23:59 |
Patsy Cline - Walking After Midnight
23:56 |
Patsy Cline - How Can I Face Tomorrow (Extended Version)
23:53 |
Patsy Cline - I Can't Help It (If I'm Still In Love With You)
23:50 |
Patsy Cline - Hungry For Love (Extended Version)
23:47 |
Patsy Cline - Imagine That (feat. The Jordanaires)
23:44 |
Patsy Cline - Don't Ever Leave Me Again
23:42 |
Patsy Cline - I Love You Honey
23:40 |
Patsy Cline - Just Out Of Reach
23:37 |
Patsy Cline - I've Loved And Lost Again
23:35 |
Patsy Cline - How Can I Face Tomorrow
23:32 |
Patsy Cline - The Heart You Break May Be Your Own
23:30 |
Patsy Cline - Come On In
23:28 |
Patsy Cline - Strange
23:26 |
Patsy Cline - Sweet Dreams (Of You)
23:22 |
Patsy Cline - The Wayward Wind (feat. The Jordanaires)
23:20 |
Patsy Cline - Gotta Lot Of Rhythm
23:18 |
Patsy Cline - San Antonio Rose (feat. The Jordanaires)
23:16 |
Patsy Cline - I Love You So Much It Hurts
23:13 |
Patsy Cline - When I Get Thru With You (You'll Love Me Too)
23:12 |
Patsy Cline - Crazy Dreams, Pt. 2
23:09 |
Patsy Cline - Lonely Street
23:06 |
Patsy Cline - You Belong To Me (feat. The Jordanaires)
23:03 |
Patsy Cline - She's Got You
22:59 |
Patsy Cline - If I Could Stay Asleep (Duet with Beth Nielsen Chapman)
22:56 |
Patsy Cline - When You Need A Laugh
22:53 |
Patsy Cline - Stop The World
22:51 |
Patsy Cline - A Stranger In My Arms
22:48 |
Patsy Cline - I Don't Wanna
22:45 |
Patsy Cline - A Church, A Courtroom And Then Goodbye
22:42 |
Patsy Cline - That Wonderful Someone (Duet with Bob Carlisle)
22:40 |
Patsy Cline - Crazy
22:37 |
Patsy Cline - Half As Much
22:36 |
Patsy Cline - Crazy Dreams, Pt. 1
22:34 |
Patsy Cline - Your Cheatin' Heart
22:31 |
Patsy Cline - Never No More
22:29 |
Patsy Cline - Blue Moon Of Kentucky
22:27 |
Patsy Cline - True Love (feat. The Jordanaires)
22:24 |
Patsy Cline - Three Cigarettes In An Ashtray
22:22 |
Patsy Cline - Today, Tomorrow, Forever
22:18 |
Patsy Cline - Faded Love
22:15 |
Patsy Cline - I Cried All The Way To The Altar
22:12 |
Patsy Cline - Why Can't He Be You
22:10 |
Patsy Cline - Too Many Secrets (Duet with Glen Campbell)
22:07 |
Patsy Cline - Crazy Arms
22:05 |
Patsy Cline - Tra Le La Le La Triangle (feat. The Jordanaires)
22:03 |
Patsy Cline - Have You Ever Been Lonely (Have You Ever Been Blue)
22:00 |
Patsy Cline - I Fall To Pieces
21:57 |
Patsy Cline - You Made Me Love You (I Didn't Want to Do It)
21:55 |
Patsy Cline - Does Your Heart Beat For Me
21:53 |
Patsy Cline - You Were Only Fooling (While I Was Falling In Love)
21:50 |
Patsy Cline - Always
21:47 |
Patsy Cline - You're Stronger Than Me (Non-Orchestra Version)
21:45 |
Patsy Cline - Crazy Dreams
21:42 |
Patsy Cline - South of the Border (Down Mexico Way)
21:40 |
Patsy Cline - He Called Me Baby
