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Czechoslovak Metal Channel playlist

Weet je niet welke liedjes er op de radio gespeeld werden? Gebruik onze service om het te vinden! Onze afspeellijst slaat een Czechoslovak Metal Channel songlist op van de voorbije 7 dagen.

(nu in Ostrava 00:14)
00:00 Erin - Overture
23:54 Black Heaven - Strange Land Of My Interior
23:51 ? - madrain-breaking-point
23:48 Abbie Falls - Death Row
23:42 Seven - Smrt
23:38 Eufory - Louder
23:34 CRIPPLED FINGERS - Brainwashed
23:34 ? - Jingle CS metal channel
23:30 XAge - BelieveUnBelieve
23:24 Ertha - 06 - Trollbound
23:21 Svor - Úmyselná intoxikácia
23:19 Perpeti - Důchod
23:15 Ravenoir - Mother Storm
23:11 Honoris Causa - Waiting to Die
23:06 Refore - Built To Nothing
23:02 Syridas - 02 - Who am I
23:01 ? - Jingle CS metal channel
22:57 Blankvers - Nákaza
22:54 Diagnoza Exitus - 02 - Neurotoxin
22:49 Moorah - 01 - Radiant
22:45 Awrizis - Dehumanized (2020)
22:41 Fatal Punishment - Reign Of Violence
22:36 Genothype - Loutky
22:31 Within Silence - Heroes Must Return
22:31 ? - Jingle CS metal channel
22:26 Hromovlad - Hromovlad
22:22 Brutally Deceased - 01. Deus Mundi
22:18 Hairy Groupies - I Was Fool
22:15 Sandonorico - 10 - Padlí andělé
22:11 Vetrol - Chica de la Mexico
22:03 Bran - Smuteční Průvod
22:02 ? - Jingle CS metal channel
21:59 Neerea - Zhasneme vesmír
21:50 ReGen - Dezertér
21:47 Daggerose - The Unknown
21:43 Bulldog - Ja jsem tva zizen
21:39 Kodiak - Kometa
21:34 Welicoruss - Siberian Heathen Horde
21:33 ? - Jingle CS metal channel
21:29 Anthology - Last Weep
21:25 Rebel - Within Demons
21:22 The Bastard Within - Pay
21:18 Hairy Groupies - I Was Fool
21:15 Ocelot - Posledni cesta
21:12 Inner Empire - Noční můra
21:08 Pavel Hanus - Adrian (Father's Eyes)
21:03 Dalibor Halamicek&Pavel Skarpa - Valkyrie
21:03 ? - Jingle CS metal channel
20:59 Hi-Fly - Studna
20:54 Eufory - Louder
20:51 Dustborn - River Stained Red
20:46 Okult - Blasphemer
20:41 Eufory - Louder
20:37 Emerald Shine - Where Life's Been Ruined
20:33 Creeps - She's totally down
20:32 ? - Jingle CS metal channel
20:28 Endzeal - The Banshee
20:23 Within Silence - Heroes Must Return
20:19 Vanguard - 03 Decay Succession
20:14 Salieri - Cernobyl
20:10 ? - Ztracený směr
20:05 Grog - Nejsme na kolenou (2019)
20:04 ? - Jingle CS metal channel
20:00 Svinibrod - New Clear Vision
19:56 Prosektura - Jsi svobodny3
19:53 Deres - Zlaty Vek
19:47 Salieri - Gladiator
19:43 1000 Bomb - 01 Rise To Kill
19:38 Noirum - 03 - Návrat z rána
19:36 Neerea - Zhasneme vesmír
19:32 Day Before - Desolation
19:31 ? - Jingle CS metal channel
19:27 Hecatoncheir - 03 - Nightmare Utopia (II. Him In The Gulf)
19:22 Erin - Overture
19:16 Warning Vision - Soudný den
19:10 Serpent Throne - Po Soumraku, Vždy Se Rozbřesk Navrátí
19:07 Doktor Triceratops - V siti
19:04 Creeps - She's totally down
19:03 ? - Jingle CS metal channel
18:58 Insignie - Me jmeno je lev
18:54 Stellaris - Echoes of the Past
18:50 1000 Bomb - 04 Friends From the Trench
18:46 Sleazy RoXxX - This Time
18:41 Skylla - 04 - Ber a dávej
18:38 Eclipse Of Heaven - Hero
18:32 Black Heaven - Strange Land Of My Interior
