23:59 |
Tara Folk - Rose of Mooncoin
23:56 |
The Dublin Folk Band - Dirty Old Town
23:51 |
Folkabbestia - Memorie di Breizh
23:46 |
The Lumineers - Stubborn Love
23:43 |
Tirana Radio Folk Ensemble - Pa del pasha ne cep te kalase
23:39 |
Gary Moore - Empty Rooms
23:37 |
Irish Folk - The Blarmey Pilgrim
23:32 |
East Cameron Folkcore - Humble Pie
23:29 |
Great Big Sea - The Night Pat Murphy Died
23:26 |
Irish Folk - Anglers
23:23 |
Mumford & Sons - The Cave
23:18 |
John Denver - Old Folks
23:15 |
The Lumineers - Ho Hey
23:10 |
U2 - Sunday Bloody Sunday
23:06 |
Flogging Molly - Drunken Lullabies
23:04 |
Dropkick Murphys - I'm Shipping Up to Boston
22:59 |
The Dubliners - Fiddlers Green
22:56 |
Tirana Radio Folk Ensemble - Rritu biri i nënës
22:53 |
Tara Folk - Rose of Mooncoin
22:50 |
The Dublin Folk Band - Dirty Old Town
22:46 |
Katzenjammer - A Bar In Amsterdam
22:42 |
East Cameron Folkcore - Humble Pie
22:37 |
The Lumineers - Stubborn Love
22:34 |
Irish Folk - Anglers
22:29 |
Folkabbestia - Memorie di Breizh
22:26 |
Dublin Folk Band - Black Velvet Band
22:23 |
Tirana Radio Folk Ensemble - Pa del pasha ne cep te kalase
22:18 |
U2 - Sunday Bloody Sunday
22:14 |
East Cameron Folkcore - Don't Choke
22:09 |
John Denver - Old Folks
22:07 |
Irish Folk - The Blarmey Pilgrim
22:03 |
Mumford & Sons - The Cave
22:00 |
Dropkick Murphys - I'm Shipping Up to Boston
21:55 |
The Dubliners - Fiddlers Green
21:52 |
Flogging Molly - Drunken Lullabies
21:49 |
Great Big Sea - The Night Pat Murphy Died
21:44 |
Gary Moore - Empty Rooms
21:42 |
Tirana Radio Folk Ensemble - Rritu biri i nënës
21:39 |
The Lumineers - Ho Hey
21:35 |
Dublin Folk Band - Black Velvet Band
21:32 |
Tirana Radio Folk Ensemble - Pa del pasha ne cep te kalase
21:28 |
The Lumineers - Stubborn Love
21:24 |
Katzenjammer - A Bar In Amsterdam
21:19 |
John Denver - Old Folks
21:17 |
Irish Folk - The Blarmey Pilgrim
21:12 |
East Cameron Folkcore - Humble Pie
21:10 |
Dropkick Murphys - I'm Shipping Up to Boston
21:06 |
Tara Folk - Rose of Mooncoin
21:02 |
East Cameron Folkcore - Don't Choke
20:59 |
Great Big Sea - The Night Pat Murphy Died
20:55 |
U2 - Sunday Bloody Sunday
20:52 |
Tirana Radio Folk Ensemble - Rritu biri i nënës
20:48 |
Flogging Molly - Drunken Lullabies
20:44 |
Gary Moore - Empty Rooms
20:41 |
The Lumineers - Ho Hey
20:36 |
The Dubliners - Fiddlers Green
20:33 |
The Dublin Folk Band - Dirty Old Town
20:28 |
Folkabbestia - Memorie di Breizh
20:25 |
Mumford & Sons - The Cave
20:22 |
Irish Folk - Anglers
20:19 |
Dropkick Murphys - I'm Shipping Up to Boston
20:15 |
East Cameron Folkcore - Humble Pie
20:11 |
Katzenjammer - A Bar In Amsterdam
20:07 |
Dublin Folk Band - Black Velvet Band
20:03 |
U2 - Sunday Bloody Sunday
19:58 |