21:37 |
Patsy Cline - I Can See An Angel
21:32 |
Patsy Cline - A Poor Mans Roses (Or A Rich Mans Gold)
21:30 |
Patsy Cline - Leavin' On Your Mind
21:27 |
Patsy Cline - Gotta Lot Of Rhythm In My Soul
21:25 |
Patsy Cline - Back In My Baby's Arms
21:21 |
Patsy Cline - Just Out Of Reach (Duet with Waylon Jennings)
21:19 |
Patsy Cline - Hungry For Love
21:16 |
Patsy Cline - Life's Railway To Heaven (Duet with Willie Nelson)
21:13 |
Patsy Cline - So Wrong
21:10 |
Patsy Cline - Cry Not For Me
21:08 |
Patsy Cline - Honky Tonk Merry Go Round
21:05 |
Patsy Cline - Bill Bailey, Won't You Please Come Home
21:03 |
Patsy Cline - Anytime
21:00 |
Patsy Cline - That's My Desire (feat. The Jordanaires)
20:58 |
Patsy Cline - Heartaches
20:56 |
Patsy Cline - Foolin' 'Round
20:54 |
Patsy Cline - Seven Lonely Days (feat. The Jordanaires)
20:51 |
Patsy Cline - Walking After Midnight
20:49 |
Patsy Cline - Lovesick Blues
20:46 |
Patsy Cline - I Can't Help It (If I'm Still In Love With You)
20:43 |
Patsy Cline - There He Goes
20:41 |
Patsy Cline - Imagine That (feat. The Jordanaires)
20:37 |
Patsy Cline - How Can I Face Tomorrow (Extended Version)
20:35 |
Patsy Cline - Don't Ever Leave Me Again
20:32 |
Patsy Cline - Hungry For Love (Extended Version)
20:29 |
Patsy Cline - Just Out Of Reach
20:27 |
Patsy Cline - I Love You Honey
20:25 |
Patsy Cline - How Can I Face Tomorrow
20:23 |
Patsy Cline - Come On In
20:20 |
Patsy Cline - I've Loved And Lost Again
20:18 |
Patsy Cline - Sweet Dreams (Of You)
20:15 |
Patsy Cline - The Heart You Break May Be Your Own
20:13 |
Patsy Cline - Gotta Lot Of Rhythm
20:11 |
Patsy Cline - Strange
20:08 |
Patsy Cline - I Love You So Much It Hurts
20:05 |
Patsy Cline - The Wayward Wind (feat. The Jordanaires)
20:03 |
Patsy Cline - When I Get Thru With You (You'll Love Me Too)
20:00 |
Patsy Cline - San Antonio Rose (feat. The Jordanaires)
19:58 |
Patsy Cline - Lonely Street
19:56 |
Patsy Cline - Crazy Dreams, Pt. 2
19:53 |
Patsy Cline - She's Got You
19:50 |
Patsy Cline - When You Need A Laugh
19:47 |
Patsy Cline - You Belong To Me (feat. The Jordanaires)
19:45 |
Patsy Cline - A Stranger In My Arms
19:40 |
Patsy Cline - If I Could Stay Asleep (Duet with Beth Nielsen Chapman)
19:37 |
Patsy Cline - A Church, A Courtroom And Then Goodbye
19:35 |
Patsy Cline - Stop The World
19:32 |
Patsy Cline - Crazy
19:30 |
Patsy Cline - I Don't Wanna
19:27 |
Patsy Cline - Half As Much
19:24 |
Patsy Cline - That Wonderful Someone (Duet with Bob Carlisle)
19:22 |
Patsy Cline - Your Cheatin' Heart
19:21 |
Patsy Cline - Crazy Dreams, Pt. 1
19:19 |
Patsy Cline - Blue Moon Of Kentucky
19:16 |
Patsy Cline - Three Cigarettes In An Ashtray
19:13 |
Patsy Cline - Never No More
19:10 |
