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FLEX PLAY Salvador Playlist

Nevíte, jaká píseň se hrála v rádiu? Použijte naši službu a zjistěte to! Náš seznam skladeb ukládá FLEX PLAY Salvador seznam skladeb za posledních 7 dní.

(nyní v Salvador 18:14)
Živě CORONA - The rhythm of the night (1993)
17:09 VHCN - canal A 04
17:07 MP4 - The book is on the table (2001) remix edit 1
17:07 VHSR - sub-rede A 01
17:03 DOUBLE YOU feat SANDRA CHAMBERS - Because i'm loving you (1995)
17:03 VHCT - cantadas A 05
17:00 AKON feat. PITBULL - Sexy bitch (2009)
17:00 VHAC - entre músicas 03
16:56 CARTOUCHE - Touche the sky (1994)
16:56 VHPF - plataforma A 08
16:52 BROTHERS - Sexy girls (2004)
16:52 VHCN - canal A 05
16:49 KERNKRAFT 400 - Zombie nation (1999-03-15)
16:48 VHAC - local 03
16:44 MOONY - I don't know i (2008) remix edit
16:44 VHSR - sub-rede A 03
16:40 THE NOLANS - I'm in the mood for dancing (1995) remix
16:40 VHCT - cantadas A 02
16:37 EDWARD MAYA feat VIKA JIGULINA - This is my life (2010)
16:37 VHPF - plataforma A 05
16:33 PHARAO - I show you secrets (1994)
16:32 VHAC - entre músicas 01
16:29 LATINO - Me leva (1994)
16:29 VHCN - canal A 03
16:25 FOURTEEN 14 - Don't leave me (1994) edit
16:25 VHSR - sub-rede A 04
16:22 BRITNEY SPEARS - Everytime (2003) remix Above and Beyond edit
16:21 VHCT - cantadas A 01
16:18 WHIGFIELD - Saturday night (1993) edit
16:18 VHFS - fim de semana A 02
16:15 IIO - Rapture (2001)
16:15 VHPF - plataforma A 06
16:12 DR. ALBAN - Look who's talking (1994)
16:11 VHCN - canal A 01
16:07 KID ABELHA - Pintura íntima (1997) remix freestyle
16:07 VHSR - sub-rede A 04
16:03 WHIGFIELD - The lion sleeps tonight (1995) remix
16:03 VHCT - cantadas A 05
16:00 PAPS'N'STAR - You want my love (2000) fita k7
16:00 VHAC - entre músicas 05
15:56 CC PENISTON - Finally (1991)
15:56 VHPF - plataforma A 03
15:52 DJ SAMMY & YANOU feat. DO - Heaven (2001)
15:52 VHCN - canal A 04
15:49 GALA - Let a boy cry (1997)
15:48 VHAC - local 09
15:45 KASINO - Shake it (2005)
15:45 VHSR - sub-rede A 02
15:42 ICE MC feat ALEXIA - Think a bout the away (1994) remix edit
15:42 VHCT - cantadas A 01
15:39 YOLANDA BE COOL vrs DCUP - We no speak americano (2010) edit
15:38 VHPF - plataforma A 07
15:34 DIANA KING - I say a litlle prayer (1997)
15:34 VHAC - entre músicas 02
15:30 COPACABANA BEAT - Mel da sua boca (1994)
15:30 VHCN - canal A 03
15:26 NO MERCY - Please don't go (1996)
15:26 VHSR - sub-rede A 03
15:23 KRISS GREKO - Surrender (2001) edit
15:23 VHCT - cantadas A 02
15:19 DOUBLE YOU - Run to me (1994)
15:19 VHFS - fim de semana A 04
15:16 DAVID GUETTA feat CHRIS WILLIS - Love is gone (2007)
15:16 VHPF - plataforma A 10
15:11 DUE - Under the same sun (1994) X-Space Mix edit
15:11 VHCN - canal A 02
15:07 FITA VHS - Faixa 07 (2001)
15:07 VHSR - sub-rede A 01
15:03 MAXX - Get away (1994)
15:03 VHCT - cantadas A 04