The Lumineers - Stubborn Love
19:54 |
East Cameron Folkcore - Don't Choke
19:50 |
Gary Moore - Empty Rooms
19:47 |
The Lumineers - Ho Hey
19:44 |
Tirana Radio Folk Ensemble - Pa del pasha ne cep te kalase
19:41 |
The Dublin Folk Band - Dirty Old Town
19:36 |
The Dubliners - Fiddlers Green
19:34 |
Tirana Radio Folk Ensemble - Rritu biri i nënës
19:30 |
Flogging Molly - Drunken Lullabies
19:27 |
Great Big Sea - The Night Pat Murphy Died
19:23 |
Tara Folk - Rose of Mooncoin
19:20 |
Mumford & Sons - The Cave
19:18 |
Irish Folk - The Blarmey Pilgrim
19:13 |
Folkabbestia - Memorie di Breizh
19:08 |
John Denver - Old Folks
19:05 |
Irish Folk - Anglers
19:00 |
Gary Moore - Empty Rooms
18:58 |
The Lumineers - Ho Hey
18:55 |
Tirana Radio Folk Ensemble - Pa del pasha ne cep te kalase
18:51 |
Dublin Folk Band - Black Velvet Band
18:46 |
The Lumineers - Stubborn Love
18:44 |
Tirana Radio Folk Ensemble - Rritu biri i nënës
18:40 |
Flogging Molly - Drunken Lullabies
18:37 |
The Dublin Folk Band - Dirty Old Town
18:34 |
Great Big Sea - The Night Pat Murphy Died
18:30 |
East Cameron Folkcore - Don't Choke
18:25 |
U2 - Sunday Bloody Sunday
18:22 |
Katzenjammer - A Bar In Amsterdam
18:18 |
Tara Folk - Rose of Mooncoin
18:15 |
Dropkick Murphys - I'm Shipping Up to Boston
18:13 |
Irish Folk - The Blarmey Pilgrim
18:09 |
East Cameron Folkcore - Humble Pie
18:04 |
The Dubliners - Fiddlers Green
18:00 |
Mumford & Sons - The Cave
17:55 |
John Denver - Old Folks
17:50 |
Folkabbestia - Memorie di Breizh
17:47 |
Irish Folk - Anglers
17:43 |
Gary Moore - Empty Rooms
17:40 |
Katzenjammer - A Bar In Amsterdam
17:35 |
The Lumineers - Stubborn Love
17:31 |
Flogging Molly - Drunken Lullabies
17:26 |
John Denver - Old Folks
17:21 |
Folkabbestia - Memorie di Breizh
17:19 |
Tirana Radio Folk Ensemble - Rritu biri i nënës
17:15 |
Dublin Folk Band - Black Velvet Band
17:12 |
Tara Folk - Rose of Mooncoin
17:08 |
East Cameron Folkcore - Don't Choke
17:04 |
The Dublin Folk Band - Dirty Old Town
17:01 |
Great Big Sea - The Night Pat Murphy Died
16:57 |
East Cameron Folkcore - Humble Pie
16:52 |
The Dubliners - Fiddlers Green
16:49 |
Mumford & Sons - The Cave
16:46 |
Tirana Radio Folk Ensemble - Pa del pasha ne cep te kalase
16:43 |
Dropkick Murphys - I'm Shipping Up to Boston
16:41 |
Irish Folk - The Blarmey Pilgrim
16:36 |
Gary Moore - Empty Rooms
16:32 |
U2 - Sunday Bloody Sunday
16:28 |
Irish Folk - Anglers
16:25 |
Dublin Folk Band - Black Velvet Band
16:22 |
Tirana Radio Folk Ensemble - Rritu biri i nënës
16:19 |
Tara Folk - Rose of Mooncoin
16:15 |
East Cameron Folkcore - Don't Choke
16:12 |
Great Big Sea - The Night Pat Murphy Died
16:07 |
John Denver - Old Folks
16:02 |
The Dubliners - Fiddlers Green
15:58 |
