23:59 |
Tavares - Heaven - Must - Be - Missing - An - Angel - 1976
23:57 |
The - Velvets - Lana - 1961
23:52 |
Viola - Wills - If - You - Could - Read - My - Mind
23:48 |
Lupe - Fiasco - The - Show - Goes - 2015
23:44 |
Faith - Band - Dancin - Shoes - 1978
23:41 |
The - Timetones - In - My - Hear - 1961
23:38 |
Healing - Force - Golden - Miles - 1971
23:33 |
The - Jeff - Healey - Band - While - My - Guitar - Gently - Weep
23:26 |
Jimmy - Bo - Horne - You - Get - Me - Hot - 1979
23:21 |
Marty - Balin - Hearts - 1981
23:18 |
Dan - Fogelberg - Longer - 1979
23:16 |
Petula - Clark - Hello - Dolly
23:13 |
R - B - Greaves - Take - A - Letter - Maria - 1970
23:09 |
Mom - S - Apple - Pie - Dawn - Of - A - New - Day - 1972
23:07 |
The - Stone - Poneys - Feat - Linda - Ronstadt - Different
23:02 |
John - Michael - Montgomery - I - Swear - 1994
22:57 |
Average - White - Band - Let - S - Go - Round - Again - 1980
22:53 |
Claude - Baylet - Pour - Notre - Amour - 1976
22:49 |
Whitney - Houston - Greatest - Love - Of - All - 1987
22:45 |
Solid - Citizens - Singing - In - The - Shower - 1984
22:43 |
Freddy - Fender - Before - The - Next - Teardrop - Falls - 197
22:43 |
Difusora - Jet - Music
22:39 |
Michel - Delpech - Pour - Un - Flirt - Avec - Toi
22:36 |
The - Manhattan - Transfer - Wacky - Dust - 1979
22:32 |
Chicago - If - You - Leave - Me - Now
22:28 |
Gary - Wright - Dream - Weaver - V1992
22:23 |
Mary - Hopkin - Those - Were - The - Days - 1968
22:18 |
Culture - Club - Love - Is - Love - 80s
22:14 |
Toby - Beau - My - Angel - Baby - 1978
22:12 |
Continental - Uptight - Band - On - The - Ride - 1972
22:08 |
Silver - Convention - Chains - Of - Love - 1975
22:05 |
New - Colony - Six - Never - Be - Lonely - 1968
22:02 |
Bob - Seger - Still - The - Same - 1978
21:59 |
Bill - Deal - E - Rhondels - Hold - Back - The - Night - 1969
21:58 |
A - Musica - Nao - Para
21:55 |
Hurricane - Smith - Oh - Babe - What - Would - You - Say - 1972
21:52 |
Johnny - Nash - Stir - It - Up - 1973
21:49 |
The - Friends - Of - Distinction - Grazing - In - The - Grass
21:46 |
The - 5th - Dimension - Living - Togheter - Growing - Toghe
21:42 |
Dean - Taylor - Taos - New - Mexico
21:39 |
Billy - Preston - E - Syreeta - E - With - You - I - M - Born - Aga
21:38 |
Voce - E - A - Difusora
21:33 |
Andrew - Sixty - Caterina - 1995
21:30 |
Sugar - Baby - Love - The - Rubettes - 1974
21:28 |
The - Chimes - Im - In - The - Mood - For - Love - 1961
21:24 |
Ages - And - Ages - Divisionary - 2014
21:21 |
Johnny - Restivo - Last - Night - At - The - Back - Porch
21:19 |
Jefferson - Baby - Take - Me - In - Your - Arms - 1969
21:16 |
Liner - You - And - Me
21:13 |
Jerry - Lee - Lewis - I - M - On - Fire - 1958
21:11 |
Skeeter - Davis - I - Can - T - Stay - Mad - At - You - 1963
21:08 |
The - Fortunes - Here - Comes - That - Rainy - Day - Feeling - A
21:06 |
Tokens - The - Lion - Sleeps - Tonight - 1961
21:04 |
Elvis - Presley - Hound - Dog - 1957
21:03 |
Vinheta - Flash - Back
21:00 |
Creedence - Clearwater - Revival - Cotton - Fields - 1969
20:56 |
George - Michael - Kissing - A - Foll