14:59 SHAKEDOWN - At night (2002)
14:59 VHAC - entre músicas 04
14:55 SUZANNE RYE - Because you loved me (1996) edit
14:55 VHPF - plataforma A 09
14:51 SARINA PERIS - Look at us (2000)
14:51 VHCN - canal A 05
14:47 ETYPE - This is the away (1994)
14:47 VHAC - local 02
14:44 ROBYN feat KLEERUP - With every heartbeat (2008) edit
14:44 VHSR - sub-rede A 05
14:41 X PONE - Stranger in paradise (1997) edit
14:41 VHCT - cantadas A 03
14:37 DAVID GUETTA feat KID CUD - Memories (2010)
14:37 VHPF - plataforma A 04
14:34 BG THE PRINCE OF RAP - The colours of my dreams (1994) remix
14:33 VHAC - entre músicas 05
14:29 LATINO - Só você, Não adianta chorar (1994)
14:29 VHCN - canal A 01
14:25 KEN LASZLO - Whatever love (1996)
14:25 VHSR - sub-rede A 02
14:22 HI TACK - Silence (2008)
14:22 VHCT - cantadas A 05
14:18 TANIA EVANS - Prisoner of love (1997)
14:18 VHFS - fim de semana A 01
14:15 NELLY FURTADO & JUSTIN TIMBERLAKE - Give it to me (2007) remix Dj Paulo Pringles
14:14 VHPF - plataforma A 02
14:11 ANDREW SIXTY - Oh Carol (1994)
14:10 VHCN - canal A 05
14:03 ANGELINA - Megamix (1998) mono 1
14:03 VHSR - sub-rede A 04
13:59 ICE MC feat ALEXIA - Dark night rider (1994)
13:59 VHCT - cantadas A 04
13:56 CHRIS LAKE feat. LAURA V. - Changes (2006)
13:55 VHAC - entre músicas 04
13:52 ME & MY - Dub i dub (1995)
13:52 VHPF - plataforma A 03
13:49 HADDAWAY - What's is love (2004) versão
13:49 VHCN - canal A 03
13:45 DOUBLE YOU feat SANDRA CHAMBERS - Dancing with a angel (1995)
13:45 VHAC - local 10
13:41 SNOW PATROL - Open your eyes (2006) remix Walker
13:41 VHSR - sub-rede A 03
13:38 GENERAL BASE - I see you (1995)
13:38 VHCT - cantadas A 02
13:34 M 3OX feat HEIDRUN - Beating of my heart (2012) remix Matisse Sadko
13:34 VHPF - plataforma A 04
13:31 ALEXIA - Number one (1996)
13:31 VHAC - entre músicas 01
13:27 NENÉM - Rap da cabeça (1994)
13:26 VHCN - canal A 01
13:23 GIGI D'AGOSTINO - Another away (1999) edit
13:23 VHSR - sub-rede A 05
13:18 LASGO - Alone (2001) remix edit 1
13:18 VHCT - cantadas A 01
13:15 MC SAR & THE REAL McCOY - Automatic lover (1995) remix
13:14 VHFS - fim de semana A 05
13:11 WHO THE FUNK - Shinny disco balls (2002) edit
13:11 VHPF - plataforma A 09
13:07 MASTERBOY - Is this the love (1994) edit
13:07 VHCN - canal A 04
13:03 HIT MAKERS - Amazing phenomena (1997)
13:03 VHSR - sub-rede A 01
12:57 2 BROTHERS ON THE 4TH FLOOR - Megamix (1994)
12:57 VHCT - cantadas A 03
12:54 KYLIE MINOGUE - In your arms (2003)
12:54 VHAC - entre músicas 02
12:50 ALEXIA - Uh la la la (1997) remix dance
12:50 VHPF - plataforma A 10
12:47 DANIELLE PARIS - I can't stand it (2005)
12:47 VHCN - canal A 02
12:45 VO2 - 9PM till i come (1999) edit
12:45 VHAC - local 01
12:42 YVAN AND DANIEL - Enjoy the silence (2007)
12:42 VHSR - sub-rede A 04
12:37 2 BROTHERS ON THE 4TH FLOOR - Never alone (1994)
12:37 VHCT - cantadas A 02
12:34 BRITNEY SPEARS - Hold it agains't me (2011)
