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a-ha Take On Me
100 FM Rockford's Greatest Hits
The Police Every Breath You Take
My 101.5
Toto Africa
Easy 93.1
Tina Turner What's Love Got To Do With It
Foreigner I Want to Know What Love Is
.977 80's Hits
Eagles Hotel California
93.3 The Drive
Simple Minds Don't You (Forget About Me)
Serie25 Radio American
Cyndi Lauper Time After Time
102.1 The River K M R V
Tears for Fears Everybody Wants To Rule the World
92.5 The Krush
Queen Another One Bites the Dust
The Weeknd Blinding Lights
NW Radio 1
Van Halen Jump
Bayou Rocks (Gizmo Media Networks)
Haddaway What Is Love
Sunrise Radio Arizona
Natalie Imbruglia Torn
SC 103.1 - WVSC
Miley Cyrus Flowers
HITS 97.3
Mr. Mister Broken Wings
Love sigh
Bonnie Tyler Total Eclipse of the Heart
181.FM The Heart (Love Songs)
Wham! Wake Me Up Before You Go-Go
Mix 106.9
Ed Sheeran Shape of You
Power 105.7
Dire Straits Sultans of Swing
Oldies N More Radio