20:51 |
Frank - Sinatra - My - Way - 1969
20:48 |
Suzi - Quatro - I - Wanna - Be - Your - Man - 1973
20:44 |
Yellowstone - E - Voice - Philosopher - 1972
20:40 |
The - Third - Time - Around - Soon - Everything - Is - Gonna - Be
20:39 |
Difusora - Zyk
20:37 |
Little - Richard - Good - Golly - Miss - Molly - 1958
20:34 |
Olivia - Newton - John - And - John - Travolta - Summer - Night
20:30 |
Eddie - Rabbit - Crystal - Gayle - You - And - I
20:27 |
Guilherme - Arantes - Meu - Mundo - E - Nada - Mais - 1976
20:24 |
Los - Bravos - Black - Is - Black - 1966
20:19 |
Chris - De - Burgh - Flying - 1974
20:19 |
Radiosnet - Feminina
20:15 |
David - Batteau - Happy - In - Hollywood
20:12 |
Peggy - March - If - You - Loved - Me - Soul - Coaxing - Ame - C
20:08 |
Hello - People - It - Wouldn - T - Have - Made - Any - Differenc
20:03 |
Steve - Winwood - While - You - See - A - Chance
19:59 |
Club - De - Belugas - Ft - Fred - Astaire - Puttin - On - The
19:57 |
Ray - Charles - Hit - The - Road - Jack - 1961
19:56 |
Cxradio - Fem
19:54 |
George Harrison - Don't Let Me Wait Too Long
19:51 |
Ohio - Express - Yummy - Yummy - Yummy - 1968
19:47 |
Aphrodite - S - Child - Such - A - Funny - Night
19:44 |
Bill - Haley - And - His - Comets - Rip - It - Up - 1956
19:42 |
The - Duprees - You - Belong - To - Me - 1962
19:36 |
Yvonne - Elliman - Love - Pains - 1977
19:36 |
Som Alegria
19:33 |
Sylvia - Tyson - New - Truckers - Cafe
19:30 |
Earth - Wind - Fire - Evil - 1971
19:25 |
Jon - And - Vangelis - I - Hear - You - Now
19:22 |
Gary - Lewis - And - The - Playboys - Everybody - Loves - A - Cl
19:15 |
The - Raspberries - I - Can - Remember - 1972
19:09 |
Veronica - Unlimited - What - Kind - Of - Dance - Is - This - 1
19:05 |
Wild - Cherry - Hold - On - 1977
19:02 |
Kenny - Nolan - My - Eyes - Get - Blurry - 1976
18:59 |
Stallion - Old - Fashioned - Boy - 1977
18:54 |
David - Ruffin - My - Whole - World - Ended - 1969
18:50 |
Glenn - Medeiros - Nothing - Gonna - Change - My - Love - For
18:47 |
Kiss - Rock - And - Roll - All - Nite - 1975
18:47 |
Difusora - Jet - Music
18:43 |
Starbuck - Moonlight - Feels - Right - 1976
18:40 |
Pilot - I - Wonder
18:37 |
Greenfield - E - Cook - Don - T - Turn - Me - Loose - 1972
18:34 |
Boney - M - Gotta - Go - Home - 1979
18:31 |
Eddie - Clearwater - Boogie - Woogie - Baby
18:28 |
The - Mystics - Darling - I - Know - Now - 1961
18:26 |
John - Foster - Al - Primo - Quarto - Di - Luna - 1965
18:23 |
Wing - And - A - Prayer - Baby - Face - 1975
18:20 |
1910 - Fruitgum - Company - 1 - 2 - 3 - Red - Light - 1968
18:17 |
Lynsey - De - Paul - Sugar - Me - 1972
18:13 |
Goldie - Making - Up - Again - 1978
18:11 |
Barry - Manilow - Oh - Julie
18:07 |
Cher - Believe - 1998
18:04 |
Brotherhood - Of - Man - Save - Your - Kisses - For - Me - 1976
18:02 |
Celly - Campello - Querido - Cupido - 1959
17:59 |
Danny - And - The - Juniors - At - The - Hop - 1958
17:57 |
Little - Jimmy - Osmond - Mother - Of - Mine - 1973
17:54 |
The - Beatles - With - A - Little - Help - From - My - 1967
17:52 |
The - Executives - It - S - A - Happening - World - 1967
