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Exclusively Brantley Gilbert playlist

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(now in Dubai 08:27)
23:58 Brantley Gilbert - Kick It In The Sticks
23:55 Brantley Gilbert - In My Head
23:51 Brantley Gilbert (Live at Red Rocks) - Hell On Wheels
23:47 Brantley Gilbert - Tried To Tell Ya
23:43 Brantley Gilbert - I've Been There Before (Demo)
23:38 Brantley Gilbert - We're Gonna Ride Again
23:35 Brantley Gilbert - Breaks Down
23:32 Brantley Gilbert - The Ones That Like Me
23:28 Brantley Gilbert - Halfway To Heaven
23:25 Brantley Gilbert - Against The World (Demo)
23:21 Brantley Gilbert - Read Me My Rights
23:18 Brantley Gilbert - Fire't Up
23:14 Brantley Gilbert - That Was Us
23:10 Brantley Gilbert - I’m Gone
23:07 Brantley Gilbert - The Weekend
23:01 Brantley Gilbert (Live at Red Rocks) - Grown Ass Man
22:58 Brantley Gilbert - Welcome To Hazeville (feat. Colt Ford, Lukas Nelson and Willie Nelson)
22:54 Brantley Gilbert - Hell On An Angel
22:51 Brantley Gilbert - Outlaw In Me
22:45 Brantley Gilbert - Fire and Brimstone (feat. Jamey Johnson and Alison Krauss)
22:41 Brantley Gilbert - 17 Again
22:38 Brantley Gilbert - Bending The Rules And Breaking The Law
22:34 Brantley Gilbert - Bottoms Up
22:30 Brantley Gilbert - Back In The Day
22:26 Brantley Gilbert - You Don't Know Her Like I Do
22:22 Brantley Gilbert - Three Feet Of Water
22:18 Brantley Gilbert - The Devil Don't Sleep
22:14 Brantley Gilbert - Fall Into Me
22:10 Brantley Gilbert (Live at Red Rocks) - Kick It In The Sticks
22:07 Brantley Gilbert - She Ain't Home
22:03 Brantley Gilbert - Lost Soul's Prayer
22:00 Brantley Gilbert - Man Of Steel
21:56 Brantley Gilbert - At Least We Thought It Was (Demo)
21:52 Brantley Gilbert - Them Boys
21:49 Brantley Gilbert - Never Gonna Be Alone
21:45 Brantley Gilbert - Man That Hung The Moon
21:42 Brantley Gilbert - Baby Be Crazy
21:39 Brantley Gilbert - Hard Days
21:35 Brantley Gilbert - My Baby’s Guns N’ Roses
21:32 Brantley Gilbert - My Kind Of Crazy
21:28 Brantley Gilbert - Tough Town
21:24 Brantley Gilbert (Live at Red Rocks) - Outlaw Women
21:21 Brantley Gilbert - The Worst Country Song Of All Time (feat. Toby Keith and Hardy)
21:17 Brantley Gilbert - Smokin' Gun
21:14 Brantley Gilbert - Laid Back Ride
21:09 Brantley Gilbert - Grown Ass Man
21:06 Brantley Gilbert - Bro Code
21:02 Brantley Gilbert - If You Want A Bad Boy
20:57 Brantley Gilbert - It's About To Get Dirty
20:53 Brantley Gilbert - Hell On Wheels
20:48 Brantley Gilbert - Saving Amy
20:44 Brantley Gilbert - Closer Than We've Ever Been (Demo)
20:39 Brantley Gilbert - More Than Miles
20:35 Brantley Gilbert - Bullet In A Bonfire
20:31 Brantley Gilbert (Live at Red Rocks) - Read Me My Rights
20:27 Brantley Gilbert - Take It Outside
20:23 Brantley Gilbert - Stone Cold Sober
20:19 Brantley Gilbert - Gone But Not Forgotten
20:16 Brantley Gilbert - New Money
20:12 Brantley Gilbert - Let It Ride
