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Is this guy taking calls or listening to himself for the "talk back hour"?
MJ John14.07.2023
Keep up the good work, Rob!
Brad Hansen10.07.2023
Cringe station, especially the host on talk back hour.
Gordon Breen05.07.2023
Enjoy the station for most of the time.Cant stand the foreign sounding newscaster..Should not be on the air..Miss pronounces ..not fit for a major station...Weekend local inserts are 3 days old....News that happened 78hours ago are used on Sunday..Very irratating for the year...Gordon Breen
Jennifer Kang28.06.2023
I rely on gas price predictions on afternoon news and somehow you don't tell us about it any more?????? Why?????
Paul Mailhot15.05.2023
The talk hosts are fine. But the station, like almost all media are just a bunch of Liberal apologists. Even the shows that are supposedly more conservative have no -stop Liberal guests and “experts”. Even the straight news is laced with Liberal leaning phrases that suggest how you should think about whatever they are reporting. I often listen for five minutes before I can’t take the bias anymore and just switch to music.
Carol Dunlap08.03.2023
Congratulations on hiring Rob Snow, which I listen to weekly. His style is informative, mature and intelligent which seems to be rare with most stations. Unfortunately, I am not a fan of the noon hour concept with Sam Laprade as it is simply a repeat version of an Hour to Give, which I neither favor nor listen. The content presented by Mark Sutcliffe was much better.
John McKennirey27.01.2023
I think the morning shows are very good. A heck of a lot better than Bill at 580am which is basically just a gossip show. Wake up with Rob Snow is actual news and real topics of importance. The call in section after is good also. Keep up the good work. I really want to hear more about the Chinese police stations supposedly operating illegally within Toronto, but I guess it's not local enough?
Bill McIntyre20.01.2023
The silencing of Rob Snow continued. Rogers has put Rob Snow on the early morning show to muzzle him. He cannot express his own views but must follow their set of guidelines or lose his job. The Talkback show is a joke with it's preselected topics.There is nothing informative for the public from this radio station and others in Ottawa. Public discourse is non existent and if you agree, write Rogers and the CRTC to complain. If enough people complain it will have an impact.
marmik P16.01.2023
I think Rob Snow is doing a good job still overall. Unfortunately, I have a hard time listening to the announcer with the lisp & difficulty understanding the person with the heavy accent. Also, some of your announcers seem to lack area knowledge and often pronounce Ottawa locations/streets etc incorrectly. Annoying.