Flogging Molly - Drunken Lullabies
15:55 |
Tirana Radio Folk Ensemble - Pa del pasha ne cep te kalase
15:52 |
Dropkick Murphys - I'm Shipping Up to Boston
15:49 |
Katzenjammer - A Bar In Amsterdam
15:45 |
Gary Moore - Empty Rooms
15:42 |
Irish Folk - The Blarmey Pilgrim
15:38 |
The Lumineers - Stubborn Love
15:33 |
U2 - Sunday Bloody Sunday
15:28 |
Folkabbestia - Memorie di Breizh
15:26 |
The Lumineers - Ho Hey
15:22 |
Mumford & Sons - The Cave
15:17 |
East Cameron Folkcore - Humble Pie
15:14 |
Irish Folk - Anglers
15:11 |
The Dublin Folk Band - Dirty Old Town
15:07 |
Flogging Molly - Drunken Lullabies
15:04 |
Tirana Radio Folk Ensemble - Pa del pasha ne cep te kalase
15:00 |
East Cameron Folkcore - Don't Choke
14:56 |
The Dubliners - Fiddlers Green
14:52 |
Katzenjammer - A Bar In Amsterdam
14:50 |
Irish Folk - The Blarmey Pilgrim
14:47 |
Dropkick Murphys - I'm Shipping Up to Boston
14:42 |
John Denver - Old Folks
14:39 |
Tirana Radio Folk Ensemble - Rritu biri i nënës
14:37 |
The Lumineers - Ho Hey
14:34 |
Great Big Sea - The Night Pat Murphy Died
14:29 |
U2 - Sunday Bloody Sunday
14:26 |
Irish Folk - Anglers
14:22 |
East Cameron Folkcore - Humble Pie
14:18 |
Mumford & Sons - The Cave
14:13 |
Folkabbestia - Memorie di Breizh
14:10 |
The Dublin Folk Band - Dirty Old Town
14:06 |
Dublin Folk Band - Black Velvet Band
14:02 |
Gary Moore - Empty Rooms
13:59 |
Tara Folk - Rose of Mooncoin
13:54 |
The Lumineers - Stubborn Love
13:49 |
John Denver - Old Folks
13:46 |
Katzenjammer - A Bar In Amsterdam
13:43 |
The Lumineers - Ho Hey
13:40 |
Great Big Sea - The Night Pat Murphy Died
13:37 |
Tirana Radio Folk Ensemble - Pa del pasha ne cep te kalase
13:32 |
The Dubliners - Fiddlers Green
13:28 |
East Cameron Folkcore - Humble Pie
13:25 |
Tirana Radio Folk Ensemble - Rritu biri i nënës
13:20 |
Folkabbestia - Memorie di Breizh
13:16 |
East Cameron Folkcore - Don't Choke
13:13 |
Dublin Folk Band - Black Velvet Band
13:09 |
Flogging Molly - Drunken Lullabies
13:05 |
Mumford & Sons - The Cave
13:02 |
Dropkick Murphys - I'm Shipping Up to Boston
13:00 |
Irish Folk - The Blarmey Pilgrim
12:56 |
Gary Moore - Empty Rooms
12:52 |
Tara Folk - Rose of Mooncoin
12:48 |
U2 - Sunday Bloody Sunday
12:43 |
The Lumineers - Stubborn Love
12:40 |
Irish Folk - Anglers
12:37 |
The Dublin Folk Band - Dirty Old Town
12:34 |
The Lumineers - Ho Hey
12:30 |
East Cameron Folkcore - Humble Pie
12:25 |
John Denver - Old Folks
12:21 |
Dublin Folk Band - Black Velvet Band
12:17 |
Flogging Molly - Drunken Lullabies
12:14 |
Great Big Sea - The Night Pat Murphy Died
12:11 |
Dropkick Murphys - I'm Shipping Up to Boston
12:07 |
The Dubliners - Fiddlers Green
12:04 |
Tirana Radio Folk Ensemble - Rritu biri i nënës
12:01 |
Katzenjammer - A Bar In Amsterdam
