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Yugotopia Beat Club playlist

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(now in Dortmund 05:46)
23:56 Joy Division - Colony
23:52 Mizar (Macedonia) - Glas
23:43 Suicide - Super Subway Comedian
23:40 Lublanski Psi - Neumni, Odpisani In Prazni
23:37 U Skripcu - Ljubav
23:32 Interzone (Croatia) - Jurij Gagarin
23:31 The Residents - 01 Easter Woman
23:28 Paraf - Ruzan San
23:25 Blondie - Nothing Is Real But The Girl
23:21 Kisha Kerozina (Serbia) - MARGITA JE MRTVA - Margitajemrtvina igra do pobjede
23:19 Element Of Crime - She'll Never Die
23:15 La Strada - Mlad i radostan
23:11 Jakarta - Pozovi me
23:08 Einstürzende Neubauten - Ich Komme Davon
23:06 The Cure - Subway Song
22:59 Boomerang - Na zapadu nista novo
22:55 Kadeadkas (Germany/Croatia) - Angst Noise War
22:50 Film - 20000 milja iznad mora
22:47 The Sugarcubes - Water
22:44 Transmisia (Croatia) - Frank
22:41 Fleke (Serbia) - Ja sam dete ulice
22:37 Kriegshund (Serbia) - Balkan im Blut
22:32 Killing Joke - Darkness Before Dawn
22:27 Rose Of Avalanche - Gimme Some Lovin'
22:23 Du Du A - Solar
22:20 Wir Sind Helden - Zieh dir was an
22:16 Artan Lili - Nozicna Deca
22:12 Trivalia (Serbia) - the model
22:07 Nichts - Eingeschlossen
22:03 Laibach - The Parade
21:58 Ummagma - Live and Let Die
21:54 Tuxedomoon - New Machine
21:51 Nouvelle Vague - Road To Nowhere
21:47 Nuzni Izlaz (Croatia) - Uzivaj, Zabavi Se
21:42 Strukturne Ptice - Hramovi
21:38 Talas - Gorke suze L.M.
21:34 Joy Division - Transmission
21:32 Elektricni orgazam - Bomba
21:29 Shock Cinema - Vitamin C
21:26 Mizar - Magla
21:22 Blondie - Die Young Stay Pretty
21:19 Napred U Proslost (Serbia) - Napred U Proslost
21:12 The Kadeadkas - Mother of Lies 2019 edit
21:08 La Strada - Neautenticni sneg
21:04 Mizar (Macedonia) - 1762
21:00 La Strada (Serbia) - Sat
20:57 Buldogi (Slovenia) - Doku (1981)
20:51 Let 3 - U rupi od smole
20:48 Kisha Kerozina (Serbia) - ALEX NAHTY - Okrecem se naglo
20:44 Screaming Dead - Bubonia
20:41 Plastic Sunday (Serbia) - Sivo I Zuto
20:37 Grc - Jos ima krvi
20:32 Pekinska Patka - Lica (The Watcher)
20:28 Element Of Crime - No God Anymore
20:24 Zak (9) - Kosmicka Balada
20:18 Sixth June (Serbia/Germany) - Night Before (demo version)
20:13 Ideal - Telepathie
20:09 Masquerade (Finland) - Salt the Earth
20:05 Monozid - Hello bomb
20:02 Artan Lili - Najbolje sto znam
19:56 Christian Death - Silent Thunder
19:54 Idoli - Senke su drugacije
19:48 Nina Hagen Band - African Reggae
19:45 SEXA - Pogon
19:42 Devo - (I Can't Get No) Satisfaction
19:39 Azra - Zena Drugog Sistema
19:36 Nuzni Izlaz (Croatia) - Umoran Svijet
19:31 Patti Smith - Pissing In A River
19:27 Lebanon Hanover - Gallowdance
19:19 Du Du A - Znas li devojku
19:16 Repetitor (Serbia) - Jataci
19:14 Shock Cinema - Death In Texas (Remix by Thunderbirds Are Now!)
19:05 Psihokratija - Voices From The Edge
19:01 Napred U Proslost (Serbia) - Jos Jedna Kontra Ekipe Revolucije
18:58 The Normal - T.V.O.D.
