20:32 |
Now Playing info goes here
20:29 |
Lulu - Santos - Tudo - Bem
20:25 |
Dust In The Wind - Kansas (1977) FLAC Audio 1080p Video MetalGuruMessiah
20:19 |
Baladas - Led Zepelin- All my love
20:16 |
Rozalla - Everybody's Free
20:11 |
Cidade Negra - Amor Igual Ao Teu
20:09 |
Now Playing info goes here
20:05 |
Chris - Best - That - You - Gan - Do
20:01 |
Celine Dion - Because You Loved Me
19:56 |
Linear - Sending All My Love (Club Mix)
19:51 |
Artista - the final countdown
19:47 |
19:42 |
New - Kids - On - The - Block - Please - Don - T - Go - Girl
19:40 |
Cazuza - Faz parte do meu show
19:34 |
Michael - Jackson - Thriller
19:30 |
David - Bowie - Let - S - Dance
19:26 |
19:23 |
Los - Lobos - La - Bamba - 1987
19:19 |
Falco - Rock - Me - Amadeus - 1985
19:14 |
Sting - Desert - Rose - 1999
19:10 |
Toto - Africa
19:06 |
Kizz - Crazy Crazy Nights
19:02 |
Starship - We - Built - This - City
18:57 |
A - Ha - Crying - In - The - Rain - 1990
18:53 |
Undercover - Baker Street
18:49 |
Lara - Fabian - Love - By - Grace
18:44 |
Spice Girls - Goodbye
18:42 |
Your The One That I Want - John Travolta & Olivia Newton
18:37 |
ROMÂNTICA - AO VIVO - Earth W & F - Devotin
18:32 |
Information - Society - Whats - On - Your - Mind
18:24 |
Jimmy Helms - Gonna make you can't refuge
18:20 |
Nsync - Nsync - I - Drive - Myself - Crazy
18:14 |
Kool - The - Gang - Cherish
18:10 |
Joe Jackson - Steppin' Out
18:08 |
The - Beatles - Norwegian - Wood - This - Bird - Has - Flown
18:05 |
Michael - Jackson - Ben
18:01 |
Bryan - Ferry - Dont - Stop - The - Dance
17:55 |
Guns n' Roses - Patience
17:51 |
Amadeo Minghi - Cantare E' D'Amore
17:42 |
Hanson - Mmmbop
17:39 |
Bellamy - Brothers - Let - Your - Love - Flow
17:35 |
Cutting - Crew - I - Jus - Died - In - Your - Arms
17:32 |
Raul - Seixas - O - Trem - Das - 7
17:29 |
Green Day - When I Come Around
17:26 |
Shakin - Stevens - Gime - You - Heart - Tonight
17:23 |
Rod - Stewart - Have - You - Ever - Seen - The - Rain - Ao - Vivo
17:19 |
Back - Street - Boys - Incomplete
17:16 |
Rick - Astley - Together - Forever
17:12 |
Desconhecido - BOLEROS EM INGLES II13
17:07 |
Dire - Straits - So - Far - Away
17:04 |
The - Platters - The - Great - Pretender
16:58 |
Bon Jovi - I'll Be There For You
16:54 |
Rod Stewart - Love Touch
16:51 |
Buggles - Video - Killod - The - Radio - Star
16:46 |
Men - At - Work - Its - A - Mistake
16:43 |
Madonna - Crazy For You
16:39 |
Dido - Thank - You - 1998
16:34 |
16:30 |
Tina Tuner - The Best
16:25 |
Phil Collins - True Colors
16:23 |
The - Beatles - Twist - And - Shout
16:19 |
Elton John - Goodbye Yellow Brick Road.