11:56 |
U2 - Sunday Bloody Sunday
11:53 |
Tirana Radio Folk Ensemble - Pa del pasha ne cep te kalase
11:50 |
Irish Folk - Anglers
11:47 |
The Dublin Folk Band - Dirty Old Town
11:42 |
Gary Moore - Empty Rooms
11:38 |
The Lumineers - Stubborn Love
11:34 |
East Cameron Folkcore - Don't Choke
11:31 |
Irish Folk - The Blarmey Pilgrim
11:27 |
Folkabbestia - Memorie di Breizh
11:23 |
Mumford & Sons - The Cave
11:20 |
Tara Folk - Rose of Mooncoin
11:17 |
The Lumineers - Ho Hey
11:14 |
Tirana Radio Folk Ensemble - Rritu biri i nënës
11:11 |
Katzenjammer - A Bar In Amsterdam
11:06 |
U2 - Sunday Bloody Sunday
11:03 |
Tirana Radio Folk Ensemble - Pa del pasha ne cep te kalase
11:00 |
Great Big Sea - The Night Pat Murphy Died
10:57 |
The Dublin Folk Band - Dirty Old Town
10:53 |
Gary Moore - Empty Rooms
10:48 |
The Lumineers - Stubborn Love
10:45 |
Dublin Folk Band - Black Velvet Band
10:42 |
Irish Folk - The Blarmey Pilgrim
10:38 |
Flogging Molly - Drunken Lullabies
10:34 |
East Cameron Folkcore - Don't Choke
10:29 |
John Denver - Old Folks
10:27 |
Dropkick Murphys - I'm Shipping Up to Boston
10:22 |
The Dubliners - Fiddlers Green
10:19 |
Irish Folk - Anglers
10:14 |
East Cameron Folkcore - Humble Pie
10:11 |
Mumford & Sons - The Cave
10:06 |
Folkabbestia - Memorie di Breizh
10:02 |
Tara Folk - Rose of Mooncoin
09:58 |
Gary Moore - Empty Rooms
09:54 |
The Lumineers - Stubborn Love
09:50 |
Dublin Folk Band - Black Velvet Band
09:48 |
Irish Folk - The Blarmey Pilgrim
09:43 |
U2 - Sunday Bloody Sunday
09:39 |
East Cameron Folkcore - Don't Choke
09:36 |
Tirana Radio Folk Ensemble - Rritu biri i nënës
09:33 |
Dropkick Murphys - I'm Shipping Up to Boston
09:30 |
Katzenjammer - A Bar In Amsterdam
09:26 |
Flogging Molly - Drunken Lullabies
09:23 |
Tirana Radio Folk Ensemble - Pa del pasha ne cep te kalase
09:18 |
John Denver - Old Folks
09:15 |
The Lumineers - Ho Hey
09:12 |
Tara Folk - Rose of Mooncoin
09:09 |
Great Big Sea - The Night Pat Murphy Died
09:05 |
Mumford & Sons - The Cave
09:02 |
Irish Folk - Anglers
08:58 |
East Cameron Folkcore - Humble Pie
08:53 |
Folkabbestia - Memorie di Breizh
08:50 |
The Dublin Folk Band - Dirty Old Town
08:45 |
The Dubliners - Fiddlers Green
08:42 |
Dropkick Murphys - I'm Shipping Up to Boston
08:38 |
The Lumineers - Stubborn Love
08:34 |
Gary Moore - Empty Rooms
08:31 |
Tirana Radio Folk Ensemble - Pa del pasha ne cep te kalase
08:26 |
John Denver - Old Folks
08:22 |
Katzenjammer - A Bar In Amsterdam
08:19 |
Tara Folk - Rose of Mooncoin
08:16 |
Great Big Sea - The Night Pat Murphy Died
08:13 |
Tirana Radio Folk Ensemble - Rritu biri i nënës
08:10 |
Irish Folk - Anglers
08:06 |
Dublin Folk Band - Black Velvet Band
08:01 |
Folkabbestia - Memorie di Breizh