18:54 Bernays Propaganda (Macedonia) - Zabraneta planeta
18:50 The Sisters Of Mercy - Floorshow
18:46 Katabazija (Serbia) - Prvomucenik
18:42 Talking Heads - Mommy Daddy You And I
18:39 Danzig - Evil Thing
18:35 Tuxedomoon - In A Manner Of Speaking
18:33 Suburban Lawns - Protection
18:29 Skeletal Family - The Wind Blow
18:23 Transmisia (Croatia) - Face Of Motherfucker
18:21 Djecak Iz Vode (Bosnia) - autizam
18:13 Malaria! - Weisser Himmel Weisses Meer
18:09 The Birthday Party - Roland Around In That Stuff
18:05 Rex Ilusivii - Zla Kob
18:01 Elektricni orgazam - Leptir
17:58 The Babies (Croatia) - Watching You
17:56 Partibrejkers - Kreni prema meni
17:54 Democratic Terror - Stay Away
17:52 Disciplina Kicme - Pristaniste
17:50 DER DUMME AUGUST - Nicole
17:47 Mister No - Skoro pola veka
17:43 Venerea - Headfoot
17:41 Tetra Pank - Kravata
17:40 Merima Dizdarevic - Nakon sutnje
17:37 Dylan Dog - Dagon
17:34 THE UPRISING - Overboard
17:28 Brkovi - Plagijat - Ljepsa si od mjeseca
17:25 Cock Sparrer - platinum blonde
17:23 THE FUME - Living for the weekend
17:18 Cocknose - All Jacked Up
17:16 Wall Of Silence - Victim Of Weakness
17:11 Radnicki kombinat - To nije san
17:09 The Babies (Croatia) - Hated that day
17:04 Prrogres - Ulica
17:01 BORNHEIM BOMBS - Schluss mit lustig
16:57 Sank (Croatia) - 11 Nebitni
16:55 Skepsa - Kao da je sve u redu
16:52 No Rules - Iza Sunca
16:49 EA 80 - Fix-Punkt
16:46 The Jam - Slow Down
16:43 Cowbell - Oh Yolande
16:41 Supernichts - Mike, Brad, Candy und ich
16:38 Saht - Ja Dor
16:36 The Spoons - Annie N.
16:34 Super s karamelom - Fancy girl
16:29 Z-Bunt! - Stvarnost
16:25 Pakost i Ukor Gladne Godine - Kriv sam
16:23 Kuzle (Yugoslavia/Slovenia) - 10 Superlim (Superglue)
16:20 Brat Pack - Hate The Neighbours
16:17 Wall Of Silence - Incarcerate
16:15 ANSTALT - Wodka civil war
16:12 RED KATE - You don't speak for me
16:09 Partibrejkers - Pet ispod nule
16:07 The Babies (Croatia) - I found...
16:06 Do Or Die - B. F.
16:01 Sank (Croatia) - 10 Psiho
15:59 Skepsa - Ja ne zelim da zivim
15:55 Stiff Little Fingers - The Price Of Admission
15:52 Obojeni program - 983
15:51 LAFFTRAK - Hamburgverbot
15:47 KRACHMAKERS - The anti-patience song
15:44 Rupa u Zidu - Revolution
15:41 SUN EATS HOURS - Endless desire
15:39 Gavrilo Princip - Najebali
15:36 Hamburg Ramönes - Going Down In History
15:34 LINKWORK - That letter
15:32 Tetra Pank - Ona je ta
15:29 Saht - Stoka
15:26 Hosenfefer - Stay with me
15:23 Cokule - Uspomene
15:20 Under Pressure - Fool
15:14 Green Day - Desensitized
15:09 Loveslug - 1.000 miles
15:07 Madresi - Prevaranti
15:03 STARFISH PRIME - Stop'n'go Mantra
15:00 Radnicki kombinat - Bas me briga
14:57 Stiff Little Fingers - Bits Of Kids
14:54 YOUR INNER DURDEN - Antibiotics
14:51 WOMBELS - Same old same
14:49 Beetantone (Croatia) - Delta Misissippi Blues
14:45 FRO-TEE SLIPS - Leckt mich alle ...
