23:54 |
Leonard Cohen - Paper Thin Hotel
23:50 |
Leonard Cohen - The Captain
23:47 |
Leonard Cohen - Sister's Of Mercy
23:43 |
Leonard Cohen - Coming Back To You
23:37 |
Leonard Cohen - First We Take Manhattan
23:32 |
Leonard Cohen (Live) - I'm Your Man
23:27 |
Leonard Cohen - Iodine
23:22 |
Leonard Cohen - Aint No Cure For Love
23:15 |
Leonard Cohen - Dress Rehearsal Rag
23:10 |
Leonard Cohen - Tower Of Song
23:07 |
Leonard Cohen - Anyhow
23:01 |
Leonard Cohen - Take This Waltz
22:53 |
Leonard Cohen - Always
22:47 |
Leonard Cohen - The Smokey Life
22:43 |
Leonard Cohen - Tonight Will Be Fine
22:40 |
Leonard Cohen - Diamonds In The Mine
22:37 |
Leonard Cohen - Nightingale
22:34 |
Leonard Cohen - Lover Lover Lover
22:29 |
Leonard Cohen (Live) - Sisters of Mercy
22:21 |
Leonard Cohen - Amen
22:15 |
Leonard Cohen - A Thousand Kisses Deep
22:09 |
Leonard Cohen - You Have Loved Enough
22:01 |
Leonard Cohen - Waiting For The Miracle
21:56 |
Leonard Cohen - By The Rivers Dark
21:51 |
Leonard Cohen - In My Secret Life
21:45 |
Leonard Cohen - Tacoma Trailer
21:40 |
Leonard Cohen - Famous Blue Raincoat
21:37 |
Leonard Cohen - Lady Midnight
21:34 |
Leonard Cohen - Almost like the Blues
21:29 |
Leonard Cohen - There For You
21:25 |
Leonard Cohen - Steer Your Way
21:21 |
Leonard Cohen (Live) - Hey, That's No Way to Say Goodbye
21:15 |
Leonard Cohen - Villanelle For Our Time
21:12 |
Leonard Cohen - A Street
21:06 |
Leonard Cohen - The Lost Canadian (Un Canadien Errant)
21:03 |
Leonard Cohen - Bird On The Wire
20:56 |
Leonard Cohen - Light As The Breeze
20:53 |
Leonard Cohen - Hey, That's No Way To Say Goodbye
20:48 |
Leonard Cohen - The Law
20:42 |
Leonard Cohen - The Guests
20:36 |
Leonard Cohen - Don't Go Home With Your Hard-On
20:32 |
Leonard Cohen - I'm Your Man
20:29 |
Leonard Cohen - Winter Lady
20:22 |
Leonard Cohen - Democracy
20:16 |
Leonard Cohen (Live) - Bird On the Wire
20:12 |
Leonard Cohen - The Faith
20:05 |
Leonard Cohen - Dance Me To The End Of Love
20:02 |
Leonard Cohen - Heart With No Companion
19:55 |
Leonard Cohen - The Future
19:51 |
Leonard Cohen - Show Me The Place
19:44 |
Leonard Cohen - Hallelujah
19:41 |
Leonard Cohen - The Butcher
19:39 |
Leonard Cohen - Who By Fire
19:33 |
Leonard Cohen - Master Song
19:28 |
Leonard Cohen - The Stranger Song
19:24 |
Leonard Cohen - Banjo
19:18 |
Leonard Cohen - Closing Time
19:13 |
Leonard Cohen (Live) - In My Secret Life
19:09 |
Leonard Cohen - You Know Who I Am
19:03 |
Leonard Cohen - Memories
18:56 |
Leonard Cohen - Ballad Of The Absent Mare (Longer Version)
18:51 |
Leonard Cohen - Everybody Knows
18:46 |
Leonard Cohen - The Gypsy's Wife
18:41 |
Leonard Cohen - Is This What You Wanted
18:38 |
Leonard Cohen - Jazz Police
18:31 |
Leonard Cohen - Anthem
18:29 |
Leonard Cohen - Come Healing
18:23 |
Leonard Cohen - Avalanche
18:19 |
Leonard Cohen - The Land of Plenty
18:13 |
Leonard Cohen - Last Year's Man
18:06 |
Leonard Cohen (Live) - Who By Fire
18:02 |
Leonard Cohen - The Old Revolution
17:58 |
Leonard Cohen - Suzanne
17:54 |
Leonard Cohen - Morning Glory
17:48 |
Leonard Cohen - So Long Marianne
