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Плейлист Positively Chants

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(сейчас в Дубай 12:32)
23:57 Monks Of The Abbey Of Notre Dame - Audi Filia
23:56 Gregorian Chants - Agnus dei
23:54 Benedictine Monks of the Abbey of St. Maurice and St. Maur, Clevaux - Gregorian Chant: Regina Caeli, Antiphona (tonus monasticus) in Honorem Beatae Mariae Virginis
23:51 Gregorian Chants - Antifona D'Ingresso: Resurexi
23:49 Benedictine Monks of the Abbey of St. Maurice and St. Maur, Clevaux - Gregorian Chant: Victimae Paschali Laudes, Sequentia Tempore Paschali
23:47 Gregorian Chants - Antifona d'ingressto alla comunione: Qui vult
23:46 The Gregorian Chant Choir of Saint Michael - Regina Coeli
23:43 Gregorian Chants - Antifona D'Ingressto: Dignus Est Agnus
23:42 Benedictine Monks of the Abbey of St. Maurice and St. Maur, Clevaux - Gregorian Chant: Tantum ergo, Hymnus in Honorem SS. Sacramenti
23:39 Gregorian Chants - Canto Al Vangelo: Oportebat
23:35 Benedictine Monks of the Abbey of St. Maurice and St. Maur, Clevaux - Gregorian Chant: Stabat Mater, Sequentia in Festo Septem Dolorum B.M.V.
23:28 Monks Of The Abbey Of Notre Dame - Kyrie Eleison
23:27 Gregorian Chants - Antifona D'Ingresso: Dominus
23:24 Monks Of The Abbey Of Notre Dame - Dies Ire
23:22 Monks Of The Abbey Of Notre Dame - Te Joseph
23:21 Benedictine Monks of the Abbey of St. Maurice and St. Maur, Clevaux - Gregorian Chant: Ave Maria, Antiphona in Honorem Beatae Mariae Virginis
23:19 Gregorian Chants - Inno: Conditor
23:14 Monks Of The Abbey Of Notre Dame - Final Angelus Bells
23:13 Benedictine Monks of the Abbey of St. Maurice and St. Maur, Clevaux - Gregorian Chant: O sacrum convivium, Antiphona (tonus monasticus) in Honorem SS. Sacramenti
23:11 Benedictine Monks of the Abbey of St. Maurice and St. Maur, Clevaux - Gregorian Chant: Alma Redemptoris Mater, Antiphona (tonus monasticus) in Honorem Beatae Mariae Virginis
23:10 The Gregorian Chant Choir of Saint Michael - Parvulus Filius
23:09 Monks Of The Abbey Of Notre Dame - Recordare Virgo Mater
23:08 Monks Of The Abbey Of Notre Dame - Tibi Christe Splendor
23:07 The Gregorian Chant Choir of Saint Michael - Facta Est Cum Angelo
23:06 The Gregorian Chant Choir of Saint Michael - Genuit Puerpera Regem
23:00 Benedictine Monks of the Abbey of St. Maurice and St. Maur, Clevaux - Gregorian Chant: Te Deum, Hymnus (tonus monasticus)
22:59 Monks Of The Abbey Of Notre Dame - Regina Mundi
22:58 Gregorian Chants - Antifona Alla Comunione: Factus Est
22:55 Gregorian Chants - Antifona D'Ingresso: Circndederunt
22:52 Gregorian Chants - Responsorio: Verbum
22:50 Benedictine Monks of the Abbey of St. Maurice and St. Maur, Clevaux - Gregorian Chant: Ave verum Corpus, Sequentia in Honorem SS. Sacramenti
22:48 Gregorian Chants - Antifona D'Ingresso: Nos Autem
22:46 Gregorian Chants - Pater Noster
22:45 Benedictine Monks of the Abbey of St. Maurice and St. Maur, Clevaux - Gregorian Chant: Inviolata, Sequentia in Honorem Beatae Mariae Virginis
22:44 The Gregorian Chant Choir of Saint Michael - Angelus Ad Pastores Ait
22:43 Monks Of The Abbey Of Notre Dame - Benedicamus Patrem
22:41 Gregorian Chants - Sequenza: Victimae Paschali Laudes
22:37 Monks Of The Abbey Of Notre Dame - De Ore Leonis
22:36 Monks Of The Abbey Of Notre Dame - Exaudit Te Dominus
22:33 Monks Of The Abbey Of Notre Dame - Angelus
22:32 Benedictine Monks of the Abbey of St. Maurice and St. Maur, Clevaux - Gregorian Chant: O Salutaris Hostia, Hymnus (tonus Monasticus) in Honorem SS. Sacramenti
22:30 Gregorian Chants - Antifona Alla Comunione: Qui Manducat
22:27 The Gregorian Chant Choir of Saint Michael - Hymnus: Christe Redemptor Rex
22:26 Monks Of The Abbey Of Notre Dame - O Sacrum Convivium
22:22 Monks Of The Abbey Of Notre Dame - Ad Benedictus Sanctissime
22:15 The Gregorian Chant Choir of Saint Michael - Salve Festa Dies: Antiphonae
22:12 Monks Of The Abbey Of Notre Dame - Sanctum Et Immaculata
22:05 The Gregorian Chant Choir of Saint Michael - Responsorium: Hodie Nobis Coelorum Rex
22:03 Gregorian Chants - Inno: Gloria Laus
22:02 The Gregorian Chant Choir of Saint Michael - Ave Regina Coelorum
21:58 Gregorian Chants - Graduale: Ecce Quam Bonum
21:57 Monks Of The Abbey Of Notre Dame - Pax Aeterna
21:56 Gregorian Chants - Antifona alla comunione: Ecce virgo
21:52 Monks Of The Abbey Of Notre Dame - Introit Benedicta Sit
21:46 Benedictine Monks of the Abbey of St. Maurice and St. Maur, Clevaux - Gregorian Chant: Lauda Sion: Nunc Dimittis, Sequentia in Festo Corporis Christi
21:42 Monks Of The Abbey Of Notre Dame - Alleluia
21:40 Monks Of The Abbey Of Notre Dame - Domine Non Secundum
21:38 Monks Of The Abbey Of Notre Dame - Beati Mundo Corde; Quicumque Christum
21:37 Gregorian Chants - Antifone Di Natale
21:35 Gregorian Chants - Canto Al Vangelo: Veni Sancte Spiritu
21:33 Monks Of The Abbey Of Notre Dame - Salve Regina
21:32 Gregorian Chants - Sanctus
21:30 Gregorian Chants - Inno: Pange Lingua
21:27 Benedictine Monks of the Abbey of St. Maurice and St. Maur, Clevaux - Gregorian Chant: Veni, Creator Spiritus, Hymnus (tonus monasticus) in Festo Pentecostes
21:25 Gregorian Chants - Canto Al Vangelo: Assumpia Est Maria
21:23 Gregorian Chants - Graduale: Haec Dies
21:19 Monks Of The Abbey Of Notre Dame - Audi Filia
21:17 Monks Of The Abbey Of Notre Dame - Dignus Est Deus
21:16 Benedictine Monks of the Abbey of St. Maurice and St. Maur, Clevaux - Gregorian Chant: Regina Caeli, Antiphona (tonus monasticus) in Honorem Beatae Mariae Virginis
21:13 Monks Of The Abbey Of Notre Dame - Justorum Animae
21:12 Gregorian Chants - Kyrie
21:09 Gregorian Chants - Antifona D'Ingresso: Resurexi
21:06 Gregorian Chants - Antifona d'ingressto alla comunione: Qui vult
21:06 The Gregorian Chant Choir of Saint Michael - Quem Vidistis Pastores
21:05 Gregorian Chants - Agnus dei
21:02 Monks Of The Abbey Of Notre Dame - Fiat Manus
21:01 The Gregorian Chant Choir of Saint Michael - Regina Coeli
21:00 Benedictine Monks of the Abbey of St. Maurice and St. Maur, Clevaux - Gregorian Chant: Tantum ergo, Hymnus in Honorem SS. Sacramenti
20:58 Benedictine Monks of the Abbey of St. Maurice and St. Maur, Clevaux - Gregorian Chant: Victimae Paschali Laudes, Sequentia Tempore Paschali
20:56 Monks Of The Abbey Of Notre Dame - Dies Ire
20:49 Monks Of The Abbey Of Notre Dame - Kyrie Eleison
20:45 Benedictine Monks of the Abbey of St. Maurice and St. Maur, Clevaux - Gregorian Chant: Stabat Mater, Sequentia in Festo Septem Dolorum B.M.V.