16:15 |
Chris - De - Burgh - The - Lady - In - Red
16:11 |
Madonna - La - Isla - Bonita
16:07 |
Queen - Under - Pressure
16:04 |
Simon & Garfunkel - The Sound Of Silence
16:00 |
George - Harrison - Got - My - Mind - Set - On - You - 1987
15:56 |
Mario - Let - Me - Love - You - 2004
15:51 |
Celine - Dion - My - Heart - Will - Go - On - 1997
15:48 |
Phil - Collins - Against - All - Odds - Take - A - Look - At - Me
15:44 |
Os - Paralamas - Do - Sucesso - Vital - E - Sua - Moto
15:40 |
Air - Supply - Making - Love - Out - Nothing - 1983
15:35 |
Erasure - Blue - Savannah
15:31 |
Cyndi Lauper - Girls Just Want To Have Fun
15:27 |
Lighthouse - Family - Loving - Every - Minute
15:24 |
ROMÂNTICA - AO VIVO - Queen - Freddy Mercury - Love Oh My Life
15:18 |
15:14 |
New - Kids - On - The - Block - Please - Don - T - Go - 1988
15:11 |
B - 52s - Candy
15:07 |
Bread - The Guitar Man
15:00 |
Marvin - Gaye - Let - S - Get - It - On
14:56 |
Lobo - I'd Love You To Want Me
14:52 |
The - Beatles - Hey - Jude
14:48 |
Rolling - Stones - Start - Me - Up
14:44 |
Gregory Abbott - Shake You Down
14:40 |
Lulu - Santos - O - Ultimo - Romantico
14:35 |
Culture - Mr - Vain
14:31 |
Roxette - Joyride
14:28 |
taylor dane - prove your love
14:25 |
Raul - Seixas - Sociedade - Alternativa
14:21 |
Led Zeppelin - D'yer Maker
14:16 |
Wang - Chung - Everybody - Have - Fun - Tonight
14:13 |
Kid - Abelha - Fixacao - Acustico
14:09 |
K. C. & Sunshine Band - Please Don't Go
14:05 |
Roxette - The - Look
13:57 |
Alanis - Morissette - Hand - In - My - Pocket - 1995
13:53 |
Prince - Kiss
13:51 |
The - Beatles - Love - Me - Do - 1963
13:47 |
Inner - Circle - Sweat - A - La - La - La - La - Long - Inner - Cir
13:43 |
Roxette - Crash ! Boom ! Bang !
13:40 |
Paul - Mccartney - Every - Night
13:33 |
Heart - Alone
13:29 |
13:24 |
Jose - Augusto - Aguenta - Coracao
13:21 |
Jakson Five - I'll Be There
13:18 |
Kc - E - The - Sunshine - Band - You - Said - Youd - Gimme - Some
13:14 |
Patrícia Marx - Espelhos d'água
13:09 |
Cover Girls - Wishing On A Star
13:07 |
The - Mamas - E - The - Papas - California - Dreamin
13:02 |
Celine Dion - Because You Love Me
12:57 |
Depeche Mode - Strangelove
12:48 |
Roxette - Dressed For Sucess
12:44 |
Human - League - Dont - You - Want - Me
12:40 |
Robbie - Williams - Love - My - Life
12:36 |
Talking - Heads - Psycho - Killer
12:33 |
The - Beatles - Here - Comes - The - Sun
12:31 |
The Cure - Boys Don't Cry
12:26 |
Erasure - Erasure - Always
12:23 |
The - Cardigans - Lovefool - 1996
12:20 |
Boney M - Somewhere in the world
12:15 |
Peter - Cetera - Glory - Of - Love
12:13 |
Raul - Seixas - Tente - Outra - Vez
12:09 |
12:04 |
Elton - John - I - Guess - Thats - Why - They - Call - It - The - B
12:01 |
pet shop boys - pet shop boys - you were alwa
11:56 |
Tears - For - Fears - Head - Over - Heels
11:52 |
Berlin-Take my breath away
11:48 |
Backstreet Boys - Quit Playing Games With My Hea
11:44 |
Noel - Silent - Morning
11:40 |
Carpenters - Superstar - 1971
11:37 |
Sugar Ray - Every Morning
11:32 |
Desconhecido - BOLEROS EM INGLES II08
11:23 |
Lenny - Kravitz - Calling - All - Angels
11:19 |
Cher - If - I - Could - Turn - Back - Time - 1989
11:17 |
Sixpence - None - The - Richer - There - She - Goes
11:12 |
Billy Idol - Eyes without face
11:08 |
Europe - Carrie
10:59 |
U2 - Angel Of Harlem
10:55 |
10:50 |
Roupa Nova - Um sonho a dois
10:46 |
Kid - Abelha - Pintura - Intima
10:41 |
Legiao - Urbana - Eduardo - E - Monica
10:37 |
