12:38 | Another Lovesong - Drew Sycamore |
12:35 | Under Solen - Karl William |
12:32 | Mindst Ondt - Malte Ebert ft. Svea S |
12:29 | Det Værste Ved Dig - USSEL ft. Ida Laurberg |
12:26 | Øve Os På Hinanden - Fyr og Flamme |
12:20 | Husk At Vær' Happy - Benjamin Hav |
12:17 | I Don't Know What's Cool Anymore - Alphabeat |
12:14 | It Could Have Been Us - Christopher ft. Griff |
12:11 | Dronning Af Månen - Pil |
12:07 | Sun In Our Eyes - Mø and Diplo |
12:05 | Regntid - Tobias Rahim ft. Kabusa Oriental Choir |
12:01 | Godthabsvej - Uro |
11:58 | Wake Up - Hugo Helmig |
11:55 | God Dag - Andreas Odbjerg ft. Lamin ft. Ida Laurberg |
11:52 | Legend - Saint clara |
11:48 | Giv Mig Alt - Medina |
11:46 | Er Det Mig Du Elsker? - Malte Ebert |
11:42 | Planets - Nicklas Sahl |
11:39 | Aldrig Alene - Hjalmer |
11:37 | Du Ligner Din Mor - Benjamin Hav ft. Lukas Graham |
11:34 | I Wanna Be Dancing - Drew Sycamore |
11:31 | Luk Mig Ind - Annika |
11:27 | Det Modsatte - Mumle |
11:24 | Ghost - Christopher |
11:21 | Min Bror - Uro |
11:19 | Disturbing The Peace - Saint clara |
11:15 | Love Isn't Easy - Kind mod Kind ft. Medina |
11:12 | Fortæl Mig Hvis Du Vil Noget Andet - Malte Ebert |
11:10 | Bellevue - Tobias Rahim ft. D1MA |
11:07 | Island - Maddy |
11:03 | Benny - Andreas Odbjerg |
11:00 | Cheat Code - Lukas Graham |
10:57 | Strangers In The Night - Ericka Jane |
10:54 | Lonely Heat - Drew Sycamore |
10:52 | Like It - Lasse Skriver |
10:49 | Bare En Dreng - Uro |
10:46 | Lose A You - Christopher |
10:42 | Mellem Linjerne - Mads Langer |
10:40 | Et For Dig - Mumle |
10:37 | Helt Rolig - Anthon Edwards |
10:34 | Can't Fall Asleep - Zookeepers and Saint clara |
10:30 | Jeg Ka' Rigtig Godt Li' Dig - Ida Laurberg and Andreas Odbjerg |
10:27 | Green Grass - Bathsheba |
10:24 | To The Beat Of Your Heart - Ericka Jane |
10:21 | Up - Jonah Blacksmith |
10:17 | Tænker Ik På Andre - Suspekt ft. URO |
10:14 | My Heart - Christopher |
10:11 | Who Said - Mø |
10:09 | Hvor Solen Ik' Skinner - Mumle and Svea S |
10:05 | Danser For Mig Selv - Medina |
10:02 | How I Love You - Saint clara |
09:59 | Jylland - Tobias Rahim |
09:56 | Rather Be - Malte Ebert |
09:54 | Rush - Saveus |
09:50 | Hanging With You - Mads Langer |
09:47 | Elsker Dig Så Meget - Blæst |
09:44 | One - Christopher |
09:41 | Champagne Problems - Hugo Helmig |
09:38 | Børn Af Natten - Ankerstjerne ft. Daniel Schulz ft. Panamah |
09:35 | Alt Ved Dig - Gobs |
09:33 | Wish You Were Here - Lukas Graham ft. Khalid |
09:29 | I Made It - JOSVA ft. Andreas Odbjerg |
09:27 | Another Lovesong - Drew Sycamore |
09:24 | Paris - Lord Siva and Vera |
09:21 | Mindst Ondt - Malte Ebert ft. Svea S |
09:18 | Det Værste Ved Dig - USSEL ft. Ida Laurberg |
09:14 | Nudes - Jada |
09:09 | Husk At Vær' Happy - Benjamin Hav |
09:06 | Oh My God - Saint clara |
09:04 | It Could Have Been Us - Christopher ft. Griff |
09:00 | Dronning Af Månen - Pil |
08:58 | Alt Ved Dig - Gobs |
08:55 | At Least I Had Fun - Martin Jensen ft. RANI |
08:52 | Regntid - Tobias Rahim ft. Kabusa Oriental Choir |
08:49 | Live To Survive - Mø |
08:46 | Godthabsvej - Uro |
08:43 | God Dag - Andreas Odbjerg ft. Lamin ft. Ida Laurberg |
08:40 | Take It Back - Drew Sycamore |
08:37 | Giv Mig Alt - Medina |
08:34 | Er Det Mig Du Elsker? - Malte Ebert |
08:31 | What A Life - Scarlet Pleasure |
08:28 | Aldrig Alene - Hjalmer |
