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Rádio Vitrola 80fm playlist

Don’t know what song’s been playing on the radio? Use our service to find it! Our playlist stores a Rádio Vitrola 80fm track list for the past 7 days.

(now in Goiânia 20:17)
23:58 Just - Cant - Get - Enough - Depeche - Mode
23:53 Mercy - Street - Peter - Gabriel
23:50 Little - Lies - Fleetwood - Mac
23:46 Fast - Car - Tracy - Chapman
23:42 Heat - Of - The - Moment - Asia
23:39 Van Halen - Ain't Talkin' 'Bout Love
23:30 I - Don - T - Wanna - Lose - You - Tina - Turner
23:30 Vh - Rv80fm - Com - Voce
23:26 Every - Little - Thing - She - Does - Is - Magic - Police
23:21 Why - Annie - Lennox
23:18 Beat - It - Michael - Jackson
23:18 Vh - Rv80fm - De - Goiania - Para - O - Mundo
23:17 Vh - Rv80fm - Os - Melhores - Ouvintes
23:14 A-ha - Early morning
23:10 Gloria - Ao - Vivo - U2
23:06 Morrissey - The More You Ignore Me The Closer I Get
23:06 Vh - Rv80fm - O - Melhor - Da - Musica
23:03 Oh - Lamour - Erasure
22:58 Nightshift - Commodores
22:54 Never - Be - The - Same - Christopher - Cross
22:50 Queen - Radio Ga Ga
22:47 Fatamorgana - Lemchaheb - Dissidenten
22:47 Vh - Rv80fm - De - Goiania - Para - O - Mundo
22:43 Kate Bush - Babooshka
22:43 6796 Feminino
22:39 Stars - Simply - Red
22:36 Summer - Of - 69 - Bryan - Adams
22:36 Vh - Rv80fm - Sintonize
22:32 Can - You - Forgive - Her - Pet - Shop - Boys
22:28 Stay - On - These - Roads - A - Ha
22:28 6796 Feminino
22:28 Vh - Rv80fm - Sintonize
22:24 Echo & The Bunnymen - The Game
22:20 Wicked - Game - Chris - Isaak
22:20 6796 Feminino
22:15 major - tom
22:10 I - Just - Called - To - Say - I - Love - You - Stevie - Wonder
22:06 What - Have - I - Done - To - Deserve - This - Pet - Shop - Boys
22:01 born in the usa - born in the usa
22:01 Vh - Rv80fm - Transicao - 2
21:59 This - Charming - Man - The - Smiths
21:54 U2 - Where The Streets Have No Name
21:49 Eric Clapton - pretending
21:49 6796 Feminino
21:45 Never - Can - Say - Goodbye - The - Communards
21:41 George Harrison - I've Got My Mind Set On You
21:37 Maria - Magdalena - Sandra
21:37 Vh - Rv80fm - Cada - Musica - Uma - Emocao
21:34 Jesus Jones - Doubt - 03 - International Br
21:30 Too - Late - For - Goodbyes - Julian - Lennon
21:25 Phenomena - Did It All For Love
21:25 Vh - Rv80fm - Ouca - A - Radio
21:20 Rain - Madonna
21:16 Modern Talking - Diamonds Never Made A Lady
21:12 Gypsy - Fleetwood - Mac
21:12 Vh - Rv80fm - Os - Melhores - Ouvintes
21:08 Spy vs Spy - Clarity Of Mind
21:08 Vh - Rv80fm - Aumente - O - Volume
21:04 Erasure - A Little Respect
21:00 Duran Duran - Wild Boys
20:56 Texas - Everyday Now
20:52 Erasure - Sometimes (2015 Mix)
20:52 6796 Feminino
20:47 Paradise - Is - Here - Tina - Turner
20:43 Frankie Goes To Hollywood - Relax
20:43 6796 Feminino
20:42 Vh - Rv80fm - O - Melhor - Da - Musica
20:38 Vh - Rv80fm - Transicao - 2
20:33 6796 Feminino
20:25 Rock - Me - Amadeus - Falco
20:25 Vh - Rv80fm - Revivendo - Os - Grandes - Classicos
20:22 Eurythimics - Sweet - Dreams
20:22 Vh - Rv80fm - Com - Voce
20:17 Heaven - Bryan - Adams
20:15 We - Will - Rock - You - Queen
20:11 Crossroads - Tracy - Chapman
20:05 Prince - When Doves Cry
20:05 Vh - Rv80fm - Ouca - A - Radio