Patsy Cline - Faded Love
19:07 |
Patsy Cline - True Love (feat. The Jordanaires)
19:04 |
Patsy Cline - Why Can't He Be You
19:01 |
Patsy Cline - Today, Tomorrow, Forever
18:59 |
Patsy Cline - Crazy Arms
18:56 |
Patsy Cline - I Cried All The Way To The Altar
18:54 |
Patsy Cline - Tra Le La Le La Triangle (feat. The Jordanaires)
18:52 |
Patsy Cline - Too Many Secrets (Duet with Glen Campbell)
18:49 |
Patsy Cline - I Fall To Pieces
18:47 |
Patsy Cline - Have You Ever Been Lonely (Have You Ever Been Blue)
18:44 |
Patsy Cline - Does Your Heart Beat For Me
18:42 |
Patsy Cline - Always
18:39 |
Patsy Cline - You Made Me Love You (I Didn't Want to Do It)
18:36 |
Patsy Cline - Crazy Dreams
18:34 |
Patsy Cline - You Were Only Fooling (While I Was Falling In Love)
18:32 |
Patsy Cline - He Called Me Baby
18:29 |
Patsy Cline - You're Stronger Than Me (Non-Orchestra Version)
18:24 |
Patsy Cline - A Poor Mans Roses (Or A Rich Mans Gold)
18:22 |
Patsy Cline - South of the Border (Down Mexico Way)
18:22 |
Patsy Cline - Leavin' On Your Mind
18:19 |
Patsy Cline - I Can See An Angel
18:15 |
Patsy Cline - Back In My Baby's Arms
18:12 |
Patsy Cline - Gotta Lot Of Rhythm In My Soul
18:10 |
Patsy Cline - Hungry For Love
18:07 |
Patsy Cline - So Wrong
18:03 |
Patsy Cline - Just Out Of Reach (Duet with Waylon Jennings)
18:00 |
Patsy Cline - Honky Tonk Merry Go Round
17:57 |
Patsy Cline - Life's Railway To Heaven (Duet with Willie Nelson)
17:56 |
Patsy Cline - Anytime
17:53 |
Patsy Cline - Cry Not For Me
17:51 |
Patsy Cline - Heartaches
17:48 |
Patsy Cline - Bill Bailey, Won't You Please Come Home
17:46 |
Patsy Cline - Foolin' 'Round
17:43 |
Patsy Cline - That's My Desire (feat. The Jordanaires)
17:40 |
Patsy Cline - Walking After Midnight
17:38 |
Patsy Cline - Seven Lonely Days (feat. The Jordanaires)
17:35 |
Patsy Cline - I Can't Help It (If I'm Still In Love With You)
17:32 |
Patsy Cline - Imagine That (feat. The Jordanaires)
17:30 |
Patsy Cline - Lovesick Blues
17:27 |
Patsy Cline - Don't Ever Leave Me Again
17:25 |
Patsy Cline - There He Goes
17:22 |
Patsy Cline - Just Out Of Reach
17:17 |
Patsy Cline - How Can I Face Tomorrow
17:14 |
Patsy Cline - Hungry For Love (Extended Version)
17:12 |
Patsy Cline - Come On In
17:10 |
Patsy Cline - I Love You Honey
17:07 |
Patsy Cline - Sweet Dreams (Of You)
17:05 |
Patsy Cline - I've Loved And Lost Again
17:02 |
Patsy Cline - Gotta Lot Of Rhythm
17:00 |
Patsy Cline - I Love You So Much It Hurts
16:58 |
Patsy Cline - The Heart You Break May Be Your Own
16:55 |
Patsy Cline - When I Get Thru With You (You'll Love Me Too)
16:53 |
Patsy Cline - Strange
16:50 |
Patsy Cline - Lonely Street
16:47 |
Patsy Cline - The Wayward Wind (feat. The Jordanaires)
16:44 |
