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FLEX PLAY Porto Velho playlist

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(now in Porto Velho 11:55)
Live JOTA QUEST - O vento (1998) mono
10:52 VHAC - entre músicas 05
10:47 N'SYNC - This i promiss you (2001)
10:47 VHPF - plataforma L 04
10:43 EMMA BUNTON - What took is so long (2001)
10:43 VHCN - canal L 05
10:39 BRYAN ADAMS - Heaven (1984)
10:39 VHAC - entre músicas 04
10:36 BACKSTREET BOYS - More than that (2000)
10:36 VHSR - sub-rede L 04
10:31 MANU GAVASSI - Planos impossíveis (2007)
10:31 VHCT - cantadas L 02
10:27 WHIGFIELD - Close to you (1995) remix ext
10:26 VHPF - plataforma L 01
10:23 JAMES BLUNT - High (2004)
10:23 VHAC - entre músicas 01
10:18 NE YO - Mad (2008)
10:18 VHCN - canal L 01
10:13 GUNS N'ROSES - Patience (1989)
10:12 VHSR - sub-rede L 03
10:09 SANDY & JÚNIOR - Love never fails (2002)
10:09 VHCT - cantadas L 05
10:04 AKON feat. BONE THUGS - I tried (2007)
10:04 VHAC - entre músicas 02
10:01 CIDADE NEGRA - Firmamento (1996)
10:01 VHPF - plataforma L 08
09:57 THE CALLING - Wherever you will go (2001)
09:57 VHCN - canal L 03
09:54 DJ ARMZ feat. FM & THE GAME - Like a G6 (2010)
09:54 VHAC - entre músicas 03
09:50 DOMINICA - Gotta a let you go (1994) edit
09:50 VHPF - plataforma A 06
09:47 BASS - Mechanic (1989)
09:47 VHCN - canal A 02
09:43 ANGELIKE - You look so fine (1996) edit
09:43 VHAC - local 10
09:40 BG THE PRINCE OF RAP - This beat is hot (1991)
09:40 VHSR - sub-rede A 01
09:35 BRANDOM - Destiny (1991) edit
09:35 VHCT - cantadas A 05
09:31 SHANA - Falling slowly (1988) edit
09:31 VHPF - plataforma A 01
09:30 MP3 - Ibiza (1999) edit
09:30 VHAC - entre músicas 03
09:26 THE BLACK EYED PEAS - My hamps (2005)
09:26 VHCN - canal A 04
09:24 MP3 - Milenium (1999) edit
09:24 VHSR - sub-rede A 01
09:20 GUGGI CREW II - Sally, that girl (1988)
09:20 VHCT - cantadas A 01
09:16 FITA K 7 - Megamix (1999) edit
09:16 VHAC - local 09
09:12 SEX KRAZ'D SUPERTARS - Feelin horney (1996)
09:12 VHPF - plataforma A 02
09:09 K5 - Passion (1997) edit
09:09 VHCN - canal A 01
09:04 FREESTYLE - Don't stop the rock (1985)
09:04 VHSR - sub-rede A 05
08:57 OPUS III - It's a fine day (1992)
08:57 VHCT - cantadas A 05
08:53 DJ SAMMY & YANOU feat. DO - On and on (2002)
08:53 VHCT - cantadas L A 03
08:49 THE POLICE - Every breath you take (1983-05-20)
08:49 VHCT - cantadas A L 04
08:45 HADDAWAY - Life (1993)
08:45 VHPF - plataforma A 09
08:40 ATC - Remix (2002) edit
08:40 VHCT - cantadas A 03
08:37 THE KILLERS - Somebody told me (2004-03-15) remix
08:37 VHCT - cantadas L A 04
08:33 CÁSSIA ELLER - O segundo sol (1999)
08:32 VHCT - cantadas A L 02
08:29 DR. ALBAN - It's my life (1992) remix
08:29 VHCN - canal A 04
08:25 SEAN PAUL feat. SASHA - I'm still in love with you (2004)
08:25 VHSR - sub-rede A 03
08:22 IAN CAREY - Keep on rising (2008)
08:22 VHCT - cantadas L A 02
08:18 NE YO - Mad (2008)
08:18 VHCT - cantadas A L 03
08:14 SPACE JAM - Welcome to the Space Jam (1996)
08:14 VHPF - plataforma A 05
08:09 FERGIE - Fergalicious (2006)