20:07 Brantley Gilbert - You Promised (Demo)
20:03 Brantley Gilbert - Small Town Throwdown (feat. Justin Moore and Thomas Rhett)
19:58 Brantley Gilbert - My Faith In You
19:52 Brantley Gilbert - Lights Of My Hometown
19:48 Brantley Gilbert - Rockin' Chairs
19:44 Brantley Gilbert - You Could Be That Girl
19:40 Brantley Gilbert - One Hell Of An Amen
19:36 Brantley Gilbert (Live at Red Rocks) - Kick It In The Sticks
19:33 Brantley Gilbert - Not Like Us
19:29 Brantley Gilbert - Country Must Be Country Wide
19:26 Brantley Gilbert, Blake Shelton and Vince Gill - Heaven By Then
19:22 Brantley Gilbert - G.R.I.T.S
19:19 Brantley Gilbert and Lindsay Ell - What Happens In A Small Town
19:14 Brantley Gilbert - Dirt Road Anthem (Revisited)
19:10 Brantley Gilbert - I've Been There Before (Demo)
19:07 Brantley Gilbert - Tried To Tell Ya
19:02 Brantley Gilbert - We're Gonna Ride Again
18:58 Brantley Gilbert - Way Back
18:54 Brantley Gilbert - Bad Boy
18:51 Brantley Gilbert - Breaks Down
18:47 Brantley Gilbert (Live at Red Rocks) - Hell On Wheels
18:43 Brantley Gilbert - In My Head
18:39 Brantley Gilbert - Against The World (Demo)
18:36 Brantley Gilbert - The Ones That Like Me
18:33 Brantley Gilbert - Fire't Up
18:29 Brantley Gilbert - Read Me My Rights
18:26 Brantley Gilbert - Welcome To Hazeville (feat. Colt Ford, Lukas Nelson and Willie Nelson)
18:23 Brantley Gilbert - The Weekend
18:19 Brantley Gilbert - Hell On An Angel
18:16 Brantley Gilbert - That Was Us
18:10 Brantley Gilbert - Fire and Brimstone (feat. Jamey Johnson and Alison Krauss)
18:07 Brantley Gilbert - Bending The Rules And Breaking The Law
18:03 Brantley Gilbert - Outlaw In Me
17:57 Brantley Gilbert (Live at Red Rocks) - Grown Ass Man
17:53 Brantley Gilbert - Bottoms Up
17:49 Brantley Gilbert - You Don't Know Her Like I Do
17:44 Brantley Gilbert - Kick It In The Sticks
17:41 Brantley Gilbert - Halfway To Heaven
17:37 Brantley Gilbert - Three Feet Of Water
17:33 Brantley Gilbert - 17 Again
17:30 Brantley Gilbert - Lost Soul's Prayer
17:27 Brantley Gilbert - Man Of Steel
17:23 Brantley Gilbert - The Devil Don't Sleep
17:20 Brantley Gilbert - I’m Gone
17:16 Brantley Gilbert - Fall Into Me
17:12 Brantley Gilbert - Back In The Day
17:08 Brantley Gilbert (Live at Red Rocks) - Outlaw Women
17:04 Brantley Gilbert - Baby Be Crazy
17:00 Brantley Gilbert - Them Boys
16:56 Brantley Gilbert - She Ain't Home
16:53 Brantley Gilbert - My Kind Of Crazy
16:50 Brantley Gilbert - Tough Town
16:46 Brantley Gilbert - Man That Hung The Moon
16:43 Brantley Gilbert - Hard Days
16:39 Brantley Gilbert - My Baby’s Guns N’ Roses
16:36 Brantley Gilbert - The Worst Country Song Of All Time (feat. Toby Keith and Hardy)
16:32 Brantley Gilbert - Smokin' Gun
16:29 Brantley Gilbert - Bro Code
16:25 Brantley Gilbert - It's About To Get Dirty
16:20 Brantley Gilbert (Live at Red Rocks) - Read Me My Rights
16:17 Brantley Gilbert - Laid Back Ride
16:14 Brantley Gilbert - Never Gonna Be Alone