14:43 KUD Idijoti - Let's go, idemo
14:40 No Rules - Ne Voli Me
14:37 BITERS - Low lives in hi definition
14:34 Rupa u Zidu - Zovem se niko
14:31 Tetra Pank - Legenda o kariranoj ovci
14:27 Partibrejkers - Prsten
14:25 CUTE LEPERS - All of this attention is killing me
14:23 The Lurkers - I'm On Heat
14:20 P.S.P! - Nostalgija
14:17 Skafield - Create your own hell
14:15 Green Day - She's A Rebel
14:11 Saht - Japi ljaner
14:08 Madresi - Vremenska Masina
14:01 CHELSEA DEADBEAT COMBO - Under the bottom line
13:58 Detroit 442 - Another Dead Junkie
13:57 SCHERBEN - Dreiraumwohnung
13:53 MUTANT PROOF - Not your affair
13:45 Neuroza - Iza zatvorenih vrata
13:44 Hosenfefer - Bullshit Summer Song
13:41 Birtija - Judge Dread
13:38 TITUS ANDRONICUS - Dimed out
13:34 The Jam - I've Changed My Address
13:30 Rupa u Zidu - Skoljka
13:27 The Ruts - You're Just A
13:24 THE BOYS - 1976
13:20 The Lurkers - Be My Prisoner
13:15 Sirova Smjesa - Sive Gradske Ulice
13:14 Vitamin X - About to crack
13:11 Tehnoloski visak - Isidora
13:08 THE SENSITIVES - Old fashioned fuck off
13:05 KUD Idijoti - Blistavost
13:02 Gavrilo Princip - Ultra Semendria
12:56 Po kratkom postupku - mojih 5 minuta
12:54 Monsters Of Liedermaching - Auflaufform
12:51 Runnin' Riot - Victimisation
12:49 Obojeni Program - Let's go
12:45 Marathonmann - Die Stadt gehört den Besten
12:36 Damir Avdic (Bosnia) - Kapitalizam Macht Frei
12:34 Birtija - Drinkin'
12:32 Killrays - Grim Sleeper
12:30 Sebastian Badenberg - Wie in einem Hank Williams-Song
12:27 Lost propeleros - Ne izlazim
12:23 Pogonbgd - Now I know
12:20 Super s karamelom - pa dobro gde si ti
12:18 Grandpa candys - Psycho in new orleans
12:15 Madagaskar - Neces se setiti
12:11 Sank (Croatia) - 12 Odgovor
12:08 Tinta Leal - Por que no te callas
12:04 Uzas - Probudi Se
12:02 P.S.P! - Smrt zbog slobode
11:59 Tag/Ohne/Schatten - Ohne Ziel
11:57 CAPTAIN'S DIARY - Denkerkopf vs Flausen
11:54 Oxxon - Sorry
11:50 Sirova Smjesa - Ja Nisam Tvoj Svijet
11:49 NIGHT BIRDS - Domestic dispute
11:47 Wasted Time (Slovenia) - Your face, my dick, it's a party
11:44 The Commandos (Serbia) - I Wanna Quit
11:42 The Adicts - Chinese Takeaway
11:39 The Lurkers - Shadow
11:36 Charge - Luxury
11:35 Hard-Ons - Excuses
11:32 ROTTE CHORA - Ruestung
11:28 Debeli Precjednik / Fat Prezident - Marionette
11:26 Das Ist Walter (Bosnia) - Balkan
11:24 Brkovi (Croatia) - Andjeli Pakla
11:21 Dilber Band - Sam Za Stolom
11:17 Frontalni Udar (Croatia) - Zar ne?
11:15 Dicky B. Hardy - Dancing lips
11:12 KITT WOLKENFLITZER - Wenn Koepfe gegen Waende rennen
11:11 Circle Jerks - Moral Majority
11:08 Elvis Jackson - Don't Go Too Far
11:04 Rantanplan - Hallo, Hure Hamburg
11:00 Elektricni Orgazam - Nebo
10:58 The Ramones - Teenage Lobotomy (live)
10:54 Bad Brains - Sacred Love
10:51 River City High - Left behind
10:48 POOLSTAR - I killed someone
10:45 The Commandos (Serbia) - Satan's school
10:41 Voodoo Healers - Punk rock rebel song
10:38 The Spook - Midnight Run
10:37 KUD Idijoti - Ja sam te ludo volio
10:34 Goatmare & The Hellspades (Serbia) - Lesevi u gepeku
10:30 Turbonegro - Get It On
10:28 Srbi (Croatia) - Poremecena
10:26 Das Ist Walter (Bosnia) - Kao svi
10:22 Mudhoney - Sweet young thing
10:20 She-Male Trouble - There'll be no one clappin' hands at the end of the play
10:18 Bad Religion - Suffer
10:16 Funny Van Dannen - Herzscheisse
10:12 Sank (Croatia) - Nocas 2
10:09 Overflow - Overflow - Doctor's Tune
10:06 Green Day - Fashion Victim
10:04 POSTER-ITI (Turkey) - Öldürür!