08:09 VHCT - cantadas A 02
08:06 ICE MC feat ALEXIA - Think a bout the away (1994) remix edit
08:05 VHCT - cantadas L A 05
08:02 AVRIL LAVIGNE - I'm with you (2002)
08:02 VHCT - cantadas A L 05
07:58 KERI HILSON feat KANYE WEST & NE YO - Knock you down (2009)
07:58 VHCN - canal A 02
07:54 LATINO - Só você (1994)
07:54 VHSR - sub-rede A 02
07:51 DR. ALBAN - Let the beat go on (1994) edit
07:51 VHCT - cantadas L A 04
07:47 CORINNE BAILEY RAE - Put your records on (2006)
07:47 VHCT - cantadas A L 02
07:44 NETZWERK - Passion (1995) edit
07:43 VHPF - plataforma A 07
07:39 MP4 - The book is on the table (2001) remix
07:39 VHCT - cantadas A 04
07:35 USHER - Yeah (2003)
07:35 VHCT - cantadas L A 05
07:31 DIRE STRAITS - So far away for me (1985)
07:31 VHCT - cantadas A L 04
07:27 SANDY - Bad boy (1995)
07:27 VHCN - canal A 05
07:24 ACE OF BASE - The sign (1992)
07:24 VHSR - sub-rede A 04
07:21 EDWARD MAYA feat VIKA JIGULINA - Stereo love (2009) Molella radio remix
07:21 VHCT - cantadas L A 03
07:17 DIDO - My lover's is gone (1999)
07:17 VHCT - cantadas A L 01
07:14 DJ DAYVID - Megamix (1999) edit raeldj
07:14 VHPF - plataforma A 04
07:10 CHRIS BROWN - Forever (2007)
07:10 VHCT - cantadas A 05
07:05 ATB feat EVERYTHING BUT THE GIRL - Missing (2000) remix murshup edit
07:05 VHCT - cantadas L A 01
07:02 RPM - A cruz e a espada (1985)
07:02 VHCT - cantadas A L 02
06:58 THE BLACK EYED PEAS - My hamps (2005)
06:58 VHCN - canal A 03
06:54 LENNY KRAVITZ - Again (2000)
06:54 VHCN - canal A 04
06:50 COPACABANA BEAT - Mel da sua boca (1994)
06:50 VHSR - sub-rede A 04
06:45 ALEXIA - The summer is crazy (1996)
06:45 VHCT - cantadas L A 02
06:42 COLBIE CAILLAT - Bubbly (2007)
06:42 VHCT - cantadas A L 01
06:38 WHITNEY HOUSTON - It's not right but is ok (1999)
06:38 VHPF - plataforma A 10
06:35 BAD BLOCK - Deep inside (1998) remix edit
06:35 VHCT - cantadas A 03
06:31 LADY GAGA - Poker face (2008)
06:31 VHCT - cantadas L A 01
06:29 AVRIL LAVIGNE - Knock on heavens door (2003)
06:28 VHCT - cantadas A L 03
06:25 NEVADA - Take me to heaven (1994) edit
06:25 VHCN - canal A 03
06:22 CHARLIE BROWN JR. - Lutar pelo o que é meu (2005)
06:22 VHSR - sub-rede A 02
06:17 LA BOUCHE - I love to love you (1995) edit
06:17 VHCT - cantadas L A 03
06:13 ROXETTE - It must have been love (1987-12-02)
06:13 VHCT - cantadas A L 04
06:09 GINNA D - You (1998) fita k7
06:09 VHPF - plataforma A 03
06:05 LADY GAGA - Just dance (2008)
06:05 VHCT - cantadas A 02
06:01 HADDAWAY - Rock my heart (1993) edit
06:01 VHCT - cantadas L A 05
05:58 KID ABELHA - Peito aberto (2005) acústico
05:58 VHCT - cantadas A L 05
05:54 THE PUSSYCAT DOLLS - Don't cha (2005)
05:54 VHCN - canal A 01
05:50 NENÉM - Rap da Rocinha (1994)
05:50 VHSR - sub-rede A 03
05:46 DENZEL - Pump it up (2004)
05:46 VHCT - cantadas L A 02
05:42 BACKSTREET BOYS - Inconsolable (2005)
05:42 VHCT - cantadas A L 01
05:41 DJ ROSS - Floating in love (2004) edit
05:41 VHPF - plataforma A 01
05:37 FITA K 7 - Megamix 2 (1998) edit
05:37 VHCT - cantadas A 04
05:34 THE BEATLES - Twist and shout (1963)
