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Community radio 5yyy fm.Listen online to 5YYY 107.7 in Whyalla, SA, Australia. Live, Loud and Local, Community Based Radio Station 5YYY, 107.7 FM Stereo.
Pokaži više
Listening to Katy Perry.....nothing unusual there but I'm 12,500 miles away in Fishburn, North East England. Triple Y is officially international.
Neill Azzopardi24.09.2021
Hey Spargo,can you play Days of the new,touch stand and peel for us at Azzos.
Kerre Willsher04.05.2021
No reception.
John Mckay18.02.2021
Awesome 👏
David Stevens18.02.2021
simeon show is cool
Jack Marshall22.12.2020
good job josh
Cliff Sweeting01.06.2020
Liked the way Maxine handled SoREaL on Tuesday night. Not her usual genre, but she adapted well. And Sandra stepped up for the Blues Show on Sunday. Great teamwork from Triple Y announcers!
Triple Y is a community station based in Whyalla, South Australia – The steelworks town. Triple Y has been broadcasting now for over 30 years and has played a important role in the community of Whyalla, be it bringing local news, Local music from local bands and most importantly giving a voice to the community of Whyalla.