20:42 Monks Of The Abbey Of Notre Dame - Te Joseph
20:39 Gregorian Chants - Canto Al Vangelo: Oportebat
20:38 Benedictine Monks of the Abbey of St. Maurice and St. Maur, Clevaux - Gregorian Chant: Ave Maria, Antiphona in Honorem Beatae Mariae Virginis
20:36 Gregorian Chants - Antifona D'Ingressto: Dignus Est Agnus
20:34 Benedictine Monks of the Abbey of St. Maurice and St. Maur, Clevaux - Gregorian Chant: O sacrum convivium, Antiphona (tonus monasticus) in Honorem SS. Sacramenti
20:29 Monks Of The Abbey Of Notre Dame - Final Angelus Bells
20:28 Gregorian Chants - Inno: Conditor
20:26 Monks Of The Abbey Of Notre Dame - Tibi Christe Splendor
20:25 Monks Of The Abbey Of Notre Dame - Recordare Virgo Mater
20:24 The Gregorian Chant Choir of Saint Michael - Genuit Puerpera Regem
20:23 Monks Of The Abbey Of Notre Dame - Regina Mundi
20:22 The Gregorian Chant Choir of Saint Michael - Parvulus Filius
20:20 Gregorian Chants - Antifona D'Ingresso: Circndederunt
20:19 The Gregorian Chant Choir of Saint Michael - Facta Est Cum Angelo
20:18 Gregorian Chants - Antifona Alla Comunione: Factus Est
20:12 Benedictine Monks of the Abbey of St. Maurice and St. Maur, Clevaux - Gregorian Chant: Te Deum, Hymnus (tonus monasticus)
20:10 Benedictine Monks of the Abbey of St. Maurice and St. Maur, Clevaux - Gregorian Chant: Ave verum Corpus, Sequentia in Honorem SS. Sacramenti
20:09 Benedictine Monks of the Abbey of St. Maurice and St. Maur, Clevaux - Gregorian Chant: Inviolata, Sequentia in Honorem Beatae Mariae Virginis
20:06 Gregorian Chants - Antifona D'Ingresso: Nos Autem
20:06 The Gregorian Chant Choir of Saint Michael - Angelus Ad Pastores Ait
20:04 Benedictine Monks of the Abbey of St. Maurice and St. Maur, Clevaux - Gregorian Chant: Alma Redemptoris Mater, Antiphona (tonus monasticus) in Honorem Beatae Mariae Virginis
20:00 Monks Of The Abbey Of Notre Dame - De Ore Leonis
19:59 Gregorian Chants - Pater Noster
19:57 Monks Of The Abbey Of Notre Dame - Exaudit Te Dominus
19:54 Gregorian Chants - Responsorio: Verbum
19:52 Gregorian Chants - Sequenza: Victimae Paschali Laudes
19:51 Gregorian Chants - Antifona D'Ingresso: Dominus
19:50 Monks Of The Abbey Of Notre Dame - O Sacrum Convivium
19:47 Monks Of The Abbey Of Notre Dame - Angelus
19:46 Benedictine Monks of the Abbey of St. Maurice and St. Maur, Clevaux - Gregorian Chant: O Salutaris Hostia, Hymnus (tonus Monasticus) in Honorem SS. Sacramenti
19:44 Gregorian Chants - Antifona Alla Comunione: Qui Manducat
19:43 Monks Of The Abbey Of Notre Dame - Benedicamus Patrem
19:39 Monks Of The Abbey Of Notre Dame - Ad Benedictus Sanctissime
19:32 The Gregorian Chant Choir of Saint Michael - Salve Festa Dies: Antiphonae
19:30 Gregorian Chants - Inno: Gloria Laus
19:27 Gregorian Chants - Graduale: Ecce Quam Bonum
19:26 Monks Of The Abbey Of Notre Dame - Pax Aeterna
19:24 Gregorian Chants - Antifona alla comunione: Ecce virgo
19:21 Monks Of The Abbey Of Notre Dame - Introit Benedicta Sit
19:18 Monks Of The Abbey Of Notre Dame - Alleluia
19:14 The Gregorian Chant Choir of Saint Michael - Hymnus: Christe Redemptor Rex
19:08 Benedictine Monks of the Abbey of St. Maurice and St. Maur, Clevaux - Gregorian Chant: Lauda Sion: Nunc Dimittis, Sequentia in Festo Corporis Christi
19:06 Gregorian Chants - Antifone Di Natale
19:04 Monks Of The Abbey Of Notre Dame - Domine Non Secundum
19:02 Monks Of The Abbey Of Notre Dame - Beati Mundo Corde; Quicumque Christum
18:55 The Gregorian Chant Choir of Saint Michael - Responsorium: Hodie Nobis Coelorum Rex
18:54 Gregorian Chants - Sanctus
18:53 The Gregorian Chant Choir of Saint Michael - Ave Regina Coelorum
18:49 Benedictine Monks of the Abbey of St. Maurice and St. Maur, Clevaux - Gregorian Chant: Veni, Creator Spiritus, Hymnus (tonus monasticus) in Festo Pentecostes
18:47 Gregorian Chants - Graduale: Haec Dies
18:45 Gregorian Chants - Inno: Pange Lingua
18:41 Monks Of The Abbey Of Notre Dame - Sanctum Et Immaculata
18:40 Gregorian Chants - Canto Al Vangelo: Assumpia Est Maria
18:38 Monks Of The Abbey Of Notre Dame - Salve Regina
18:37 Gregorian Chants - Kyrie
18:35 Monks Of The Abbey Of Notre Dame - Dignus Est Deus
18:34 Benedictine Monks of the Abbey of St. Maurice and St. Maur, Clevaux - Gregorian Chant: Regina Caeli, Antiphona (tonus monasticus) in Honorem Beatae Mariae Virginis
18:31 Monks Of The Abbey Of Notre Dame - Justorum Animae
18:29 Gregorian Chants - Canto Al Vangelo: Veni Sancte Spiritu
18:29 The Gregorian Chant Choir of Saint Michael - Quem Vidistis Pastores
18:26 Gregorian Chants - Antifona d'ingressto alla comunione: Qui vult
18:26 The Gregorian Chant Choir of Saint Michael - Regina Coeli
18:24 Benedictine Monks of the Abbey of St. Maurice and St. Maur, Clevaux - Gregorian Chant: Tantum ergo, Hymnus in Honorem SS. Sacramenti
18:23 Gregorian Chants - Agnus dei
18:21 Monks Of The Abbey Of Notre Dame - Dies Ire
18:15 Monks Of The Abbey Of Notre Dame - Kyrie Eleison
18:11 Gregorian Chants - Antifona D'Ingresso: Resurexi
18:08 Monks Of The Abbey Of Notre Dame - Fiat Manus
18:06 Monks Of The Abbey Of Notre Dame - Te Joseph
18:03 Gregorian Chants - Canto Al Vangelo: Oportebat
17:58 Benedictine Monks of the Abbey of St. Maurice and St. Maur, Clevaux - Gregorian Chant: Stabat Mater, Sequentia in Festo Septem Dolorum B.M.V.