12:33 VHPF - plataforma A 06
12:30 SCHWARZKOPF - Everybody get down (1996) edit
12:30 VHAC - entre músicas 03
12:27 LATINO - Só você (1994)
12:26 VHCN - canal A 03
12:23 SASHA - I want my freedom (1995)
12:23 VHSR - sub-rede A 02
12:19 ORIUN TOO - You and me (2002)
12:19 VHCT - cantadas A 01
12:16 PO.LO - I want you (1995)
12:15 VHFS - fim de semana A 03
12:10 DJ ANTOINE - Underneath (2008)
12:10 VHPF - plataforma A 01
12:06 NOT REAL PRESENCE - Chiki chika (1993)
12:06 VHCN - canal A 01
12:01 ATB - Megamix (1999) remix edit
12:01 VHSR - sub-rede A 01
11:57 JAMIE DEE - People (1994) edit
11:57 VHCT - cantadas A 04
11:54 LEE CABRERA - Shake it (2003)
11:54 VHAC - entre músicas 02
11:50 CULTURE BEAT - Got to get it (1993)
11:50 VHPF - plataforma A 02
11:46 PLAYTHING - Into space (2002)
11:46 VHCN - canal A 02
11:43 CHASE - Obsession (1997) edit
11:43 VHAC - local 07
11:38 MOONY - I don't know i (2008) remix
11:38 VHSR - sub-rede A 03
11:33 HADDAWAY - Life (1993)
11:33 VHCT - cantadas A 05
11:30 THE WANTED - Chasing the sun (2012)
11:30 VHPF - plataforma A 08
11:26 TALESSA - Falling love (1996) edit
11:26 VHAC - entre músicas 04
11:22 LEOZINHO - Se ela dança eu danço (2006)
11:22 VHCN - canal A 04
11:19 ELVISSA - Oh la la la (1997)
11:18 VHSR - sub-rede A 05
11:14 DJ ROSS - Dreamland (2002)
11:14 VHCT - cantadas A 03
11:10 SCATMAN JOHN - Scatman (1994) remix edit
11:10 VHFS - fim de semana A 05
11:07 THE PUSSYCAT DOLLS - I hate this part (2008) remix Dave Aude
11:06 VHPF - plataforma A 07
11:03 EVERYTHING BUT THE GIRL - Missing (1995)
11:03 VHCN - canal A 05
10:59 X-FADE - Here we are (1995) remix freestyle edit
10:58 VHSR - sub-rede A 04
10:55 FUN FORCE - Se fue (1995) edit
10:55 VHCT - cantadas A 05
10:51 DOUBLE DEE - You (2000)
10:51 VHAC - entre músicas 01
10:48 AQUA - Barbie girl (1997)
10:48 VHPF - plataforma A 05
10:44 ATB - You are not alone (2002) edit
10:44 VHCN - canal A 01
10:39 GIGI D'AGOSTINO - I fly with you (1999)
10:39 VHAC - local 03
10:36 MARTIJN TEN VELDEN - I wish u would (2007)
10:36 VHSR - sub-rede A 02
10:32 CO.RO - Because the night (1993)
10:32 VHCT - cantadas A 04
10:29 CALVIN HARRIS - Feel so close (2012)
10:28 VHPF - plataforma A 04
10:25 DR. ALBAN - It's my life (1992)
10:24 VHAC - entre músicas 05
10:21 LATINO - Renata (2004)
10:21 VHCN - canal A 02
10:17 MOVIN MELODIES - Rollerblade (1997) club 69 future mix edit
10:17 VHSR - sub-rede A 01
10:14 MARK'OH - Because i love you (2001)
10:13 VHCT - cantadas A 01
10:11 JOY SALINAS - People talk (1993) edit
10:10 VHFS - fim de semana A 01
10:07 CREW 7 - Eye of the tiger (2006) versão
10:07 VHPF - plataforma A 06
10:02 DUE - Under the same sun (1994)
10:02 VHCN - canal A 04
09:58 MP3 - The rave (1999) remix
09:58 VHSR - sub-rede A 05
09:54 DJ BOBO - Love is all around (1994)
09:54 VHCT - cantadas A 02
09:51 ALEX GAUDINO feat. SHENA - Watch out (2006)