16:10 Brantley Gilbert - If You Want A Bad Boy
16:05 Brantley Gilbert - Grown Ass Man
16:01 Brantley Gilbert - Closer Than We've Ever Been (Demo)
15:57 Brantley Gilbert - Take It Outside
15:52 Brantley Gilbert - Saving Amy
15:47 Brantley Gilbert - Bullet In A Bonfire
15:43 Brantley Gilbert - Stone Cold Sober
15:39 Brantley Gilbert - Let It Ride
15:36 Brantley Gilbert - Gone But Not Forgotten
15:33 Brantley Gilbert - Small Town Throwdown (feat. Justin Moore and Thomas Rhett)
15:28 Brantley Gilbert (Live at Red Rocks) - Hell On Wheels
15:23 Brantley Gilbert - My Faith In You
15:20 Brantley Gilbert - At Least We Thought It Was (Demo)
15:16 Brantley Gilbert - New Money
15:12 Brantley Gilbert - You Could Be That Girl
15:07 Brantley Gilbert - You Promised (Demo)
15:03 Brantley Gilbert - Rockin' Chairs
15:00 Brantley Gilbert - Not Like Us
14:54 Brantley Gilbert - Lights Of My Hometown
14:50 Brantley Gilbert - More Than Miles
14:46 Brantley Gilbert - G.R.I.T.S
14:42 Brantley Gilbert and Lindsay Ell - What Happens In A Small Town
14:39 Brantley Gilbert - Country Must Be Country Wide
14:35 Brantley Gilbert (Live at Red Rocks) - Kick It In The Sticks
14:31 Brantley Gilbert - I've Been There Before (Demo)
14:27 Brantley Gilbert - Tried To Tell Ya
14:23 Brantley Gilbert - One Hell Of An Amen
14:20 Brantley Gilbert, Blake Shelton and Vince Gill - Heaven By Then
14:16 Brantley Gilbert - Way Back
14:13 Brantley Gilbert - In My Head
14:10 Brantley Gilbert - Breaks Down
14:05 Brantley Gilbert - Dirt Road Anthem (Revisited)
14:00 Brantley Gilbert - We're Gonna Ride Again
13:56 Brantley Gilbert - Read Me My Rights
13:53 Brantley Gilbert - Welcome To Hazeville (feat. Colt Ford, Lukas Nelson and Willie Nelson)
13:50 Brantley Gilbert - The Weekend
13:46 Brantley Gilbert (Live at Red Rocks) - Outlaw Women
13:42 Brantley Gilbert - Against The World (Demo)
13:38 Brantley Gilbert - Bad Boy
13:34 Brantley Gilbert - The Ones That Like Me
13:31 Brantley Gilbert - Hell On An Angel
13:28 Brantley Gilbert - Bending The Rules And Breaking The Law
13:23 Brantley Gilbert - Hell On Wheels
13:20 Brantley Gilbert - Outlaw In Me
13:15 Brantley Gilbert - You Don't Know Her Like I Do
13:10 Brantley Gilbert - Fire and Brimstone (feat. Jamey Johnson and Alison Krauss)
13:03 Brantley Gilbert - Bottoms Up
12:59 Brantley Gilbert - Kick It In The Sticks
12:53 Brantley Gilbert (Live at Red Rocks) - Grown Ass Man
12:49 Brantley Gilbert - 17 Again
12:45 Brantley Gilbert - The Devil Don't Sleep
12:41 Brantley Gilbert - I’m Gone
12:38 Brantley Gilbert - Man Of Steel
12:35 Brantley Gilbert - That Was Us
12:31 Brantley Gilbert - Three Feet Of Water
12:27 Brantley Gilbert - Back In The Day
12:24 Brantley Gilbert - Lost Soul's Prayer
12:20 Brantley Gilbert - Fall Into Me
12:16 Brantley Gilbert - My Kind Of Crazy
12:12 Brantley Gilbert - Baby Be Crazy
12:10 Brantley Gilbert - Hard Days
12:05 Brantley Gilbert (Live at Red Rocks) - Read Me My Rights