18:32 ? - Jingle CS metal channel
18:28 Tajfun - Noční město
18:23 Lady Kate - Kinky Dream
18:19 Insinistra - Snowbound
18:16 Vixlaivant - Brána
18:14 Isacaarum - Clyster Squad
18:10 Lighthouse Keeper - Reborn Resurrected
18:06 No Control - Vsetko sa Ti vrati
18:02 Harom - Vetřelec v duši
18:02 ? - Jingle CS metal channel
17:58 Noirum - 01 - Já zvu vás na ples kreatur
17:55 Witch Hammer - Za Vlastním stínem
17:52 Pergamen - Sol Infernum
17:48 Moravius - Breaking your Brain
17:44 NMC - Do Sna
17:40 Extaze - To mi ver
17:36 Rebel - Zakletá
17:33 Scabbard - Kazdý Někde Má Svůj Hrob
17:32 ? - Jingle CS metal channel
17:25 Dying Passion - Severance MMXX
17:21 Surma - Reveal The Light Within
17:16 Hecatoncheir - 01 - Dreamless
17:11 Deathward - Devils Advocate
17:03 Nerrea - Otroci strachu
17:02 ? - Jingle CS metal channel
16:59 Crown For Sale - Not Again
16:55 Grog - Mona Lisa ze Stodolní (2019)
16:48 Dark Seal - Stvoreni sveta
16:44 Ramchat - Muž a Žena
16:39 Žriebädlo - 06 Symfónia konca
16:35 9 planeta - Hej brácho
16:34 ? - Jingle CS metal channel
16:29 Abused & Neglected - Leave Me Alone
16:25 Gloom - 8 - Epilogue
16:20 Thanallian - The Last Arduans
16:14 Pačess - Travěncové
16:07 Svardenvyrd - 01. Scarred Lands
16:01 121. Citron - Vzpominky
16:01 ? - Jingle CS metal channel
15:56 27. Titanic - Bludny kruh
15:52 Motorband - Zelenej Mercedes
15:48 20. Titanic - Abel
15:43 Master's Hammer - Cerna svatozar
15:39 Citron - Sedm životů
15:35 Kreyson - Dej Nám Sílu Žít
15:32 Kern - Půlnoční lady
15:31 ? - Jingle CS metal channel
15:27 28. Kern - Exploze
15:23 Torr - Kladivo na Čarodejnice
15:20 17. Kreyson - Dej nam silu zit
15:15 Master's Hammer - Ja mizerii osudu jsem pronasledovan
15:11 Citron - Svět patří nám
15:08 Kreyson - Anděl na útěku
15:04 Tublatanka - Ja sa vratim
15:03 ? - Jingle CS metal channel
15:00 Vitacit - Vzhůru přes oceán
14:55 Arakain - Kolonie termitu
14:51 25. Miloš Dodo Doležal - Karlův most
14:46 Tublatanka - Pravda vitazi
14:42 Motorband - Zelenej Mercedes
14:38 Tublatanka - Kupim si kilo lasky
14:33 Pumpa - Frankenstein
14:33 ? - Jingle CS metal channel
14:29 Epilog - 01 - Providence Asylum
14:25 Autumn Cold - Nothing
14:21 Moonpark - 01 - Dancing In A Lie
14:16 Tezaura - In the Clouds
14:10 Silent Stream of Godless Elegy - 01 - Samodiva
14:07 Coincidence - Ratm
14:04 Bulldog - Kdo se porad pta
14:03 ? - Jingle CS metal channel
13:59 Refore - 03 - Nobody Can Save Me
13:54 Arch Of Hell - Stardust
13:50 Kodiak - Kometa
13:47 Deviant - Vltava
13:44 Tajfun - Dík za ten čas
13:41 Gutalax - Shitbusters
13:38 Murmur - The End
13:35 ? - kravy
13:35 ? - Jingle CS metal channel
13:30 Calidad - 05 Find your relief
13:26 All The Fury - Meridian
13:20 Moravius - Liberty
13:16 Erin - Strider (2023)
13:10 Inprobus - Torment & Sorrow
13:07 No Control - Emily
13:02 Tezaura - In the Clouds
13:01 ? - Jingle CS metal channel
12:57 Joys - Sanitka
12:56 Black Tiger - 01. Reborn
12:51 Purnama - Rebellion
12:46 Pačess - Dejstvi treti
12:40 Silent Stream of Godless Elegy - 04 - Skryj Hlavu Do Dlaní
12:34 Sinedeus - The Endless Void
12:34 ? - Jingle CS metal channel
12:30 Donor - Poslední oheň
