23:58 |
Guns N' Roses - Civil War
23:54 |
Kiss - Detroit Rock City (Album)
23:49 |
ACDC - Thunderstruck
23:45 |
Halestorm - Bad Romance
23:41 |
Best of Rock FM - Hard Rock
23:39 |
Deep Purple - Highway Star
23:36 |
Motörhead - Ace Of Spades
23:32 |
Volbeat - Lola Montez
23:28 |
Van Halen - Runnin' With The Devil
23:24 |
Danko Jones - My Little Rock N Roll
23:21 |
Rainbow - Since You've Been Gone
23:15 |
Metallica - Sad But True
23:11 |
Rush - Limelight
23:07 |
Airbourne - Breakin Outta Hell
23:04 |
Judas Priest - Living After Midnight
22:58 |
ACDC - Hells Bells
22:54 |
Iron Maiden - The Trooper
22:49 |
Volbeat - Fallen
22:46 |
Guns N' Roses - Mama Kin (Cover - Live)
22:42 |
Papa Roach - Last Resort
22:39 |
Black Sabbath - Paranoid
22:35 |
Alice Cooper - Hey Stoopid
22:32 |
Kiss - Rock And Roll All Nite
22:26 |
Metallica - Atlas, Rise!
22:21 |
Mötley Crüe - Girls, Girls, Girls
22:19 |
Led Zeppelin - Immigrant Song
22:14 |
Pearl Jam - Even Flow
22:10 |
Def Leppard - Rock Of Ages
22:04 |
Iron Maiden - 2 Minutes To Midnight
21:58 |
Guns N' Roses - You Could Be Mine
21:54 |
Tenacious D - Tribute
21:50 |
ACDC - You Shook Me All Night Long
21:47 |
Kiss - Heaven's On Fire
21:43 |
Scorpions - Rock You Like A Hurricane
21:41 |
Best of Rock FM - Hard Rock
21:39 |
Whitesnake - Here I Go Again
21:35 |
Led Zeppelin - Rock And Roll
21:30 |
Mötley Crüe - Dr. Feelgood
21:25 |
Judas Priest - Turbo Lover
21:21 |
ZZ Top - La Grange
21:17 |
Rammstein - Du hast
21:14 |
Manowar - Fighting The World
21:10 |
Thundermother - I Don't Know You
21:06 |
Kiss - I Was Made For Lovin' You
20:59 |
Iron Maiden - Fear Of The Dark
20:53 |
Black Sabbath - Heaven And Hell
20:48 |
Guns N' Roses - Welcome To The Jungle
20:43 |
Pearl Jam - Alive
20:38 |
ACDC - Dirty Deeds Done Dirt Cheap
20:33 |
Ozzy Osbourne - Crazy Train
20:29 |
Def Leppard - Pour Some Sugar On Me
20:25 |
Sammy Hagar - Heavy Metal
20:21 |
Rammstein - Engel
20:18 |
ZZ Top - Sharp Dressed Man
20:15 |
Volbeat - Wait A Minute My Girl
20:11 |
Rush - Tom Sawyer
20:07 |
Evanescence - Bring Me To Life
20:02 |
Metallica - Until It Sleeps
19:58 |
Buckcherry - Hellbound
19:55 |
ACDC - Highway To Hell
19:49 |
Accept - Balls To The Wall
19:42 |
Guns N' Roses - Paradise City
19:41 |
Best of Rock FM - Hard Rock
19:40 |
Queen - Stone Cold Crazy
19:36 |
Kiss - Lick It Up
19:33 |
Danzig - Mother
19:30 |
Cinderella - Gypsy Road
19:25 |
Soundgarden - Spoonman
19:21 |
Alice Cooper - Poison
19:16 |
Volbeat (feat. Johan Olsen) - For Evigt
19:12 |
Metallica (Feat. Marianne Faithful) - The Memory Remains
19:08 |
Halestorm - I Miss The Misery
19:06 |
Warlock - All We Are
19:01 |
ACDC - Moneytalks
18:57 |
Dio - Rainbow In The Dark
18:53 |
Rammstein - Sonne
18:49 |
Ratt - Round And Round
18:46 |
Papa Roach - Kill The Noise
18:40 |
Led Zeppelin - Whole Lotta Love
18:35 |
Black Sabbath - Iron Man
18:30 |
Guns N' Roses - Out Ta Get Me
18:25 |
Metallica - Enter Sandman
18:22 |
Aerosmith - Dude (Looks Like A Lady)
18:14 |
Volbeat - Heaven Nor Hell
18:10 |
Mötley Crüe - Kickstart My Heart
18:05 |
Judas Priest - You've Got Another Thing Comin'
18:01 |
17:56 |
Deep Purple - Smoke On The Water
17:52 |
Van Halen - Panama
17:48 |
Iron Maiden - Can I Play With Madness
17:45 |
Alice In Chains - Would?