20:01 Joan Jett - I Hate Myself for Loving You
19:56 A-Ha - Take On Me (Promo 12 Inch Mix)
19:51 Jimmy Somerville - Dont Leave Me This Way
19:46 ACDC - Thunderstruck
19:41 Only - Time - Will - Tell - Nelson
19:41 Vh - Rv80fm - Aumente - O - Volume
19:37 Purple - Rain - Prince
19:33 Touchy - A - Ha
19:27 echo and the bunnyman - the ki
19:23 Levert - Casanova
19:23 Vh - Rv80fm - Aumente - O - Volume
19:19 I - Cant - Dance - Genesis
19:14 Is - This - Love - Whitesnake
19:09 Genesis - Land Of Confusion
19:07 Talkin - Bout - A - Revolution - Tracy - Chapman
19:03 Handle - With - Care - Traveling - Wilburys
19:03 Vh - Rv80fm - Aumente - O - Volume
18:59 You - Can - Do - Magic - America
18:55 The - Miracle - Of - Love - Eurythmics
18:51 Say - It - Isnt - So - Daryl - Hall - John - Oates
18:46 Cindy Lauper - I Drove All Night
18:42 The - Way - It - Is - Bruce - Hornsby
18:38 Rod Stewart - The Motown Song
18:37 6796 Feminino
18:37 Vh - Rv80fm - Muito - Mais - Musica
18:33 Jim Diamond - AudioTrack 12
18:29 Slave - To - Love - Bryan - Ferry
18:29 Vh - Rv80fm - Sintonize
18:29 Vh - Rv80fm - Revivendo - Os - Grandes - Classicos
18:25 Imagination - Just An Illusion
18:24 Vh - Rv80fm - No - Celular
18:19 somebodys watching me - somebodys watching me
18:15 Waterboys - The Whole of the Moon
18:10 Cheap Trick - The Flame
18:10 Vh - Rv80fm - De - Goiania - Para - O - Mundo
18:07 John Cougar Mellencamp - R.O.C.K. In The U.S.A.
18:02 Pale - Shelter - Tears - For - Fears
17:58 Simple Minds - Don't You (Forget About Me)
17:58 6796 Feminino
17:54 Edie - Ciao - Baby - The - Cult
17:51 Meat Puppets - Lake of Fire
17:47 Van Halen - Panama
17:43 Life - Is - Life - Opus
17:37 Dont - Give - Up - Kate - Bush - Peter - Gabriel
17:32 I - Want - To - Know - What - Love - Is - Foreigner
17:32 6796 Feminino
17:32 Vh - Rv80fm - Com - Voce
17:28 Winger - Miles Away
17:23 The - Delta - Force - Theme - Alan - Silvestri
17:16 Information Society - Running
17:11 Bruce Springsteen - Tougher than the rest
17:07 i wont forget you - i wont forget you
17:04 The - Cryng - Game - Boy - George
17:00 Back - In - High - Life - Again - Steve - Windwood
16:56 Alphaville - Dance With Me
16:51 kyrie - kyrie
16:51 6796 Feminino
16:51 Vh - Rv80fm - Msg - Whatsapp
16:45 Stop - Erasure
16:45 6796 Feminino
16:40 Sara - Jefferson - Starship
16:38 There - S - Never - A - Forever - Thing - A - Ha
16:33 Wouldnt - It - Be - Good - Nick - Kershaw
16:29 Kenny Loggins - Footloose
16:29 Vh - Rv80fm - Transicao - 1
16:25 Burning - Down - The - House - Talking - Heads
16:19 Pink Floyd - Another Brick In The Wall (Par
16:18 Vh - Rv80fm - De - Goiania - Para - O - Mundo
16:13 Thriller - Michael - Jackson
16:07 Like - A - Prayer - Madonna
16:03 The The - This Is The Day
16:02 Vh - Rv80fm - Ouca - A - Radio
15:58 Marky Mark - Good Vibrations
15:53 One - More - Night - Phil - Collins
15:53 Vh - Rv80fm - Sintonize
15:48 The - Unforgettable - Fire - U2
15:48 6796 Feminino
15:43 Do - You - Remember - Phil - Collins
15:43 Vh - Rv80fm - Cada - Musica - Uma - Emocao
15:43 Vh - Rv80fm - Aumente - O - Volume
15:43 6796 Feminino
15:39 Housemartins - Build
15:34 Patti Smith - Dancing Barefoot