12:26 02 - Šílená
12:20 Aldabra - Atlantida
12:14 Rosa Nocturna - Pharmacist
12:10 D.M.C - 03. Welcome to the Hell
12:06 Autumn Cold - Nothing
12:02 Metal Craft - Two Sides Of The Coin 2020
12:02 ? - Jingle CS metal channel
11:56 Daggerose - Fire From The Sky
11:52 Sinedeus - Slaughterer of Divinity
11:46 Lunatic Gods - 02. Pieseň zhavranelých
11:41 Creeps - Demons of Night
11:38 Poppy Seed Grinder - Retribution
11:31 April Weeps - In Aeternum
11:31 ? - Jingle CS metal channel
11:27 Day Before - Desolation
11:24 Parom - Sláva rodu
11:20 Eufory - Falling Into Nowhere
11:18 Origin of Infinity - Insomnium
11:14 SAX - Nádech Smrti
11:10 Homo Primitive - 01 - Pus On My Plate
11:07 Ocelot - Pohrebni kapela
11:02 Emerald Shine - Where Life's Been Ruined
11:01 ? - Jingle CS metal channel
10:58 Orchidea - Pockam te tam
10:52 Exorcizphobia - About Us Without Us
10:49 Anthology - Stray In Nightmare
10:44 Swept Into Decay - 02 Silenced Puppets 2.0 - SEABEAST Remix Acoustic Version
10:43 Kazostroj - Mizéria
10:32 Lunatic Gods - 08. Vresovrenie
10:31 ? - Jingle CS metal channel
10:27 Donor - Poslední oheň
10:23 Solar System - Do měsičních hor
10:14 Within Silence - Return From The Shadows
10:10 Bad Joker's Cream - Be Alive
10:05 Eclipse of Heaven - Addiction
10:01 01 - Stáří není pro sraby
10:01 ? - Jingle CS metal channel
09:56 Apoplexy - Mephistofeles
09:51 Cycles Of Revocation - Predestination
09:48 ? - Flames of War
09:46 Metanol - Konec hry
09:41 Extaze - Tulak
09:41 Brutally Deceased - 07. Gilded Wound
09:36 All The Fury - Singularity
09:33 Fatal Error - Don't Let You Down
09:33 ? - Jingle CS metal channel
09:29 Fatal Punishment - Reign Of Violence
09:25 Scorched Æarth - Steel and Blood
09:22 Awrizis - I Am
09:18 Bad Joker's Cream - When We Were Kids
09:14 Lady Kate - Faded Memory
09:08 Black Tiger - 05. Heartbreak Waterfall
09:05 Ladislav Krizek a Tanja - Kam jen jdou lasky me
09:04 ? - Jingle CS metal channel
08:59 05. Arakain - Gladiator
08:55 Master's Hammer - Jama pekel
08:52 107. Metalinda - Kovovy kral
08:49 Root - 7 černých jezdců
08:44 Metalinda - Zalubena zaba
08:42 Zemetreseni - Lupič Willy
08:37 Tublatanka - Dnes
08:33 120. Kreyson - Vzdalena
08:32 ? - Jingle CS metal channel
08:27 Titanic - Stale te chci
08:21 134. Kreyson - Nejde vratit cas
08:17 07. Ladislav Krizek - Klic k me dusi
08:13 Tanja - Nad hlavou leta Rocknroll
08:09 12. Motorband - King za velkou louzi
08:04 32. Torr - Kladivo na čarodějnice
08:04 ? - Jingle CS metal channel
08:00 Vitacit - Akce DDT
07:55 Arakain - Thrash The Thrash
07:51 Master's Hammer - Zapalili jsme onen svet
07:45 114. Tublatanka - Vo velkej skole dni
07:41 137. Citron - Hon na bluda
07:36 Motorband - Fajnovej den
07:34 Loretta - Stiny v ulicich II
07:33 ? - Jingle CS metal channel
07:29 Milos Dodo Dolezal - Dráždivý dotek
07:26 15. Torr - Žal
07:21 Arakain - Thrash The Thrash
07:17 Vitacit - Strach
07:14 Motorband - Mas vsechno all right
07:09 32. Torr - Kladivo na čarodějnice
07:07 Citron - Sex Bomby
07:02 Sarkonia - Strážné majáky
07:01 ? - Jingle CS metal channel
06:58 Deviant - Vltava
06:54 Trigonum Mortis - 07. Once Upon a Time
06:49 Blankvers - Nákaza