17:51 |
Cxradio - Fem
17:48 |
Earth - Wind - Fire - Brazilian - Rhyme - 1977
17:42 |
Gerry - Rafferty - Baker - Street - 1978
17:40 |
The - Platters - Twilight - Time - 1958
17:37 |
Anita - Kerr - Singers - What - S - New - Pussycat - 1967
17:34 |
Cat - Stevens - Morning - Has - Broken - 1971
17:31 |
The - Buoys - Timothy - 1971
17:31 |
Som Alegria
17:26 |
Rod - Stewart - Young - Turks
17:23 |
The - Diamonds - Little - Darlin - 1957
17:20 |
Yes - Your - Move - 1972
17:17 |
The - Heavy - Blinkers - Maplewood
17:13 |
Teri - Desario - Ain - T - Nothing - Gonna - Keep - Me - From - Y
17:11 |
Al - Caiola - Theme - From - The - Magnificent - Seven - Marl
17:06 |
Dollar - I - Need - Your - Love - 1979
17:01 |
Average - White - Band - Let - S - Go - Round - Again - 1980
16:58 |
Claude - Baylet - Pour - Notre - Amour - 1976
16:53 |
Whitney - Houston - Greatest - Love - Of - All - 1987
16:50 |
Solid - Citizens - Singing - In - The - Shower - 1984
16:47 |
Freddy - Fender - Before - The - Next - Teardrop - Falls - 197
16:43 |
Michel - Delpech - Pour - Un - Flirt - Avec - Toi
16:40 |
The - Manhattan - Transfer - Wacky - Dust - 1979
16:36 |
Chicago - If - You - Leave - Me - Now
16:32 |
Gary - Wright - Dream - Weaver - V1992
16:27 |
Mary - Hopkin - Those - Were - The - Days - 1968
16:22 |
Culture - Club - Love - Is - Love - 80s
16:19 |
Toby - Beau - My - Angel - Baby - 1978
16:16 |
Continental - Uptight - Band - On - The - Ride - 1972
16:12 |
Silver - Convention - Chains - Of - Love - 1975
16:10 |
New - Colony - Six - Never - Be - Lonely - 1968
16:06 |
Bob - Seger - Still - The - Same - 1978
16:04 |
Bill - Deal - E - Rhondels - Hold - Back - The - Night - 1969
16:03 |
A - Musica - Nao - Para
15:59 |
Hurricane - Smith - Oh - Babe - What - Would - You - Say - 1972
15:56 |
Johnny - Nash - Stir - It - Up - 1973
15:53 |
The - Friends - Of - Distinction - Grazing - In - The - Grass
15:50 |
The - 5th - Dimension - Living - Togheter - Growing - Toghe
15:47 |
Dean - Taylor - Taos - New - Mexico
15:43 |
Billy - Preston - E - Syreeta - E - With - You - I - M - Born - Aga
15:42 |
Voce - E - A - Difusora
15:38 |
Andrew - Sixty - Caterina - 1995
15:34 |
Sugar - Baby - Love - The - Rubettes - 1974
15:32 |
The - Chimes - Im - In - The - Mood - For - Love - 1961
15:28 |
Ages - And - Ages - Divisionary - 2014
15:26 |
Johnny - Restivo - Last - Night - At - The - Back - Porch
15:23 |
Jefferson - Baby - Take - Me - In - Your - Arms - 1969
15:20 |
Liner - You - And - Me
15:18 |
Jerry - Lee - Lewis - I - M - On - Fire - 1958
15:16 |
Skeeter - Davis - I - Can - T - Stay - Mad - At - You - 1963
15:13 |
The - Fortunes - Here - Comes - That - Rainy - Day - Feeling - A
15:10 |
Tokens - The - Lion - Sleeps - Tonight - 1961
15:08 |
Elvis - Presley - Hound - Dog - 1957
15:05 |
Creedence - Clearwater - Revival - Cotton - Fields - 1969
15:00 |
George - Michael - Kissing - A - Foll
14:56 |
Frank - Sinatra - My - Way - 1969
14:52 |
Suzi - Quatro - I - Wanna - Be - Your - Man - 1973
14:49 |
Yellowstone - E - Voice - Philosopher - 1972
14:44 |