17:45 |
Leonard Cohen - Go No More a-Roving
17:40 |
Leonard Cohen - You Want It Darker
17:36 |
Leonard Cohen - Here It Is
17:32 |
Leonard Cohen - The Partisan
17:28 |
Leonard Cohen - The Letters
17:23 |
Leonard Cohen - One Of Us Cannot Be Wrong
17:17 |
Leonard Cohen - Sing Another Song, Boys
17:13 |
Leonard Cohen - Going Home
17:07 |
Leonard Cohen (Live) - Dance Me to the End of Love
17:04 |
Leonard Cohen - I Tried To Leave You
17:01 |
Leonard Cohen - Chelsea Hotel #2
16:57 |
Leonard Cohen - I Left A Woman Waiting
16:51 |
Leonard Cohen - Paper Thin Hotel
16:45 |
Leonard Cohen - Boogie Street
16:42 |
Leonard Cohen - Sister's Of Mercy
16:38 |
Leonard Cohen - A Singer Must Die
16:33 |
Leonard Cohen - First We Take Manhattan
16:27 |
Leonard Cohen - The Window
16:22 |
Leonard Cohen - Aint No Cure For Love
16:19 |
Leonard Cohen - Fingerprints
16:13 |
Leonard Cohen - Tower Of Song
16:06 |
Leonard Cohen (Live) - Anthem
16:01 |
Leonard Cohen - Be For Real
15:55 |
Leonard Cohen - Take This Waltz
15:51 |
Leonard Cohen - Different Sides
15:46 |
Leonard Cohen - The Smokey Life
15:44 |
Leonard Cohen - To A Teacher
15:40 |
Leonard Cohen - Diamonds In The Mine
15:35 |
Leonard Cohen - That Don't Make It Junk
15:32 |
Leonard Cohen - Lover Lover Lover
15:28 |
Leonard Cohen - Why Don't You Try
15:22 |
Leonard Cohen - A Thousand Kisses Deep
15:19 |
Leonard Cohen - Hunter's Lullaby
15:12 |
Leonard Cohen - Waiting For The Miracle
15:06 |
Leonard Cohen (Live) - Everybody Knows
15:02 |
Leonard Cohen - Dear Heather
14:57 |
Leonard Cohen - In My Secret Life
14:55 |
Leonard Cohen - On That Day
14:50 |
Leonard Cohen - Famous Blue Raincoat
14:47 |
Leonard Cohen - Leaving Green Sleeves
14:44 |
Leonard Cohen - Almost like the Blues
14:38 |
Leonard Cohen - Humbled In Love
14:34 |
Leonard Cohen - Steer Your Way
14:30 |
Leonard Cohen - Came So Far For Beauty
14:26 |
Leonard Cohen - A Street
14:23 |
Leonard Cohen - Seems So Long Ago, Nancy
14:19 |
Leonard Cohen - Bird On The Wire
14:12 |
Leonard Cohen (Live) - Tower of Song
14:08 |
Leonard Cohen - True Loves Leaves No Traces
14:05 |
Leonard Cohen - Hey, That's No Way To Say Goodbye
14:01 |
Leonard Cohen - If It Be Your Will
13:54 |
Leonard Cohen - The Guests
13:49 |
Leonard Cohen - Stories Of The Street
13:45 |
Leonard Cohen - I'm Your Man
13:39 |
Leonard Cohen - Love Calls You By Your Name
13:32 |
Leonard Cohen - Democracy
13:29 |
Leonard Cohen - Because Of
13:23 |
Leonard Cohen - Dance Me To The End Of Love
13:19 |
Leonard Cohen - Field Commander Cohen
13:12 |
Leonard Cohen - The Future
13:06 |
Leonard Cohen (Live) - Ain't No Cure for Love
13:00 |
Leonard Cohen - The Traitor
12:53 |
Leonard Cohen - Hallelujah
12:48 |
Leonard Cohen - Lullaby
12:43 |
Leonard Cohen - The Stranger Song
12:36 |
Leonard Cohen - Joan Of Arc
12:34 |
Leonard Cohen - Who By Fire
12:31 |
Leonard Cohen - Crazy To Love You
12:24 |
Leonard Cohen - Closing Time
12:21 |
Leonard Cohen - A Bunch Of Lonesome Heroes
12:15 |
Leonard Cohen - Memories
12:12 |
Leonard Cohen - Teachers
12:06 |
Leonard Cohen - Everybody Knows
11:59 |
Leonard Cohen (Live) - Democracy
11:50 |