17:41 |
Gary Moore - Out In The Fields
17:41 |
Best of Rock FM - Hard Rock
17:38 |
Guns N' Roses - Live And Let Die
17:34 |
Avenged Sevenfold - Hail To The King
17:30 |
Steel Panther - Eyes Of A Panther
17:22 |
Led Zeppelin - Kashmir
17:18 |
Volbeat - The Devil's Bleeding Crown
17:14 |
ACDC - Back In Black
17:10 |
Nazareth - Hair Of The Dog
17:05 |
Metallica - Now That We're Dead
17:01 |
Dio - Holy Diver
16:59 |
Judas Priest - Breaking The Law
16:55 |
Alice Cooper - School's Out
16:48 |
Guns N' Roses - Civil War
16:45 |
Kiss - I Love It Loud
16:41 |
Thundermother - Watch Out
16:36 |
ACDC - Thunderstruck
16:33 |
Manowar - Kings Of Metal
16:29 |
Iron Maiden - Holy Smoke
16:26 |
Motörhead - Ace Of Spades
16:23 |
Rainbow - Since You've Been Gone
16:19 |
Danko Jones - My Little Rock N Roll
16:12 |
Ozzy Osbourne - No More Tears
16:08 |
Airbourne - Breakin Outta Hell
16:02 |
Metallica - Sad But True
15:58 |
Slash (feat. Myles Kennedy And The Conspirators) - World On Fire
15:54 |
Judas Priest - Living After Midnight
15:51 |
Twisted Sister - We're Not Gonna Take It
15:45 |
ACDC - Hells Bells
15:42 |
Guns N' Roses - Double Talkin' Jive
15:41 |
Best of Rock FM - Hard Rock
15:38 |
Iron Maiden - The Trooper
15:33 |
Volbeat - Fallen
15:29 |
Thundermother - Driving In Style
15:25 |
Greta Van Fleet - Black Smoke Rising
15:22 |
Black Sabbath - Paranoid
15:18 |
Papa Roach - Last Resort
15:12 |
Metallica - Atlas, Rise!
15:07 |
Amon Amarth - The Pursuit Of Vikings
15:04 |
Def Leppard - Rock Of Ages
15:01 |
Led Zeppelin - Immigrant Song
14:57 |
ZZ Top - Gimme All Your Lovin'
14:51 |
Guns N' Roses - You Could Be Mine
14:47 |
Quiet Riot - Bang Your Head (Metal Health)
14:43 |
Alice Cooper - Hey Stoopid
14:40 |
ACDC - You Shook Me All Night Long
14:35 |
Scorpions - Rock You Like A Hurricane
14:30 |
Alice In Chains - Man In The Box
14:26 |
Whitesnake - Here I Go Again
14:21 |
Mötley Crüe - Girls, Girls, Girls
14:16 |
Judas Priest - Turbo Lover
14:08 |
Dream Theater - Pull Me Under
14:04 |
Thundermother - I Don't Know You
14:00 |
Rammstein - Du hast
13:53 |
Iron Maiden - Fear Of The Dark
13:47 |
Avenged Sevenfold - Afterlife
13:41 |
Black Sabbath - Heaven And Hell
13:40 |
Best of Rock FM - Hard Rock
13:37 |
Guns N' Roses - Welcome To The Jungle
13:32 |
ACDC - Rock N' Roll Train
13:26 |
Alice In Chains - Rooster
13:21 |
Ozzy Osbourne - Crazy Train
13:17 |
Def Leppard - Pour Some Sugar On Me
13:13 |
Rammstein - Engel
13:10 |
Mötley Crüe - Shout At The Devil
13:06 |
ZZ Top - Sharp Dressed Man
13:04 |
Volbeat - Wait A Minute My Girl
12:59 |
Metallica - Until It Sleeps
12:55 |
Papa Roach - Help
12:52 |
ACDC - Highway To Hell
12:47 |
Ghost - Call Me Little Sunshine
12:42 |
Iron Maiden - Speed Of Light
12:35 |
Guns N' Roses - Paradise City
12:31 |
Kiss - Lick It Up
12:27 |
Wolfmother - Joker And The Thief
12:23 |
Danzig - Mother
12:19 |
Cinderella - Gypsy Road
12:15 |
Alice Cooper - Poison
12:11 |
Sammy Hagar - I Can't Drive 55
12:06 |
Volbeat (feat. Johan Olsen) - For Evigt
12:02 |
Metallica (Feat. Marianne Faithful) - The Memory Remains
11:56 |
Accept - Balls To The Wall
11:52 |
Iron Maiden - Run To The Hills
