Edge Radio is a community radio station situated in the Australian city of Hobart. It is a youth oriented station, with most of its presenters under the age of thirty.
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Edge Radio focuses on local music, running a Tasmanian music show weekly. The studio is located in the University of Tasmania's Hobart campus.
Originally set up by Tasmanian University broadcasters, Edge Radio began as a partnership between youth community representatives, media practitioners, the University of Tasmania (Utas) and the local student union the Tasmania University Union(TUU).
In the Attempt to get a permanent license the new organisation separated its governance structure from UTas and the TUU in order to ensure that it was seen as independent.
Tasmanian Youth Broadcasters Inc. was awarded a broadcasting licence after a four-week trial period in August 2002. The licence was for a community radio station that serviced the youth of Hobart.
The station was named Edge Radio and was launched by Machine Gun Fellatio's Chit Chat in February 2003. The station had immediate success, being awarded the Community Radio Station of the Year in its first year of broadcasting by the CBAA.
Room 308, Arts Building, University of Tasmania, Sandy Bay