Patsy Cline - She's Got You
16:41 |
Patsy Cline - San Antonio Rose (feat. The Jordanaires)
16:38 |
Patsy Cline - When You Need A Laugh
16:37 |
Patsy Cline - Crazy Dreams, Pt. 2
16:35 |
Patsy Cline - A Stranger In My Arms
16:32 |
Patsy Cline - You Belong To Me (feat. The Jordanaires)
16:29 |
Patsy Cline - A Church, A Courtroom And Then Goodbye
16:26 |
Patsy Cline - Crazy
16:21 |
Patsy Cline - If I Could Stay Asleep (Duet with Beth Nielsen Chapman)
16:19 |
Patsy Cline - Half As Much
16:16 |
Patsy Cline - Stop The World
16:14 |
Patsy Cline - Your Cheatin' Heart
16:12 |
Patsy Cline - I Don't Wanna
16:10 |
Patsy Cline - Blue Moon Of Kentucky
16:07 |
Patsy Cline - That Wonderful Someone (Duet with Bob Carlisle)
16:04 |
Patsy Cline - Three Cigarettes In An Ashtray
16:03 |
Patsy Cline - Crazy Dreams, Pt. 1
15:59 |
Patsy Cline - Faded Love
15:56 |
Patsy Cline - Never No More
15:53 |
Patsy Cline - Why Can't He Be You
15:51 |
Patsy Cline - Crazy Arms
15:49 |
Patsy Cline - True Love (feat. The Jordanaires)
15:46 |
Patsy Cline - Tra Le La Le La Triangle (feat. The Jordanaires)
15:44 |
Patsy Cline - Today, Tomorrow, Forever
15:41 |
Patsy Cline - I Fall To Pieces
15:38 |
Patsy Cline - I Cried All The Way To The Altar
15:36 |
Patsy Cline - Does Your Heart Beat For Me
15:33 |
Patsy Cline - Too Many Secrets (Duet with Glen Campbell)
15:31 |
Patsy Cline - Always
15:29 |
Patsy Cline - Have You Ever Been Lonely (Have You Ever Been Blue)
15:26 |
Patsy Cline - Crazy Dreams
15:23 |
Patsy Cline - You Made Me Love You (I Didn't Want to Do It)
15:21 |
Patsy Cline - He Called Me Baby
15:16 |
Patsy Cline - A Poor Mans Roses (Or A Rich Mans Gold)
15:14 |
Patsy Cline - You Were Only Fooling (While I Was Falling In Love)
15:11 |
Patsy Cline - Leavin' On Your Mind
15:08 |
Patsy Cline - You're Stronger Than Me (Non-Orchestra Version)
15:06 |
Patsy Cline - Back In My Baby's Arms
15:04 |
Patsy Cline - South of the Border (Down Mexico Way)
15:02 |
Patsy Cline - Hungry For Love
14:59 |
Patsy Cline - I Can See An Angel
14:56 |
Patsy Cline - So Wrong
14:54 |
Patsy Cline - Gotta Lot Of Rhythm In My Soul
14:51 |
Patsy Cline - Honky Tonk Merry Go Round
14:47 |
Patsy Cline - Just Out Of Reach (Duet with Waylon Jennings)
14:45 |
Patsy Cline - Anytime
14:43 |
Patsy Cline - Heartaches
14:40 |
Patsy Cline - Life's Railway To Heaven (Duet with Willie Nelson)
14:38 |
Patsy Cline - Foolin' 'Round
14:36 |
Patsy Cline - Cry Not For Me
14:33 |
Patsy Cline - Walking After Midnight
14:30 |
Patsy Cline - Bill Bailey, Won't You Please Come Home
14:27 |
Patsy Cline - I Can't Help It (If I'm Still In Love With You)
14:24 |
Patsy Cline - That's My Desire (feat. The Jordanaires)
14:21 |
Patsy Cline - Imagine That (feat. The Jordanaires)
