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Von Simon & Garfunkel bis Tina Turner sind auf diesem Webradio alle Stars versammelt, die niemals in Vergessenheit geraten. Oldies in ihrer ganzen Pracht.
What’s the matter with you Oldies 1. Hamburg. We had to delete your station and accidentally came across your station. But all you have is adverts. You haven’t changed. Are you a radio station or an advert station? After one song, you have another advert, the length of two songs. Every time I close my internet radio, and re-open it, you have more adverts. I have three internet radios, and when I switch them on, it’s all adverts, one by one. Frustrating. I want to hear music, not adverts. Boring long ridiculous adverts after every song on your station. What’s going on? Can’t you find another way to make money? I gave up Coca-Cola because I couldn’t stand their radio adverts. I can’t listen you. Besides, we dont like metal rock, and you have a lot of that. So it’s not my loss. Lots more other stations with no adverts. Shame. Just to let you know, I havent had a single Coca-Cola for 4 years now....thanks to radio adverts like yours.
Alexis Ramage05.12.2020
Dear Sirs, I have been listening to your internet Oldies 1 from Hamburg. I enjoy your station. But it seems everything open your station, you have irritating adverts. So I have deleted you and downloaded several other oldies from UK. Much better now.