09:51 VHAC - entre músicas 03
09:47 SNAP - Mary had a little boy (1990) edit
09:47 VHPF - plataforma A 07
09:44 CASCADA - Because the night (2008)
09:44 VHCN - canal A 05
09:40 CONNIE NICE - Dancing in the night (1995)
09:40 VHAC - local 06
09:36 FILIPE GUERRA feat LORENA SIMPSON - Can't stop loving you (2009)
09:36 VHSR - sub-rede A 03
09:34 SONG 2 - Song 2 (1997) edit
09:34 VHCT - cantadas A 03
09:30 ZEDD feat HAYLEY WILLIAMS - Stay the night (2013)
09:30 VHPF - plataforma A 09
09:26 PLUS STAPLE - We got to be (1992) single 6
09:25 VHAC - entre músicas 02
09:21 FUNK RIO - Rap do Silva (1995)
09:21 VHCN - canal A 03
09:17 MASTERBOY - Everybody need somebody (1993)
09:17 VHSR - sub-rede A 05
09:14 LASGO - Pray (2002)
09:14 VHCT - cantadas A 05
09:10 DJ COMPANY - Hey everybody (1994)
09:10 VHFS - fim de semana A 04
09:06 CARLO DALLANESE - Monday (2009)
09:06 VHPF - plataforma A 08
09:02 REGINA - Killing me softly (1996) edit
09:02 VHCN - canal A 04
08:58 MEGAMIX - DJ Madiel 2002 edit
08:58 VHSR - sub-rede A 02
08:55 X-PRESSION - This is your night (1994) edit
08:55 VHCT - cantadas A 03
08:51 WHITE HORSE - Wonderland avenue (2005)
08:51 VHAC - entre músicas 03
08:48 GIGI D'AGOSTINO - Another away (1999)
08:48 VHPF - plataforma A 03
08:45 LUKA - Tô nem aí (2003) edit
08:45 VHCN - canal A 02
08:42 INDIANA - All i need is love (1994) edit
08:42 VHAC - local 05
08:38 EIFFEL 65 - The bad touch (2000)
08:38 VHSR - sub-rede A 01
08:35 WHIGFIELD - No tears to cry (1997)
08:34 VHCT - cantadas A 04
08:31 TAIO CRUZ - Dynamite (2010)
08:31 VHPF - plataforma A 05
08:27 OLIVE - You're not alone (1996)
08:27 VHAC - entre músicas 05
08:23 NENÉM - Rap da cabeça (1994)
08:22 VHCN - canal A 03
08:18 CORONA - Megamix (1995)
08:18 VHSR - sub-rede A 03
08:16 DANIELLE - La poupee (2005) remix
08:16 VHCT - cantadas A 01
08:13 SAVAGE - Don't you one me (1994) edit
08:12 VHFS - fim de semana A 03
08:09 SATING ROCK - Don't go (2004)
08:09 VHPF - plataforma A 10
08:05 ALICE DEEJAY - Better of alone (1999)
08:05 VHCN - canal A 01
08:02 MEGAMIX - DJ Madiel 2000 (parte 02) edit
08:02 VHSR - sub-rede A 04
07:58 ORANGE BLUE - Sunshine of my life (1995)
07:58 VHCT - cantadas A 02
07:55 ERIC PRYDZ - Call on me (2004)
07:55 VHAC - entre músicas 04
07:52 2 BROTHERS ON THE 4TH FLOOR - Let me the free (1994)
07:51 VHPF - plataforma A 01
07:48 GABRY PONTE - Dragostea din tei (2004)
07:47 VHCN - canal A 05
07:44 GALA - Come into my life (1997) remix
07:44 VHAC - local 04
07:40 SEPTEMBER - Cry for you (2006-11-29)
07:40 VHSR - sub-rede A 01
07:36 WHIGFIELD - Guime guime (1996)
07:36 VHCT - cantadas A 02
07:32 USHER - Scream (2012)
07:32 VHPF - plataforma A 02
07:30 THE JOCKER'S - Cowboy (1993) edit
07:29 VHAC - entre músicas 01
07:26 ROBINHO DA PRATA - Copo de vinho (2007)
07:26 VHCN - canal A 01
07:22 WHIGFIELD - Sexy eyes (1995)
