23:58 |
Electric Sandwich - I Want You 1972
23:51 |
Golem - Goodhead Dance 1996
23:48 |
Kraftwerk - Autobahn 1974 (Vinyl-Single A-Seite, Philips 6003438)
23:41 |
The Electric Family - Careful With That Axe, Eugene 2000 (Vinyl-Single A-Seite, Moloko Plus 040)
23:37 |
The Wolfgang Dauner Group - Just Bring It Out 1970
23:34 |
Karthago - For Kathy 1974 (Vinyl-Single B-Seite, Bacillus Bellaphon BF18390)
23:31 |
Cherubin - After All This Time 1975 (Vinyl-Single B-Seite, United Artists 35826)
23:27 |
Das Dritte Ohr - Mordwest-Stadt 1980
23:22 |
Andromeda - Galaxy Of Beauty, Galaxy Of Nightmares 1970
23:09 |
Winterkrieg (Ex-Jud's Gallery) - New days Dawning 1975
23:03 |
Paisley Tree - Mystical Journey 2015
22:59 |
Atlantis - Son Of A Bitch's Son 1974 (Vinyl-Single A-Seite, Vertigo D6147007)
22:56 |
Asterix - Everybody 1970 (Vinyl-Single A-Seite, Decca D29048)
22:44 |
Roy Last Group - Rainchild 1981
22:38 |
Temple - Black Light 1996
22:31 |
Electric Mud - Immer Das Alte Lied 1971
22:18 |
Mammut - Mammut Opera 1971
22:14 |
Hammerfest - Delirium 1981
22:10 |
Krokodil - Lady Of Attraction 1971 (Vinyl-Single B-Seite, Liberty 15466)
22:06 |
Tangerine Dream - Tyger 1987 (Vinyl-Single A-Seite, Jive Teldec 6.14856)
22:03 |
Birth Control - Kaulstoss 1973 (Vinyl-Single B-Seite, CBS S1682)
21:59 |
Subject ESQ. - 5:13 1972
21:56 |
Eela Craig - Heaven Sales 1978 (Vinyl-Single B-Seite, Vertigo Phonogram 6147021)
21:52 |
Lucifer's Friend - Lucifer's Friend 1971 (Vinyl-Single B-Seite, Philips 6003161)
21:47 |
Mathea Wlömsk - Bahama Mama 1978
21:41 |
Hoelderlin - Somebody's Callin 1979 (Vinyl-Single A-Seite, Spiegelei Intercord INT 110601)
21:37 |
Frumpy - When The Night Comes 1991 (Vinyl-Single A-Seite, Mercury 868780-1)
21:29 |
Mr. Grabstein - Smoke (vom Demoband 1975)
21:05 |
To Be - Samba für Heino R. 1976
21:02 |
Eroc - Fito Linte 1979 (Vinyl-Single B-Seite, Metronome 0030.184)
20:59 |
Brühwarm - Tango 1978
20:58 |
Kollektiv - Försterlied 1973
20:46 |
Stagg - Rush Hour 1974
20:39 |
Gravestone - Flying 1979
20:34 |
LAVA - Holy Fool 1973
20:22 |
Frame - All I Really Want Explain 1972
20:17 |
Magma - Floating Smoke 1974
20:11 |
Embryo - The Bad Times Are Gone (Live 1976)
20:04 |
Gäa - Mutter Erde 1973
20:00 |
Gomorrha - Sommer 1969
19:57 |
Nektar - Early Morning Clown 1974 (Vinyl-Single B-Seite, Bacillus Bellaphon BF18333)
19:55 |
Porta Westfalica Allstars - Keine Macht Für Niemand 1978
19:41 |
Necronomicon - Wenn Die Menschen Wie Tiere Wären 2012
19:37 |
Bel Ami - Berlin Bei Nacht (Original) 1979
19:33 |
Sitting Bull - Indian Fate 1971 (Vinyl-Single B-Seite, CBS S7548)
19:29 |
Can - Future Days 1973 (Vinyl-Single B-Seite, United Artists 35596)
19:25 |
Dissidenten - Radio Arabia 1989 (Vinyl-Single B-Seite, Sire Records 5439-19894-7)
19:22 |
Ramses - Look At Your Neighbour - Soft Version 1990
19:17 |
Dennis - Others Do 1975
19:11 |
Checkpoint Charlie - Smogalarm 1978
19:07 |