14:19 |
Patsy Cline - Seven Lonely Days (feat. The Jordanaires)
14:17 |
Patsy Cline - Don't Ever Leave Me Again
14:14 |
Patsy Cline - Lovesick Blues
14:12 |
Patsy Cline - Just Out Of Reach
14:10 |
Patsy Cline - How Can I Face Tomorrow
14:07 |
Patsy Cline - There He Goes
14:05 |
Patsy Cline - Come On In
14:02 |
Patsy Cline - How Can I Face Tomorrow (Extended Version)
14:00 |
Patsy Cline - Sweet Dreams (Of You)
13:56 |
Patsy Cline - Hungry For Love (Extended Version)
13:54 |
Patsy Cline - Gotta Lot Of Rhythm
13:52 |
Patsy Cline - I Love You Honey
13:50 |
Patsy Cline - I Love You So Much It Hurts
13:47 |
Patsy Cline - I've Loved And Lost Again
13:45 |
Patsy Cline - When I Get Thru With You (You'll Love Me Too)
13:42 |
Patsy Cline - The Heart You Break May Be Your Own
13:39 |
Patsy Cline - Lonely Street
13:36 |
Patsy Cline - She's Got You
13:34 |
Patsy Cline - Strange
13:31 |
Patsy Cline - When You Need A Laugh
13:28 |
Patsy Cline - The Wayward Wind (feat. The Jordanaires)
13:26 |
Patsy Cline - A Stranger In My Arms
13:23 |
Patsy Cline - San Antonio Rose (feat. The Jordanaires)
13:20 |
Patsy Cline - A Church, A Courtroom And Then Goodbye
13:19 |
Patsy Cline - Crazy Dreams, Pt. 2
13:16 |
Patsy Cline - Crazy
13:13 |
Patsy Cline - You Belong To Me (feat. The Jordanaires)
13:11 |
Patsy Cline - Half As Much
13:06 |
Patsy Cline - If I Could Stay Asleep (Duet with Beth Nielsen Chapman)
13:04 |
Patsy Cline - Your Cheatin' Heart
13:02 |
Patsy Cline - Blue Moon Of Kentucky
12:59 |
Patsy Cline - Stop The World
12:57 |
Patsy Cline - Three Cigarettes In An Ashtray
12:54 |
Patsy Cline - I Don't Wanna
12:51 |
Patsy Cline - Faded Love
12:48 |
Patsy Cline - That Wonderful Someone (Duet with Bob Carlisle)
12:44 |
Patsy Cline - Why Can't He Be You
12:43 |
Patsy Cline - Crazy Dreams, Pt. 1
12:41 |
Patsy Cline - Crazy Arms
12:38 |
Patsy Cline - Never No More
12:36 |
Patsy Cline - Tra Le La Le La Triangle (feat. The Jordanaires)
12:34 |
Patsy Cline - True Love (feat. The Jordanaires)
12:31 |
Patsy Cline - I Fall To Pieces
12:28 |
Patsy Cline - Does Your Heart Beat For Me
12:25 |
Patsy Cline - Today, Tomorrow, Forever
12:23 |
Patsy Cline - Always
12:20 |
Patsy Cline - I Cried All The Way To The Altar
12:18 |
Patsy Cline - Crazy Dreams
12:16 |
Patsy Cline - Too Many Secrets (Duet with Glen Campbell)
12:13 |
Patsy Cline - He Called Me Baby
12:11 |
Patsy Cline - Have You Ever Been Lonely (Have You Ever Been Blue)
12:06 |
Patsy Cline - A Poor Mans Roses (Or A Rich Mans Gold)
12:03 |
Patsy Cline - You Made Me Love You (I Didn't Want to Do It)
12:01 |
Patsy Cline - Leavin' On Your Mind
11:58 |
Patsy Cline - You Were Only Fooling (While I Was Falling In Love)
11:57 |
Patsy Cline - Back In My Baby's Arms