07:22 VHSR - sub-rede A 03
07:19 CRAZY FROG - Axe F (2005)
07:19 VHCT - cantadas A 05
07:15 NICK FRENCH - Te amo (1996)
07:15 VHFS - fim de semana A 02
07:11 KASINO - Stay tonight (2005)
07:11 VHPF - plataforma A 08
07:07 NEVADA - Feels like heaven (1996)
07:07 VHCN - canal A 03
07:03 KELLY KEY - Anjo (2002) remix edit
07:03 VHSR - sub-rede A 02
06:59 DOUBLE YOU - Somebody (1998)
06:59 VHCT - cantadas A 01
06:56 TAYLOR SWIFT - Love story (2008) remix
06:56 VHAC - entre músicas 05
06:51 T.H. EXPRESS - I'm on your side (1995) edit
06:51 VHPF - plataforma A 01
06:48 ANN WINSBORN - Everything i do (2002)
06:48 VHCN - canal A 04
06:44 EL SIMBOLO - No te preocupes (1996)
06:44 VHAC - local 08
06:41 DAVID GUETTA feat CHRIS WILLIS - Tomorow can wait (2007)
06:41 VHSR - sub-rede A 04
06:36 LA BOUCHE - I love to love you (1995) edit
06:36 VHCT - cantadas A 04
06:33 DAVID GUETTA feat FLO RIDA and NICK MINAJ - Where them girls at (2012)
06:33 VHPF - plataforma A 07
06:29 SHE MOOVES - Breaking all the rules (1997) remix Berman Brothers Dance edit
06:29 VHAC - entre músicas 04
06:27 TATI QUEBRA BARRACO - Boladona (2005)
06:27 VHCN - canal A 02
06:23 CORONA - Baby baby (1995)
06:23 VHSR - sub-rede A 05
06:20 MADELYNE - Beautiful chaos (2002)
06:20 VHCT - cantadas A 03
06:16 ACTIVATE - Save me (1995) remix
06:16 VHFS - fim de semana A 02
06:12 LATINO - Festa no apê (2004)
06:12 VHPF - plataforma A 06
06:08 OUTRA CONTROL - One of us (1996)
06:08 VHCN - canal A 05
06:05 ROULA - Lick it (1998) mono remix freestyle
06:04 VHSR - sub-rede A 01
06:01 ANTARES - Ride on a meteorite (1995) edit
06:01 VHCT - cantadas A 04
05:58 ERIKA - I don't know (2003) remix
05:57 VHAC - entre músicas 01
05:53 NO MERCY - Where do you go (1996)
05:53 VHPF - plataforma A 10
05:49 DJ ENCORE feat. ENGELINA - I see right through to you (2001)
05:49 VHCN - canal A 02
05:47 DJ TRAGIC - Show me your face (1997) edit
05:47 VHAC - local 06
05:42 ROGER SANCHEZ - Another change (2001)
05:42 VHSR - sub-rede A 02
05:40 L.A. STYLE - Got to move (1995) mono edit
05:40 VHCT - cantadas A 03
05:37 ICONA POP feat CHARLI XCX - I love it (2012)
05:37 VHPF - plataforma A 02
05:33 DAVID & WILLY DJ'S - Turbo 90 Megamix (1994)
05:33 VHAC - entre músicas 03
05:28 BONDE DO TIGRÃO - Pout-pourri (2000)
05:28 VHCN - canal A 03
05:24 LA BOUCHE - Sweet dreams (1994) edit remix
05:24 VHSR - sub-rede A 04
05:20 IAN VAN DAHL feat MARSHA - Castles in the sky (2001)
05:20 VHCT - cantadas A 05
05:16 DARKNESS - I my dreams (1994)
05:16 VHFS - fim de semana A 04
05:12 DAFT PUNK - One more time (2001)
05:12 VHPF - plataforma A 09
05:09 ODYSSEY - Everybody moove (1994) mono edit
05:08 VHCN - canal A 04
05:06 VENGABOYS - Up & down (1999) remix freestyle DJ Dayvid edit
05:06 VHSR - sub-rede A 03
05:01 ROBIN S - Show me love (1993)
05:01 VHCT - cantadas A 02
04:59 ROBYN feat KLEERUP - With every heartbeat (2008) remix