Leonard Cohen - Death Of A Ladies' Man
11:46 |
Leonard Cohen - Is This What You Wanted
11:41 |
Leonard Cohen - Undertow
11:35 |
Leonard Cohen - Anthem
11:30 |
Leonard Cohen - Night Comes On
11:25 |
Leonard Cohen - Avalanche
11:20 |
Leonard Cohen - Love Itself
11:14 |
Leonard Cohen - Last Year's Man
11:08 |
Leonard Cohen - Alexandra Leaving
11:05 |
Leonard Cohen - Suzanne
11:01 |
Leonard Cohen - Story Of Isaac
10:55 |
Leonard Cohen - So Long Marianne
10:49 |
Leonard Cohen (Live) - Closing Time
10:46 |
Leonard Cohen - Our Lady Of Solitude
10:41 |
Leonard Cohen - You Want It Darker
10:36 |
Leonard Cohen - Take This Longing
10:33 |
Leonard Cohen - The Partisan
10:29 |
Leonard Cohen - Darkness
10:24 |
Leonard Cohen - One Of Us Cannot Be Wrong
10:20 |
Leonard Cohen - I Can't Forget
10:16 |
Leonard Cohen - Going Home
10:12 |
Leonard Cohen - The Captain
10:09 |
Leonard Cohen - Chelsea Hotel #2
10:05 |
Leonard Cohen - Coming Back To You
10:00 |
Leonard Cohen - Paper Thin Hotel
09:52 |
Leonard Cohen (Live) - The Future
09:47 |
Leonard Cohen - Iodine
09:44 |
Leonard Cohen - Sister's Of Mercy
09:37 |
Leonard Cohen - Dress Rehearsal Rag
09:32 |
Leonard Cohen - First We Take Manhattan
09:29 |
Leonard Cohen - Anyhow
09:24 |
Leonard Cohen - Aint No Cure For Love
09:16 |
Leonard Cohen - Always
09:10 |
Leonard Cohen - Tower Of Song
09:06 |
Leonard Cohen - Tonight Will Be Fine
09:00 |
Leonard Cohen - Take This Waltz
08:58 |
Leonard Cohen - Nightingale
08:52 |
Leonard Cohen - The Smokey Life
08:45 |
Leonard Cohen (Live) - Hallelujah
08:38 |
Leonard Cohen - Amen
08:34 |
Leonard Cohen - Diamonds In The Mine
08:28 |
Leonard Cohen - You Have Loved Enough
08:25 |
Leonard Cohen - Lover Lover Lover
08:19 |
Leonard Cohen - By The Rivers Dark
08:13 |
Leonard Cohen - A Thousand Kisses Deep
08:07 |
Leonard Cohen - Tacoma Trailer
07:59 |
Leonard Cohen - Waiting For The Miracle
07:56 |
Leonard Cohen - Lady Midnight
07:51 |
Leonard Cohen - In My Secret Life
07:47 |
Leonard Cohen - There For You
07:42 |
Leonard Cohen - Famous Blue Raincoat
07:40 |
Leonard Cohen (Live) - Whither Thou Goest
07:34 |
Leonard Cohen - Villanelle For Our Time
07:31 |
Leonard Cohen - Almost like the Blues
07:26 |
Leonard Cohen - The Lost Canadian (Un Canadien Errant)
07:21 |
Leonard Cohen - Steer Your Way
07:14 |
Leonard Cohen - Light As The Breeze
07:11 |
Leonard Cohen - A Street
07:06 |
Leonard Cohen - The Law
07:03 |
Leonard Cohen - Bird On The Wire
06:57 |
Leonard Cohen - Don't Go Home With Your Hard-On
06:54 |
Leonard Cohen - Hey, That's No Way To Say Goodbye
06:52 |
Leonard Cohen - Winter Lady
06:45 |
Leonard Cohen - The Guests
06:42 |
Leonard Cohen (Live) - Suzanne
06:37 |
Leonard Cohen - The Faith
06:33 |
Leonard Cohen - I'm Your Man
06:29 |
Leonard Cohen - Heart With No Companion
06:23 |
Leonard Cohen - Dance Me To The End Of Love
06:19 |
Leonard Cohen - Show Me The Place
06:12 |
Leonard Cohen - Democracy
06:09 |
Leonard Cohen - The Butcher
06:02 |
Leonard Cohen - The Future
05:56 |
Leonard Cohen - Master Song
05:49 |
Leonard Cohen - Hallelujah
05:46 |
Leonard Cohen - Banjo
05:41 |
Leonard Cohen - The Stranger Song
