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Плейлист CSTAR 106

Не знаете, какая песня играла на радио? Воспользуйтесь нашим сервисом, чтобы найти её! Наш плейлист содержит расписание эфира CSTAR 106 за последние 7 дней.

(сейчас в Торонто 16:54)
23:57 lewiscapaldi - beforeyougo
23:53 edsheeran - south of the border
23:51 lizzofeatariana - goodashell
23:48 diplofeatjonasbros - lonely
23:45 loudluxurybrycevine - imnotalright
23:42 selenagomez - loseyoutoloveme
23:38 Dom Pauli - Anywhere But Here
23:35 harrystyles - lightsup
23:32 danandshay - 10000 hours
23:30 beberexha - youcantstopthegirl
23:27 82Major - Stuck
23:24 chainsmokers - takeaway
23:20 tonesandi - dancemonkey
23:17 blackeyedpeas - ritmo
23:13 camilacabello - shameless
23:10 niallhoran - nicetomeetya
23:07 Vale ULB - Boom Boom
23:03 btsfeatlauv - makeitright
22:59 billieeilish - everythingiwanted
22:55 postmalonefeatozzy - takewhatyouwant
22:52 dualipa - dontstartnow
22:49 camilacabello - liar
22:46 halseygraveyard - graveyard
22:42 Yulee - Please Save Me
22:39 liampayne - stackitup
22:36 maroon5memories - memories
22:32 taylorswift - loverfirstdancermx
22:28 lewiscapaldi - beforeyougo
22:25 edsheeran - south of the border
22:22 theweeknd - heartless
22:20 diplofeatjonasbros - lonely
22:17 loudluxurybrycevine - imnotalright
22:14 lizzofeatariana - goodashell
22:11 selenagomez - loseyoutoloveme
22:08 MCCOYXEILEEN - AMERICA Here We Come Again
22:06 Statik G - Drunk On You
22:00 beberexha - youcantstopthegirl
21:57 harrystyles - lightsup
21:54 82Major - Stuck
21:51 Beyond Aram - Echoes Of Sally
21:48 tonesandi - dancemonkey
21:45 danandshay - 10000 hours
21:42 chainsmokers - takeaway
21:39 niallhoran - nicetomeetya
21:35 camilacabello - shameless
21:31 btsfeatlauv - makeitright
21:27 billieeilish - everythingiwanted
21:23 postmalonefeatozzy - takewhatyouwant
21:20 Dom Pauli - Anywhere But Here
21:17 dualipa - dontstartnow
21:13 blackeyedpeas - ritmo
21:09 Yulee - Please Save Me
21:06 halseygraveyard - graveyard
21:02 lewiscapaldi - beforeyougo
20:58 taylorswift - loverfirstdancermx
20:56 liampayne - stackitup
20:53 theweeknd - heartless
20:50 loudluxurybrycevine - imnotalright
20:47 maroon5memories - memories
20:44 Vale ULB - Boom Boom
20:40 camilacabello - liar
20:37 edsheeran - south of the border
20:35 diplofeatjonasbros - lonely
20:32 Statik G - Drunk On You
20:29 lizzofeatariana - goodashell
20:27 beberexha - youcantstopthegirl
20:24 Beyond Aram - Echoes Of Sally
20:21 harrystyles - lightsup
20:18 82Major - Stuck
20:15 selenagomez - loseyoutoloveme
20:12 danandshay - 10000 hours
20:09 chainsmokers - takeaway
20:05 tonesandi - dancemonkey
20:01 btsfeatlauv - makeitright
19:57 billieeilish - everythingiwanted
19:54 niallhoran - nicetomeetya
19:51 Dom Pauli - Anywhere But Here
19:47 camilacabello - shameless
19:43 blackeyedpeas - ritmo
19:40 dualipa - dontstartnow
19:37 halseygraveyard - graveyard
19:33 postmalonefeatozzy - takewhatyouwant