The - Third - Time - Around - Soon - Everything - Is - Gonna - Be
14:42 |
Little - Richard - Good - Golly - Miss - Molly - 1958
14:38 |
Olivia - Newton - John - And - John - Travolta - Summer - Night
14:34 |
Eddie - Rabbit - Crystal - Gayle - You - And - I
14:31 |
Guilherme - Arantes - Meu - Mundo - E - Nada - Mais - 1976
14:28 |
Los - Bravos - Black - Is - Black - 1966
14:24 |
Chris - De - Burgh - Flying - 1974
14:23 |
Radiosnet - Feminina
14:19 |
David - Batteau - Happy - In - Hollywood
14:16 |
Peggy - March - If - You - Loved - Me - Soul - Coaxing - Ame - C
14:12 |
Hello - People - It - Wouldn - T - Have - Made - Any - Differenc
14:07 |
Steve - Winwood - While - You - See - A - Chance
14:03 |
Club - De - Belugas - Ft - Fred - Astaire - Puttin - On - The
14:01 |
Ray - Charles - Hit - The - Road - Jack - 1961
14:01 |
Cxradio - Fem
13:58 |
George Harrison - Don't Let Me Wait Too Long
13:55 |
Ohio - Express - Yummy - Yummy - Yummy - 1968
13:51 |
Aphrodite - S - Child - Such - A - Funny - Night
13:49 |
Bill - Haley - And - His - Comets - Rip - It - Up - 1956
13:46 |
The - Duprees - You - Belong - To - Me - 1962
13:41 |
Yvonne - Elliman - Love - Pains - 1977
13:40 |
Som Alegria
13:37 |
Sylvia - Tyson - New - Truckers - Cafe
13:34 |
Earth - Wind - Fire - Evil - 1971
13:29 |
Jon - And - Vangelis - I - Hear - You - Now
13:27 |
Gary - Lewis - And - The - Playboys - Everybody - Loves - A - Cl
13:19 |
The - Raspberries - I - Can - Remember - 1972
13:14 |
Veronica - Unlimited - What - Kind - Of - Dance - Is - This - 1
13:10 |
Wild - Cherry - Hold - On - 1977
13:06 |
Kenny - Nolan - My - Eyes - Get - Blurry - 1976
13:03 |
Stallion - Old - Fashioned - Boy - 1977
12:58 |
David - Ruffin - My - Whole - World - Ended - 1969
12:54 |
Glenn - Medeiros - Nothing - Gonna - Change - My - Love - For
12:51 |
Kiss - Rock - And - Roll - All - Nite - 1975
12:48 |
Starbuck - Moonlight - Feels - Right - 1976
12:44 |
Pilot - I - Wonder
12:42 |
Greenfield - E - Cook - Don - T - Turn - Me - Loose - 1972
12:38 |
Boney - M - Gotta - Go - Home - 1979
12:35 |
Eddie - Clearwater - Boogie - Woogie - Baby
12:33 |
The - Mystics - Darling - I - Know - Now - 1961
12:30 |
John - Foster - Al - Primo - Quarto - Di - Luna - 1965
12:27 |
Wing - And - A - Prayer - Baby - Face - 1975
12:25 |
1910 - Fruitgum - Company - 1 - 2 - 3 - Red - Light - 1968
12:21 |
Lynsey - De - Paul - Sugar - Me - 1972
12:17 |
Goldie - Making - Up - Again - 1978
12:15 |
Barry - Manilow - Oh - Julie
12:11 |
Cher - Believe - 1998
12:08 |
Brotherhood - Of - Man - Save - Your - Kisses - For - Me - 1976
12:06 |
Celly - Campello - Querido - Cupido - 1959
12:02 |
Electric Light Orchestra - Confusion
11:59 |
BestMusicBrazil - Beto Barbosa -- Preta
11:55 |
Lakshmi Shankar - Iam Missing You1974
11:52 |
Emotions - Best Of My Love 1977
11:46 |
The Dave Brubeck Quartet - Take Five 1959
11:45 |
A - Musica - Nao - Para
11:42 |
Mama Cass Elliott - Dream A Little Dream Of Me
11:38 |
The Voices - Sing A Happy Song
11:35 |
Chaka Khan - Got To Be There
11:27 |
11:22 |
Cris Caldas - Minha Trilha Sonora! - Não Vá Sandra De Sá (legendado) HD.