17:53 Monks Of The Abbey Of Notre Dame - Final Angelus Bells
17:52 Benedictine Monks of the Abbey of St. Maurice and St. Maur, Clevaux - Gregorian Chant: O sacrum convivium, Antiphona (tonus monasticus) in Honorem SS. Sacramenti
17:51 Gregorian Chants - Inno: Conditor
17:47 Monks Of The Abbey Of Notre Dame - Audi Filia
17:46 Monks Of The Abbey Of Notre Dame - Recordare Virgo Mater
17:45 Benedictine Monks of the Abbey of St. Maurice and St. Maur, Clevaux - Gregorian Chant: Ave Maria, Antiphona in Honorem Beatae Mariae Virginis
17:44 The Gregorian Chant Choir of Saint Michael - Genuit Puerpera Regem
17:42 Monks Of The Abbey Of Notre Dame - Tibi Christe Splendor
17:42 The Gregorian Chant Choir of Saint Michael - Facta Est Cum Angelo
17:40 Monks Of The Abbey Of Notre Dame - Regina Mundi
17:39 Gregorian Chants - Antifona Alla Comunione: Factus Est
17:38 Benedictine Monks of the Abbey of St. Maurice and St. Maur, Clevaux - Gregorian Chant: Ave verum Corpus, Sequentia in Honorem SS. Sacramenti
17:37 The Gregorian Chant Choir of Saint Michael - Parvulus Filius
17:35 Benedictine Monks of the Abbey of St. Maurice and St. Maur, Clevaux - Gregorian Chant: Inviolata, Sequentia in Honorem Beatae Mariae Virginis
17:33 Gregorian Chants - Antifona D'Ingressto: Dignus Est Agnus
17:31 Benedictine Monks of the Abbey of St. Maurice and St. Maur, Clevaux - Gregorian Chant: Alma Redemptoris Mater, Antiphona (tonus monasticus) in Honorem Beatae Mariae Virginis
17:29 Benedictine Monks of the Abbey of St. Maurice and St. Maur, Clevaux - Gregorian Chant: Victimae Paschali Laudes, Sequentia Tempore Paschali
17:27 Gregorian Chants - Antifona D'Ingresso: Nos Autem
17:21 Benedictine Monks of the Abbey of St. Maurice and St. Maur, Clevaux - Gregorian Chant: Te Deum, Hymnus (tonus monasticus)
17:17 Monks Of The Abbey Of Notre Dame - De Ore Leonis
17:15 Gregorian Chants - Sequenza: Victimae Paschali Laudes
17:14 Gregorian Chants - Antifona D'Ingresso: Dominus
17:13 The Gregorian Chant Choir of Saint Michael - Angelus Ad Pastores Ait
17:11 Gregorian Chants - Antifona D'Ingresso: Circndederunt
17:08 Monks Of The Abbey Of Notre Dame - Angelus
17:07 Monks Of The Abbey Of Notre Dame - O Sacrum Convivium
17:05 Benedictine Monks of the Abbey of St. Maurice and St. Maur, Clevaux - Gregorian Chant: O Salutaris Hostia, Hymnus (tonus Monasticus) in Honorem SS. Sacramenti
17:02 Monks Of The Abbey Of Notre Dame - Ad Benedictus Sanctissime
17:01 Monks Of The Abbey Of Notre Dame - Exaudit Te Dominus
16:59 Gregorian Chants - Inno: Gloria Laus
16:57 Monks Of The Abbey Of Notre Dame - Benedicamus Patrem
16:50 The Gregorian Chant Choir of Saint Michael - Salve Festa Dies: Antiphonae
16:47 Gregorian Chants - Graduale: Ecce Quam Bonum
16:44 Monks Of The Abbey Of Notre Dame - Introit Benedicta Sit
16:42 Gregorian Chants - Antifona Alla Comunione: Qui Manducat
16:39 The Gregorian Chant Choir of Saint Michael - Hymnus: Christe Redemptor Rex
16:35 Monks Of The Abbey Of Notre Dame - Alleluia
16:34 Gregorian Chants - Antifona alla comunione: Ecce virgo
16:27 Benedictine Monks of the Abbey of St. Maurice and St. Maur, Clevaux - Gregorian Chant: Lauda Sion: Nunc Dimittis, Sequentia in Festo Corporis Christi
16:26 Gregorian Chants - Pater Noster
16:24 Monks Of The Abbey Of Notre Dame - Beati Mundo Corde; Quicumque Christum
16:17 The Gregorian Chant Choir of Saint Michael - Responsorium: Hodie Nobis Coelorum Rex
16:16 Gregorian Chants - Sanctus
16:13 Gregorian Chants - Responsorio: Verbum
16:12 Monks Of The Abbey Of Notre Dame - Pax Aeterna
16:09 Gregorian Chants - Graduale: Haec Dies
16:07 The Gregorian Chant Choir of Saint Michael - Ave Regina Coelorum
16:04 Monks Of The Abbey Of Notre Dame - Sanctum Et Immaculata
16:02 Monks Of The Abbey Of Notre Dame - Salve Regina
16:00 Gregorian Chants - Inno: Pange Lingua
15:59 Gregorian Chants - Canto Al Vangelo: Assumpia Est Maria
15:57 Monks Of The Abbey Of Notre Dame - Dignus Est Deus
15:55 Monks Of The Abbey Of Notre Dame - Domine Non Secundum
15:53 Monks Of The Abbey Of Notre Dame - Justorum Animae
15:52 The Gregorian Chant Choir of Saint Michael - Quem Vidistis Pastores
15:50 Gregorian Chants - Antifona d'ingressto alla comunione: Qui vult
15:49 The Gregorian Chant Choir of Saint Michael - Regina Coeli
15:47 Gregorian Chants - Antifone Di Natale
15:46 Benedictine Monks of the Abbey of St. Maurice and St. Maur, Clevaux - Gregorian Chant: Regina Caeli, Antiphona (tonus monasticus) in Honorem Beatae Mariae Virginis
15:45 Gregorian Chants - Kyrie
15:43 Benedictine Monks of the Abbey of St. Maurice and St. Maur, Clevaux - Gregorian Chant: Tantum ergo, Hymnus in Honorem SS. Sacramenti
15:40 Benedictine Monks of the Abbey of St. Maurice and St. Maur, Clevaux - Gregorian Chant: Veni, Creator Spiritus, Hymnus (tonus monasticus) in Festo Pentecostes
15:34 Monks Of The Abbey Of Notre Dame - Kyrie Eleison
15:30 Gregorian Chants - Antifona D'Ingresso: Resurexi
15:28 Gregorian Chants - Canto Al Vangelo: Oportebat
15:26 Gregorian Chants - Canto Al Vangelo: Veni Sancte Spiritu
15:23 Monks Of The Abbey Of Notre Dame - Te Joseph
15:18 Monks Of The Abbey Of Notre Dame - Final Angelus Bells
15:17 Benedictine Monks of the Abbey of St. Maurice and St. Maur, Clevaux - Gregorian Chant: O sacrum convivium, Antiphona (tonus monasticus) in Honorem SS. Sacramenti
15:16 Gregorian Chants - Agnus dei
15:13 Monks Of The Abbey Of Notre Dame - Dies Ire
15:09 Benedictine Monks of the Abbey of St. Maurice and St. Maur, Clevaux - Gregorian Chant: Stabat Mater, Sequentia in Festo Septem Dolorum B.M.V.