11:48 |
Foghat - Slow Ride
11:44 |
Dio - Rainbow In The Dark
11:40 |
Best of Rock FM - Hard Rock
11:40 |
Rammstein - Sonne
11:37 |
Papa Roach - Kill The Noise
11:32 |
Mötley Crüe - Wild Side
11:26 |
Led Zeppelin - Whole Lotta Love
11:18 |
Black Sabbath - War Pigs
11:13 |
Metallica - Enter Sandman
11:11 |
ZZ Top - Tush
11:06 |
Judas Priest - You've Got Another Thing Comin'
11:01 |
Volbeat - Heaven Nor Hell
10:57 |
10:53 |
Airbourne - Runnin' Wild
10:48 |
Deep Purple - Smoke On The Water
10:44 |
Accept - Life's A Bitch
10:40 |
Gary Moore - Out In The Fields
10:36 |
Iron Maiden - Can I Play With Madness
10:33 |
Twisted Sister - I Wanna Rock
10:29 |
Danko Jones - Had Enough
10:26 |
Guns N' Roses - Live And Let Die
10:21 |
Metallica - For Whom The Bell Tolls
10:13 |
Led Zeppelin - Kashmir
10:09 |
Joan Jett & The Blackhearts - I Hate Myself Of Loving You
10:06 |
Avenged Sevenfold - Hail To The King
10:01 |
ACDC - Back In Black
09:58 |
Dio - Holy Diver
09:54 |
Volbeat - The Devil's Bleeding Crown
09:51 |
Judas Priest - Breaking The Law
09:47 |
Ozzy Osbourne - Bark At The Moon
09:44 |
Alice Cooper - School's Out
09:40 |
Best of Rock FM - Hard Rock
09:36 |
Guns N' Roses - Civil War
09:33 |
Rainbow - Since You've Been Gone
09:28 |
Iron Maiden - Aces High
09:23 |
ACDC - Thunderstruck
09:17 |
Deep Purple - Highway Star
09:14 |
Motörhead - Ace Of Spades
09:10 |
Volbeat - Still Counting
09:07 |
Manowar - Kings Of Metal
09:02 |
Danko Jones - My Little Rock N Roll
08:57 |
Metallica - Sad But True
08:53 |
Thundermother - Driving In Style
08:50 |
Judas Priest - Living After Midnight
08:47 |
Warrant - Cherry Pie
08:43 |
Iron Maiden - The Number Of The Beast
08:37 |
ACDC - Hells Bells
08:34 |
Papa Roach - Last Resort
08:30 |
Guns N' Roses - Mr. Brownstone
08:25 |
Volbeat - Fallen
08:21 |
Def Leppard - Rock Of Ages
08:18 |
Black Sabbath - Paranoid
08:14 |
Steel Panther - Gloryhole
08:10 |
Tenacious D - Tribute
08:03 |
Metallica - Atlas, Rise!
07:59 |
Anthrax - Madhouse
07:56 |
Led Zeppelin - Immigrant Song
07:52 |
Scorpions - Rock You Like A Hurricane
07:46 |
Iron Maiden - 2 Minutes To Midnight
07:42 |
W.A.S.P. - I Wanna Be Somebody
07:40 |
Best of Rock FM - Hard Rock
07:39 |
Thundermother - I Don't Know You
07:33 |
Guns N' Roses - You Could Be Mine
07:29 |
ZZ Top - Gimme All Your Lovin'
07:25 |
Hammerfall - Hearts On Fire
07:21 |
ACDC - You Shook Me All Night Long
07:16 |
Mötley Crüe - Girls, Girls, Girls
07:12 |
Whitesnake - Here I Go Again
07:10 |
Slayer - Delusions Of Saviour
07:06 |
Alice Cooper - Hey Stoopid
07:00 |
Judas Priest - Turbo Lover
06:55 |
Metallica - Now That We're Dead
06:52 |
Kiss - I Was Made For Lovin' You
06:48 |
Papa Roach - Scars
06:42 |
Black Sabbath - Heaven And Hell
06:35 |
Iron Maiden - Fear Of The Dark
06:30 |
Def Leppard - Pour Some Sugar On Me
06:27 |
The Dead Daisies - Fortunate Son (Cover)
06:22 |
Guns N' Roses - Welcome To The Jungle
06:18 |
ACDC - Touch Too Much
06:13 |
Ozzy Osbourne - Crazy Train
06:09 |
Seether - Careless Whisper (Cover)
06:05 |
ZZ Top - Sharp Dressed Man
06:01 |
Rammstein - Engel
05:57 |
Ratt - Lay It Down
05:55 |
Volbeat - Wait A Minute My Girl