11:18 |
Som Alegria
11:13 |
SuperTramp - Long Way Home
11:09 |
Jose Augusto - Eu E Voce 1989
11:04 |
Phenomena - Did It All for Love
11:01 |
Lou Christie - I M Gonna Get Married
10:57 |
10:53 |
Shayne Ward - Stand By Me 2006
10:49 |
Liverpool Express - Every Man Must Have a Dream
10:44 |
Gilberto Gil - Esperando na Janela
10:39 |
lamiamusica66 - Bebu Silvetti - Spring Rain 1976
10:36 |
Three Degrees - Will I See You Again 1974
10:33 |
10:33 |
Difusora - Jet - Music
10:29 |
Get Up And Boogie - Silver Convention - Get Up And Boogie
10:25 |
Richard Anthony - Pleure Le Vent 1975
10:20 |
Alice Cooper - You and Me
10:17 |
C B Victoria - I Don T Believe In Miracle 1976
10:15 |
Raindrops - The Kind Of Boy You Can Forget
10:12 |
Andy Williams - Music To Watch Girls By
10:10 |
Trini Lopez - Perfidia
10:06 |
egaygigi - I'm in you -Peter Frampton 1977
10:03 |
Luis Guedes E Thomas Roth - Ela Sabe Demais 1983
09:59 |
The Stylistics - Let S Put It All Together
09:53 |
Showdown - Keep Doin' It
09:50 |
Bob Goldfinger - Goodbye My Love Goodbye
09:50 |
Cxradio - Fem
09:46 |
MAURICIO VIDEOSHD - Trio Los Angeles - Transas e Caretas (Clube do Bolinha) 1988
09:43 |
Jesse - Solidao De Amigos 1982
09:39 |
ThePoliceVEVO - The Police - Every Little Thing She Does Is Magic
09:36 |
Ronaldo Reseda - Kitch Zona Sul
09:32 |
PHYLLIS HYMAN - You Know How To Love Me 1979
09:27 |
Cidade Negra E Lulu Santos - Sabado A Noite
09:26 |
A - Musica - Nao - Para
09:23 |
Andy Kim - Baby I Love You
09:20 |
Lobao - Chorando No Campo 1987
09:15 |
The Knack - My Sharona 1979
09:12 |
Marilia Pera - Lourinha 1971
09:10 |
Johnny Nash - I Can See Clearly Now 1972
09:07 |
Donny Osmond - Puppy Love
09:06 |
Som Alegria
09:02 |
Talk Talk - It's My Life (1997 Remaster)
08:59 |
Donna Summer - Could It Be Magic
08:54 |
Ricardo Cocciante - Marguerita
08:51 |
A.R KHAN - Everybody everywhere needs to play more
08:48 |
Paul Anka - Havin My Baby
08:45 |
08:45 |
Voce - E - A - Difusora
08:42 |
Morris Albert - So Good To Me 1977
08:39 |
Hurricane Smith - Who Was It
08:36 |
OscarCS Motion Graphics - THE CURE: "In Between Days"
08:32 |
Anne Andersen - Last Dance 1978
08:30 |
Paulo Trindade - Greg Williams - Baby You Don't Know (Studio M)
08:27 |
Happenings The - See You In September 1966
08:23 |
Murray Head - Jesus Christ Superstar 1970
08:18 |
08:13 |
ABBA - The Winner Takes It All
08:10 |
Bread - Never Let Her Go
08:08 |
The Tremeloes - Western Union
08:04 |
Jorge Benjor - Os Alquimistas Estao Chegando 1974
08:04 |
Radiosnet - Feminina
08:02 |
Annette Funicello - California Sun
08:00 |
The Shakers - Never Never
07:58 |
Tubodobeto Beto Fae - Shirley&Alfred-Kid Games and Nursery Rhymes
07:54 |
Peaches And Herb - Reunited 1979
07:50 |
I Santo California - Tornero
07:46 |
Dschinghis Khan - Moskau
07:46 |
Ouca - Essa - E - A - Difusora
07:43 |
The - Dooleys - Absolutely - Wild - Over - You - 1978
07:40 |