15:08 The Gregorian Chant Choir of Saint Michael - Genuit Puerpera Regem
15:07 Monks Of The Abbey Of Notre Dame - Recordare Virgo Mater
15:06 Benedictine Monks of the Abbey of St. Maurice and St. Maur, Clevaux - Gregorian Chant: Ave Maria, Antiphona in Honorem Beatae Mariae Virginis
15:02 Monks Of The Abbey Of Notre Dame - Audi Filia
15:00 Gregorian Chants - Inno: Conditor
14:59 The Gregorian Chant Choir of Saint Michael - Facta Est Cum Angelo
14:58 Benedictine Monks of the Abbey of St. Maurice and St. Maur, Clevaux - Gregorian Chant: Ave verum Corpus, Sequentia in Honorem SS. Sacramenti
14:56 Benedictine Monks of the Abbey of St. Maurice and St. Maur, Clevaux - Gregorian Chant: Inviolata, Sequentia in Honorem Beatae Mariae Virginis
14:55 Monks Of The Abbey Of Notre Dame - Tibi Christe Splendor
14:52 Gregorian Chants - Antifona D'Ingressto: Dignus Est Agnus
14:49 Monks Of The Abbey Of Notre Dame - Fiat Manus
14:47 Gregorian Chants - Antifona D'Ingresso: Nos Autem
14:46 The Gregorian Chant Choir of Saint Michael - Parvulus Filius
14:40 Benedictine Monks of the Abbey of St. Maurice and St. Maur, Clevaux - Gregorian Chant: Te Deum, Hymnus (tonus monasticus)
14:37 Monks Of The Abbey Of Notre Dame - De Ore Leonis
14:35 Gregorian Chants - Sequenza: Victimae Paschali Laudes
14:34 The Gregorian Chant Choir of Saint Michael - Angelus Ad Pastores Ait
14:33 Benedictine Monks of the Abbey of St. Maurice and St. Maur, Clevaux - Gregorian Chant: Victimae Paschali Laudes, Sequentia Tempore Paschali
14:31 Gregorian Chants - Antifona D'Ingresso: Dominus
14:30 Benedictine Monks of the Abbey of St. Maurice and St. Maur, Clevaux - Gregorian Chant: Alma Redemptoris Mater, Antiphona (tonus monasticus) in Honorem Beatae Mariae Virginis
14:27 Monks Of The Abbey Of Notre Dame - Angelus
14:26 Benedictine Monks of the Abbey of St. Maurice and St. Maur, Clevaux - Gregorian Chant: O Salutaris Hostia, Hymnus (tonus Monasticus) in Honorem SS. Sacramenti
14:24 Monks Of The Abbey Of Notre Dame - Regina Mundi
14:23 Monks Of The Abbey Of Notre Dame - O Sacrum Convivium
14:20 Monks Of The Abbey Of Notre Dame - Ad Benedictus Sanctissime
14:18 Gregorian Chants - Inno: Gloria Laus
14:15 Gregorian Chants - Graduale: Ecce Quam Bonum
14:08 The Gregorian Chant Choir of Saint Michael - Salve Festa Dies: Antiphonae
14:05 Gregorian Chants - Antifona D'Ingresso: Circndederunt
14:03 Gregorian Chants - Antifona Alla Comunione: Qui Manducat
14:00 The Gregorian Chant Choir of Saint Michael - Hymnus: Christe Redemptor Rex
13:59 Monks Of The Abbey Of Notre Dame - Exaudit Te Dominus
13:57 Gregorian Chants - Antifona alla comunione: Ecce virgo
13:56 Gregorian Chants - Pater Noster
13:52 Monks Of The Abbey Of Notre Dame - Introit Benedicta Sit
13:46 Benedictine Monks of the Abbey of St. Maurice and St. Maur, Clevaux - Gregorian Chant: Lauda Sion: Nunc Dimittis, Sequentia in Festo Corporis Christi
13:44 Gregorian Chants - Sanctus
13:43 Gregorian Chants - Antifona Alla Comunione: Factus Est
13:36 The Gregorian Chant Choir of Saint Michael - Responsorium: Hodie Nobis Coelorum Rex
13:35 Monks Of The Abbey Of Notre Dame - Beati Mundo Corde; Quicumque Christum
13:32 Gregorian Chants - Graduale: Haec Dies
13:29 Monks Of The Abbey Of Notre Dame - Alleluia
13:27 Monks Of The Abbey Of Notre Dame - Pax Aeterna
13:26 Monks Of The Abbey Of Notre Dame - Salve Regina
13:23 Gregorian Chants - Responsorio: Verbum
13:21 Monks Of The Abbey Of Notre Dame - Benedicamus Patrem
13:20 The Gregorian Chant Choir of Saint Michael - Ave Regina Coelorum
13:18 Monks Of The Abbey Of Notre Dame - Domine Non Secundum
13:14 Monks Of The Abbey Of Notre Dame - Sanctum Et Immaculata
13:12 Gregorian Chants - Antifona d'ingressto alla comunione: Qui vult
13:11 The Gregorian Chant Choir of Saint Michael - Regina Coeli
13:09 Gregorian Chants - Antifone Di Natale
13:08 Monks Of The Abbey Of Notre Dame - Dignus Est Deus
13:06 Gregorian Chants - Canto Al Vangelo: Assumpia Est Maria
13:04 Monks Of The Abbey Of Notre Dame - Justorum Animae
13:02 Benedictine Monks of the Abbey of St. Maurice and St. Maur, Clevaux - Gregorian Chant: Tantum ergo, Hymnus in Honorem SS. Sacramenti
13:01 Benedictine Monks of the Abbey of St. Maurice and St. Maur, Clevaux - Gregorian Chant: Regina Caeli, Antiphona (tonus monasticus) in Honorem Beatae Mariae Virginis
12:57 Benedictine Monks of the Abbey of St. Maurice and St. Maur, Clevaux - Gregorian Chant: Veni, Creator Spiritus, Hymnus (tonus monasticus) in Festo Pentecostes
12:54 Gregorian Chants - Antifona D'Ingresso: Resurexi
12:53 Gregorian Chants - Kyrie
12:51 Gregorian Chants - Canto Al Vangelo: Veni Sancte Spiritu
12:48 Monks Of The Abbey Of Notre Dame - Te Joseph
12:43 Monks Of The Abbey Of Notre Dame - Final Angelus Bells
12:41 Gregorian Chants - Canto Al Vangelo: Oportebat
12:40 Gregorian Chants - Agnus dei
12:37 Monks Of The Abbey Of Notre Dame - Dies Ire
12:35 Gregorian Chants - Inno: Pange Lingua
12:35 The Gregorian Chant Choir of Saint Michael - Quem Vidistis Pastores
12:34 Monks Of The Abbey Of Notre Dame - Recordare Virgo Mater
12:30 Monks Of The Abbey Of Notre Dame - Audi Filia
12:29 The Gregorian Chant Choir of Saint Michael - Genuit Puerpera Regem
12:27 Gregorian Chants - Inno: Conditor
12:26 Benedictine Monks of the Abbey of St. Maurice and St. Maur, Clevaux - Gregorian Chant: O sacrum convivium, Antiphona (tonus monasticus) in Honorem SS. Sacramenti
12:21 Benedictine Monks of the Abbey of St. Maurice and St. Maur, Clevaux - Gregorian Chant: Stabat Mater, Sequentia in Festo Septem Dolorum B.M.V.
