a-ha Take On Me
Rewind 101.9 FM
Michael Jackson Billie Jean
Sweet 419 Toledo
Eurythmics Sweet Dreams
98.5 UPS
Tina Turner What's Love Got To Do With It
80sRadio (MRG.fm)
Bon Jovi Livin' On a Prayer
113.FM Free Bird (Hard Rock, Metal)
Eagles Hotel California
Full Gamut Radio
Europe The Final Countdown
X Rock Radio
Survivor Eye of the Tiger
Culture Club Karma Chameleon
103.1 The Wave
Cutting Crew (I Just) Died in Your Arms
Totally 80's FM
Michael Jackson Beat It
Candid Radio Washington
Depeche Mode Enjoy the Silence
Now 105.1 Grand Rapids
Haddaway What Is Love
Sunrise Radio Connecticut
4 Non Blondes What's Up?
93.5 KWDC
Roxette The Look
Harry Styles As It Was
107.1 The Z - WZVN
Whitney Houston I Wanna Dance With Somebody
WINK 104
Berlin Take My Breath Away
Sunny 103.1
Miley Cyrus Flowers
KGRN 1410 AM
Oasis Wonderwall
Ocean 98.1 FM