12:02 Brantley Gilbert - Halfway To Heaven
11:59 Brantley Gilbert - Man That Hung The Moon
11:55 Brantley Gilbert - The Worst Country Song Of All Time (feat. Toby Keith and Hardy)
11:52 Brantley Gilbert - Tough Town
11:48 Brantley Gilbert - She Ain't Home
11:45 Brantley Gilbert - My Baby’s Guns N’ Roses
11:40 Brantley Gilbert - It's About To Get Dirty
11:37 Brantley Gilbert - If You Want A Bad Boy
11:33 Brantley Gilbert - Laid Back Ride
11:29 Brantley Gilbert - Them Boys
11:26 Brantley Gilbert - Never Gonna Be Alone
11:22 Brantley Gilbert - Take It Outside
11:18 Brantley Gilbert (Live at Red Rocks) - Hell On Wheels
11:13 Brantley Gilbert - Saving Amy
11:09 Brantley Gilbert - Bro Code
11:04 Brantley Gilbert - Closer Than We've Ever Been (Demo)
10:59 Brantley Gilbert - Grown Ass Man
10:55 Brantley Gilbert - Bullet In A Bonfire
10:52 Brantley Gilbert - Smokin' Gun
10:48 Brantley Gilbert - Stone Cold Sober
10:43 Brantley Gilbert - Let It Ride
10:40 Brantley Gilbert - New Money
10:35 Brantley Gilbert - My Faith In You
10:31 Brantley Gilbert - At Least We Thought It Was (Demo)
10:27 Brantley Gilbert - Rockin' Chairs
10:23 Brantley Gilbert (Live at Red Rocks) - Kick It In The Sticks
10:17 Brantley Gilbert - Lights Of My Hometown
10:11 Brantley Gilbert - You Promised (Demo)
10:07 Brantley Gilbert - More Than Miles
10:03 Brantley Gilbert - G.R.I.T.S
10:00 Brantley Gilbert - Small Town Throwdown (feat. Justin Moore and Thomas Rhett)
09:56 Brantley Gilbert - I've Been There Before (Demo)
09:53 Brantley Gilbert - Gone But Not Forgotten
09:49 Brantley Gilbert - Tried To Tell Ya
09:46 Brantley Gilbert - Not Like Us
09:42 Brantley Gilbert - Way Back
09:39 Brantley Gilbert, Blake Shelton and Vince Gill - Heaven By Then
09:36 Brantley Gilbert - In My Head
09:32 Brantley Gilbert (Live at Red Rocks) - Outlaw Women
09:28 Brantley Gilbert - You Could Be That Girl
09:23 Brantley Gilbert - We're Gonna Ride Again
09:19 Brantley Gilbert - One Hell Of An Amen
09:16 Brantley Gilbert and Lindsay Ell - What Happens In A Small Town
09:13 Brantley Gilbert - The Weekend
09:10 Brantley Gilbert - Welcome To Hazeville (feat. Colt Ford, Lukas Nelson and Willie Nelson)
09:05 Brantley Gilbert - Dirt Road Anthem (Revisited)
09:02 Brantley Gilbert - The Ones That Like Me
08:58 Brantley Gilbert - Country Must Be Country Wide
08:55 Brantley Gilbert - Hell On An Angel
08:52 Brantley Gilbert - Bending The Rules And Breaking The Law
08:48 Brantley Gilbert - Read Me My Rights
08:41 Brantley Gilbert (Live at Red Rocks) - Grown Ass Man
08:38 Brantley Gilbert - Breaks Down
08:34 Brantley Gilbert - Bad Boy
08:29 Brantley Gilbert - You Don't Know Her Like I Do
08:23 Brantley Gilbert - Fire and Brimstone (feat. Jamey Johnson and Alison Krauss)
08:19 Brantley Gilbert - Hell On Wheels
08:16 Brantley Gilbert - Kick It In The Sticks
08:08 Brantley Gilbert - Outlaw In Me
08:06 Brantley Gilbert - Fire't Up
08:02 Brantley Gilbert - Against The World (Demo)