10:02 Elektricni Orgazam - Zlatni papagaj (Bonus # Paket aranzman)
10:00 Bud Spencer (Croatia) - Pingvin
09:56 Bad Brains - Hired Gun
09:54 Dicky B. Hardy - Who cares for the hookers
09:52 Circle Jerks - Wild In The Street
09:49 Hüsker Dü - Girl Who Lives On Heaven Hill
09:47 The Ramones - Blitzkrieg Bop (live)
09:44 BeNuts - Masturbation
09:42 KUD Idijoti - Minijatura
09:39 Kings Of Nuthin' - For you
09:34 Madresi - Maticna Kafana
09:31 Broken Jug - Forever And A Day
09:27 Turbonegro - Prince Of The Rodeo
09:25 DISCO VOLANTE - Burn in hell
09:22 Rancors - Das letzte Lied der Zeit
09:20 MR. BURNS - Noaso
09:18 GUITAR GANGSTERS - Shut up (and get me a drink)
09:15 FREEKS - Weirdness
09:12 No Life Lost - Ich Fühle Sex In Mir
09:09 Charge - Fashion
09:06 MONOPHONIST - Hauptstrom
09:02 VOODOZER - Zoostation
09:00 Sank (Croatia) - Nema predaje
08:57 The Adicts - Don't Exploit Me
08:55 Concrete Worms (Serbia) - Hunt
08:52 Debeli Precjednik / Fat Prezident - Burdened
08:50 Steakknife - Parallel Universe Of The Dead
08:45 Psihomodo Pop (Croatia) - SVE JE PROPALO
08:43 Bad Religion - Part Ii (The Numbers Game)
08:41 Bud Spencer (Croatia) - Last Tuesday
08:35 Kuzle (Yugoslavia/Slovenia) - 14 Igor Silni (Vigor The Great)
08:33 THE SIGOURNEY WEAVERS - I'm on a mission
08:30 Overflow - Overflow - Water
08:26 OFF WITH THEIR HEADS - Disappear
08:24 Travoltas - Do The Gal-I-Gator
08:21 The Jam - Takin' My Love
08:18 Rasender Stillstand - Give them a fuck
08:14 EA80 - Was ist geblieben
08:13 KBO! (Serbia) - Balada
08:10 Apatridi - Before everything
08:07 Rose Tattoo - Black-eyed bruiser
08:04 Antiseen - 14 .Self Destruction
08:03 Merima Dizdarevic - Nakon sutnje
07:59 Scorefor - Can't wake up
07:57 Concrete Worms (Serbia) - Here Comes Trouble
07:55 Debeli Precjednik / Fat Prezident - River Of Bodies
07:52 Punishable Act - Music has to manage
07:49 Scab - Secrets
07:45 Madresi - Pesma O Tebi
07:43 ALL FUCKED UP - Nur ein Geschaeft
07:42 UBR - ubr
07:39 Turbonegro - Monkey On Your Back
07:37 Bad Religion - What Can You Do?
07:34 Overflow - Overflow - Pussy Eater
07:31 DIE NERVEN - Eine Minute schweben
07:27 Dead Kennedys - Holiday In Cambodia
07:23 HYPERJAX - Shadowbrawler
07:22 Hanswurst Senior - Nix Tun
07:18 Dicky B. Hardy - I can sink anything
07:13 Cosmic Psychos - Pub
07:11 Partibrejkers - Ako si
07:09 Apatridi - Camino para guerra
07:07 Bud Spencer (Croatia) - Groblje
07:05 Henning Basler - Solange ich noch kann
07:03 THROW RAG - Rotten me
07:01 POSTER-ITI (Turkey) - Junkie (you can't think straight)
06:54 Grace.Will.Fall - Stangda Dorra
06:51 Genepool - Sanctuary
06:50 Psihomodo Pop (Croatia) - Jeee! Jeee! Jeee!