08:26 | Du Ligner Din Mor - Benjamin Hav ft. Lukas Graham |
08:23 | Life In Stereo - Mads Langer |
08:19 | Luk Mig Ind - Annika |
08:16 | Det Modsatte - Mumle |
08:13 | When I Get Old - Christopher ft. Chung Ha |
08:10 | Min Bror - Uro |
08:08 | Disturbing The Peace - Saint clara |
08:05 | Ocean - Jonah Blacksmith and ROYA |
08:02 | Fortæl Mig Hvis Du Vil Noget Andet - Malte Ebert |
07:59 | Bellevue - Tobias Rahim ft. D1MA |
07:57 | Verden i Farver - Hjalmer |
07:53 | Benny - Andreas Odbjerg |
07:51 | Push-ups - Scarlet Pleasure |
07:48 | Cheat Code - Lukas Graham |
07:45 | Lonely Heat - Drew Sycamore |
07:43 | There For You - Nicklas Sahl |
07:39 | Bare En Dreng - Uro |
07:36 | Lose A You - Christopher |
07:33 | Number - Alexander Oscar |
07:31 | Et For Dig - Mumle |
07:28 | Helt Rolig - Anthon Edwards |
07:25 | Juice - Blæst |
07:22 | Jeg Ka' Rigtig Godt Li' Dig - Ida Laurberg and Andreas Odbjerg |
07:19 | Green Grass - Bathsheba |
07:16 | I Say Stupid Things - Ericka Jane |
07:13 | Up - Jonah Blacksmith |
07:09 | Tænker Ik På Andre - Suspekt ft. URO |
07:06 | Monogamy - Christopher |
07:03 | Who Said - Mø |
07:01 | Hvor Solen Ik' Skinner - Mumle and Svea S |
06:58 | In The Club - Drew Sycamore |
06:55 | How I Love You - Saint clara |
06:52 | Stjernerne - Lord Siva |
06:48 | Jylland - Tobias Rahim |
06:46 | Rush - Saveus |
06:42 | Monsters In My Mind - Mads Langer |
06:39 | Elsker Dig Så Meget - Blæst |
06:36 | One - Christopher |
06:33 | Say It Back - Nicklas Sahl |
06:30 | Børn Af Natten - Ankerstjerne ft. Daniel Schulz ft. Panamah |
06:28 | Alt Ved Dig - Gobs |
06:25 | Paradis - Nik and Jay |
06:21 | I Made It - JOSVA ft. Andreas Odbjerg |
06:19 | Another Lovesong - Drew Sycamore |
06:15 | Nobody's Lover - Saint clara ft. Lord Siva |
06:12 | Mindst Ondt - Malte Ebert ft. Svea S |
06:06 | Selvom Du - Karl William |
06:04 | Husk At Vær' Happy - Benjamin Hav |
06:01 | It Could Have Been Us - Christopher ft. Griff |
05:58 | Love Someone - Lukas Graham |
05:54 | Dronning Af Månen - Pil |
05:51 | Bad Intentions - Alexander Oscar |
05:49 | Regntid - Tobias Rahim ft. Kabusa Oriental Choir |
05:45 | Godthabsvej - Uro |
05:42 | Livstegn - Rasmus Seebach |
05:39 | God Dag - Andreas Odbjerg ft. Lamin ft. Ida Laurberg |
05:36 | Giv Mig Alt - Medina |
05:33 | 24-7 - Scarlet Pleasure |
05:30 | Er Det Mig Du Elsker? - Malte Ebert |
05:27 | Aldrig Alene - Hjalmer |
05:24 | Move Mountains - Mads Langer |
05:21 | Du Ligner Din Mor - Benjamin Hav ft. Lukas Graham |
05:18 | Luk Mig Ind - Annika |
05:15 | 45 Fahrenheit Girl - Drew Sycamore |
05:12 | Det Modsatte - Mumle |
05:09 | Det Værste Ved Dig - USSEL ft. Ida Laurberg |
05:06 | Hope This Song Is For You - Christopher |
05:04 | Min Bror - Uro |
05:01 | Disturbing The Peace - Saint clara |
04:58 | Complicated - Alexander Oscar and Svea |
04:55 | Fortæl Mig Hvis Du Vil Noget Andet - Malte Ebert |
04:52 | Me Without You - Mads Langer |
04:50 | Bellevue - Tobias Rahim ft. D1MA |
04:46 | Benny - Andreas Odbjerg |
04:43 | Nobody - Martin Jensen ft. James Arthur |
04:40 | Cheat Code - Lukas Graham |
04:37 | Lonely Heat - Drew Sycamore |
04:34 | Sleepwalker - Phlake ft. Mercedes The Virus ft. Awinbeh |
04:31 | Bare En Dreng - Uro |
04:28 | Lose A You - Christopher |
04:25 | Girl Like You - Saint clara |
04:22 | Et For Dig - Mumle |
04:19 | Helt Rolig - Anthon Edwards |
04:16 | Eyes Closed - Mads Langer |