15:30 Heavens - Or - Las - Vegas - Cocteau - Twins
15:26 I - Can - Dream - About - You - Dan - Hartman
15:22 Yes - Owner Of A Lonely Heart (Singl
15:18 Lets - Dance - David - Bowie
15:12 Making - Love - Out - Of - Nothing - At - All - Air - Supply
15:08 Cant - Stop - This - Thing - We - Started - Bryan - Adams
15:08 6796 Feminino
15:07 Vh - Rv80fm - Cada - Musica - Uma - Emocao
15:03 Cant - Fight - This - Feeling - R - E - O - Speedwagon
14:58 Sinéad O'Connor - AudioTrack 15
14:54 Dream Academy - Life in A Northern Town
14:49 Safety - Dance - Men - Without - Hats
14:45 Not - Enough - Time - Inxs
14:40 The Adventures - Broken Land
14:36 West - End - Girls - Pet - Shop - Boys
14:32 Rod Stewart - Have I Told You Lately
14:28 Mental As Anything - Live It Up
14:28 Vh - Rv80fm - Aumente - O - Volume
14:28 Vh - Rv80fm - Transicao - 2
14:27 Vh - Rv80fm - Os - Melhores - Ouvintes
14:27 Vh - Rv80fm - O - Melhor - Da - Musica
14:22 Michael Jackson - Man In the Mirror
14:16 Silver Pozzoli - Pretty Baby
14:12 I - Dont - Want - To - Live - Without - You - Foreigner
14:12 Vh - Rv80fm - No - Celular
14:12 6796 Feminino
14:09 Faith - George - Michael
14:05 Love - Vigilants - New - Order
14:01 John Waite - AudioTrack 07
13:59 La - Bamba - Los - Lobos
13:54 Jimmy Somerville - Smalltown Boy
13:54 Vh - Rv80fm - Revivendo - Os - Grandes - Classicos
13:54 Vh - Rv80fm - O - Melhor - Da - Musica
13:49 Vh - Rv80fm - Transicao - 2
13:44 6796 Feminino
13:36 Rock - Me - Amadeus - Falco
13:36 Vh - Rv80fm - Revivendo - Os - Grandes - Classicos
13:33 Eurythimics - Sweet - Dreams
13:33 Vh - Rv80fm - Com - Voce
13:29 Heaven - Bryan - Adams
13:27 We - Will - Rock - You - Queen
13:22 Crossroads - Tracy - Chapman
13:16 Prince - When Doves Cry
13:16 Vh - Rv80fm - Ouca - A - Radio
13:12 Joan Jett - I Hate Myself for Loving You
13:07 A-Ha - Take On Me (Promo 12 Inch Mix)
13:02 Jimmy Somerville - Dont Leave Me This Way
12:57 ACDC - Thunderstruck
12:52 Only - Time - Will - Tell - Nelson
12:52 Vh - Rv80fm - Aumente - O - Volume
12:48 Purple - Rain - Prince
12:44 Touchy - A - Ha
12:38 echo and the bunnyman - the ki
12:34 Levert - Casanova
12:34 Vh - Rv80fm - Aumente - O - Volume
12:30 I - Cant - Dance - Genesis
12:25 Is - This - Love - Whitesnake
12:20 Genesis - Land Of Confusion
12:18 Talkin - Bout - A - Revolution - Tracy - Chapman
12:14 Handle - With - Care - Traveling - Wilburys
12:14 Vh - Rv80fm - Aumente - O - Volume
12:10 You - Can - Do - Magic - America
12:06 The - Miracle - Of - Love - Eurythmics
12:02 Say - It - Isnt - So - Daryl - Hall - John - Oates
11:57 Cindy Lauper - I Drove All Night
11:53 The - Way - It - Is - Bruce - Hornsby
11:49 Rod Stewart - The Motown Song
11:49 6796 Feminino
11:48 Vh - Rv80fm - Muito - Mais - Musica
11:44 Jim Diamond - AudioTrack 12
11:40 Slave - To - Love - Bryan - Ferry
11:40 Vh - Rv80fm - Sintonize
11:40 Vh - Rv80fm - Revivendo - Os - Grandes - Classicos
11:36 Imagination - Just An Illusion
11:35 Vh - Rv80fm - No - Celular
11:31 somebodys watching me - somebodys watching me
11:26 Waterboys - The Whole of the Moon
11:21 Cheap Trick - The Flame
11:21 Vh - Rv80fm - De - Goiania - Para - O - Mundo
11:18 John Cougar Mellencamp - R.O.C.K. In The U.S.A.