07:58 Brantley Gilbert - Three Feet Of Water
07:54 Brantley Gilbert - Back In The Day
07:50 Brantley Gilbert (Live at Red Rocks) - Outlaw Women
07:46 Brantley Gilbert - I’m Gone
07:43 Brantley Gilbert - Man Of Steel
07:39 Brantley Gilbert - Fall Into Me
07:35 Brantley Gilbert - 17 Again
07:32 Brantley Gilbert - The Devil Don't Sleep
07:29 Brantley Gilbert - Hard Days
07:25 Brantley Gilbert - Man That Hung The Moon
07:22 Brantley Gilbert - Lost Soul's Prayer
07:18 Brantley Gilbert - My Kind Of Crazy
07:15 Brantley Gilbert - Tough Town
07:11 Brantley Gilbert - That Was Us
07:07 Brantley Gilbert - My Baby’s Guns N’ Roses
07:03 Brantley Gilbert (Live at Red Rocks) - Read Me My Rights
06:58 Brantley Gilbert - It's About To Get Dirty
06:55 Brantley Gilbert - Halfway To Heaven
06:51 Brantley Gilbert - If You Want A Bad Boy
06:48 Brantley Gilbert - Laid Back Ride
06:44 Brantley Gilbert - Take It Outside
06:41 Brantley Gilbert - Never Gonna Be Alone
06:37 Brantley Gilbert - The Worst Country Song Of All Time (feat. Toby Keith and Hardy)
06:34 Brantley Gilbert - Bro Code
06:29 Brantley Gilbert - Grown Ass Man
06:26 Brantley Gilbert - She Ain't Home
06:22 Brantley Gilbert - Baby Be Crazy
06:19 Brantley Gilbert - Smokin' Gun
06:14 Brantley Gilbert (Live at Red Rocks) - Hell On Wheels
06:11 Brantley Gilbert - Them Boys
06:06 Brantley Gilbert - Closer Than We've Ever Been (Demo)
06:00 Brantley Gilbert - My Faith In You
05:57 Brantley Gilbert - At Least We Thought It Was (Demo)
05:52 Brantley Gilbert - Let It Ride
05:49 Brantley Gilbert - New Money
05:44 Brantley Gilbert - Saving Amy
05:40 Brantley Gilbert - More Than Miles
05:34 Brantley Gilbert - You Promised (Demo)
05:30 Brantley Gilbert - Bullet In A Bonfire
05:26 Brantley Gilbert - Stone Cold Sober
05:23 Brantley Gilbert - Gone But Not Forgotten
05:19 Brantley Gilbert (Live at Red Rocks) - Kick It In The Sticks
05:15 Brantley Gilbert - Rockin' Chairs
05:12 Brantley Gilbert - Small Town Throwdown (feat. Justin Moore and Thomas Rhett)
05:08 Brantley Gilbert - I've Been There Before (Demo)
05:04 Brantley Gilbert - G.R.I.T.S
05:01 Brantley Gilbert - Not Like Us
04:57 Brantley Gilbert - In My Head
04:53 Brantley Gilbert - Tried To Tell Ya
04:50 Brantley Gilbert - You Could Be That Girl
04:46 Brantley Gilbert - Way Back
04:43 Brantley Gilbert and Lindsay Ell - What Happens In A Small Town
04:39 Brantley Gilbert - Welcome To Hazeville (feat. Colt Ford, Lukas Nelson and Willie Nelson)
04:35 Brantley Gilbert - We're Gonna Ride Again
04:31 Brantley Gilbert (Live at Red Rocks) - Outlaw Women
04:27 Brantley Gilbert - One Hell Of An Amen
04:23 Brantley Gilbert - Dirt Road Anthem (Revisited)
04:19 Brantley Gilbert - The Weekend
04:16 Brantley Gilbert - Hell On An Angel
04:12 Brantley Gilbert - The Ones That Like Me
04:09 Brantley Gilbert - Breaks Down
04:05 Brantley Gilbert - Bad Boy
04:02 Brantley Gilbert, Blake Shelton and Vince Gill - Heaven By Then