11:54 |
Patsy Cline - Hungry For Love
11:51 |
Patsy Cline - You're Stronger Than Me (Non-Orchestra Version)
11:48 |
Patsy Cline - So Wrong
11:46 |
Patsy Cline - South of the Border (Down Mexico Way)
11:43 |
Patsy Cline - Honky Tonk Merry Go Round
11:41 |
Patsy Cline - I Can See An Angel
11:39 |
Patsy Cline - Anytime
11:37 |
Patsy Cline - Gotta Lot Of Rhythm In My Soul
11:34 |
Patsy Cline - Heartaches
11:30 |
Patsy Cline - Just Out Of Reach (Duet with Waylon Jennings)
11:28 |
Patsy Cline - Foolin' 'Round
11:25 |
Patsy Cline - Life's Railway To Heaven (Duet with Willie Nelson)
11:23 |
Patsy Cline - Walking After Midnight
11:20 |
Patsy Cline - I Can't Help It (If I'm Still In Love With You)
11:17 |
Patsy Cline - Cry Not For Me
11:15 |
Patsy Cline - Imagine That (feat. The Jordanaires)
11:11 |
Patsy Cline - Bill Bailey, Won't You Please Come Home
11:09 |
Patsy Cline - Don't Ever Leave Me Again
11:06 |
Patsy Cline - That's My Desire (feat. The Jordanaires)
11:04 |
Patsy Cline - Just Out Of Reach
11:01 |
Patsy Cline - Seven Lonely Days (feat. The Jordanaires)
10:59 |
Patsy Cline - How Can I Face Tomorrow
10:57 |
Patsy Cline - Lovesick Blues
10:55 |
Patsy Cline - Come On In
10:52 |
Patsy Cline - There He Goes
10:50 |
Patsy Cline - Sweet Dreams (Of You)
10:48 |
Patsy Cline - Gotta Lot Of Rhythm
10:44 |
Patsy Cline - How Can I Face Tomorrow (Extended Version)
10:42 |
Patsy Cline - I Love You So Much It Hurts
10:39 |
Patsy Cline - Hungry For Love (Extended Version)
10:36 |
Patsy Cline - When I Get Thru With You (You'll Love Me Too)
10:34 |
Patsy Cline - I Love You Honey
10:32 |
Patsy Cline - Lonely Street
10:29 |
Patsy Cline - I've Loved And Lost Again
10:26 |
Patsy Cline - She's Got You
10:23 |
Patsy Cline - The Heart You Break May Be Your Own
10:21 |
Patsy Cline - When You Need A Laugh
10:18 |
Patsy Cline - Strange
10:16 |
Patsy Cline - A Stranger In My Arms
10:13 |
Patsy Cline - A Church, A Courtroom And Then Goodbye
10:10 |
Patsy Cline - The Wayward Wind (feat. The Jordanaires)
10:07 |
Patsy Cline - Crazy
10:04 |
Patsy Cline - San Antonio Rose (feat. The Jordanaires)
10:02 |
Patsy Cline - Half As Much
10:01 |
Patsy Cline - Crazy Dreams, Pt. 2
09:58 |
Patsy Cline - Your Cheatin' Heart
09:55 |
Patsy Cline - You Belong To Me (feat. The Jordanaires)
09:53 |
Patsy Cline - Blue Moon Of Kentucky
09:49 |
Patsy Cline - If I Could Stay Asleep (Duet with Beth Nielsen Chapman)
09:46 |
Patsy Cline - Three Cigarettes In An Ashtray
09:44 |
Patsy Cline - Stop The World
09:40 |
Patsy Cline - Faded Love
09:36 |
Patsy Cline - Why Can't He Be You
09:34 |
Patsy Cline - I Don't Wanna
09:32 |
Patsy Cline - Crazy Arms
09:29 |
Patsy Cline - That Wonderful Someone (Duet with Bob Carlisle)
09:26 |