06:47 New York Dolls - Fabulous rant
06:44 The Ramones - Rock and Roll Radio (live)
06:42 GUTTERMOUTH - A punk rock tale of woe
06:39 SCHLEPROCK - Suburbia
06:35 The Jam - Time For Truth
06:32 BOXHAMSTERS - Zu klein
06:30 Pekinska Patka - Za Yoko Ono
06:27 Dead Kennedys - Kill The Poor
06:23 Sirova Smjesa - Ja Nisam Tvoj Svijet
06:21 CAPTAIN'S DIARY - Denkerkopf vs Flausen
06:17 Dnevni Red (Serbia) - 10.Ponekad
06:14 Das Ist Walter (Bosnia) - Druze Tito
06:12 Apatridi - Feel it
06:09 Charge - Ugly Shadows (Celebration Of A Greyed Country)
06:05 KBO! (Serbia) - Poslednji mohikanci
06:03 Hard-Ons - Excuses
06:00 ROTTE CHORA - Ruestung
05:58 CHRISTMAS - Naked in the discotheque
05:55 KUD Idijoti - Himna Rada
05:54 Yugotopia-Beat-Club - Bruce Lee I
05:52 Secondhand Underpants (Turkey) - Sweet Loli
05:49 Disciplina Kicme - Novac nece doci
05:46 Brkovi (Croatia) - Nevjernica
05:42 Blitzkid - Terror (In the haunted haus)
05:40 Funny Van Dannen - Himmel auf Erden
05:38 Merima Dizdarevic - Naturally speaking 1
05:36 Overflow - Overflow - Friend
05:33 HEAD ON - Black sheep
05:29 Bad Brains - Return to Heaven
05:26 Electric Eel Shock - Don't say fuck
05:24 THE PHRASEMONGERS - The G-6 billion
05:21 THE NOISE - East of first
05:18 Pekinska Patka - Un Ano De Amor
05:15 Red Union (Serbia) - The partisan
05:12 The Reverends - Tribute
05:10 The Commandos (Serbia) - Pain In My Brain
05:07 FOXY - Last glimmer
05:05 Dishumanity (Serbia) - Rafal
05:04 THE DEAD CLASS - Euphobia
05:03 Yugotopia-Beat-Club - Heavy Dzulba
05:01 Apatridi - No Faith
04:59 Ljubisa Samardzic (Croatia) - Razlog za
04:57 Clap your hands twice - Remember these days
04:55 Brkovi (Croatia) - Zabranjena Ljubav
04:54 De Rita Sisters - Middle East war talks
04:51 THE BUCCANEERS - Sail back home
04:46 Generacija bez buducnosti - Pirates of the Black Lagon
04:42 Disciplina Kicme - Vaspitanje
04:40 Lunatic beats the shit (Fanzine) - V okovih - Too Drunk
04:37 Sarlo Akrobata - Covek
04:36 Pekinska Patka - Bela sljiva (1979)
04:34 Antiseen - 1. Death Train Comin'
04:31 UBR - Strah (je vecen)
04:27 The Adicts - Viva La Revolution
04:25 THE BABOON SHOW - I feel like winning
04:23 Dishumanity (Serbia) - Kraljevstvo Tame
04:21 Dead Kennedys - Chemical Warfare
04:18 Apatridi - Vodja
04:17 Yugotopia-Beat-Club - Usamljena srca
04:14 Sank (Croatia) - 5 minuta
04:07 Brkovi (Croatia) - Hej Mislave
04:05 Tetra Pank - Kakav je to nacin
04:04 Rdeci Alarm (Slovenia) - Zastave svobode
04:02 Lipstick Homicide - This time for real
04:00 Nazis from Mars - Working class super hero
03:57 Scab - On So Straight
03:55 Overflow - Overflow - I Kill
03:53 Unison (Serbia) - the apocalypse
03:49 Crimes - Nobody cries forever
03:46 Funny Van Dannen - Herzen fliegen Dir zu
03:44 Hard-Ons - Then I Kissed Her
03:40 Concrete Worms (Serbia) - Conventional Slave
03:37 The Aggrolites - The heat
03:35 Identity #1 - Disillusioned
03:32 POP. 1280 - Do the anglerfish
03:30 Pakt (Slovenia) - Fer-trejd djamanti
03:25 BELINA - Music for peace - Radio Trailer zum Film
03:22 Partibrejkers - Prsten
03:19 Paraf - Zivjela Jugoslavija
03:16 Tetra Pank - Molimo, stanite u red
