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ABC Sport, formerly ABC Radio Grandstand, is a live radio sports focused commentary and talk-back program which runs on the Australian Broadcasting Corporation (ABC) local radio network across Australia and on one digital-only station.
ABC is the best for cricket.Pls combine with BBC and give ENG summer of cricket too.
John Martini Wild11.05.2023
For years the best sports coverage .Polite, informative and knowledgeable presenters and panel members. Combined by tasteful humour, serious when required and always professional. The standard by which all sports presentation should be measured. Thank you ABC, especially for the cricket and the extensive NRL coverage .Special thanks to Andrew Moore and Christopher, my week end highlight (after Roy and HG)
This commentary is crap, keeps talking about everything but the football
Penny McGlynn12.06.2021
Please tell the presenter during the Dockers vs Gold Coast Suns on 13 June 2021 that you don’t leave something for prosperity but leave it for posterity. He keeps saying it.
Greg Levestam05.06.2021
Kamikamica is pronounced "Kami Kami ca" notice the ca the last 2 letters is pronounced "the" KamikamiTHE
Fiona Kittow26.03.2021
Love the Nrl coverage ABC GRANDSTAND rocks
David Smith20.06.2020
Great station for listening to Rugby and Australian Rules Football
ABC Radio Grandstand is a live radio sports focused commentary and talk-back program which runs on the Australian Broadcasting Corporation local radio network across Australia and on one digital-only station.
The program runs on Saturdays and Sundays, typically from noon or an hour before, until 6 pm. Sports that are covered by ABC Radio under the Grandstand banner include Test and One Day International cricket, Rugby League (mostly in Queensland and New South Wales), the Summer Olympics, Australian Football League games, Australian Open tennis and soccer matches, including games involving the Socceroos and the A-League competition.
However, when there are major football, cricket or tennis matches in progress, or the Olympics and Commonwealth Games, the coverage is often continued for the entirety of the relevant time frame if Grandstand is broadcasting the competition, as opposed to simply reporting the results. This can result in broadcasts in the early hours of the morning if Australia is playing in a cricket Test on another side of the world.
Контакти радіостанції
700 Harris Street Ultimo NSW 2007 (GPO Box 9994 Sydney NSW 2001)