Amon Düül II - Soap Shop Rock 1970 (Vinyl-Single A-Seite, Liberty 15355)
18:48 |
Yatha Sidhra - Part 3 4 1974
18:46 |
Strassenjungs - Jet Set Ficker 1977
18:43 |
Jeronimo - Sunshine 1972 (Vinyl-Single B-Seite, Bacillus Bellaphon BF18096)
18:40 |
Eloy - On The Road 1973 (Vinyl-Single B-Seite, Harvest EMI 1C006-30481)
18:37 |
Roland Kovac New Set - David's Dance 1971i
18:34 |
Brainstorm - You Are What's Gonna Make It Last 1973 (Vinyl-Single A-Seite, Spiegelei Intercord 22319-8 N)
18:26 |
Missus Beastly - For Flü 1977
18:23 |
Golgatha - Dies Irae 1972
18:20 |
The Shiver - No Time 1969
18:17 |
Morgenroth - Als Ich Siebzehn War 1979 (Vinyl-Single A-Seite, CBS PRO142)
18:12 |
Marz - Slow Train 1972 (Vinyl-Single A-Seite, Bacillus Bellaphon BF18098)
18:08 |
Epitaph - Set Your Spirit Free 1979 (Vinyl-Single A-Seite, Metronome 0030.177)
17:49 |
Vibravoid - Mother Sky 2009
17:45 |
Excalibur - Run Through The Past 1972 (Vinyl-Single B-Seite, Reprise Kinney REP14216)
17:31 |
Jane - Hangman (Live 1977)
17:28 |
Passport - New Moon 1982 (Vinyl-Single A-Seite, Atlantic WEA ATL11768)
17:22 |
Minotaurus - Your Dream 1977
17:19 |
Space Debris - Into The Outro (Bonus) 2006
17:11 |
Tritonus - Suburban Suite - The Day Awakes 1976
16:59 |
Jud's Gallery - Nordrach 1974
16:54 |
Virus - Take Your Thoughts 1971 (Vinyl-Single B-Seite, Pilz BASF 0511101-0)
16:48 |
Electric Sandwich - Devil's Dream 1972
16:44 |
Eiliff - Day Of Sun 1971 (Vinyl-Single B-Seite, Philips 6003225)
16:41 |
Kraftwerk - The Model 1978 (Vinyl-Single B-Seite, Kling Klang EMI Electrola 1C006-78078)
16:37 |
The Electric Family - Seven Miles Overground 1998 (Vinyl-Single A-Seite, Moloko Plus 012)
16:32 |
Julius Schittenhelm - Er Dreht Sich Hinein Ins Hirn 1978
16:28 |
Grobschnitt - Wir Wollen Leben 1982 (Vinyl-Single A-Seite, Brain Metronome 0030.504)
16:25 |
Cherubin - Catch The Train 1975 (Vinyl-Single A-Seite, United Artists 35826)
16:21 |
Das Dritte Ohr - Zahltag 1980
16:12 |
Munju - Patscha Menga Underground 1977
16:07 |
Werwolf - The Game Is Over 1982
16:01 |
Paisley Tree - Colour Trip 2015
15:52 |
Atlantis - Friends 1975
15:44 |
Andromeda - Rockets 1970
15:40 |
Kaputter Hamster - Shooting At The Stars 1974
15:33 |
The Spacelords - Space Caravon 2011i
15:29 |
Emergency - The Flag 1973 (Vinyl-Single B-Seite, Brain Green 509)
15:17 |
Friedhof - Orgasmus 1971
15:08 |
Hammerfest - Lokomotive (Live 1975)
15:06 |
Krokodil - Tell Me What You Want 1970 (Vinyl-Single A-Seite, Liberty LBS15396)
15:03 |
Tangerine Dream - Katja 1982 (Vinyl-Single B-Seite, Virgin Ariola 104405)
14:59 |
Birth Control - Flesh And Blood 1971 (Vinyl-Single B-Seite, Ohr OS57.005)
14:46 |
Subject ESQ. - Mammon 1972
14:43 |
Kin Ping Meh - Me And I 1975 (Vinyl-Single A-Seite, Nova Teldec 6.11647)
14:39 |
Drosselbart - O'Driscoll 1971 (Vinyl-Single B-Seite, Polydor 2041190)
14:35 |
Ihre Kinder - Spinne Im Netz 1972 (Vinyl-Single A-Seite, Kuckuck Polydor 2045011)