04:58 VHAC - entre músicas 02
04:55 EARTHA KITT - Where is my man (1994)
04:54 VHPF - plataforma A 03
04:51 ATB - Hold you (2002) radio 2
04:51 VHCN - canal A 05
04:47 DJ CERLA feat BROWNSTONE - Everybody pom pom (1995)
04:47 VHAC - local 03
04:43 IAN VAN DAHL feat ANNE GRACE - Movin on (2006) remix edit
04:43 VHSR - sub-rede A 05
04:39 GOTTSHA - Bad boy (1995)
04:39 VHCT - cantadas A 01
04:35 FLO RIDA feat SIA - Wild ones (2012)
04:35 VHPF - plataforma A 05
04:32 ALEXIA - Number one (1996) remix
04:32 VHAC - entre músicas 04
04:28 LATINO - Só você (1994)
04:28 VHCN - canal A 01
04:24 AFRIKA BAMBAATAA - Feel the vibe (1994)
04:24 VHSR - sub-rede A 01
04:20 DJ PPK - Resurrection (2001) remix edit
04:20 VHCT - cantadas A 03
04:16 ROULA - Lick it (1994)
04:16 VHFS - fim de semana A 05
04:09 VERÃO - Megahits (2009)
04:09 VHPF - plataforma A 04
04:05 OS CAVALEIROS DO ZODÍACO - Tema TV Manchete (1995)
04:05 VHCN - canal A 03
04:00 SARINA PARIS - Look me us (2000) remix Madiel edit
04:00 VHSR - sub-rede A 03
03:57 NETZWERK - Passion (1995) edit
03:56 VHCT - cantadas A 02
03:53 DANNI CARLOS - Coisas que eu sei (2007) remix dance
03:53 VHAC - entre músicas 03
03:50 RANDY BUSH - Sound like a melody (1995) remix edit
03:50 VHPF - plataforma A 06
03:47 FRAGMA - Every time you need me (2001)
03:46 VHCN - canal A 02
03:43 L.A. STYLE - I'm raving, o si nene (1992) edit
03:43 VHAC - local 07
03:39 KYLIE MINOGUE - I can't get you out of my head (2001)
03:39 VHSR - sub-rede A 04
03:36 LA BOUCHE - Sweet dreams (1994)
03:35 VHCT - cantadas A 05
03:32 FLO RIDA - I cry (2012)
03:32 VHPF - plataforma A 03
03:28 JAKIE Ó - Wonderwall (1996)
03:28 VHAC - entre músicas 05
03:26 TAFFAREL & DANDA - Rap do festival (1994) edit
03:25 VHCN - canal A 01
03:21 ICE MC feat ALEXIA - Megamix (1994)
03:21 VHSR - sub-rede A 02
03:18 MADONNA - What it feels like for a girl (2002) remix Above & Beyond
03:18 VHCT - cantadas A 04
03:14 GIGI D'AGOSTINO - The riddle (1999)
03:14 VHFS - fim de semana A 03
03:11 FEDO MORA - After the rain (2008)
03:11 VHPF - plataforma A 05
03:07 LINA SANTIAGO - It's feel so good (1996) radio remix
03:07 VHCN - canal A 05
03:04 DJ DAYVID - Megamix funk Rio (2002)
03:03 VHSR - sub-rede A 05
03:00 REBECA - Mas que un engano (1995)
03:00 VHCT - cantadas A 01
02:56 GLOBAL DEEJAYS - The sound of San Francisco (2004)
02:56 VHAC - entre músicas 02
02:51 LE CLICK - Tonight is the night (1993) edit
02:51 VHPF - plataforma A 08
02:48 IAN VAN DAHL feat ANNE GRACE - Reason (2002) remix club edit
02:48 VHCN - canal A 04
02:44 DR. ALBAN - More in more (1993)
02:44 VHAC - local 10
02:40 AKCENT - That's my name (2009)
02:40 VHSR - sub-rede A 05
02:36 ALEXIA - The summer is crazy (1996)
02:35 VHCT - cantadas A 04
02:32 SWEDISH HOUSE MAFIA feat JOHN MARTIN - Save the world (2012) remix Knife Party edit
02:32 VHPF - plataforma A 07
