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a-ha Take On Me
Rewind 101.9 FM
The Police Every Breath You Take
92.5 KOMA
R.E.M. Losing My Religion
101 WKQX
Tina Turner What's Love Got To Do With It
98.7 the Dove
Cyndi Lauper Time After Time
Calle Vieja Radio
Survivor Eye of the Tiger
Metal / Rock Mix
Simple Minds Don't You (Forget About Me)
100.9 K-Hits
Van Halen Jump
Mix 106
Michael Jackson Beat It
107.9 WNCT
Ed Sheeran Shape of You
Public Radio Washington
Tears for Fears Everybody Wants To Rule the World
113.FM Hits 1985
Queen Another One Bites the Dust
Beach 105.5
Cutting Crew (I Just) Died in Your Arms
The River 95.7
Yes Owner of a Lonely Heart
Roxette The Look
93.7 The River
Whitney Houston I Wanna Dance With Somebody
96.1 SOX
INXS Need You Tonight
K-Hit 107.5 FM
Dire Straits Walk of Life
113.FM Hits 1986
Blondie Heart of Glass
Classic Rock Florida
Starship Nothing's Gonna Stop Us Now
101.9 The Wave