14:29 |
Es - Today 1977
14:26 |
Frumpy - Time Makes Wise 1972 (Vinyl-Single B-Seite, Philips 6003174)
14:19 |
Lied Des Teufels - Kleine Minderheit 1975
14:15 |
Abacus - Be That Way 1974 (Vinyl-Single B-Seite, Bellaphon BF18256)
14:11 |
The Can - Turtles Have Short Legs 1971 (Vinyl-Single A-Seite, Liberty 15465)
14:07 |
Randy Pie - Sightseeing-Tour 1974 (Vinyl-Single B-Seite, Polydor 2041549)
13:57 |
Cozmic Corridors - The Summit 1996
13:45 |
Kollektiv - Rambo Zambo 1973
13:40 |
Stagg - Wallfahrt 1974
13:35 |
Gravestone - Stone Age 1979
13:32 |
Tibet - She Is Gone 1972 (Vinyl-Single B-Seite, Eye 001)
13:28 |
Baumstam - Lucky Strike 1976
13:23 |
Magma - Blue Jean Woman 1974
13:16 |
Embryo - Getalongwithasong 1977 (Live 1977)
13:10 |
Gäa - Autobahn 1975
13:05 |
Gomorrha - Lola 1970
13:03 |
Joy Unlimited - Komm Mit Uns 1974 (Vinyl-Single B-Seite, BASF DB777)
12:49 |
CAN - Paris 73 Funf 1973
12:42 |
Necronomicon - In Memoriam 1972
12:38 |
Hanuman - Taue Der Fremdheit 1971
12:30 |
Skyline - The Journey 1977
12:27 |
Can - Don't Say No 1977 (Vinyl-Single A-Seite, Harvest EMI 1C006-32155)
12:23 |
Alex Conti - Under Arrest 1984 (Vinyl-Single A-Seite, CBS A4147)
12:19 |
Twenty Sixty Six And Then - How Would You Feel 1972
12:14 |
Mother Jane - Take It 1998 (Vinyl-Single B-Seite, MJ-JFC 001)
12:10 |
Checkpoint Charlie - Der Fette Tod 1982
12:07 |
Amon Düül II - Between The Eyes 1970 (Vinyl-Single B-Seite, Liberty 15417)
12:03 |
Troya - Festival 1974
12:01 |
Strassenjungs - Es Geht Los 1977
11:58 |
Jeronimo - Heya -New 1982th Version Part 2- 1982 (Vinyl-Single B-Seite, CBS A2224)
11:54 |
Eloy - Horizons 1980 (Vinyl-Single B-Seite, Harvest EMI 1C006-46046)
11:51 |
Roland Kovac New Set - Eternal Dimension 1971i
11:48 |
Cindy Und Bert - Der Hund Von Baskerville (Paranoid) 1970
11:44 |
Missus Beastly - Fire Bird 1972 (Vinyl-Single B-Seite, Orange Records 45-1014)
11:39 |
The Shiver - Ode To The Salvation Army 1969
11:35 |
Morgenroth - Frank Liegt Krank Im Schrank 1980 (Vinyl-Single B-Seite, CBS PRO142)
11:25 |
Prof. Wolfff - Hetzjagd 1971
11:21 |
Frame - Crusical Scene 1972
11:17 |
Lucifer's Friend - Old Man Roller 1977 (Vinyl-Single A-Seite, Elektra WEA ELK12243)
11:13 |
Vibravoid - Silent Screams 2001 (Vinyl-Single B-Seite, Nasoni 701)
11:08 |
Epitaph - Are You Ready 1973 (Vinyl-Single B-Seite, Zebra Polydor 2047003)
11:04 |
Jane - River (Live 1977)
10:58 |
Out Of Focus - Sommer 58 (1978)
10:54 |
Sitting Bull - Sleepy Tom-Tom 1972 (Vinyl-Single A-Seite, Philips 6003249)
10:43 |
Space Debris - Phobos Was Here 1999
10:33 |
Tritonus - Between The Universes 1976
10:28 |
Jud's Gallery - Friends 1972
10:19 |
Hattler - Delhi News 2002
10:14 |
Electric Sandwich - Nervous Creek 1972
10:08 |
Das dritte Ohr - Don T Use Your Spray 1978
10:05 |
Atlantis - Rock'n Roll Preacher 1973 (Vinyl-Single A-Seite, Vertigo Swirl D6147003)
09:38 |
Tangerine Dream - Das Mädchen Auf Der Treppe 1982 (Vinyl-Single A-Seite, Virgin Ariola 104405)