11:13 Pale - Shelter - Tears - For - Fears
11:09 Simple Minds - Don't You (Forget About Me)
11:09 6796 Feminino
11:05 Edie - Ciao - Baby - The - Cult
11:02 Meat Puppets - Lake of Fire
10:58 Van Halen - Panama
10:54 Life - Is - Life - Opus
10:48 Dont - Give - Up - Kate - Bush - Peter - Gabriel
10:43 I - Want - To - Know - What - Love - Is - Foreigner
10:43 6796 Feminino
10:43 Vh - Rv80fm - Com - Voce
10:39 Winger - Miles Away
10:34 The - Delta - Force - Theme - Alan - Silvestri
10:27 Information Society - Running
10:22 Bruce Springsteen - Tougher than the rest
10:18 i wont forget you - i wont forget you
10:15 The - Cryng - Game - Boy - George
10:11 Back - In - High - Life - Again - Steve - Windwood
10:07 Alphaville - Dance With Me
10:02 kyrie - kyrie
10:02 6796 Feminino
10:02 Vh - Rv80fm - Msg - Whatsapp
09:56 Stop - Erasure
09:56 6796 Feminino
09:52 Sara - Jefferson - Starship
09:49 There - S - Never - A - Forever - Thing - A - Ha
09:44 Wouldnt - It - Be - Good - Nick - Kershaw
09:40 Kenny Loggins - Footloose
09:40 Vh - Rv80fm - Transicao - 1
09:36 Burning - Down - The - House - Talking - Heads
09:30 Pink Floyd - Another Brick In The Wall (Par
09:30 Vh - Rv80fm - De - Goiania - Para - O - Mundo
09:24 Thriller - Michael - Jackson
09:18 Like - A - Prayer - Madonna
09:14 The The - This Is The Day
09:13 Vh - Rv80fm - Ouca - A - Radio
09:09 Marky Mark - Good Vibrations
09:04 One - More - Night - Phil - Collins
09:04 Vh - Rv80fm - Sintonize
08:59 The - Unforgettable - Fire - U2
08:59 6796 Feminino
08:54 Do - You - Remember - Phil - Collins
08:54 Vh - Rv80fm - Cada - Musica - Uma - Emocao
08:54 Vh - Rv80fm - Aumente - O - Volume
08:54 6796 Feminino
08:50 Housemartins - Build
08:46 Patti Smith - Dancing Barefoot
08:41 Heavens - Or - Las - Vegas - Cocteau - Twins
08:37 I - Can - Dream - About - You - Dan - Hartman
08:33 Yes - Owner Of A Lonely Heart (Singl
08:29 Lets - Dance - David - Bowie
08:23 Making - Love - Out - Of - Nothing - At - All - Air - Supply
08:19 Cant - Stop - This - Thing - We - Started - Bryan - Adams
08:19 6796 Feminino
08:18 Vh - Rv80fm - Cada - Musica - Uma - Emocao
08:14 Cant - Fight - This - Feeling - R - E - O - Speedwagon
08:09 Sinéad O'Connor - AudioTrack 15
08:05 Dream Academy - Life in A Northern Town
08:00 Safety - Dance - Men - Without - Hats
07:56 Not - Enough - Time - Inxs
07:51 The Adventures - Broken Land
07:47 West - End - Girls - Pet - Shop - Boys
07:43 Rod Stewart - Have I Told You Lately
07:39 Mental As Anything - Live It Up
07:39 Vh - Rv80fm - Aumente - O - Volume
07:39 Vh - Rv80fm - Transicao - 2
07:39 Vh - Rv80fm - Os - Melhores - Ouvintes
07:38 Vh - Rv80fm - O - Melhor - Da - Musica
07:33 Michael Jackson - Man In the Mirror
07:27 Silver Pozzoli - Pretty Baby
07:23 I - Dont - Want - To - Live - Without - You - Foreigner
07:23 Vh - Rv80fm - No - Celular
