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River FM

Lismore, 92.9 MHz FM
Рэйтынг: 5.0 Ацэнак: 6
92.9 River FM is Lismore's longest running community radio station and independent media. We are currently located at South Lismore; 40 minutes drive from the beautiful Byron Bay. The station has been operating since 1976 and we are managed by North Coast Radio, Inc, a not-for-profit organisation. We rely on the contribution of local volunteers, producing shows for a diverse range of people and tastes in music.
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Зараз у эфіры River FM

Прамы эфір Deadly Beats Ripeep
06:32 Appart Part 4
06:02 Appart Part 3
Плейлист River FM

ТОП трэкі на River FM

Part AA-Part — Signals
comcat part b - -b&b — Part-E
part c
part 4Appart — Part 4
2. Satz, Joshua BellJoshua Bell — Part 2
Part 1
Dirt Music
Airsculpture - Part 3Appart — Part 3
Florence + the Machine - Shake It OutFlorence + the Machine — Shake It Out
Beale Street Caravan - Beale Street CaravanBeale Street — Distorção

Водгукі аб River FM

  • 5
    I love "The Squeaky Wheel" on Mondays. To paraphrase Roy and HG: "Too much blues is never enough". I also particularly enjoy hearing Rusty get stuck into the corruption and hypocrisy of the "born to rule" Tories. Rusty's "Toast" show (Wednesday mornings I think) also has a good mixture of blues, rock and pop. The biggest problem for me is living in the bush; I need a very good NAD tuner, roof-mounted FM antenna and masthead amplifier to pick up the signal.
  • 5
    I'm a tapping already!
  • 5
    Fran is putting on a great show today under some difficulties. You are a trooper Fran.
  • 5
    Good music and enjoyable listening.
  • 5
    I enjoy listening to The Poets Corner on Sunday's 12-2. Being from America, it's wonderful to listen to, not only my own poetry, but poetry from Australian and authors from all over the globe. Great show, thanks!
  • 5
    I enjoyed listening here in switzerland to the art and nature program between 4pm and 6pm today and hearing my daughter Jasmine O.Shea speak with smart and informed people about her art ..Vincent O.Shea

Кантакты радыёстанцыі

Адрас: P.O. BOX 550 Lismore NSW Australia 2480
Тэлефон: +(02) 6622 7939
Email: [email protected]
Facebook: @riverfm

[email protected]
Fax: (02) 6622 1266
Studio: (02) 6622 7929

Час у горадзе Lismore: 22:05, 03.16.2025

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