12:20 Benedictine Monks of the Abbey of St. Maurice and St. Maur, Clevaux - Gregorian Chant: Ave Maria, Antiphona in Honorem Beatae Mariae Virginis
12:19 Benedictine Monks of the Abbey of St. Maurice and St. Maur, Clevaux - Gregorian Chant: Ave verum Corpus, Sequentia in Honorem SS. Sacramenti
12:16 Gregorian Chants - Antifona D'Ingressto: Dignus Est Agnus
12:14 Benedictine Monks of the Abbey of St. Maurice and St. Maur, Clevaux - Gregorian Chant: Inviolata, Sequentia in Honorem Beatae Mariae Virginis
12:12 Gregorian Chants - Antifona D'Ingresso: Nos Autem
12:06 Benedictine Monks of the Abbey of St. Maurice and St. Maur, Clevaux - Gregorian Chant: Te Deum, Hymnus (tonus monasticus)
12:02 Monks Of The Abbey Of Notre Dame - De Ore Leonis
11:56 Monks Of The Abbey Of Notre Dame - Kyrie Eleison
11:55 The Gregorian Chant Choir of Saint Michael - Parvulus Filius
11:55 The Gregorian Chant Choir of Saint Michael - Facta Est Cum Angelo
11:53 Gregorian Chants - Antifona D'Ingresso: Dominus
11:51 Monks Of The Abbey Of Notre Dame - Fiat Manus
11:50 The Gregorian Chant Choir of Saint Michael - Angelus Ad Pastores Ait
11:48 Benedictine Monks of the Abbey of St. Maurice and St. Maur, Clevaux - Gregorian Chant: Victimae Paschali Laudes, Sequentia Tempore Paschali
11:47 Monks Of The Abbey Of Notre Dame - Regina Mundi
11:45 Benedictine Monks of the Abbey of St. Maurice and St. Maur, Clevaux - Gregorian Chant: Alma Redemptoris Mater, Antiphona (tonus monasticus) in Honorem Beatae Mariae Virginis
11:42 Monks Of The Abbey Of Notre Dame - Ad Benedictus Sanctissime
11:41 Benedictine Monks of the Abbey of St. Maurice and St. Maur, Clevaux - Gregorian Chant: O Salutaris Hostia, Hymnus (tonus Monasticus) in Honorem SS. Sacramenti
11:39 Monks Of The Abbey Of Notre Dame - Tibi Christe Splendor
11:36 Monks Of The Abbey Of Notre Dame - Angelus
11:33 Gregorian Chants - Graduale: Ecce Quam Bonum
11:32 Gregorian Chants - Sequenza: Victimae Paschali Laudes
11:30 Monks Of The Abbey Of Notre Dame - O Sacrum Convivium
11:29 Gregorian Chants - Antifona Alla Comunione: Qui Manducat
11:26 Gregorian Chants - Antifona D'Ingresso: Circndederunt
11:24 Gregorian Chants - Inno: Gloria Laus
11:22 Monks Of The Abbey Of Notre Dame - Exaudit Te Dominus
11:19 Monks Of The Abbey Of Notre Dame - Introit Benedicta Sit
11:12 Benedictine Monks of the Abbey of St. Maurice and St. Maur, Clevaux - Gregorian Chant: Lauda Sion: Nunc Dimittis, Sequentia in Festo Corporis Christi
11:09 The Gregorian Chant Choir of Saint Michael - Hymnus: Christe Redemptor Rex
11:08 Gregorian Chants - Antifona Alla Comunione: Factus Est
11:07 Gregorian Chants - Sanctus
11:00 The Gregorian Chant Choir of Saint Michael - Responsorium: Hodie Nobis Coelorum Rex
10:53 The Gregorian Chant Choir of Saint Michael - Salve Festa Dies: Antiphonae
10:51 Gregorian Chants - Antifona alla comunione: Ecce virgo
10:50 Monks Of The Abbey Of Notre Dame - Salve Regina
10:46 Gregorian Chants - Responsorio: Verbum
10:44 Gregorian Chants - Graduale: Haec Dies
10:43 Gregorian Chants - Pater Noster
10:41 Monks Of The Abbey Of Notre Dame - Beati Mundo Corde; Quicumque Christum
10:39 Monks Of The Abbey Of Notre Dame - Benedicamus Patrem
10:37 Monks Of The Abbey Of Notre Dame - Domine Non Secundum
10:36 Monks Of The Abbey Of Notre Dame - Pax Aeterna
10:34 Gregorian Chants - Antifona d'ingressto alla comunione: Qui vult
10:32 Gregorian Chants - Antifone Di Natale
10:32 The Gregorian Chant Choir of Saint Michael - Regina Coeli
10:28 Monks Of The Abbey Of Notre Dame - Alleluia
10:27 Monks Of The Abbey Of Notre Dame - Dignus Est Deus
10:25 Benedictine Monks of the Abbey of St. Maurice and St. Maur, Clevaux - Gregorian Chant: Regina Caeli, Antiphona (tonus monasticus) in Honorem Beatae Mariae Virginis
10:22 Monks Of The Abbey Of Notre Dame - Justorum Animae
10:21 Benedictine Monks of the Abbey of St. Maurice and St. Maur, Clevaux - Gregorian Chant: Tantum ergo, Hymnus in Honorem SS. Sacramenti
10:18 Monks Of The Abbey Of Notre Dame - Sanctum Et Immaculata
10:16 The Gregorian Chant Choir of Saint Michael - Ave Regina Coelorum
10:15 Gregorian Chants - Kyrie
10:12 Benedictine Monks of the Abbey of St. Maurice and St. Maur, Clevaux - Gregorian Chant: Veni, Creator Spiritus, Hymnus (tonus monasticus) in Festo Pentecostes
10:07 Monks Of The Abbey Of Notre Dame - Final Angelus Bells
10:05 Gregorian Chants - Canto Al Vangelo: Veni Sancte Spiritu
10:02 Gregorian Chants - Canto Al Vangelo: Oportebat
10:00 Gregorian Chants - Canto Al Vangelo: Assumpia Est Maria
10:00 The Gregorian Chant Choir of Saint Michael - Quem Vidistis Pastores
09:56 Gregorian Chants - Antifona D'Ingresso: Resurexi
09:55 Monks Of The Abbey Of Notre Dame - Recordare Virgo Mater
09:54 The Gregorian Chant Choir of Saint Michael - Genuit Puerpera Regem
09:52 Monks Of The Abbey Of Notre Dame - Dies Ire
09:50 Gregorian Chants - Inno: Pange Lingua
09:47 Monks Of The Abbey Of Notre Dame - Te Joseph
09:46 Gregorian Chants - Inno: Conditor
09:45 Benedictine Monks of the Abbey of St. Maurice and St. Maur, Clevaux - Gregorian Chant: Ave Maria, Antiphona in Honorem Beatae Mariae Virginis
09:40 Benedictine Monks of the Abbey of St. Maurice and St. Maur, Clevaux - Gregorian Chant: Stabat Mater, Sequentia in Festo Septem Dolorum B.M.V.
