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Горад Таронта, 91.1 MHz FM
Рэйтынг: 5.0 Ацэнак: 1
Jazz.FM91 - CJRT-FM is a broadcast radio station in Toronto, Ontario, Canada, providing Jazz and Blues music. Больш
136 0

Зараз у эфіры Jazz.FM91

Прамы эфір JAZZ.FM 91 - Discover Music
00:26 Shannon Butcher Mad World
00:22 Illinois Jacquet Port of Rico
Плейлист Jazz.FM91

ТОП трэкі на Jazz.FM91

Ella Fitzgerald - Let's Do ItElla Fitzgerald — Let's Do It
Tony Bennett & Bill Charlap - All The Things You AreBill Charlap — All the Things You Are
Teach Me Tonight - Blossom DearieBlossom Dearie — Teach Me Tonight
Brasstactics - Hunker DownBrasstactics — Hunker Down
Roy Hargrove - Kamala's DanceRoy Hargrove — Kamala's Dance
Chuck Mangione - Feels So GoodChuck Mangione — Feels So Good
Arturo Sandoval - 'round MidnightArturo Sandoval — 'Round Midnight
Harry Connick, Jr. - Someday You'll Be SorryHarry Connick, Jr. — Someday You'll Be Sorry
Holly Cole - RiverHolly Cole — River
Jeremy Ledbetter Trio - FlightJeremy Ledbetter Trio — Flight

Водгукі аб Jazz.FM91

  • 5
    I accidentally deleted my very difficult review and a request.Again I love You 91.1 I periodically donate when I can. I will again. Need help identifying an obsession. I love al you all and I need to know who this mellow man is. Sorry I only have some lyrics from 2 of the songs. He comes on all the time a least once a day.!. There'll be no love dying here. and Love is overrated. HE COMES ON ALL DIFFERENT TIMES OF THE DAY. Please help me find him. Every time I'm set to catch his name the phone rings or someone takes me away. Help me please.

Інфармацыя пра радыё

JAZZ.FM91 is Canada's only not-for-profit radio station dedicated to jazz and all its communities of interest.

It began life more than 50 years ago as CJRT-FM, Ryerson's university radio station, broadcasting an eclectic mix of educational programming, classics and jazz. Then in 1996, it was transformed when the Ontario Government reduced its annual operating stipend from $1,300,000 to zero, leaving the radio station to find its niche in one of North America's most crowded radio marketplaces.

In the years since then, JAZZ.FM91 has executed a very different and expanded mission, which is to enrich the cultural, educational and community experience of our listening audience.

Adhering to that mission, the station has found a favoured place in the minds of a country that, because of its diversity and musical sophistication, has embraced the concept of an all-jazz format within a non-profit, educational context. The view of jazz as a small part of the world of music is outdated; in the past few years, as music recording sales have declined, the sale of jazz and blues recordings has grown by 45%. Jazz may be growing more mainstream, but also Canada's mainstream is expanding its taste through jazz.

Кантакты радыёстанцыі

Адрас: 4 Pardee Ave, Unit 100 Toronto, ON M6K 3H5
Тэлефон: +1 416-595-0404
Email: [email protected]
Facebook: @jazzfm91
Twitter: @jazzfm91

Час у горадзе Горад Таронта: 00:30, 03.17.2025

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