05:34 VHCT - cantadas L A 04
05:31 JOTA QUEST - Amor maior (2003)
05:31 VHCT - cantadas A L 03
05:27 DJ SAMMY feat LOONA - Boys of summer (2002) remix edit
05:27 VHCN - canal A 05
05:23 OWL CITY - Fireflies (2009)
05:23 VHSR - sub-rede A 01
05:20 MARK'OH - Because i love you (2001)
05:19 VHCT - cantadas L A 02
05:16 PAULO RICARDO - Beautiful girl (2005)
05:16 VHCT - cantadas A L 05
05:12 MP3 - The rave (1999)
05:12 VHPF - plataforma A 03
05:08 JA RULE feat ASHANTI - Mesmerize (2002)
05:08 VHCT - cantadas A 01
05:05 CAROL BAILEY - Under my skin (1996) edit
05:04 VHCT - cantadas L A 04
05:00 CHRIS BROWN feat JUSTIN BIEBER - Next 2 you (2011)
05:00 VHCT - cantadas A L 04
04:57 B.O.B. feat BRUNO MARS - Nothin' on you (2010)
04:57 VHCN - canal A 02
04:53 DAVID GUETTA feat SAM MARTIN - Dangerous (2014)
04:53 VHSR - sub-rede A 05
04:49 NICKELBACK - If everyone cared (2006)
04:49 VHCT - cantadas A 04
04:44 LEGIÃO URBANA - Pais e filhos (1986)
04:44 VHAC - entre músicas 02
04:41 SKANK - Mil acasos (2006) remix
04:41 VHPF - plataforma A 05
04:38 IVO MOZART E DONCESÃO - Anjos de plantão (2013)
04:37 VHCN - canal A 05
04:33 NELLY FURTADO feat JAY VEGA - Say it right (2006)
04:33 VHAC - local 04
04:29 WILL SMITH - Men in black (1997-06-16)
04:29 VHSR - sub-rede A 01
04:26 LINKIN PARK - Somewhere i belong (2003)
04:26 VHCT - cantadas A 01
04:22 MAGIC! - Rude (2013)
04:22 VHPF - plataforma A 09
04:18 NE YO - Closer (2008)
04:18 VHAC - entre músicas 05
04:15 THE CURE - In between days (1985)
04:15 VHCN - canal A 01
04:11 THE BLACK EYED PEAS - Pump it (2005)
04:11 VHSR - sub-rede A 03
04:08 ANNE MARIE - 2002 (2018)
04:08 VHCT - cantadas A 02
04:05 BRITNEY SPEARS - Luck (2000)
04:05 VHAC - local 08
04:02 SKANK - É uma partida de futebol (1996)
04:01 VHPF - plataforma A 10
03:59 T.A.T.U. - All about us (2005)
03:58 VHCN - canal A 03
03:54 SHAKIRA - Antologia (1996)
03:54 VHCT - cantadas A L 02
03:50 BARÃO VERMELHO - Puro êxtase (1998)
03:50 VHAC - entre músicas 04
03:47 PITTY - Teto de vidro (2003)
03:47 VHSR - sub-rede A 02
03:43 MEGHAN TRAINOR - All about that bass (2014)
03:43 VHCT - cantadas L A 01
03:40 MARIAH CAREY - I stay in love (2008)
03:40 VHCT - cantadas A L 05
03:36 PITTY - Equalize (2003)
03:36 VHCN - canal A 02
03:33 MARIAH CAREY - Touch my body (2008)
03:33 VHCT - cantadas A 03
03:29 THE BLACK EYED PEAS - Don't lie (2005)
03:29 VHCT - cantadas L A 03
03:25 RIHANNA feat MIKKY EKKO - Stay (2012)
03:25 VHCT - cantadas A L 01
03:21 LADY GAGA - Poker face (2008)
03:21 VHAC - local 03
03:18 T.A.T.U. - All the things she said (2002)
03:17 VHPF - plataforma A 08
03:14 SIA - Chandelier (2014)
03:14 VHCT - cantadas L A 05
03:10 TITÃS - Pra dizer adeus (1985)
03:10 VHCT - cantadas A L 03
03:06 AKON - Right now (2008)
03:06 VHCN - canal A 04
03:02 JA RULE feat ASHANTI - Mesmerize (2002)
03:02 VHCT - cantadas A 05
02:57 CHARLIE BROWN JR. E NEGRA LI - Não é sério (2000)
02:56 VHCT - cantadas L A 05
02:52 VHCT - cantadas A L 04
02:47 NELLY FURTADO feat JAY VEGA - Say it right (2006)
02:47 VHAC - entre músicas 01