03:14 GHETTO WAYS - Say yeah
03:12 Pascow - Spraypaint the walls
03:09 Red Union (Serbia) - I hate girls like you
03:07 POSTER-ITI (Turkey) - Don't Give Up (The Bristles)
03:05 Hosenfefer - Star from Striptease Bar
03:02 Dicky B. Hardy - Dicking around
02:59 Sarlo Akrobata - Rano izjutra
02:55 Generacija bez buducnosti - Pritisci
02:52 Sirova Smjesa - Lesinari
02:49 The Fast Lanes - Need for speed
02:46 The Jam - In The City
02:45 Kuzle (Yugoslavia/Slovenia) - 08 Vse Je Isto (Everything Stay The Same)
02:42 Sank (Croatia) - Skini se
02:39 RAWSIDE - Nie wieder frei
02:36 Funny Van Dannen - Raumliche Distanz
02:32 Partibrejkers - Put
02:31 BELINA - Music for peace - Radio Trailer zum Film
02:28 Paraf - T kao krava
02:26 Tetra Pank - Ona je ta
02:23 Secondhand Underpants (Turkey) - Get in the Car
02:21 Ljubisa Samardzic (Croatia) - Isus na tvom krizu je od zlata
02:18 Red Union (Serbia) - Land of the living dead
02:16 POSTER-ITI (Turkey) - Blind People
02:14 Dishumanity (Serbia) - Intro
02:11 Dicky B. Hardy - Fucked up hero
02:07 KOPFECHO - Lass das
02:04 Antiseen - 2. Leeches & Losers
02:02 Lost Lyrics - Ansage
02:00 DIGGER & THE PUSSYCATS - Coming to get you
01:57 The Jam - I Got By In Time
01:54 The Generators - Sound Off The Alarms
01:52 Disciplina Kicme - Svidja mi se...
01:49 Hard-Ons - Dancing Girls
01:48 The No Tomorrow Boys - Rovin' man blues
01:44 Debeli Precjednik / Fat Prezident - World Through Pink Glasses
01:42 Das Ist Walter (Bosnia) - Moj grad
01:41 Yugotopia-Beat-Club - IMPORT-EXPORT
01:39 LIKE A MOTORCYCLE - High hopes
01:38 Unison (Serbia) - flies
01:35 Ljubisa Samardzic (Croatia) - 84
01:33 Cromson Ghosts - Somewhere in a casket
01:30 POSTER-ITI (Turkey) - Life Ain't Cheap
01:27 SALFORT - Monday morning Whitesnake blues
01:24 Dicky B. Hardy - Lizard's tongue
01:20 Paraf - Na Tragu
01:18 Johnny Joker & The Twilight Kids - Somewhere Far Away
01:16 zabranjeno pusenje - anarhija all over bascarsija
01:12 Vultures (Serbia) - Colorado Kid
01:11 The Jam - Batman Theme
01:09 ZERO BOYS - Someone to blame
01:06 STORYTELLER - Turn back
01:05 Generacija bez buducnosti - Enter
01:02 Lovescores - Focke-Wulf vs. Spitfire
00:59 Three Chord Society - Bullshit Boulevard
00:56 Dilber Band - Jasmina
00:53 Dead Kennedys - California Über Alles
00:53 Yugotopia-Beat-Club - Heavy Dzulba
00:51 MORAL PANIC - Gear guy
00:49 UBR - Utrujenost
00:46 Built 4 Speed - By My Side
00:43 Overflow - Overflow - Hanging
00:40 Debeli Precjednik / Fat Prezident - Now I Lose
00:37 Remington Beach Club - I Already Can See
00:35 Rickshaw - Dog Faced Boy
00:32 Hosenfefer - You make me feel alright
00:30 Ruts - Babylon's burning
00:26 Slime - Sich fügen heißt lügen
00:20 BURNING LADY - Shame on your crew
00:17 As Friends Rust - Austin, we have a problem
00:14 KUD Idijoti - Delamo skifo
00:11 Spermbirds - What Jet said
00:09 Kill Allen Wrench - I Want To Date A Pornostar
00:08 Dilber Band - Neka Se Zatrese
00:06 Sarlo Akrobata - Fenomen
00:03 Bad Nenndorf Boys - Katzengrau
00:01 Antiseen - 3. Evil Rock 'N' Roll

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