07:59 |
Irish Folk - The Blarmey Pilgrim
07:56 |
The Dublin Folk Band - Dirty Old Town
07:51 |
The Dubliners - Fiddlers Green
07:48 |
Mumford & Sons - The Cave
07:45 |
The Lumineers - Ho Hey
07:41 |
East Cameron Folkcore - Humble Pie
07:37 |
Flogging Molly - Drunken Lullabies
07:32 |
U2 - Sunday Bloody Sunday
07:28 |
East Cameron Folkcore - Don't Choke
07:25 |
Dropkick Murphys - I'm Shipping Up to Boston
07:23 |
Tirana Radio Folk Ensemble - Rritu biri i nënës
07:20 |
Great Big Sea - The Night Pat Murphy Died
07:15 |
The Lumineers - Stubborn Love
07:10 |
John Denver - Old Folks
07:08 |
Irish Folk - The Blarmey Pilgrim
07:04 |
The Dublin Folk Band - Dirty Old Town
07:00 |
The Dubliners - Fiddlers Green
06:57 |
Irish Folk - Anglers
06:54 |
The Lumineers - Ho Hey
06:50 |
Mumford & Sons - The Cave
06:46 |
East Cameron Folkcore - Humble Pie
06:41 |
U2 - Sunday Bloody Sunday
06:38 |
Tara Folk - Rose of Mooncoin
06:34 |
Gary Moore - Empty Rooms
06:29 |
Folkabbestia - Memorie di Breizh
06:25 |
East Cameron Folkcore - Don't Choke
06:21 |
Flogging Molly - Drunken Lullabies
06:17 |
Katzenjammer - A Bar In Amsterdam
06:14 |
Tirana Radio Folk Ensemble - Pa del pasha ne cep te kalase
06:11 |
Dublin Folk Band - Black Velvet Band
06:06 |
The Dubliners - Fiddlers Green
06:03 |
Great Big Sea - The Night Pat Murphy Died
06:00 |
The Lumineers - Ho Hey
05:58 |
Tirana Radio Folk Ensemble - Rritu biri i nënës
05:55 |
The Dublin Folk Band - Dirty Old Town
05:50 |
U2 - Sunday Bloody Sunday
05:47 |
Tara Folk - Rose of Mooncoin
05:42 |
East Cameron Folkcore - Humble Pie
05:38 |
The Lumineers - Stubborn Love
05:34 |
Irish Folk - Anglers
05:29 |
John Denver - Old Folks
05:26 |
Mumford & Sons - The Cave
05:21 |
Folkabbestia - Memorie di Breizh
05:17 |
East Cameron Folkcore - Don't Choke
05:14 |
Tirana Radio Folk Ensemble - Pa del pasha ne cep te kalase
05:10 |
Gary Moore - Empty Rooms
05:06 |
Katzenjammer - A Bar In Amsterdam
05:02 |
Flogging Molly - Drunken Lullabies
05:00 |
Irish Folk - The Blarmey Pilgrim
04:57 |
Dropkick Murphys - I'm Shipping Up to Boston
04:54 |
Dublin Folk Band - Black Velvet Band
04:51 |
Tirana Radio Folk Ensemble - Rritu biri i nënës
04:46 |
The Lumineers - Stubborn Love
04:42 |
The Dubliners - Fiddlers Green
04:36 |
John Denver - Old Folks
04:33 |
The Dublin Folk Band - Dirty Old Town
04:29 |
Folkabbestia - Memorie di Breizh
04:25 |
East Cameron Folkcore - Don't Choke
04:22 |
Tirana Radio Folk Ensemble - Pa del pasha ne cep te kalase
04:18 |
Irish Folk - Anglers
04:15 |
Katzenjammer - A Bar In Amsterdam
04:11 |
Flogging Molly - Drunken Lullabies
04:07 |
Gary Moore - Empty Rooms
04:02 |
U2 - Sunday Bloody Sunday
03:59 |
Great Big Sea - The Night Pat Murphy Died
03:56 |