02:28 FOURTEEN 14 - Goodbye (1994) edit
02:28 VHAC - entre músicas 01
02:26 SERGINHO - Eguinha pocotó (2002)
02:26 VHCN - canal A 02
02:22 TALESSA - You and me (1997)
02:22 VHSR - sub-rede A 01
02:18 ORIUN TOO - You and me (2002)
02:18 VHCT - cantadas A 03
02:13 MÁQUINA TOTAL - Megamix (1993)
02:13 VHFS - fim de semana A 01
02:09 DISCO KINGS - Born to be alive (2005) versão
02:09 VHPF - plataforma A 04
02:04 MARTINE - That girl (1994)
02:04 VHCN - canal A 01
02:00 ROBBIN FOX - It's gonna be ok (2001) remix edit
02:00 VHSR - sub-rede A 02
01:56 CHER - Believe (1998)
01:56 VHCT - cantadas A 01
01:53 VANESSA DA MATA - Ai ai, ai (2005)
01:53 VHAC - entre músicas 01
01:49 LOFT - Hold on (1994)
01:49 VHPF - plataforma A 01
01:45 GROOVE COVERAGE - God is a girl (2002)
01:45 VHCN - canal A 03
01:41 MC SAR & THE REAL McCOY - Automatic lover (1995)
01:41 VHAC - local 01
01:37 SQUARE HEADS - Happy (2001)
01:37 VHSR - sub-rede A 04
01:34 DOUBLE YOU feat ALEXIA - I got to love (1994)
01:34 VHCT - cantadas A 05
01:30 AVICII - Hey brother (2012) clipe
01:30 VHPF - plataforma A 02
01:27 FUNK GREEN DOGS - Fired (1996) edit
01:27 VHAC - entre músicas 02
01:23 LATINO - Só você, Não adianta chorar (1994)
01:22 VHCN - canal A 04
01:19 REGINA - Day by day (1997)
01:19 VHSR - sub-rede A 03
01:15 MARKUS - Superlove (2002)
01:15 VHCT - cantadas A 02
01:12 MOUSSE T feat HOT'N JUICY - Horny (1998)
01:11 VHFS - fim de semana A 04
01:08 MOONY - I don't know i (2008)
01:07 VHPF - plataforma A 10
01:04 DJ TURURU - Cowntdown (1995) edit
01:04 VHCN - canal A 05
00:59 DJ CAPE - Sweet dreams (2001) remix freestyle
00:59 VHSR - sub-rede A 03
00:55 NEW SYSTEM - Let me take (1996) edit
00:55 VHCT - cantadas A 01
00:51 MAGIC BOX - This is better (2003)
00:51 VHAC - entre músicas 04
00:48 PLUS STAPLE - We got to be (1992) single 1
00:48 VHPF - plataforma A 09
00:44 ATB - Hold you (2002) radio 2
00:44 VHCN - canal A 03
00:41 OUTTA CONTROL - Sinful wishes (1996)
00:41 VHAC - local 09
00:37 MAD HOUSE - Like a prayer (2002)
00:37 VHSR - sub-rede A 04
00:34 NEVADA - Take me to heaven (1994) edit
00:33 VHCT - cantadas A 02
00:30 ADELE - Skyfall (2012) Cameran James remix
00:30 VHPF - plataforma A 10
00:26 ICE MC feat ALEXIA - It's rainny day (1994)
00:26 VHAC - entre músicas 03
00:22 MARCELO & PADILHA - Rap do curral (1994)
00:22 VHCN - canal A 05
00:18 THE OUTHERE BROTHER'S - La la la hey hey (1995) edit
00:18 VHSR - sub-rede A 01
00:15 BRITNEY SPEARS - Everytime (2003) remix Above and Beyond edit
00:15 VHCT - cantadas A 04
00:11 G.E.M. - I feel you tonight (1994) edit
00:10 VHFS - fim de semana A 01
00:07 BEYONCÉ - Single ladies (2008) remix Dave Aude edit
00:07 VHPF - plataforma A 06
00:04 DR. ALBAN - Let the beat go on (1994) edit
00:04 VHCN - canal A 02
00:00 GENUWINE - Pony (1997) remix edit
00:00 VHSR - sub-rede A 02

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