Patsy Cline - Tra Le La Le La Triangle (feat. The Jordanaires)
09:25 |
Patsy Cline - Crazy Dreams, Pt. 1
09:23 |
Patsy Cline - I Fall To Pieces
09:20 |
Patsy Cline - Never No More
09:17 |
Patsy Cline - Does Your Heart Beat For Me
09:15 |
Patsy Cline - True Love (feat. The Jordanaires)
09:12 |
Patsy Cline - Always
09:10 |
Patsy Cline - Today, Tomorrow, Forever
09:07 |
Patsy Cline - Crazy Dreams
09:05 |
Patsy Cline - He Called Me Baby
09:02 |
Patsy Cline - I Cried All The Way To The Altar
08:57 |
Patsy Cline - A Poor Mans Roses (Or A Rich Mans Gold)
08:55 |
Patsy Cline - Too Many Secrets (Duet with Glen Campbell)
08:52 |
Patsy Cline - Leavin' On Your Mind
08:50 |
Patsy Cline - Have You Ever Been Lonely (Have You Ever Been Blue)
08:48 |
Patsy Cline - Back In My Baby's Arms
08:45 |
Patsy Cline - You Made Me Love You (I Didn't Want to Do It)
08:43 |
Patsy Cline - Hungry For Love
08:41 |
Patsy Cline - You Were Only Fooling (While I Was Falling In Love)
08:38 |
Patsy Cline - So Wrong
08:35 |
Patsy Cline - You're Stronger Than Me (Non-Orchestra Version)
08:33 |
Patsy Cline - Honky Tonk Merry Go Round
08:31 |
Patsy Cline - Anytime
08:28 |
Patsy Cline - South of the Border (Down Mexico Way)
08:26 |
Patsy Cline - Heartaches
08:24 |
Patsy Cline - I Can See An Angel
08:21 |
Patsy Cline - Foolin' 'Round
08:19 |
Patsy Cline - Gotta Lot Of Rhythm In My Soul
08:17 |
Patsy Cline - Walking After Midnight
08:13 |
Patsy Cline - Just Out Of Reach (Duet with Waylon Jennings)
08:10 |
Patsy Cline - I Can't Help It (If I'm Still In Love With You)
08:07 |
Patsy Cline - Life's Railway To Heaven (Duet with Willie Nelson)
08:04 |
Patsy Cline - Imagine That (feat. The Jordanaires)
08:01 |
Patsy Cline - Cry Not For Me
07:59 |
Patsy Cline - Don't Ever Leave Me Again
07:56 |
Patsy Cline - Just Out Of Reach
07:54 |
Patsy Cline - Bill Bailey, Won't You Please Come Home
07:51 |
Patsy Cline - How Can I Face Tomorrow
07:48 |
Patsy Cline - That's My Desire (feat. The Jordanaires)
07:46 |
Patsy Cline - Come On In
07:44 |
Patsy Cline - Seven Lonely Days (feat. The Jordanaires)
07:42 |
Patsy Cline - Sweet Dreams (Of You)
07:39 |
Patsy Cline - Lovesick Blues
07:37 |
Patsy Cline - Gotta Lot Of Rhythm
07:35 |
Patsy Cline - There He Goes
07:32 |
Patsy Cline - I Love You So Much It Hurts
07:29 |
Patsy Cline - How Can I Face Tomorrow (Extended Version)
07:27 |
Patsy Cline - When I Get Thru With You (You'll Love Me Too)
07:24 |
Patsy Cline - Lonely Street
07:21 |
Patsy Cline - Hungry For Love (Extended Version)
07:17 |
Patsy Cline - She's Got You
07:15 |
Patsy Cline - I Love You Honey
07:13 |
Patsy Cline - When You Need A Laugh
07:10 |
Patsy Cline - I've Loved And Lost Again
07:08 |
Patsy Cline - A Stranger In My Arms
07:05 |