07:23 6796 Feminino
07:20 Faith - George - Michael
07:16 Love - Vigilants - New - Order
07:13 John Waite - AudioTrack 07
07:10 La - Bamba - Los - Lobos
07:05 Jimmy Somerville - Smalltown Boy
07:05 Vh - Rv80fm - Revivendo - Os - Grandes - Classicos
07:00 Prefab sprout - Track03
06:56 Ice - Ice - Baby - Vanila - Ice
06:51 Waterboys - The Whole of the Moon
06:45 Peter Gabriel - Red Rain
06:42 Fine Young Cannibals - Good Thing
06:37 Something - About - You - Level - 42
06:37 Vh - Rv80fm - Msg - Whatsapp
06:32 Big Country - In A Big Country
06:28 Michael Bolton - How Can We Be Lovers
06:23 Cry - Baby - Information - Society
06:19 Frankie Goes To Hollywood - Relax
06:19 Vh - Rv80fm - Ouca - A - Radio
06:15 Bryan Ferry & Roxy Music - Avalon
06:14 Vh - Rv80fm - Transicao - 2
06:10 Iris - Goo - Goo - Dolls
06:10 Vh - Rv80fm - Os - Melhores - Ouvintes
06:06 Drive - The - Cars
06:01 somebodys watching me - somebodys watching me
06:01 6796 Feminino
06:01 Vh - Rv80fm - Muito - Mais - Musica
05:57 Pixies - Here Comes Your Man
05:57 Vh - Rv80fm - Msg - Whatsapp
05:53 Legal - Tender - The - B - 52s
05:53 Vh - Rv80fm - Sintonize
05:49 Bon Jovi - Livin' On A Prayer
05:49 6796 Feminino
05:45 The Outfield - The Night Ain't Over
05:41 The Pixies - Where Is My Mind?
05:38 Uptown - Girl - Billy - Joe
05:34 Burning - Down - The - House - Talking - Heads
05:25 Guns - N - Roses - November - Rain
05:19 Bruce Springsteen - Dancing In The Dark
05:15 Heart - If Looks Could Kill
05:11 Nightshift - Commodores
05:05 David Bowie - 'Heroes'
05:05 Vh - Rv80fm - Revivendo - Os - Grandes - Classicos
05:01 6796 Feminino
04:57 Shes - Like - The - Wind - Patrick - Swayze
04:51 Dead Or Alive - Come Home With Me Baby
04:51 6796 Feminino
04:51 Vh - Rv80fm - Cada - Musica - Uma - Emocao
04:46 8r anos 80 3 - feels like forever-joe coker
04:46 6796 Feminino
04:42 Survivor - Eye Of The Tiger
04:39 Kylie Minogue - I Should Be So Lucky
04:35 Purple - Rain - Prince
04:31 Black - Wonderful Life
04:26 toy - soldiers
04:26 Vh - Rv80fm - Aumente - O - Volume
04:26 Vh - Rv80fm - Muito - Mais - Musica
04:22 The - Heat - Is - On - Glenn - Frey
04:22 Vh - Rv80fm - De - Goiania - Para - O - Mundo
04:18 Broken - Wings - Mr - Mister
04:14 Talking Heads - The Lady Don't Mind
04:10 Vh - Rv80fm - Sintonize
04:10 Vh - Rv80fm - Muito - Mais - Musica
04:05 Chris Rea - Auberge
04:01 Jimmy Somerville - You Make Me Feel
03:57 Lets - Dance - David - Bowie
03:53 High - And - Dry - Radiohead
03:48 Enjoy - The - Silence - Depeche - Mode
03:48 Vh - Rv80fm - Com - Voce
03:45 The - Goonies - R - Good - Enough - Cyndi - Lauper
03:41 You - Are - The - One - A - Ha
03:38 The - Cryng - Game - Boy - George
03:37 Vh - Rv80fm - Aumente - O - Volume
03:34 The Proclaimers - I'm Gonna Be 500 Miles
03:29 Echo & The Bunnymen - Lips Like Sugar
03:24 There - Must - Be - An - Angel - Eurythmics
