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CBC Radio One

Halifax 90.5 MHz FM
Рэйтынг: 2.6 Ацэнак: 10
CBC Radio One Halifax - CBHA-FM is a rebroadcasting radio station on the CBC Radio network from Halifax, NS, Canada providing Public News, Talks, Information and Live shows. Больш
44 8

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Водгукі аб CBC Radio One

  • 1
    @Bruce Dagsvik I was wondering if I was the only one who noticed this. Very Left of center brodcasting now :/
  • 1
    OMG the Morning Show is just terrible. Nothing but woe is me from: Blacks, women, Indigenous, bi, gay, transwhatevers, Black women, Indigenous women, overweight women, women with bad hair, women soldiers, women who limp, women who can’t sing, women who can’t get a date, women who can’t add or subtract, women with slow internet, myopic women, women with sore feet, women who don’t like to cook, women with ungrateful children, women with too many magazine subscriptions, women who don’t like snow, women who don’t ballroom dance, women who aren’t in the senate, women….
  • 4
    Was listening to 90.5 today (5 Mar '21), my favorite station, and you indicated vaccines would be available to people born "between January and April ". Literally, this would mean Feb and Mar, which is unlikely what you meant. So I don't know if you meant Jan, Feb, and Mar or Jan to Apr inclusive. Please clarify. Tks
  • 5
    love it
  • 5
    Sounds like a fabulous 1st Sunday Morning Summer Edition! Am excited to hear it. Many thanks. Nancy S.
  • 1
    Some massive intellect in the CBC management decided a few years ago that ratings would be boosted by shows and format that appealed to young people. What happened, anyone could have told them, was that the over-40 set turned away from much of what was broadcast in disgust, and young people -- those few who still rely on radio -- wouldn't be caught dead listening to CBC. Great move, guys!
  • 1
    I agree with the annoying music at intermission times, it too has made me listen to another newsworthy station aside the commercials, but its better than listening to this, You would think your in an insane asylum and they are working on making you worse. I work with over 800 employees and the majority who normally listen to this station agree when asked about the annoying music, they too have switched over. Kill it or there is a point of no return!
  • 2
    Use be be a tolerable station to listen to, but with the over whelming and very very annoying intermission music especially between newscasts, different tunes for the weekdays and weekends, but still annoying enough I turn the volume down, or station off until I think the music is finished. They talk about valuable radio time and cut listeners off on talk shows, they could use this useless music time for valuable things to hear.
  • 1
    Would be loving it, if I could hear it. So far, it's listed but not on the air.
  • 5

Інфармацыя пра радыё

As Canada’s national public broadcaster, CBC Radio aims to provide a wide range of programming that informs, enlightens and entertains Canadians. Our programming is predominantly and distinctively Canadian, reflects all regions of the country and actively contributes to the exchange of cultural expression.

Кантакты радыёстанцыі

Адрас: 6940 Mumford Road, Suite 100, Halifax, Nova Scotia, B3L 0B7
Тэлефон: +1 902-420-4100
Email: [email protected]
Facebook: @CBCNovaScotia
Twitter: @CBCNS
Instagram: @cbcradio
Youtube: @CBCtv

Fax: +1 902-420-4137

Час у горадзе Halifax: 06:34, 03.16.2025

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