09:39 Benedictine Monks of the Abbey of St. Maurice and St. Maur, Clevaux - Gregorian Chant: O sacrum convivium, Antiphona (tonus monasticus) in Honorem SS. Sacramenti
09:35 Monks Of The Abbey Of Notre Dame - Audi Filia
09:32 Gregorian Chants - Antifona D'Ingressto: Dignus Est Agnus
09:28 Monks Of The Abbey Of Notre Dame - De Ore Leonis
09:26 Gregorian Chants - Antifona D'Ingresso: Nos Autem
09:24 Benedictine Monks of the Abbey of St. Maurice and St. Maur, Clevaux - Gregorian Chant: Ave verum Corpus, Sequentia in Honorem SS. Sacramenti
09:23 Gregorian Chants - Agnus dei
09:23 The Gregorian Chant Choir of Saint Michael - Parvulus Filius
09:17 Benedictine Monks of the Abbey of St. Maurice and St. Maur, Clevaux - Gregorian Chant: Te Deum, Hymnus (tonus monasticus)
09:16 The Gregorian Chant Choir of Saint Michael - Facta Est Cum Angelo
09:15 Gregorian Chants - Antifona D'Ingresso: Dominus
09:13 Benedictine Monks of the Abbey of St. Maurice and St. Maur, Clevaux - Gregorian Chant: Victimae Paschali Laudes, Sequentia Tempore Paschali
09:11 Monks Of The Abbey Of Notre Dame - Fiat Manus
09:09 Benedictine Monks of the Abbey of St. Maurice and St. Maur, Clevaux - Gregorian Chant: Alma Redemptoris Mater, Antiphona (tonus monasticus) in Honorem Beatae Mariae Virginis
09:02 Monks Of The Abbey Of Notre Dame - Kyrie Eleison
09:01 Benedictine Monks of the Abbey of St. Maurice and St. Maur, Clevaux - Gregorian Chant: O Salutaris Hostia, Hymnus (tonus Monasticus) in Honorem SS. Sacramenti
09:00 Benedictine Monks of the Abbey of St. Maurice and St. Maur, Clevaux - Gregorian Chant: Inviolata, Sequentia in Honorem Beatae Mariae Virginis
08:57 Gregorian Chants - Graduale: Ecce Quam Bonum
08:53 Monks Of The Abbey Of Notre Dame - Ad Benedictus Sanctissime
08:52 Monks Of The Abbey Of Notre Dame - Tibi Christe Splendor
08:50 Monks Of The Abbey Of Notre Dame - Regina Mundi
08:48 Gregorian Chants - Antifona Alla Comunione: Qui Manducat
08:47 Monks Of The Abbey Of Notre Dame - O Sacrum Convivium
08:46 Monks Of The Abbey Of Notre Dame - Exaudit Te Dominus
08:44 Gregorian Chants - Inno: Gloria Laus
08:42 Gregorian Chants - Sequenza: Victimae Paschali Laudes
08:39 Monks Of The Abbey Of Notre Dame - Angelus
08:37 Gregorian Chants - Antifona D'Ingresso: Circndederunt
08:33 Monks Of The Abbey Of Notre Dame - Introit Benedicta Sit
08:33 The Gregorian Chant Choir of Saint Michael - Angelus Ad Pastores Ait
08:26 Benedictine Monks of the Abbey of St. Maurice and St. Maur, Clevaux - Gregorian Chant: Lauda Sion: Nunc Dimittis, Sequentia in Festo Corporis Christi
08:19 The Gregorian Chant Choir of Saint Michael - Salve Festa Dies: Antiphonae
08:12 The Gregorian Chant Choir of Saint Michael - Responsorium: Hodie Nobis Coelorum Rex
08:11 Gregorian Chants - Antifona Alla Comunione: Factus Est
08:10 Gregorian Chants - Sanctus
08:07 Gregorian Chants - Responsorio: Verbum
08:04 Gregorian Chants - Graduale: Haec Dies
08:02 Monks Of The Abbey Of Notre Dame - Beati Mundo Corde; Quicumque Christum
08:01 Gregorian Chants - Antifona alla comunione: Ecce virgo
08:00 Monks Of The Abbey Of Notre Dame - Pax Aeterna
07:56 The Gregorian Chant Choir of Saint Michael - Hymnus: Christe Redemptor Rex
07:54 Monks Of The Abbey Of Notre Dame - Domine Non Secundum
07:53 Gregorian Chants - Antifone Di Natale
07:51 Gregorian Chants - Pater Noster
07:51 The Gregorian Chant Choir of Saint Michael - Regina Coeli
07:48 Gregorian Chants - Antifona d'ingressto alla comunione: Qui vult
07:45 Monks Of The Abbey Of Notre Dame - Alleluia
07:43 Monks Of The Abbey Of Notre Dame - Dignus Est Deus
07:42 Benedictine Monks of the Abbey of St. Maurice and St. Maur, Clevaux - Gregorian Chant: Regina Caeli, Antiphona (tonus monasticus) in Honorem Beatae Mariae Virginis
07:40 The Gregorian Chant Choir of Saint Michael - Ave Regina Coelorum
07:39 Benedictine Monks of the Abbey of St. Maurice and St. Maur, Clevaux - Gregorian Chant: Tantum ergo, Hymnus in Honorem SS. Sacramenti
07:37 Monks Of The Abbey Of Notre Dame - Benedicamus Patrem
07:34 Benedictine Monks of the Abbey of St. Maurice and St. Maur, Clevaux - Gregorian Chant: Veni, Creator Spiritus, Hymnus (tonus monasticus) in Festo Pentecostes
07:30 Monks Of The Abbey Of Notre Dame - Sanctum Et Immaculata
07:29 Monks Of The Abbey Of Notre Dame - Salve Regina
07:27 Gregorian Chants - Canto Al Vangelo: Assumpia Est Maria
07:26 The Gregorian Chant Choir of Saint Michael - Quem Vidistis Pastores
07:24 Gregorian Chants - Canto Al Vangelo: Veni Sancte Spiritu
07:23 Gregorian Chants - Kyrie
07:18 Monks Of The Abbey Of Notre Dame - Final Angelus Bells
07:17 Monks Of The Abbey Of Notre Dame - Recordare Virgo Mater
07:15 Monks Of The Abbey Of Notre Dame - Dies Ire
07:12 Gregorian Chants - Canto Al Vangelo: Oportebat
07:09 Gregorian Chants - Antifona D'Ingresso: Resurexi
07:08 Benedictine Monks of the Abbey of St. Maurice and St. Maur, Clevaux - Gregorian Chant: Ave Maria, Antiphona in Honorem Beatae Mariae Virginis
07:07 The Gregorian Chant Choir of Saint Michael - Genuit Puerpera Regem
07:06 Benedictine Monks of the Abbey of St. Maurice and St. Maur, Clevaux - Gregorian Chant: O sacrum convivium, Antiphona (tonus monasticus) in Honorem SS. Sacramenti
07:03 Monks Of The Abbey Of Notre Dame - Te Joseph
06:58 Benedictine Monks of the Abbey of St. Maurice and St. Maur, Clevaux - Gregorian Chant: Stabat Mater, Sequentia in Festo Septem Dolorum B.M.V.