Matia Bazar - Solo Tu
07:37 |
Creedence - Molina
07:33 |
When You Re Loved - Debby Boone 1978
07:28 |
Pendergrass Teddy - Wake Up Everybody
07:23 |
Neil Diamond - Heartlight 1982
07:20 |
Eduardo Dusek - Aventura 1999
07:15 |
Bruce Hornsby - The Way It Is
07:11 |
Kenny Rogers E Bee Gees - You And I 1983
07:08 |
The Danny Diaz Trio - Baby I Won T Let You Down 1971
07:04 |
Gerry Rafferty - Right Down The Line 1979
07:01 |
King - Harvest - Hickory - 1973
06:57 |
Steve Feldman - Let Me Be Forever 1975
06:53 |
Lo Borges - Tudo Que Voce Podia Ser 1972
06:50 |
Ritchie Family - American Generation 1979
06:46 |
Christopher Cross - Tootsie
06:43 |
The Beatles Magical Mystery Tour 1967
06:39 |
Mike E The Mechanics - Taken In 1985
06:38 |
Difusora - Jet - Music
06:35 |
blinko656 - Boogie Woogie Country Girl
06:32 |
The Beatles - Penny Lane
06:30 |
Engenheiros Do Hawaii - Somos Quem Podemos Ser
06:26 |
Rita Coolidge - Words 1978
06:21 |
Inimigos da HP - Bons Momentos
06:18 |
Toast And Marmelade For Tea - Is That The Way
06:14 |
Peter Frampton - Show Me The Way
06:12 |
wwxxab - The Jiants - She's my woman
06:09 |
Buggles - Video Killed The Radio Star 1979
06:04 |
Blue Magic - Just Don T Want To Be Lonely
06:00 |
Neil Diamond - September Morn 1979
05:56 |
The Isley Brothers - The Highways Of My Life 1973
05:56 |
Cxradio - Fem
05:53 |
Carpenters The - Top Of The World 1974
05:49 |
Electric Light Orchestra - Confusion
05:46 |
BestMusicBrazil - Beto Barbosa -- Preta
05:42 |
Lakshmi Shankar - Iam Missing You1974
05:38 |
Emotions - Best Of My Love 1977
05:33 |
The Dave Brubeck Quartet - Take Five 1959
05:32 |
A - Musica - Nao - Para
05:29 |
Mama Cass Elliott - Dream A Little Dream Of Me
05:25 |
The Voices - Sing A Happy Song
05:22 |
Chaka Khan - Got To Be There
05:13 |
05:09 |
Cris Caldas - Minha Trilha Sonora! - Não Vá Sandra De Sá (legendado) HD.
04:56 |
Jose Augusto - Eu E Voce 1989
04:51 |
Phenomena - Did It All for Love
04:48 |
Lou Christie - I M Gonna Get Married
04:44 |
04:40 |
Shayne Ward - Stand By Me 2006
04:36 |
Liverpool Express - Every Man Must Have a Dream
04:31 |
Gilberto Gil - Esperando na Janela
04:25 |
lamiamusica66 - Bebu Silvetti - Spring Rain 1976
04:22 |
Three Degrees - Will I See You Again 1974
04:20 |
04:20 |
Difusora - Jet - Music
04:16 |
Get Up And Boogie - Silver Convention - Get Up And Boogie
04:12 |
Richard Anthony - Pleure Le Vent 1975
04:07 |
Alice Cooper - You and Me
04:04 |
C B Victoria - I Don T Believe In Miracle 1976
04:02 |
Raindrops - The Kind Of Boy You Can Forget
03:59 |
Andy Williams - Music To Watch Girls By
03:57 |
Trini Lopez - Perfidia
03:53 |
egaygigi - I'm in you -Peter Frampton 1977
03:50 |
Luis Guedes E Thomas Roth - Ela Sabe Demais 1983
03:46 |
The Stylistics - Let S Put It All Together
03:40 |
Showdown - Keep Doin' It
03:37 |
Bob Goldfinger - Goodbye My Love Goodbye
03:37 |
Cxradio - Fem
03:33 |