09:33 |
The Wolfgang Dauner Group - Reading Machine 1970
09:26 |
Space Debris - Mountain High 2006
09:23 |
Tibet - Only Man's Love 1972 (Vinyl-Single A-Seite, Eye 001)
09:18 |
Magma - Turn 1974
09:14 |
Alex Conti - Under Arrest 1984 (Vinyl-Single A-Seite, CBS A4147)
08:59 |
Jane - Hangman (Live 1977)
08:55 |
Morgenroth - Frank Liegt Krank Im Schrank 1980 (Vinyl-Single B-Seite, CBS PRO142)
08:51 |
Gomorrha - Yesterday 1970
08:46 |
Dennis - Others Do 1975
08:40 |
The Shiver - What's Wrong About The Blues 1969
08:35 |
Andromeda - Cosmos Main Road 1970
08:33 |
Amon Düül II - Between The Eyes 1970 (Vinyl-Single B-Seite, Liberty 15417)
08:29 |
The Can - Halleluwah 1971 (Vinyl-Single B-Seite, Liberty 15465)
08:26 |
Jeronimo - Shades 1970 (Vinyl-Single B-Seite, Bellaphon BL1168)
08:23 |
Hammerfest - Bubi-Lubi 1981
08:19 |
Das Dritte Ohr - Mordwest-Stadt 1980
08:16 |
Joy Unlimited - Go Easy Go Bahn 1974 (Vinyl-Single A-Seite, BASF DB777)
08:13 |
Eloy - Silhouette 1980 (Vinyl-Single A-Seite, Harvest EMI 1C006-46046)
08:07 |
The Spacelords - Echoes From The Past (Part 2) 2011i
08:03 |
Friedhof - Setting Sun 1971
07:54 |
Atlantis - Friends 1975
07:50 |
Epitaph - Autumn '71 1973 (Vinyl-Single A-Seite, Zebra Polydor 2047003)
07:46 |
Lied Des Teufels - Wenn Du Fragst 1973
07:40 |
The Wolfgang Dauner Group - Flute-Woman 1970
07:31 |
Space Debris - Long Distance Voyager 1998
07:28 |
Cindy Und Bert - Der Hund Von Baskerville (Paranoid) 1970
07:22 |
Magma - 6 Minutes Release Rock 1974
07:18 |
Lucifer's Friend - Satyr's Dance 1973 (Vinyl-Single B-Seite, Vertigo Swirl Phonogram 6147004)
07:15 |
Nine Days' Wonder - Moss Had Come 1971
07:12 |
Tiger B. Smith - We're The Tiger Bunch 1974 (Vinyl-Single B-Seite, Bacillus Bellaphon BF18228)
07:08 |
Gravestone - On the Run 1979
06:57 |
Tritonus - Escape And No Way Out 1975
06:53 |
Molle - The Joker 1977
06:43 |
CAN - Paris 73 Zwei 1973
06:37 |
LAVA - Crimes Of Love 1973
06:32 |
Birth Control - Hope 1970 (Vinyl-Single A-Seite, Pink Elephant PE22539)
06:25 |
Twenty Sixty Six And Then - Butterking 1972
06:21 |
Nektar - Early Morning Clown 1974 (Vinyl-Single B-Seite, Bacillus Bellaphon BF18333)
06:16 |
Frame - Winter 1972
06:09 |
Werwolf - Way To Paradies 1982
06:03 |
Necronomicon - Frühling In Fukushima 2017
05:57 |
Kaputter Hamster - Quarters For The Nite 1974
05:49 |
To Be - Samba für Heino R. 1976
05:46 |
Eela Craig - Mo-Bike Jive 1981 (Vinyl-Single A-Seite, Ariola 103022)
05:42 |
Paisley Tree - Sunflower Punk 2015
05:34 |
Gäa - Gäa 1973
05:22 |
Electric Mud - Hausfrauenreport 1971
05:17 |
Electric Sandwich - Nervous Creek 1972
05:14 |
Marz - The Dream Is Over 1972 (Vinyl-Single B-Seite, Bacillus Bellaphon BF18098)
05:11 |
Paul Nero Sounds (Klaus Doldiger) - Wild Freshness 1969
05:04 |
Subject ESQ. - Gantania 1972
04:42 |
Checkpoint Charlie - Hitler In Dosen (Haben Rock) 1979
04:38 |