06:56 Monks Of The Abbey Of Notre Dame - Justorum Animae
06:54 Gregorian Chants - Inno: Conditor
06:51 Gregorian Chants - Antifona D'Ingressto: Dignus Est Agnus
06:50 Gregorian Chants - Agnus dei
06:50 The Gregorian Chant Choir of Saint Michael - Parvulus Filius
06:48 Benedictine Monks of the Abbey of St. Maurice and St. Maur, Clevaux - Gregorian Chant: Ave verum Corpus, Sequentia in Honorem SS. Sacramenti
06:46 Gregorian Chants - Antifona D'Ingresso: Nos Autem
06:42 Monks Of The Abbey Of Notre Dame - De Ore Leonis
06:40 Benedictine Monks of the Abbey of St. Maurice and St. Maur, Clevaux - Gregorian Chant: Victimae Paschali Laudes, Sequentia Tempore Paschali
06:39 Gregorian Chants - Inno: Pange Lingua
06:38 The Gregorian Chant Choir of Saint Michael - Facta Est Cum Angelo
06:36 Gregorian Chants - Antifona D'Ingresso: Dominus
06:34 Monks Of The Abbey Of Notre Dame - Fiat Manus
06:27 Monks Of The Abbey Of Notre Dame - Kyrie Eleison
06:24 Gregorian Chants - Graduale: Ecce Quam Bonum
06:18 Benedictine Monks of the Abbey of St. Maurice and St. Maur, Clevaux - Gregorian Chant: Te Deum, Hymnus (tonus monasticus)
06:17 Monks Of The Abbey Of Notre Dame - Tibi Christe Splendor
06:15 Monks Of The Abbey Of Notre Dame - Regina Mundi
06:14 Benedictine Monks of the Abbey of St. Maurice and St. Maur, Clevaux - Gregorian Chant: Inviolata, Sequentia in Honorem Beatae Mariae Virginis
06:13 Monks Of The Abbey Of Notre Dame - O Sacrum Convivium
06:09 Monks Of The Abbey Of Notre Dame - Audi Filia
06:07 Benedictine Monks of the Abbey of St. Maurice and St. Maur, Clevaux - Gregorian Chant: Alma Redemptoris Mater, Antiphona (tonus monasticus) in Honorem Beatae Mariae Virginis
06:05 Gregorian Chants - Inno: Gloria Laus
06:04 Benedictine Monks of the Abbey of St. Maurice and St. Maur, Clevaux - Gregorian Chant: O Salutaris Hostia, Hymnus (tonus Monasticus) in Honorem SS. Sacramenti
06:02 Gregorian Chants - Sequenza: Victimae Paschali Laudes
05:59 Gregorian Chants - Antifona D'Ingresso: Circndederunt
05:58 Gregorian Chants - Antifona Alla Comunione: Qui Manducat
05:55 Monks Of The Abbey Of Notre Dame - Angelus
05:52 Monks Of The Abbey Of Notre Dame - Ad Benedictus Sanctissime
05:48 Monks Of The Abbey Of Notre Dame - Introit Benedicta Sit
05:42 The Gregorian Chant Choir of Saint Michael - Responsorium: Hodie Nobis Coelorum Rex
05:40 Monks Of The Abbey Of Notre Dame - Exaudit Te Dominus
05:37 Gregorian Chants - Responsorio: Verbum
05:36 Gregorian Chants - Sanctus
05:29 Benedictine Monks of the Abbey of St. Maurice and St. Maur, Clevaux - Gregorian Chant: Lauda Sion: Nunc Dimittis, Sequentia in Festo Corporis Christi
05:22 The Gregorian Chant Choir of Saint Michael - Salve Festa Dies: Antiphonae
05:21 The Gregorian Chant Choir of Saint Michael - Angelus Ad Pastores Ait
05:18 The Gregorian Chant Choir of Saint Michael - Hymnus: Christe Redemptor Rex
05:17 Gregorian Chants - Antifona Alla Comunione: Factus Est
05:16 Monks Of The Abbey Of Notre Dame - Pax Aeterna
05:14 Monks Of The Abbey Of Notre Dame - Beati Mundo Corde; Quicumque Christum
05:12 Monks Of The Abbey Of Notre Dame - Domine Non Secundum
05:11 Gregorian Chants - Pater Noster
05:08 Gregorian Chants - Graduale: Haec Dies
05:07 Gregorian Chants - Antifona alla comunione: Ecce virgo
05:06 The Gregorian Chant Choir of Saint Michael - Regina Coeli
05:04 Gregorian Chants - Antifone Di Natale
05:02 Gregorian Chants - Antifona d'ingressto alla comunione: Qui vult
05:00 Monks Of The Abbey Of Notre Dame - Benedicamus Patrem
04:57 Monks Of The Abbey Of Notre Dame - Alleluia
04:53 Benedictine Monks of the Abbey of St. Maurice and St. Maur, Clevaux - Gregorian Chant: Veni, Creator Spiritus, Hymnus (tonus monasticus) in Festo Pentecostes
04:52 Monks Of The Abbey Of Notre Dame - Salve Regina
04:48 Monks Of The Abbey Of Notre Dame - Sanctum Et Immaculata
04:47 Benedictine Monks of the Abbey of St. Maurice and St. Maur, Clevaux - Gregorian Chant: Regina Caeli, Antiphona (tonus monasticus) in Honorem Beatae Mariae Virginis
04:45 Benedictine Monks of the Abbey of St. Maurice and St. Maur, Clevaux - Gregorian Chant: Tantum ergo, Hymnus in Honorem SS. Sacramenti
04:44 Gregorian Chants - Kyrie
04:39 Monks Of The Abbey Of Notre Dame - Final Angelus Bells
04:37 Gregorian Chants - Canto Al Vangelo: Veni Sancte Spiritu
04:37 Monks Of The Abbey Of Notre Dame - Recordare Virgo Mater
04:35 The Gregorian Chant Choir of Saint Michael - Ave Regina Coelorum
04:32 Gregorian Chants - Canto Al Vangelo: Oportebat
04:31 Monks Of The Abbey Of Notre Dame - Dignus Est Deus
04:30 The Gregorian Chant Choir of Saint Michael - Genuit Puerpera Regem
04:27 Gregorian Chants - Antifona D'Ingresso: Resurexi
04:26 The Gregorian Chant Choir of Saint Michael - Quem Vidistis Pastores
04:23 Monks Of The Abbey Of Notre Dame - Te Joseph
04:22 Gregorian Chants - Canto Al Vangelo: Assumpia Est Maria
04:19 Monks Of The Abbey Of Notre Dame - Dies Ire
04:14 Benedictine Monks of the Abbey of St. Maurice and St. Maur, Clevaux - Gregorian Chant: Stabat Mater, Sequentia in Festo Septem Dolorum B.M.V.
04:12 Gregorian Chants - Inno: Conditor
04:11 Benedictine Monks of the Abbey of St. Maurice and St. Maur, Clevaux - Gregorian Chant: O sacrum convivium, Antiphona (tonus monasticus) in Honorem SS. Sacramenti
04:08 Gregorian Chants - Antifona D'Ingressto: Dignus Est Agnus
04:07 Benedictine Monks of the Abbey of St. Maurice and St. Maur, Clevaux - Gregorian Chant: Ave Maria, Antiphona in Honorem Beatae Mariae Virginis
04:06 Gregorian Chants - Agnus dei
04:06 The Gregorian Chant Choir of Saint Michael - Parvulus Filius
04:02 Monks Of The Abbey Of Notre Dame - De Ore Leonis
04:01 The Gregorian Chant Choir of Saint Michael - Facta Est Cum Angelo
04:00 Benedictine Monks of the Abbey of St. Maurice and St. Maur, Clevaux - Gregorian Chant: Victimae Paschali Laudes, Sequentia Tempore Paschali
03:58 Gregorian Chants - Antifona D'Ingresso: Dominus
03:56 Monks Of The Abbey Of Notre Dame - Justorum Animae
03:53 Gregorian Chants - Antifona D'Ingresso: Nos Autem
03:47 Benedictine Monks of the Abbey of St. Maurice and St. Maur, Clevaux - Gregorian Chant: Te Deum, Hymnus (tonus monasticus)
03:45 Monks Of The Abbey Of Notre Dame - Fiat Manus
03:43 Monks Of The Abbey Of Notre Dame - Tibi Christe Splendor
03:42 Benedictine Monks of the Abbey of St. Maurice and St. Maur, Clevaux - Gregorian Chant: Ave verum Corpus, Sequentia in Honorem SS. Sacramenti
03:35 Monks Of The Abbey Of Notre Dame - Kyrie Eleison
03:34 Monks Of The Abbey Of Notre Dame - Regina Mundi
03:31 Gregorian Chants - Graduale: Ecce Quam Bonum
03:29 Gregorian Chants - Inno: Gloria Laus
03:27 Benedictine Monks of the Abbey of St. Maurice and St. Maur, Clevaux - Gregorian Chant: O Salutaris Hostia, Hymnus (tonus Monasticus) in Honorem SS. Sacramenti