MAURICIO VIDEOSHD - Trio Los Angeles - Transas e Caretas (Clube do Bolinha) 1988
03:30 |
Jesse - Solidao De Amigos 1982
03:26 |
ThePoliceVEVO - The Police - Every Little Thing She Does Is Magic
03:23 |
Ronaldo Reseda - Kitch Zona Sul
03:18 |
PHYLLIS HYMAN - You Know How To Love Me 1979
03:14 |
Cidade Negra E Lulu Santos - Sabado A Noite
03:13 |
A - Musica - Nao - Para
03:10 |
Andy Kim - Baby I Love You
03:07 |
Lobao - Chorando No Campo 1987
03:02 |
The Knack - My Sharona 1979
02:59 |
Marilia Pera - Lourinha 1971
02:56 |
Johnny Nash - I Can See Clearly Now 1972
02:53 |
Donny Osmond - Puppy Love
02:53 |
Som Alegria
02:49 |
Talk Talk - It's My Life (1997 Remaster)
02:45 |
Donna Summer - Could It Be Magic
02:41 |
Ricardo Cocciante - Marguerita
02:38 |
A.R KHAN - Everybody everywhere needs to play more
02:35 |
Paul Anka - Havin My Baby
02:32 |
02:31 |
Voce - E - A - Difusora
02:29 |
Morris Albert - So Good To Me 1977
02:25 |
Hurricane Smith - Who Was It
02:22 |
OscarCS Motion Graphics - THE CURE: "In Between Days"
02:19 |
Anne Andersen - Last Dance 1978
02:16 |
Paulo Trindade - Greg Williams - Baby You Don't Know (Studio M)
02:14 |
Happenings The - See You In September 1966
02:14 |
Vinheta - Flash - Back
02:09 |
Murray Head - Jesus Christ Superstar 1970
02:05 |
02:00 |
ABBA - The Winner Takes It All
01:57 |
Bread - Never Let Her Go
01:55 |
The Tremeloes - Western Union
01:51 |
Jorge Benjor - Os Alquimistas Estao Chegando 1974
01:51 |
Radiosnet - Feminina
01:49 |
Annette Funicello - California Sun
01:47 |
The Shakers - Never Never
01:45 |
Tubodobeto Beto Fae - Shirley&Alfred-Kid Games and Nursery Rhymes
01:41 |
Peaches And Herb - Reunited 1979
01:37 |
I Santo California - Tornero
01:33 |
Dschinghis Khan - Moskau
01:30 |
The - Dooleys - Absolutely - Wild - Over - You - 1978
01:26 |
Matia Bazar - Solo Tu
01:24 |
Creedence - Molina
01:20 |
When You Re Loved - Debby Boone 1978
01:15 |
Pendergrass Teddy - Wake Up Everybody
01:10 |
Neil Diamond - Heartlight 1982
01:10 |
Jet - Music - Difusora - F
01:07 |
Eduardo Dusek - Aventura 1999
01:02 |
Bruce Hornsby - The Way It Is
00:57 |
Kenny Rogers E Bee Gees - You And I 1983
00:55 |
The Danny Diaz Trio - Baby I Won T Let You Down 1971
00:51 |
Gerry Rafferty - Right Down The Line 1979
00:48 |
King - Harvest - Hickory - 1973
00:43 |
Steve Feldman - Let Me Be Forever 1975
00:40 |
Lo Borges - Tudo Que Voce Podia Ser 1972
00:37 |
Ritchie Family - American Generation 1979
00:32 |
Christopher Cross - Tootsie
00:30 |
The Beatles Magical Mystery Tour 1967
00:25 |
Mike E The Mechanics - Taken In 1985
00:25 |
Difusora - Jet - Music
00:22 |
blinko656 - Boogie Woogie Country Girl
00:19 |
The Beatles - Penny Lane
00:16 |
Engenheiros Do Hawaii - Somos Quem Podemos Ser
00:13 |
Rita Coolidge - Words 1978
00:08 |
Inimigos da HP - Bons Momentos
00:05 |
Toast And Marmelade For Tea - Is That The Way
00:01 |
Peter Frampton - Show Me The Way