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Melbourne, 98.3-98.7 MHz FM
Рэйтынг: 0.0 Ацэнак: 0
RPP FM is a community radio station in the Mornington Peninsula region of Victoria, Australia. The radio station was established in 1984 to provide a local community radio service to the region. Больш
12 0

Водгукі аб 3RPP

Інфармацыя пра радыё

The main transmission frequency in the Mornington Peninsula, from a site at Arthur's Seat is 98.7 MHz (800 W), however an additional frequency was allocated in the Frankston City area on 98.3 MHz (10 W) to allow for reception in an otherwise blackspot area. 3RPP however promotes both frequencies with equal prominence on its website, despite the limited coverage provided by the 98.3 Repeater.

The radio station was required to move from its Mornington location due to the extensions of the car park and the sale of their building to developers.

The new studio location at the then "Moorooduc Coolstores" provided a stable location for 3RPP's operations until 2011. However, with the planned redevelopment of the Moorooduc Coolstores property, 3RPP has committed to relocate to a new broadcast studio location back to Mornington at newly renovated community facility at Tanti Park.

3RPP have until May 2010 had employed Maria McColl as Station Manager. After a long tenure of 22 years in the position 3RPP had advertised for a replacement. Following an extensive selection process, the station's committee appointed a new Station Manager, Mount Martha based former ABC Sport producer Brendon Telfer.

Local newspaper Mornington Peninsula Mail described Brendan Telfer's appointment thus:

"He has an impressive management, production and on-air background with ABC's Radio Australia, which includes commentary work for major international events. He is a long-term resident of the peninsula with a great empathy for local issues and the role of 3RPP in the community"

The Committee of Management (The Board) of 3RPP consists of five people, these are:
Graeme Kniese (President)
Ellice Viggers (Secretary)
John Fraser (Treasurer)
Bob Phillips (Programming)

Кантакты радыёстанцыі

Адрас: 91 Wilsons Road (Cnr. Nepean Highway) Mornington, Victoria, Australia
Тэлефон: +61 3 5975 1234, reception: +61 03 5975 2650
Email: [email protected]
Facebook: @RPPFM
Twitter: @rppfm
Youtube: @UCLDQoui-A3NZyr2XttrWA7w

Postal Address: Radio Port Phillip Assoc. Inc. PO Box 2180, Mornington, VIC 3931

Час у горадзе Melbourne: 08:59, 03.03.2025

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