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Maurice Jarre

Maurice Jarre
September 13, 1924 – March 28, 2009

За апошнія 14 дзён:

  • 114 трэкаў
  • 65 станцый
  • 18 краін

Топ кампазіцыі Maurice Jarre

1 Lara's Theme (Dr. Zhivago)
2 Ghost
3 Final
4 Ghost
5 A Walk in the Clouds
6 Witness - Building the Barn
7 Prelude & "Lara's Theme"
8 Ghost - End Credits
9 Main Title
10 Ghost
11 Ryan's Daughter
12 Maurice Jarre Interview
13 "Doctor Zhivago" Suite
14 Is Paris Burning?
15 Main Titles
16 Lawrence of Arabia (Overture)
17 Lawrence of Arabia
18 Gorillas In the Mist
19 Building The Barn
20 Ghost - End Credits
21 Overture
22 Ditto
23 Dead Poets Society
24 Villa Rides, Main Theme
25 Original Main Title Music