05:51 |
Evanescence - Bring Me To Life
05:46 |
Metallica - Until It Sleeps
05:43 |
Black Stone Cherry - Blame It On The Boom Boom
05:40 |
Best of Rock FM - Hard Rock
05:39 |
Quiet Riot - Cum On Feel The Noise (Cover)
05:35 |
ACDC - Highway To Hell
05:31 |
Kiss - Lick It Up
05:27 |
Danko Jones - I Think Bad Thoughts
05:21 |
Guns N' Roses - Paradise City
05:16 |
Cinderella - Gypsy Road
05:13 |
Danzig - Mother
05:08 |
Monster Magnet - Space Lord
05:05 |
Papa Roach - Help
05:01 |
Alice Cooper - Poison
04:56 |
Deep Purple - Hush
04:52 |
ACDC - Moneytalks
04:49 |
Bon Jovi - You Give Love A Bad Name
04:43 |
Accept - Balls To The Wall
04:39 |
Iron Maiden - Run To The Hills
04:36 |
Warlock - All We Are
04:31 |
Van Halen - Hot For Teacher
04:27 |
Rammstein - Sonne
04:23 |
Dio - Rainbow In The Dark
04:18 |
Led Zeppelin - Whole Lotta Love
04:15 |
Anthrax - Got The Time
04:09 |
Black Sabbath - Iron Man
04:04 |
Metallica - Enter Sandman
03:58 |
Volbeat - Heaven Nor Hell
03:55 |
Papa Roach - Kill The Noise
03:51 |
03:48 |
Greta Van Fleet - Highway Tune
03:45 |
Airbourne - Runnin' Wild
03:40 |
Best of Rock FM - Hard Rock
03:39 |
Deep Purple - Smoke On The Water
03:35 |
Aerosmith - Dude (Looks Like A Lady)
03:32 |
Wolfmother - Woman
03:28 |
Iron Maiden - Can I Play With Madness
03:23 |
Judas Priest - You've Got Another Thing Comin'
03:20 |
Guns N' Roses - Live And Let Die
03:16 |
Volbeat - A Warrior's Call
03:12 |
Gary Moore - Out In The Fields
03:04 |
Led Zeppelin - Kashmir
03:00 |
White Zombie - Thunder Kiss '65
02:56 |
ACDC - Back In Black
02:52 |
Avenged Sevenfold - Hail To The King
02:49 |
Dio - Holy Diver
02:45 |
Van Halen - Runnin' With The Devil
02:41 |
Metallica - For Whom The Bell Tolls
02:38 |
Judas Priest - Breaking The Law
02:34 |
Deep Purple - Perfect Strangers
02:29 |
Halestorm - Bad Romance
02:22 |
Guns N' Roses - Civil War
02:17 |
Steel Panther - Party Like Tomorrow Is The End Of The World
02:08 |
Rush - Limelight
02:05 |
Rainbow - Since You've Been Gone
02:02 |
Motörhead - Ace Of Spades
01:58 |
Danko Jones - My Little Rock N Roll
01:55 |
Alice Cooper - School's Out
01:49 |
Metallica - Sad But True
01:46 |
Royal Blood - Little Monster
01:40 |
Best of Rock FM - Hard Rock
01:40 |
Deep Purple - Highway Star
01:36 |
Judas Priest - Living After Midnight
01:33 |
Twisted Sister - We're Not Gonna Take It
01:29 |
Kiss - Rock And Roll All Nite
01:24 |
ACDC - Hells Bells
01:21 |
Manowar - Kings Of Metal
01:16 |
Volbeat - Fallen
01:09 |
Guns N' Roses - Rocket Queen
01:06 |
Airbourne - Breakin Outta Hell
01:03 |
Black Sabbath - Paranoid
00:56 |
Metallica - Atlas, Rise!
00:52 |
Papa Roach - Last Resort
00:50 |
Led Zeppelin - Immigrant Song
00:45 |
Mötley Crüe - Dr. Feelgood
00:42 |
Def Leppard - Rock Of Ages
00:36 |
Iron Maiden - 2 Minutes To Midnight
00:32 |
Tenacious D - Tribute
00:28 |
Kiss - Heaven's On Fire
00:23 |
Guns N' Roses - You Could Be Mine
00:18 |
Falling In Reverse - The Drug In Me Is You
00:15 |
ACDC - You Shook Me All Night Long
00:11 |
Airbourne - Too Much, Too Young, Too Fast
00:07 |
Scorpions - Rock You Like A Hurricane
00:02 |
Whitesnake - Here I Go Again