19:30 lewiscapaldi - beforeyougo
19:27 liampayne - stackitup
19:24 theweeknd - heartless
19:22 taylorswift - loverfirstdancermx
19:14 loudluxurybrycevine - imnotalright
19:11 MCCOYXEILEEN - AMERICA Here We Come Again
19:08 edsheeran - south of the border
19:06 diplofeatjonasbros - lonely
19:03 Vale ULB - Boom Boom
19:00 lizzofeatariana - goodashell
18:58 beberexha - youcantstopthegirl
18:55 Statik G - Drunk On You
18:52 maroon5memories - memories
18:48 camilacabello - liar
18:45 Beyond Aram - Echoes Of Sally
18:42 selenagomez - loseyoutoloveme
18:39 danandshay - 10000 hours
18:36 harrystyles - lightsup
18:33 chainsmokers - takeaway
18:29 btsfeatlauv - makeitright
18:26 niallhoran - nicetomeetya
18:22 billieeilish - everythingiwanted
18:19 tonesandi - dancemonkey
18:15 blackeyedpeas - ritmo
18:11 Yulee - Please Save Me
18:07 camilacabello - shameless
18:04 dualipa - dontstartnow
18:01 lewiscapaldi - beforeyougo
17:57 postmalonefeatozzy - takewhatyouwant
17:54 theweeknd - heartless
17:51 halseygraveyard - graveyard
17:48 liampayne - stackitup
17:44 taylorswift - loverfirstdancermx
17:41 loudluxurybrycevine - imnotalright
17:38 edsheeran - south of the border
17:34 Dom Pauli - Anywhere But Here
17:28 MCCOYXEILEEN - AMERICA Here We Come Again
17:26 Statik G - Drunk On You
17:23 beberexha - youcantstopthegirl
17:21 82Major - Stuck
17:17 maroon5memories - memories
17:15 diplofeatjonasbros - lonely
17:12 lizzofeatariana - goodashell
17:09 selenagomez - loseyoutoloveme
17:06 Beyond Aram - Echoes Of Sally
17:03 chainsmokers - takeaway
16:58 btsfeatlauv - makeitright
16:56 niallhoran - nicetomeetya
16:53 danandshay - 10000 hours
16:50 tonesandi - dancemonkey
16:47 Vale ULB - Boom Boom
16:43 blackeyedpeas - ritmo
16:39 camilacabello - shameless
16:36 dualipa - dontstartnow
16:33 harrystyles - lightsup
16:30 lewiscapaldi - beforeyougo
16:26 billieeilish - everythingiwanted
16:23 halseygraveyard - graveyard
16:19 postmalonefeatozzy - takewhatyouwant
16:16 liampayne - stackitup
16:12 taylorswift - loverfirstdancermx
16:09 camilacabello - liar
16:05 edsheeran - south of the border
16:03 theweeknd - heartless
15:56 loudluxurybrycevine - imnotalright
15:54 82Major - Stuck
15:50 Dom Pauli - Anywhere But Here
15:48 MCCOYXEILEEN - AMERICA Here We Come Again
15:44 maroon5memories - memories
15:42 Statik G - Drunk On You
15:38 selenagomez - loseyoutoloveme
15:36 beberexha - youcantstopthegirl
15:32 chainsmokers - takeaway
15:30 lizzofeatariana - goodashell
15:26 Yulee - Please Save Me
15:23 diplofeatjonasbros - lonely
15:19 btsfeatlauv - makeitright
15:16 Beyond Aram - Echoes Of Sally
15:13 danandshay - 10000 hours
15:10 tonesandi - dancemonkey
15:07 dualipa - dontstartnow
15:04 harrystyles - lightsup
15:01 lewiscapaldi - beforeyougo
14:57 blackeyedpeas - ritmo
14:53 camilacabello - shameless
14:49 postmalonefeatozzy - takewhatyouwant
14:47 niallhoran - nicetomeetya
14:44 liampayne - stackitup
14:41 halseygraveyard - graveyard