03:24 Monks Of The Abbey Of Notre Dame - Audi Filia
03:22 Benedictine Monks of the Abbey of St. Maurice and St. Maur, Clevaux - Gregorian Chant: Inviolata, Sequentia in Honorem Beatae Mariae Virginis
03:21 Gregorian Chants - Sequenza: Victimae Paschali Laudes
03:18 Monks Of The Abbey Of Notre Dame - Angelus
03:15 Monks Of The Abbey Of Notre Dame - Ad Benedictus Sanctissime
03:13 Gregorian Chants - Inno: Pange Lingua
03:11 Benedictine Monks of the Abbey of St. Maurice and St. Maur, Clevaux - Gregorian Chant: Alma Redemptoris Mater, Antiphona (tonus monasticus) in Honorem Beatae Mariae Virginis
03:10 Monks Of The Abbey Of Notre Dame - O Sacrum Convivium
03:03 The Gregorian Chant Choir of Saint Michael - Responsorium: Hodie Nobis Coelorum Rex
03:00 Monks Of The Abbey Of Notre Dame - Introit Benedicta Sit
02:59 Gregorian Chants - Sanctus
02:52 Benedictine Monks of the Abbey of St. Maurice and St. Maur, Clevaux - Gregorian Chant: Lauda Sion: Nunc Dimittis, Sequentia in Festo Corporis Christi
02:45 The Gregorian Chant Choir of Saint Michael - Salve Festa Dies: Antiphonae
02:44 The Gregorian Chant Choir of Saint Michael - Angelus Ad Pastores Ait
02:43 Gregorian Chants - Antifona Alla Comunione: Qui Manducat
02:41 Monks Of The Abbey Of Notre Dame - Exaudit Te Dominus
02:40 Gregorian Chants - Antifona Alla Comunione: Factus Est
02:38 Monks Of The Abbey Of Notre Dame - Domine Non Secundum
02:37 Gregorian Chants - Pater Noster
02:34 Gregorian Chants - Graduale: Haec Dies
02:31 Gregorian Chants - Antifona D'Ingresso: Circndederunt
02:28 Gregorian Chants - Responsorio: Verbum
02:27 The Gregorian Chant Choir of Saint Michael - Regina Coeli
02:26 Monks Of The Abbey Of Notre Dame - Beati Mundo Corde; Quicumque Christum
02:24 Monks Of The Abbey Of Notre Dame - Benedicamus Patrem
02:23 Monks Of The Abbey Of Notre Dame - Pax Aeterna
02:19 Monks Of The Abbey Of Notre Dame - Alleluia
02:18 Monks Of The Abbey Of Notre Dame - Salve Regina
02:14 Monks Of The Abbey Of Notre Dame - Sanctum Et Immaculata
02:11 Benedictine Monks of the Abbey of St. Maurice and St. Maur, Clevaux - Gregorian Chant: Veni, Creator Spiritus, Hymnus (tonus monasticus) in Festo Pentecostes
02:09 Gregorian Chants - Antifona d'ingressto alla comunione: Qui vult
02:05 The Gregorian Chant Choir of Saint Michael - Hymnus: Christe Redemptor Rex
02:04 Benedictine Monks of the Abbey of St. Maurice and St. Maur, Clevaux - Gregorian Chant: Tantum ergo, Hymnus in Honorem SS. Sacramenti
02:02 Gregorian Chants - Antifona alla comunione: Ecce virgo
01:57 Monks Of The Abbey Of Notre Dame - Final Angelus Bells
01:56 Gregorian Chants - Antifone Di Natale
01:55 Monks Of The Abbey Of Notre Dame - Recordare Virgo Mater
01:53 Benedictine Monks of the Abbey of St. Maurice and St. Maur, Clevaux - Gregorian Chant: Regina Caeli, Antiphona (tonus monasticus) in Honorem Beatae Mariae Virginis
01:52 Monks Of The Abbey Of Notre Dame - Dignus Est Deus
01:51 The Gregorian Chant Choir of Saint Michael - Genuit Puerpera Regem
01:47 Gregorian Chants - Antifona D'Ingresso: Resurexi
01:45 Gregorian Chants - Canto Al Vangelo: Oportebat
01:43 Gregorian Chants - Canto Al Vangelo: Assumpia Est Maria
01:41 Gregorian Chants - Canto Al Vangelo: Veni Sancte Spiritu
01:38 Monks Of The Abbey Of Notre Dame - Dies Ire
01:37 Gregorian Chants - Kyrie
01:36 Benedictine Monks of the Abbey of St. Maurice and St. Maur, Clevaux - Gregorian Chant: O sacrum convivium, Antiphona (tonus monasticus) in Honorem SS. Sacramenti
01:33 Gregorian Chants - Antifona D'Ingressto: Dignus Est Agnus
01:31 Monks Of The Abbey Of Notre Dame - Te Joseph
01:30 The Gregorian Chant Choir of Saint Michael - Quem Vidistis Pastores
01:29 Benedictine Monks of the Abbey of St. Maurice and St. Maur, Clevaux - Gregorian Chant: Ave Maria, Antiphona in Honorem Beatae Mariae Virginis
01:28 Gregorian Chants - Inno: Conditor
01:27 The Gregorian Chant Choir of Saint Michael - Parvulus Filius
01:25 Benedictine Monks of the Abbey of St. Maurice and St. Maur, Clevaux - Gregorian Chant: Victimae Paschali Laudes, Sequentia Tempore Paschali
01:24 The Gregorian Chant Choir of Saint Michael - Facta Est Cum Angelo
01:23 Gregorian Chants - Agnus dei
01:22 Gregorian Chants - Antifona D'Ingresso: Dominus
01:18 Monks Of The Abbey Of Notre Dame - De Ore Leonis
01:16 Monks Of The Abbey Of Notre Dame - Fiat Manus
01:13 Monks Of The Abbey Of Notre Dame - Justorum Animae
01:11 Monks Of The Abbey Of Notre Dame - Tibi Christe Splendor
01:09 Gregorian Chants - Antifona D'Ingresso: Nos Autem
01:08 Monks Of The Abbey Of Notre Dame - Regina Mundi
01:06 The Gregorian Chant Choir of Saint Michael - Ave Regina Coelorum
01:05 Benedictine Monks of the Abbey of St. Maurice and St. Maur, Clevaux - Gregorian Chant: Ave verum Corpus, Sequentia in Honorem SS. Sacramenti
01:03 Gregorian Chants - Inno: Gloria Laus
00:58 Benedictine Monks of the Abbey of St. Maurice and St. Maur, Clevaux - Gregorian Chant: Stabat Mater, Sequentia in Festo Septem Dolorum B.M.V.
00:56 Benedictine Monks of the Abbey of St. Maurice and St. Maur, Clevaux - Gregorian Chant: Inviolata, Sequentia in Honorem Beatae Mariae Virginis
00:50 Monks Of The Abbey Of Notre Dame - Kyrie Eleison
00:47 Gregorian Chants - Graduale: Ecce Quam Bonum
00:45 Benedictine Monks of the Abbey of St. Maurice and St. Maur, Clevaux - Gregorian Chant: O Salutaris Hostia, Hymnus (tonus Monasticus) in Honorem SS. Sacramenti
00:43 Monks Of The Abbey Of Notre Dame - Angelus
00:39 Monks Of The Abbey Of Notre Dame - Audi Filia
00:38 Monks Of The Abbey Of Notre Dame - O Sacrum Convivium
00:32 Benedictine Monks of the Abbey of St. Maurice and St. Maur, Clevaux - Gregorian Chant: Te Deum, Hymnus (tonus monasticus)
00:29 Monks Of The Abbey Of Notre Dame - Introit Benedicta Sit
00:27 Benedictine Monks of the Abbey of St. Maurice and St. Maur, Clevaux - Gregorian Chant: Alma Redemptoris Mater, Antiphona (tonus monasticus) in Honorem Beatae Mariae Virginis
00:20 Benedictine Monks of the Abbey of St. Maurice and St. Maur, Clevaux - Gregorian Chant: Lauda Sion: Nunc Dimittis, Sequentia in Festo Corporis Christi
00:19 Gregorian Chants - Sequenza: Victimae Paschali Laudes
00:17 Gregorian Chants - Inno: Pange Lingua
00:15 Gregorian Chants - Antifona Alla Comunione: Qui Manducat
00:14 Gregorian Chants - Sanctus
00:10 Monks Of The Abbey Of Notre Dame - Ad Benedictus Sanctissime
00:04 The Gregorian Chant Choir of Saint Michael - Responsorium: Hodie Nobis Coelorum Rex
00:02 Monks Of The Abbey Of Notre Dame - Exaudit Te Dominus
00:01 Gregorian Chants - Pater Noster
00:00 Gregorian Chants - Antifona Alla Comunione: Factus Est

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