Gift - Blue Apple 1974 (Vinyl-Single B-Seite, Nova Decca DL26003)
04:34 |
The Electric Family - Seven Miles Overground 1998 (Vinyl-Single A-Seite, Moloko Plus 012)
04:30 |
Kin Ping Meh - Dancing In The Street 1976 (Vinyl-Single A-Seite, Nova Teldec 6.11868)
04:26 |
Excalibur - Run Through The Past 1972 (Vinyl-Single B-Seite, Reprise Kinney REP14216)
04:22 |
Karthago - The Friend 1978 (Vinyl-Single B-Seite, Crystal 006CRY32776)
04:18 |
Mammut - Mammut Ecstasy 1971
04:11 |
Embryo - The Bad Times Are Gone (Live 1976)
04:08 |
Golgatha - Dies Irae 1972
04:03 |
Troya - She 1974
03:59 |
Grobschnitt - Wir Wollen Leben 1982 (Vinyl-Single A-Seite, Brain Metronome 0030.504)
03:57 |
Strassenjungs - Hey Hau Ab 1977
03:51 |
Bröselmaschine - Zu Hause (Live Burg Herzberg Festival 2006)
03:33 |
Roland Kovac New Set - The Master Said 1971i
03:26 |
Kraftwerk - Die Roboter (Live 2005)
03:22 |
Drosselbart - Nach Einer Langen Nacht 1971
03:18 |
Randy Pie - Highway Driver 1974 (Vinyl-Single A-Seite, Polydor 2041549)
03:11 |
Missus Beastly - Slow One (Stoppt Strauß) (Live 1976)
03:03 |
Jud's Gallery - Catch The Fly 1972
03:00 |
Can - Spoon 1971 (Vinyl-Single A-Seite, United Artists 35304)
02:40 |
Vibravoid - Mother Sky 2009
02:37 |
Kraan - Faust 2000 -1982- (Vinyl-Single B-Seite, GeeBeeDee GBD0029)
02:33 |
ODIN - Turnpike Lane 1973
02:30 |
Satin Whale - Double Up Your Hands 1979 (Vinyl-Single B-Seite, Strand Teldec 6.125333)
02:26 |
Spliff - Tooled Fool 1981 (Vinyl-Single B-Seite, CBS S9531)
02:23 |
Sitting Bull - Hopeless Love 1971 (Vinyl-Single A-Seite, CBS S7548)
02:13 |
Prof. Wolfff - Hetzjagd 1971
02:08 |
Triumvirat - Sing Me A Song 1973 (Vinyl-Single B-Seite, Harvest EMI 1C006-30407)
02:05 |
Jane - Daytime 1973 (Vinyl-Single A-Seite, Brain Green Metronome 508)
02:02 |
Morgenroth - Hotel Rock 1980 (Vinyl-Single B-Seite, CBS S9066)
01:58 |
Gomorrha - Totes Land 1969
01:39 |
Dennis - Grey Present Tense 1975
01:32 |
The Shiver - Repent Walpurgis 1969
01:27 |
Andromeda - A World On A Star 1970
01:25 |
Amon Düül II - Pigman 1974 (Vinyl-Single A-Seite, United Artists 35684)
01:23 |
Es - Fee Forever 1977
01:19 |
Jeronimo - Heya 1971 (Vinyl-Single B-Seite, Bellaphon BF18145)
01:16 |
Hammerfest - Wir Jagen Diese Irren Aus Unserem Land 1980 (Vinyl-Single B-Seite, Maulschnauz Tonträger HF001, Live Im Odeon-Theater-Isselhorst)
01:08 |
Das Dritte Ohr - Rita Rita 1980
01:05 |
Joy Unlimited - Komm Mit Uns 1974 (Vinyl-Single B-Seite, BASF DB777)
01:02 |
Eloy - Sunset 1980 (Vinyl-Single B-Seite, Harvest EMI 1C006-46158)
00:50 |
Friedhof - Clear Blue Sky (Part 1) 1971
00:46 |
Atlantis - Good Friends 1974 (Vinyl-Single B-Seite, Vertigo D6147007)
00:32 |
Golem - Jupiter And Beyond 1996
00:28 |
Lied Des Teufels - Klötzer-Rock 1975
00:24 |
The Wolfgang Dauner Group - Just Bring It Out 1970
00:13 |
Space Debris - Phobos Was Here 1999
00:09 |
Tibet - She Is Gone 1972 (Vinyl-Single B-Seite, Eye 001)
00:04 |
Magma - Embryo 1974