03:20 Whos - That - Girl - Madonna
03:16 Walk - Of - Life - Dire - Straits
03:12 Under - Pressure - David - Bowie
03:12 Vh - Rv80fm - Ouca - A - Radio
03:12 Vh - Rv80fm - Muito - Mais - Musica
03:12 Vh - Rv80fm - Aumente - O - Volume
03:12 Vh - Rv80fm - Revivendo - Os - Grandes - Classicos
03:06 Father - Figure - George - Michael
03:06 Vh - Rv80fm - Os - Melhores - Ouvintes
03:03 Walk - On - The - Ocean - Toad - The - Wet - Sprocket
03:03 Vh - Rv80fm - O - Melhor - Da - Musica
03:03 Vh - Rv80fm - Sintonize
02:59 Voyage - Voyage - Desireless
02:50 Ashes - To - Ashes - David - Bowie
02:45 Easy - Lady - Spagna
02:42 Fatamorgana - Lemchaheb - Dissidenten
02:42 6796 Feminino
02:42 Vh - Rv80fm - Sintonize
02:39 Eurythmics - Here - Comes - The - Rain - Agin
02:39 Vh - Rv80fm - Transicao - 2
02:35 Who - Wants - To - Live - Forever - Queen
02:31 Gypsy - Fleetwood - Mac
02:31 6796 Feminino
02:31 Vh - Rv80fm - Com - Voce
02:27 Every - Little - Thing - She - Does - Is - Magic - Police
02:23 A - Horse - With - No - Name - America
02:20 John Cougar Mellencamp - Rumbleseat
02:20 Vh - Rv80fm - Aumente - O - Volume
02:16 Up - Where - We - Belong - Joe - Cocker - Jennifer - Warnes
02:11 Rod Stewart - Baby Jane
02:07 Lets - Go - Wang - Chung
02:02 Billy Idol - Dancing With Myself
02:02 Vh - Rv80fm - Revivendo - Os - Grandes - Classicos
02:02 6796 Feminino
01:58 The Rolling Stones - Mixed Emotions
01:52 True - Faith - New - Order
01:49 What - Becomes - Of - A - Broken - Hearted - Air - Supply
01:45 Patti Smith - Dancing Barefoot
01:40 Icehouse - Electric Blue
01:36 More - Than - Words - Extreme
01:32 American - Pie - Madonna
01:27 Ymca - Village - People
01:23 Mercy - Street - Peter - Gabriel
01:19 Bizarre - Love - Triangle - New - Order
01:19 Vh - Rv80fm - Aumente - O - Volume
01:15 Back - In - High - Life - Again - Steve - Windwood
01:11 Chicago - You're The Inspiration
01:07 Just - Like - Jesse - James - Cher
01:03 I - Hear - You - Call - Bliss
01:03 6796 Feminino
00:59 Prince - Raspberry Beret
00:56 Paul Owen - AudioTrack 05
00:53 Madonna - Like a Virgin
00:53 6796 Feminino
00:53 Vh - Rv80fm - Cada - Musica - Uma - Emocao
00:48 Big - In - Japan - Alphaville
00:48 Vh - Rv80fm - Ouca - A - Radio
00:44 Typical - Male - Tina - Turner
00:38 Thriller - Michael - Jackson
00:33 Why - Annie - Lennox
00:33 Vh - Rv80fm - Sintonize
00:29 You - Can - Do - Magic - America
00:25 Woman - In - Chains - Tears - For - Fears
00:20 Advice - For - The - Young - At - Heart - Tears - For - Fears
00:16 U - Cant - Touch - This - Mc - Hammer
00:16 Vh - Rv80fm - No - Celular
00:11 Cant - Fight - This - Feeling - R - E - O - Speedwagon
00:07 I - Dont - Want - To - Live - Without - You - Foreigner
00:03 Expose - Point Of No Return
00:00 Fast - Car - Tracy - Chapman

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