Alexia - Hold on
10:33 |
Eric - Clapton - Tears - In - Heaven
10:29 |
Pat - Metheny - E - David - Bowie - This - Is - Not - America
10:25 |
Planet - Soul - Set - U - Free
10:21 |
10:17 |
John - Lennon - Starting - Over
10:14 |
Joe - Bean - Esposito - Youre - The - Best - 1984
10:08 |
Madonna - Live - To - Tell
10:05 |
The - Beatles - Revolution - 1973
10:01 |
09:57 |
Sixpense None The Richer - Kiss me
09:53 |
The - Marmalade - Reflectons
09:50 |
Os - Paralamas - Do - Sucesso - Meu - Erro
09:45 |
Tonny - Braxton - Un - Break - My - Heart
09:41 |
Jewel - You - Were - Meant - For - Me - 1997
09:36 |
Bolshoi - Sunday Morning
09:32 |
Meredith Brooks - Bitch
09:28 |
Cyndi Lauper - Hey Now
09:23 |
Michael - Jackson - Beat - It
09:20 |
Kenny - Loggins - Footloose - 1984
09:16 |
Michael - Jackson - Bad
09:12 |
The - Rolling - Stones - Start - Me - Up
09:09 |
Rod - Stewart - Its - A - Heartache
09:05 |
Blondie - Heart - Of - Glass
09:01 |
Tina Tuner - The Best
08:55 |
Celine Dion - To Love You More
08:52 |
Donna Summer - Last Dance
08:48 |
Oingo - Boingo - Just - Another - Day
08:44 |
Cat - Stevens - Father - And - Son
08:41 |
Legiao Urbana - Por enquanto
08:38 |
Cazuza - Codinome beija-Flor
08:35 |
K - C - E - The - Sunshine - Band - You - Said - Youd - Gimme - So
08:32 |
Silverchair - Ana's Song
08:28 |
Lulu Santos - Como Uma Onda
08:24 |
The Police - De Do Do Do, De Da Da Da
08:19 |
Pet Shop Boys - Its A Sin
08:16 |
Raul - Seixas - Medo - De - Chuva
08:12 |
Celine - Dion - My - Heart - Will - Go - On
08:08 |
Backstreet Boys - Backstreets back
08:04 |
Elton - John - Your - Song
08:02 |
Oingo - Boingo - Stay
05:35 |
Now Playing info goes here
05:32 |
Bob - Marley - Is - This - Love
05:28 |
G.E.M. - I Feel You Tonight
05:24 |
Bon - Jovi - Shot - Through - The - Heart
05:21 |
Joe - Cocker - You - Are - So - Beautiful
05:19 |
Os - Paralamas - Do - Sucesso - Lanterna - Dos - Afogados
02:24 |
Now Playing info goes here
02:24 |
Os - Paralamas - Do - Sucesso - Lanterna - Dos - Afogados
02:16 |
Ao Vivo - Live Broadcast
02:15 |
Ringo - Starr - Youre - Sixteen - Youre - Beautiful - And
02:11 |
Rosana - O - Amor - E - O - Poder
02:08 |
Ritchie - A - Vida - Tem - Dessas - Coisas - 1983
02:04 |
Bliss - I - Hear - You - Call
01:59 |
01:54 |
Faith No More - Epic
01:50 |
Cher - Believe
01:46 |
Fabio Junior - Caça e Caçador
01:41 |
Pink - Floyd - Another - Brick - In - The - Wall
01:38 |
Madonna - Like - A - Virgin
01:34 |
Captain - Tennille - Love - Will - Keep - Us - Together
01:31 |
Cazuza - Exagerado
01:26 |
Toni - Braxton - Un - Break - My - Heart - 1996
01:22 |
Outta - Control - One - Of - Us
01:14 |
Leo Jaime - Ela Não Gosta De Mim
01:09 |
Os - Paralamas - Do - Sucesso - Alagados
01:05 |
Guns - N - Roses - Welcome - To - The - Jungle
01:00 |
New Radicals - You get What you Give
00:56 |
Phil - Collins - Against - All - Odds
00:52 |
Dj - Bobo - Averbody
00:49 |
Snap! - The Power
00:45 |
Olivia - Newton - John - Physical - 1981
00:42 |
Tight Fit - The Lion Sleeps Tonight
00:38 |
Real - Mccyt - Another - Night
00:34 |
Red - Hot - Chili - Peppers - Scar - Tissue
00:30 |
Marvin - Gaye - Sexual - Healing
00:26 |
Modern Talking - Brother Louie
00:21 |
London Beat - I've Been Thinking about You
00:16 |
Eurythmics - Sweet - Dreams
00:12 |
Alanis - Morissette - Unplugged - King - Of - Pain - 1999
00:09 |
Green - Day - Basket - Case - 1994
00:04 |
Peter Frampton - Baby, I Love Your Way
00:01 |
Double - The Captain Of Her Heart