Dropkick Murphys - I'm Shipping Up to Boston
03:53 |
Tara Folk - Rose of Mooncoin
03:49 |
Mumford & Sons - The Cave
03:47 |
Irish Folk - The Blarmey Pilgrim
03:43 |
Dublin Folk Band - Black Velvet Band
03:39 |
East Cameron Folkcore - Humble Pie
03:36 |
The Lumineers - Ho Hey
03:33 |
Tirana Radio Folk Ensemble - Pa del pasha ne cep te kalase
03:30 |
Irish Folk - Anglers
03:27 |
Katzenjammer - A Bar In Amsterdam
03:22 |
Folkabbestia - Memorie di Breizh
03:18 |
Gary Moore - Empty Rooms
03:14 |
East Cameron Folkcore - Don't Choke
03:11 |
Great Big Sea - The Night Pat Murphy Died
03:08 |
Dropkick Murphys - I'm Shipping Up to Boston
03:03 |
John Denver - Old Folks
02:59 |
Mumford & Sons - The Cave
02:57 |
Tirana Radio Folk Ensemble - Rritu biri i nënës
02:53 |
Dublin Folk Band - Black Velvet Band
02:50 |
The Dublin Folk Band - Dirty Old Town
02:45 |
The Lumineers - Stubborn Love
02:43 |
Irish Folk - The Blarmey Pilgrim
02:39 |
Flogging Molly - Drunken Lullabies
02:36 |
The Lumineers - Ho Hey
02:32 |
The Dubliners - Fiddlers Green
02:27 |
U2 - Sunday Bloody Sunday
02:23 |
East Cameron Folkcore - Humble Pie
02:19 |
Tara Folk - Rose of Mooncoin
02:16 |
Great Big Sea - The Night Pat Murphy Died
02:12 |
Gary Moore - Empty Rooms
02:08 |
East Cameron Folkcore - Don't Choke
02:05 |
Tirana Radio Folk Ensemble - Pa del pasha ne cep te kalase
02:01 |
Dublin Folk Band - Black Velvet Band
01:58 |
The Dublin Folk Band - Dirty Old Town
01:53 |
The Lumineers - Stubborn Love
01:50 |
Mumford & Sons - The Cave
01:46 |
Flogging Molly - Drunken Lullabies
01:44 |
Irish Folk - The Blarmey Pilgrim
01:40 |
Katzenjammer - A Bar In Amsterdam
01:36 |
U2 - Sunday Bloody Sunday
01:33 |
Tirana Radio Folk Ensemble - Rritu biri i nënës
01:30 |
Tara Folk - Rose of Mooncoin
01:26 |
Irish Folk - Anglers
01:22 |
Folkabbestia - Memorie di Breizh
01:17 |
East Cameron Folkcore - Humble Pie
01:15 |
The Lumineers - Ho Hey
01:10 |
John Denver - Old Folks
01:07 |
Dropkick Murphys - I'm Shipping Up to Boston
01:02 |
The Dubliners - Fiddlers Green
00:58 |
Mumford & Sons - The Cave
00:55 |
Flogging Molly - Drunken Lullabies
00:52 |
Irish Folk - The Blarmey Pilgrim
00:49 |
Katzenjammer - A Bar In Amsterdam
00:44 |
U2 - Sunday Bloody Sunday
00:41 |
Tirana Radio Folk Ensemble - Rritu biri i nënës
00:38 |
The Dublin Folk Band - Dirty Old Town
00:35 |
Irish Folk - Anglers
00:31 |
Gary Moore - Empty Rooms
00:26 |
The Lumineers - Stubborn Love
00:23 |
Tirana Radio Folk Ensemble - Pa del pasha ne cep te kalase
00:19 |
East Cameron Folkcore - Humble Pie
00:16 |
Dropkick Murphys - I'm Shipping Up to Boston
00:13 |
Tara Folk - Rose of Mooncoin
00:08 |
The Dubliners - Fiddlers Green
00:05 |
The Lumineers - Ho Hey
00:02 |
Great Big Sea - The Night Pat Murphy Died