06:45 Insinistra - Weeping Spell
06:40 Polymetal - Bílí andělé
06:36 Headlock - Divný slova
06:33 Asperra - Till They Perish
06:32 ? - Jingle CS metal channel
06:28 Lady Kate - Kinky Dream
06:24 Abbie Falls - Death Row
06:21 The Stardust - Land Of Dreams
06:17 9 planeta - Hej brácho
06:12 Seven - Pláč Andělů feat. Honza Toužimský
06:08 Bulldog - Stripky
06:04 Moonpark - 01 - Dancing In A Lie
06:03 ? - Jingle CS metal channel
05:59 Dead Carnage - Chapel Of Decay
05:56 Erin - Savage Game (2023)
05:51 Porta Inferi - Warbringer
05:48 Coincidence - Ratm
05:43 Moorah - 06 - Marnöst
05:40 Alchemist - Rock n Troll
05:37 Argos - Mejdan
05:35 Isacaarum - Clyster Squad
05:34 ? - Jingle CS metal channel
05:30 S.T.S. - Indianska
05:26 ? - Rage
05:21 Deviance - 05. Crash
05:18 Deres - Tajne
05:15 ? - Flames of War
05:09 Exorcizphobia - About Us Without Us
05:05 Forrest Jump - 160628
05:03 Asperra - War Is On
05:02 ? - Jingle CS metal channel
04:57 Salieri - Cernobyl
04:52 Darkwind - Oblivion
04:48 Porta Inferi - Svobodná cela
04:44 Arch Of Hell - Arrival
04:41 Absolut Deafers - Let it go (Lockdown version)
04:36 Welicoruss - Path Of Seductions
04:35 ? - Jingle CS metal channel
04:30 Apoplexy - In the Carpathian's Woods
04:27 Parom - Sláva rodu
04:24 Absolute Zero - Green Flow
04:20 S.T.S. - Tam kde se tanci
04:16 OBEREG - Kolovrat
04:12 Nahum - Between the Hammers of Doom
04:08 Moonpark - 04 - Kiss Me
04:04 102. Vitacit - Zvony
04:04 ? - Jingle CS metal channel
04:00 131. Kabat - Za trest
03:55 Tanja - Nech si zdat
03:50 39. Arakain a Lucie Bílá - Satanika
03:47 105. Kern - V sobotu ne!
03:42 16. Kern - Neni vetsi sily
03:37 127. Motorband - Zivotni styl
03:33 Root - Lucifer
03:32 ? - Jingle CS metal channel
03:29 Vitacit - Vzhůru přes oceán
03:25 130. Vitacit - Pilát pontský
03:20 Motorband - Poslední Mejdan
03:18 124. Kabat - Máš to už za sebou
03:13 Torr - Smlouva s peklem
03:08 Torr - Armageddon ( 1990)
03:04 Tanja - Tahej kacera, kdyz to neumis
03:03 ? - Jingle CS metal channel
01:59 27. Titanic - Bludny kruh
01:54 118. Kabat - Spadla klec
01:50 Kreyson - Pojd Se Toulat Se Mnou
01:46 Tanja - Tahej kacera, kdyz to neumis
01:43 Vitacit - Vzhůru přes oceán
01:38 Titanic - Abel
01:34 Dustborn - Of All Our Anguish
01:34 ? - Jingle CS metal channel
01:29 GATE Crasher 04 - Těžkej svět
01:25 Erin - Any Way Around
01:21 S.T.S. - Indianska
01:17 Syridas - 05 - Traitor
01:13 Genothype - Loutky
01:08 Master - 01 - Destruction in June
01:04 Ahard - Je to v nás
01:03 ? - Jingle CS metal channel
00:59 Calidad - 05 Find your relief
00:55 Forrest Jump - Maso
00:51 Vanaheim - - Uctivaci zla
00:48 Prosektura - Korupce
00:45 XAge - BelieveUnBelieve
00:41 Zmarchrob - Pýcha
00:38 Enola Gay - Mam toho dost
00:34 Surma - Reveal The Light Within
00:33 ? - Jingle CS metal channel
00:27 Salieri - Carpe Diem
00:23 Insinistra - Snowbound
00:18 Panychida - Pustina
00:17 Refore - Trapped
00:13 Cycles Of Revocation - Predestination
00:08 Black Heaven - Strange Land Of My Interior
00:04 Deviant - Vltava
00:01 Poppy Seed Grinder - Retribution
00:01 ? - Jingle CS metal channel

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