02:44 WILL I AM - I got it from my momma (2007-08-02)
02:44 VHSR - sub-rede A 05
02:40 RIHANNA feat JAY Z. - Umbrella (2006)
02:40 VHCT - cantadas L A 02
02:36 KELLY CLARKSON - Breakaway (2004)
02:36 VHCT - cantadas A L 02
02:32 THE PUSSYCAT DOLLS - Don't cha (2005)
02:32 VHCN - canal A 02
02:25 VERÃO - Megahits (2009)
02:25 VHCT - cantadas A 01
02:20 SKANK - Vou deixar (2004)
02:20 VHCT - cantadas L A 01
02:17 BACKSTREET BOYS - More than that (2000)
02:17 VHCT - cantadas A L 02
02:13 BARÃO VERMELHO - Puro êxtase (1998)
02:13 VHAC - local 02
02:09 SEAN PAUL feat. SASHA - I'm still in love with you (2004)
02:09 VHPF - plataforma A 06
02:06 CHRIS BROWN - Kiss kiss (2007)
02:06 VHCT - cantadas L A 04
02:03 EMMA BUNTON - What took is so long (2001)
02:02 VHCT - cantadas A L 03
01:58 LS JACK - Carla (2002)
01:58 VHCN - canal A 03
01:53 COLDPLAY - Clocks (2002)
01:53 VHCN - canal A 05
01:49 VESTANIA - Fly free (1998) fita k7
01:49 VHSR - sub-rede A 04
01:45 MADONNA - Hollywood (2003)
01:45 VHCT - cantadas A 03
01:41 WHIGFIELD - Sexy eyes (1995)
01:41 VHAC - entre músicas 05
01:37 FLO RIDA - Get low (2008)
01:37 VHPF - plataforma A 02
01:34 ROGER SANCHEZ - Lost (2007)
01:33 VHCN - canal A 04
01:30 PITTY - Teto de vidro (2003)
01:30 VHAC - local 01
01:27 ROYAL GINGOLOS - California dreams (2004)
01:26 VHSR - sub-rede A 03
01:23 BALTIMORE - Tarzan boy (1985)
01:22 VHCT - cantadas A 02
01:18 DJ ENCORE feat. ENGELINA - Open your eyes (2001)
01:18 VHPF - plataforma A 04
01:14 MADONNA - Music (2000)
01:14 VHAC - entre músicas 02
01:11 CARTOUCHE - Touche the sky (1994)
01:10 VHCN - canal A 01
01:07 B.O.B. feat BRUNO MARS - Nothin' on you (2010)
01:07 VHSR - sub-rede A 04
01:03 PHARRELL WILLIAMS - Happy (2013) remix Danny Dove
01:03 VHCT - cantadas A 04
01:00 ALEXIA - Uh la la la (1997)
00:59 VHAC - local 09
00:56 EAMON - I don't want you back (2004) dance
00:56 VHPF - plataforma A 07
00:52 JORDIN SPARKS - One step at a time (2007)
00:52 VHCN - canal A 03
00:49 740 BOYS - Bump bump (1995) edit
00:49 VHSR - sub-rede A 05
00:45 SNOW PATROL - Open your eyes (2006)
00:45 VHCT - cantadas A 05
00:40 IAN VAN DAHL feat ANNE GRACE - Will i (2002) remix single 2
00:40 VHAC - entre músicas 01
00:37 MEGHAN TRAINOR - All about that bass (2014)
00:37 VHPF - plataforma A 09
00:34 TOM NOVY feat MICHAEL MARSHALL - Your body (2006)
00:33 VHCN - canal A 05
00:30 KATY PERRY - Hot n' cold (2008)
00:30 VHAC - local 05
00:26 HAREN RAMIREZ - Looking for love (2001)
00:26 VHSR - sub-rede A 02
00:22 THE KILLERS - Somebody told me (2004-03-15) remix
00:22 VHCT - cantadas A 01
00:19 ORION TOO - So shy (2002)
00:18 VHPF - plataforma A 06
00:15 PITTY - Na sua estante (2004)
00:15 VHAC - entre músicas 03
00:11 ODYSSEY - Everybody moove (1994) mono edit
00:11 VHCN - canal A 01
00:07 MARIAH CAREY - Touch my body (2008)
00:07 VHSR - sub-rede A 01
00:04 CARLY RAE JEPSEN - Call me maybe (2012) remix Gabe flaherty
00:04 VHCT - cantadas A 05
00:00 FREJAT - Amor pra recomeçar (2001)
00:00 VHAC - local 03

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