14:37 billieeilish - everythingiwanted
14:33 edsheeran - south of the border
14:29 taylorswift - loverfirstdancermx
14:26 camilacabello - liar
14:22 Dom Pauli - Anywhere But Here
14:19 theweeknd - heartless
14:16 maroon5memories - memories
14:14 MCCOYXEILEEN - AMERICA Here We Come Again
14:11 loudluxurybrycevine - imnotalright
14:07 selenagomez - loseyoutoloveme
14:05 Vale ULB - Boom Boom
14:01 chainsmokers - takeaway
13:58 beberexha - youcantstopthegirl
13:56 Statik G - Drunk On You
13:53 lizzofeatariana - goodashell
13:51 diplofeatjonasbros - lonely
13:47 btsfeatlauv - makeitright
13:43 tonesandi - dancemonkey
13:39 Yulee - Please Save Me
13:37 danandshay - 10000 hours
13:34 harrystyles - lightsup
13:30 lewiscapaldi - beforeyougo
13:27 dualipa - dontstartnow
13:23 blackeyedpeas - ritmo
13:20 postmalonefeatozzy - takewhatyouwant
13:17 niallhoran - nicetomeetya
13:14 halseygraveyard - graveyard
13:10 billieeilish - everythingiwanted
13:04 Beyond Aram - Echoes Of Sally
13:00 taylorswift - loverfirstdancermx
12:56 camilacabello - liar
12:54 82Major - Stuck
12:50 edsheeran - south of the border
12:47 maroon5memories - memories
12:45 MCCOYXEILEEN - AMERICA Here We Come Again
12:42 theweeknd - heartless
12:38 Dom Pauli - Anywhere But Here
12:35 selenagomez - loseyoutoloveme
12:31 camilacabello - shameless
12:28 loudluxurybrycevine - imnotalright
12:25 liampayne - stackitup
12:23 beberexha - youcantstopthegirl
12:19 chainsmokers - takeaway
12:17 diplofeatjonasbros - lonely
12:13 Yulee - Please Save Me
12:09 btsfeatlauv - makeitright
12:06 danandshay - 10000 hours
12:03 Vale ULB - Boom Boom
11:59 lewiscapaldi - beforeyougo
11:57 lizzofeatariana - goodashell
11:54 dualipa - dontstartnow
11:50 postmalonefeatozzy - takewhatyouwant
11:47 halseygraveyard - graveyard
11:43 tonesandi - dancemonkey
11:39 billieeilish - everythingiwanted
11:37 harrystyles - lightsup
11:33 blackeyedpeas - ritmo
11:29 taylorswift - loverfirstdancermx
11:26 niallhoran - nicetomeetya
11:24 Statik G - Drunk On You
11:21 maroon5memories - memories
11:17 camilacabello - liar
11:15 82Major - Stuck
11:12 theweeknd - heartless
11:09 MCCOYXEILEEN - AMERICA Here We Come Again
11:02 camilacabello - shameless
10:59 loudluxurybrycevine - imnotalright
10:55 Dom Pauli - Anywhere But Here
10:52 edsheeran - south of the border
10:50 diplofeatjonasbros - lonely
10:46 selenagomez - loseyoutoloveme
10:44 liampayne - stackitup
10:39 btsfeatlauv - makeitright
10:37 danandshay - 10000 hours
10:34 Beyond Aram - Echoes Of Sally
10:30 chainsmokers - takeaway
10:28 beberexha - youcantstopthegirl
10:24 lewiscapaldi - beforeyougo
10:20 postmalonefeatozzy - takewhatyouwant
10:17 dualipa - dontstartnow
10:14 tonesandi - dancemonkey
10:10 Yulee - Please Save Me
10:06 blackeyedpeas - ritmo
10:02 billieeilish - everythingiwanted
09:58 taylorswift - loverfirstdancermx
09:55 Vale ULB - Boom Boom
09:52 maroon5memories - memories
09:49 camilacabello - liar
09:46 Statik G - Drunk On You