04:13 | Jeg Ka' Rigtig Godt Li' Dig - Ida Laurberg and Andreas Odbjerg |
04:10 | Green Grass - Bathsheba |
04:07 | Forfra - Karl William |
04:03 | Up - Jonah Blacksmith |
04:00 | Tænker Ik På Andre - Suspekt ft. URO |
03:58 | Bellevue - Tobias Rahim ft. D1MA |
03:55 | Shadows - Alphabeat |
03:52 | Who Said - Mø |
03:49 | Oh My God - Lord Siva and Vera |
03:47 | Hvor Solen Ik' Skinner - Mumle and Svea S |
03:44 | How I Love You - Saint clara |
03:41 | Scars - Lukas Graham |
03:38 | Jylland - Tobias Rahim |
03:36 | Rush - Saveus |
03:32 | Burnout - Calby |
03:29 | Elsker Dig Så Meget - Blæst |
03:26 | One - Christopher |
03:23 | House On Fire - Jonah Blacksmith |
03:20 | Børn Af Natten - Ankerstjerne ft. Daniel Schulz ft. Panamah |
03:18 | Alt Ved Dig - Gobs |
03:14 | I'm Back - Jada |
03:10 | I Made It - JOSVA ft. Andreas Odbjerg |
03:08 | Another Lovesong - Drew Sycamore |
03:06 | Most People - R3HAB and Lukas Graham |
03:03 | Mindst Ondt - Malte Ebert ft. Svea S |
02:57 | Husk At Vær' Happy - Benjamin Hav |
02:54 | Lovesong - Rasmus Seebach |
02:51 | It Could Have Been Us - Christopher ft. Griff |
02:48 | Dronning Af Månen - Pil |
02:44 | Don't Say My Name And Forget It Again - Jada |
02:41 | Regntid - Tobias Rahim ft. Kabusa Oriental Choir |
02:38 | Godthabsvej - Uro |
02:35 | Solhverv - Lord Siva |
02:32 | God Dag - Andreas Odbjerg ft. Lamin ft. Ida Laurberg |
02:28 | Giv Mig Alt - Medina |
02:25 | Sunlight - Selma Higgins |
02:23 | Er Det Mig Du Elsker? - Malte Ebert |
02:20 | Aldrig Alene - Hjalmer |
02:16 | Så Længe Vi Danser - Rasmus Seebach |
02:14 | Du Ligner Din Mor - Benjamin Hav ft. Lukas Graham |
02:10 | Luk Mig Ind - Annika |
02:07 | Secrets In The Water - Jonah Blacksmith |
02:04 | Det Modsatte - Mumle |
02:01 | Det Værste Ved Dig - USSEL ft. Ida Laurberg |
01:58 | Superhero - Mads Langer |
01:55 | Min Bror - Uro |
01:52 | Good To Goodbye - Christopher ft. Clara Mae |
01:49 | Disturbing The Peace - Saint clara |
01:46 | Fortæl Mig Hvis Du Vil Noget Andet - Malte Ebert |
01:43 | New Eyes - Nicklas Sahl |
01:40 | Bellevue - Tobias Rahim ft. D1MA |
01:37 | Benny - Andreas Odbjerg |
01:34 | SydpÅ - Bro |
01:31 | Cheat Code - Lukas Graham |
01:28 | Lonely Heat - Drew Sycamore |
01:25 | Danser Med Piger - Danser Med Piger |
01:22 | Bare En Dreng - Uro |
01:19 | Lose A You - Christopher |
01:16 | Coffee Table - Alexander Oscar |
01:13 | Et For Dig - Mumle |
01:10 | Helt Rolig - Anthon Edwards |
01:07 | Beautiful - Rasmus Seebach |
01:04 | Jeg Ka' Rigtig Godt Li' Dig - Ida Laurberg and Andreas Odbjerg |
01:00 | Green Grass - Bathsheba |
00:57 | Up - Jonah Blacksmith |
00:54 | Electric Motion - Drew Sycamore |
00:50 | Tænker Ik På Andre - Suspekt ft. URO |
00:48 | Who Said - Mø |
00:44 | Home Movies - Lukas Graham ft. Mickey Guyton |
00:42 | Hvor Solen Ik' Skinner - Mumle and Svea S |
00:39 | How I Love You - Saint clara |
00:35 | Under Din Sne - The Minds Of 99 |
00:32 | Jylland - Tobias Rahim |
00:29 | Rush - Saveus |
00:26 | Hot Sauce - Nik and Jay |
00:23 | Elsker Dig Så Meget - Blæst |
00:20 | One - Christopher |
00:16 | Terrier - Ida Laurberg |
00:13 | Børn Af Natten - Ankerstjerne ft. Daniel Schulz ft. Panamah |
00:11 | Alt Ved Dig - Gobs |
00:08 | Dangerous - Jada |
00:04 | I Made It - JOSVA ft. Andreas Odbjerg |
00:02 | Another Lovesong - Drew Sycamore |
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