05:32 |
Leonard Cohen (Live) - I Tried to Leave You
05:29 |
Leonard Cohen - You Know Who I Am
05:26 |
Leonard Cohen - Who By Fire
05:19 |
Leonard Cohen - Ballad Of The Absent Mare (Longer Version)
05:12 |
Leonard Cohen - Closing Time
05:07 |
Leonard Cohen - The Gypsy's Wife
05:02 |
Leonard Cohen - Memories
04:58 |
Leonard Cohen - Jazz Police
04:52 |
Leonard Cohen - Everybody Knows
04:49 |
Leonard Cohen - Come Healing
04:45 |
Leonard Cohen - Is This What You Wanted
04:41 |
Leonard Cohen - The Land of Plenty
04:34 |
Leonard Cohen - Anthem
04:29 |
Leonard Cohen (Live) - So Long, Marianne
04:24 |
Leonard Cohen - The Old Revolution
04:19 |
Leonard Cohen - Avalanche
04:15 |
Leonard Cohen - Morning Glory
04:09 |
Leonard Cohen - Last Year's Man
04:06 |
Leonard Cohen - Go No More a-Roving
04:02 |
Leonard Cohen - Suzanne
03:58 |
Leonard Cohen - Here It Is
03:52 |
Leonard Cohen - So Long Marianne
03:47 |
Leonard Cohen - The Letters
03:43 |
Leonard Cohen - You Want It Darker
03:36 |
Leonard Cohen - Sing Another Song, Boys
03:33 |
Leonard Cohen - The Partisan
03:29 |
Leonard Cohen (Live) - Recitation W/ N.L.
03:27 |
Leonard Cohen - I Tried To Leave You
03:22 |
Leonard Cohen - One Of Us Cannot Be Wrong
03:18 |
Leonard Cohen - I Left A Woman Waiting
03:15 |
Leonard Cohen - Going Home
03:09 |
Leonard Cohen - Boogie Street
03:06 |
Leonard Cohen - Chelsea Hotel #2
03:02 |
Leonard Cohen - A Singer Must Die
02:57 |
Leonard Cohen - Paper Thin Hotel
02:51 |
Leonard Cohen - The Window
02:47 |
Leonard Cohen - Sister's Of Mercy
02:44 |
Leonard Cohen - Fingerprints
02:38 |
Leonard Cohen - First We Take Manhattan
02:31 |
Leonard Cohen (Live) - The Gypsy's Wife
02:27 |
Leonard Cohen - Be For Real
02:22 |
Leonard Cohen - Aint No Cure For Love
02:18 |
Leonard Cohen - Different Sides
02:12 |
Leonard Cohen - Tower Of Song
02:09 |
Leonard Cohen - To A Teacher
02:04 |
Leonard Cohen - Take This Waltz
01:59 |
Leonard Cohen - That Don't Make It Junk
01:54 |
Leonard Cohen - The Smokey Life
01:50 |
Leonard Cohen - Why Don't You Try
01:46 |
Leonard Cohen - Diamonds In The Mine
01:44 |
Leonard Cohen - Hunter's Lullaby
01:40 |
Leonard Cohen - Lover Lover Lover
01:33 |
Leonard Cohen (Live) - Boogie Street
01:30 |
Leonard Cohen - Dear Heather
01:23 |
Leonard Cohen - A Thousand Kisses Deep
01:21 |
Leonard Cohen - On That Day
01:13 |
Leonard Cohen - Waiting For The Miracle
01:11 |
Leonard Cohen - Leaving Green Sleeves
01:06 |
Leonard Cohen - In My Secret Life
01:00 |
Leonard Cohen - Humbled In Love
00:55 |
Leonard Cohen - Famous Blue Raincoat
00:51 |
Leonard Cohen - Came So Far For Beauty
00:48 |
Leonard Cohen - Almost like the Blues
00:44 |
Leonard Cohen - Seems So Long Ago, Nancy
00:40 |
Leonard Cohen - Steer Your Way
00:31 |
Leonard Cohen (Live) - Take This Waltz
00:27 |
Leonard Cohen - True Loves Leaves No Traces
00:24 |
Leonard Cohen - A Street
00:19 |
Leonard Cohen - If It Be Your Will
00:16 |
Leonard Cohen - Bird On The Wire
00:11 |
Leonard Cohen - Stories Of The Street
00:08 |
Leonard Cohen - Hey, That's No Way To Say Goodbye
00:03 |
Leonard Cohen - Love Calls You By Your Name