09:43 lizzofeatariana - goodashell
09:40 theweeknd - heartless
09:37 halseygraveyard - graveyard
09:35 harrystyles - lightsup
09:28 loudluxurybrycevine - imnotalright
09:26 niallhoran - nicetomeetya
09:22 edsheeran - south of the border
09:20 diplofeatjonasbros - lonely
09:16 camilacabello - shameless
09:12 btsfeatlauv - makeitright
09:09 selenagomez - loseyoutoloveme
09:06 liampayne - stackitup
09:02 Dom Pauli - Anywhere But Here
09:00 82Major - Stuck
08:56 chainsmokers - takeaway
08:53 lewiscapaldi - beforeyougo
08:50 beberexha - youcantstopthegirl
08:46 postmalonefeatozzy - takewhatyouwant
08:43 danandshay - 10000 hours
08:41 MCCOYXEILEEN - AMERICA Here We Come Again
08:37 tonesandi - dancemonkey
08:33 billieeilish - everythingiwanted
08:29 taylorswift - loverfirstdancermx
08:26 dualipa - dontstartnow
08:22 Yulee - Please Save Me
08:20 Vale ULB - Boom Boom
08:17 Beyond Aram - Echoes Of Sally
08:13 camilacabello - liar
08:10 theweeknd - heartless
08:07 maroon5memories - memories
08:04 halseygraveyard - graveyard
07:58 harrystyles - lightsup
07:55 loudluxurybrycevine - imnotalright
07:52 niallhoran - nicetomeetya
07:49 camilacabello - shameless
07:46 lizzofeatariana - goodashell
07:44 diplofeatjonasbros - lonely
07:40 edsheeran - south of the border
07:36 btsfeatlauv - makeitright
07:33 liampayne - stackitup
07:31 82Major - Stuck
07:27 Dom Pauli - Anywhere But Here
07:23 blackeyedpeas - ritmo
07:20 lewiscapaldi - beforeyougo
07:16 selenagomez - loseyoutoloveme
07:14 danandshay - 10000 hours
07:10 chainsmokers - takeaway
07:08 MCCOYXEILEEN - AMERICA Here We Come Again
07:04 billieeilish - everythingiwanted
07:01 beberexha - youcantstopthegirl
06:57 taylorswift - loverfirstdancermx
06:54 dualipa - dontstartnow
06:50 postmalonefeatozzy - takewhatyouwant
06:48 Statik G - Drunk On You
06:44 tonesandi - dancemonkey
06:41 camilacabello - liar
06:38 Beyond Aram - Echoes Of Sally
06:35 halseygraveyard - graveyard
06:32 maroon5memories - memories
06:29 harrystyles - lightsup
06:23 theweeknd - heartless
06:19 camilacabello - shameless
06:16 loudluxurybrycevine - imnotalright
06:13 Vale ULB - Boom Boom
06:11 diplofeatjonasbros - lonely
06:08 lizzofeatariana - goodashell
06:05 edsheeran - south of the border
06:01 btsfeatlauv - makeitright
05:58 niallhoran - nicetomeetya
05:55 liampayne - stackitup
05:52 lewiscapaldi - beforeyougo
05:48 blackeyedpeas - ritmo
05:44 selenagomez - loseyoutoloveme
05:41 chainsmokers - takeaway
05:38 danandshay - 10000 hours
05:36 MCCOYXEILEEN - AMERICA Here We Come Again
05:33 beberexha - youcantstopthegirl
05:29 billieeilish - everythingiwanted
05:25 Yulee - Please Save Me
05:21 postmalonefeatozzy - takewhatyouwant
05:18 Dom Pauli - Anywhere But Here
05:14 dualipa - dontstartnow
05:12 Statik G - Drunk On You
05:08 camilacabello - liar
05:05 tonesandi - dancemonkey
05:02 maroon5memories - memories
04:59 halseygraveyard - graveyard
04:56 82Major - Stuck
04:52 taylorswift - loverfirstdancermx