03:56 Brantley Gilbert - Lights Of My Hometown
03:52 Brantley Gilbert - Country Must Be Country Wide
03:49 Brantley Gilbert - Kick It In The Sticks
03:44 Brantley Gilbert - Hell On Wheels
03:38 Brantley Gilbert (Live at Red Rocks) - Grown Ass Man
03:33 Brantley Gilbert - Fire and Brimstone (feat. Jamey Johnson and Alison Krauss)
03:29 Brantley Gilbert - Bottoms Up
03:25 Brantley Gilbert - Against The World (Demo)
03:21 Brantley Gilbert - Bending The Rules And Breaking The Law
03:18 Brantley Gilbert - Fire't Up
03:15 Brantley Gilbert - Back In The Day
03:11 Brantley Gilbert - Outlaw In Me
03:08 Brantley Gilbert - Man Of Steel
03:03 Brantley Gilbert - You Don't Know Her Like I Do
03:00 Brantley Gilbert - The Devil Don't Sleep
02:56 Brantley Gilbert - I’m Gone
02:52 Brantley Gilbert - Fall Into Me
02:48 Brantley Gilbert (Live at Red Rocks) - Read Me My Rights
02:45 Brantley Gilbert - Hard Days
02:41 Brantley Gilbert - Lost Soul's Prayer
02:37 Brantley Gilbert - Man That Hung The Moon
02:34 Brantley Gilbert - Three Feet Of Water
02:30 Brantley Gilbert - My Baby’s Guns N’ Roses
02:27 Brantley Gilbert - My Kind Of Crazy
02:23 Brantley Gilbert - Tough Town
02:20 Brantley Gilbert - If You Want A Bad Boy
02:15 Brantley Gilbert - It's About To Get Dirty
02:11 Brantley Gilbert - Take It Outside
02:07 Brantley Gilbert - That Was Us
02:04 Brantley Gilbert - Halfway To Heaven
02:00 Brantley Gilbert (Live at Red Rocks) - Hell On Wheels
01:57 Brantley Gilbert - Never Gonna Be Alone
01:53 Brantley Gilbert - The Worst Country Song Of All Time (feat. Toby Keith and Hardy)
01:50 Brantley Gilbert - Bro Code
01:46 Brantley Gilbert - Baby Be Crazy
01:43 Brantley Gilbert - She Ain't Home
01:38 Brantley Gilbert - Grown Ass Man
01:35 Brantley Gilbert - Laid Back Ride
01:30 Brantley Gilbert - Closer Than We've Ever Been (Demo)
01:25 Brantley Gilbert - My Faith In You
01:21 Brantley Gilbert - Them Boys
01:18 Brantley Gilbert - New Money
01:13 Brantley Gilbert - Let It Ride
01:09 Brantley Gilbert (Live at Red Rocks) - Kick It In The Sticks
01:05 Brantley Gilbert - Read Me My Rights
01:00 Brantley Gilbert - You Promised (Demo)
00:54 Brantley Gilbert - Saving Amy
00:51 Brantley Gilbert - At Least We Thought It Was (Demo)
00:47 Brantley Gilbert - Smokin' Gun
00:44 Brantley Gilbert - Gone But Not Forgotten
00:40 Brantley Gilbert - Bullet In A Bonfire
00:36 Brantley Gilbert - I've Been There Before (Demo)
00:32 Brantley Gilbert - G.R.I.T.S
00:28 Brantley Gilbert - Rockin' Chairs
00:24 Brantley Gilbert - More Than Miles
00:20 Brantley Gilbert - Stone Cold Sober
00:16 Brantley Gilbert (Live at Red Rocks) - Outlaw Women
00:12 Brantley Gilbert - In My Head
00:08 Brantley Gilbert - You Could Be That Girl
00:05 Brantley Gilbert and Lindsay Ell - What Happens In A Small Town
00:02 Brantley Gilbert - Welcome To Hazeville (feat. Colt Ford, Lukas Nelson and Willie Nelson)

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