04:49 camilacabello - shameless
04:46 Beyond Aram - Echoes Of Sally
04:43 loudluxurybrycevine - imnotalright
04:40 theweeknd - heartless
04:37 harrystyles - lightsup
04:34 edsheeran - south of the border
04:31 Vale ULB - Boom Boom
04:27 btsfeatlauv - makeitright
04:21 diplofeatjonasbros - lonely
04:17 blackeyedpeas - ritmo
04:15 niallhoran - nicetomeetya
04:12 liampayne - stackitup
04:09 lizzofeatariana - goodashell
04:06 chainsmokers - takeaway
04:02 selenagomez - loseyoutoloveme
03:58 billieeilish - everythingiwanted
03:55 lewiscapaldi - beforeyougo
03:52 MCCOYXEILEEN - AMERICA Here We Come Again
03:49 danandshay - 10000 hours
03:47 beberexha - youcantstopthegirl
03:44 Statik G - Drunk On You
03:40 Yulee - Please Save Me
03:37 camilacabello - liar
03:34 dualipa - dontstartnow
03:31 maroon5memories - memories
03:27 tonesandi - dancemonkey
03:25 82Major - Stuck
03:21 taylorswift - loverfirstdancermx
03:17 postmalonefeatozzy - takewhatyouwant
03:14 halseygraveyard - graveyard
03:11 Beyond Aram - Echoes Of Sally
03:07 Dom Pauli - Anywhere But Here
03:04 theweeknd - heartless
03:01 camilacabello - shameless
02:57 edsheeran - south of the border
02:53 btsfeatlauv - makeitright
02:47 loudluxurybrycevine - imnotalright
02:43 blackeyedpeas - ritmo
02:40 lizzofeatariana - goodashell
02:38 liampayne - stackitup
02:35 niallhoran - nicetomeetya
02:32 Vale ULB - Boom Boom
02:29 harrystyles - lightsup
02:26 lewiscapaldi - beforeyougo
02:23 diplofeatjonasbros - lonely
02:20 chainsmokers - takeaway
02:16 billieeilish - everythingiwanted
02:13 danandshay - 10000 hours
02:10 beberexha - youcantstopthegirl
02:06 Yulee - Please Save Me
02:03 camilacabello - liar
02:00 selenagomez - loseyoutoloveme
01:56 tonesandi - dancemonkey
01:54 MCCOYXEILEEN - AMERICA Here We Come Again
01:51 dualipa - dontstartnow
01:48 halseygraveyard - graveyard
01:44 postmalonefeatozzy - takewhatyouwant
01:40 taylorswift - loverfirstdancermx
01:37 Beyond Aram - Echoes Of Sally
01:34 theweeknd - heartless
01:31 maroon5memories - memories
01:28 edsheeran - south of the border
01:24 camilacabello - shameless
01:20 Dom Pauli - Anywhere But Here
01:16 blackeyedpeas - ritmo
01:12 btsfeatlauv - makeitright
01:09 loudluxurybrycevine - imnotalright
01:07 niallhoran - nicetomeetya
01:04 liampayne - stackitup
01:01 82Major - Stuck
00:59 lizzofeatariana - goodashell
00:56 harrystyles - lightsup
00:53 diplofeatjonasbros - lonely
00:50 chainsmokers - takeaway
00:46 lewiscapaldi - beforeyougo
00:44 Statik G - Drunk On You
00:41 danandshay - 10000 hours
00:37 billieeilish - everythingiwanted
00:33 camilacabello - liar
00:31 beberexha - youcantstopthegirl
00:27 tonesandi - dancemonkey
00:21 halseygraveyard - graveyard
00:17 Yulee - Please Save Me
00:13 postmalonefeatozzy - takewhatyouwant
00:09 taylorswift - loverfirstdancermx
00:06 selenagomez - loseyoutoloveme
00:03 maroon5memories - memories
00:00 Beyond Aram - Echoes Of Sally

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