Patsy Cline - The Heart You Break May Be Your Own
07:02 |
Patsy Cline - A Church, A Courtroom And Then Goodbye
07:00 |
Patsy Cline - Strange
06:57 |
Patsy Cline - Crazy
06:54 |
Patsy Cline - The Wayward Wind (feat. The Jordanaires)
06:51 |
Patsy Cline - Half As Much
06:49 |
Patsy Cline - Your Cheatin' Heart
06:47 |
Patsy Cline - San Antonio Rose (feat. The Jordanaires)
06:45 |
Patsy Cline - Blue Moon Of Kentucky
06:43 |
Patsy Cline - Crazy Dreams, Pt. 2
06:41 |
Patsy Cline - Three Cigarettes In An Ashtray
06:38 |
Patsy Cline - You Belong To Me (feat. The Jordanaires)
06:34 |
Patsy Cline - Faded Love
06:29 |
Patsy Cline - If I Could Stay Asleep (Duet with Beth Nielsen Chapman)
06:26 |
Patsy Cline - Why Can't He Be You
06:23 |
Patsy Cline - Stop The World
06:21 |
Patsy Cline - Crazy Arms
06:19 |
Patsy Cline - I Don't Wanna
06:16 |
Patsy Cline - Tra Le La Le La Triangle (feat. The Jordanaires)
06:14 |
Patsy Cline - I Fall To Pieces
06:11 |
Patsy Cline - That Wonderful Someone (Duet with Bob Carlisle)
06:08 |
Patsy Cline - Does Your Heart Beat For Me
06:07 |
Patsy Cline - Crazy Dreams, Pt. 1
06:04 |
Patsy Cline - Always
06:02 |
Patsy Cline - Never No More
05:59 |
Patsy Cline - Crazy Dreams
05:57 |
Patsy Cline - True Love (feat. The Jordanaires)
05:54 |
Patsy Cline - He Called Me Baby
05:52 |
Patsy Cline - Today, Tomorrow, Forever
05:47 |
Patsy Cline - A Poor Mans Roses (Or A Rich Mans Gold)
05:44 |
Patsy Cline - I Cried All The Way To The Altar
05:42 |
Patsy Cline - Leavin' On Your Mind
05:40 |
Patsy Cline - Back In My Baby's Arms
05:37 |
Patsy Cline - Too Many Secrets (Duet with Glen Campbell)
05:35 |
Patsy Cline - Hungry For Love
05:33 |
Patsy Cline - Have You Ever Been Lonely (Have You Ever Been Blue)
05:30 |
Patsy Cline - So Wrong
05:27 |
Patsy Cline - You Made Me Love You (I Didn't Want to Do It)
05:25 |
Patsy Cline - Honky Tonk Merry Go Round
05:23 |
Patsy Cline - You Were Only Fooling (While I Was Falling In Love)
05:21 |
Patsy Cline - Anytime
05:18 |
Patsy Cline - You're Stronger Than Me (Non-Orchestra Version)
05:16 |
Patsy Cline - Heartaches
05:13 |
Patsy Cline - South of the Border (Down Mexico Way)
05:11 |
Patsy Cline - Foolin' 'Round
05:08 |
Patsy Cline - Walking After Midnight
05:06 |
Patsy Cline - I Can See An Angel
05:03 |
Patsy Cline - I Can't Help It (If I'm Still In Love With You)
05:01 |
Patsy Cline - Gotta Lot Of Rhythm In My Soul
04:58 |
Patsy Cline - Imagine That (feat. The Jordanaires)
04:54 |
Patsy Cline - Just Out Of Reach (Duet with Waylon Jennings)
04:52 |
Patsy Cline - Don't Ever Leave Me Again
04:49 |
Patsy Cline - Life's Railway To Heaven (Duet with Willie Nelson)
04:46 |
Patsy Cline - Just Out Of Reach
04:44 |
Patsy Cline - Cry Not For Me
04:41 |
Patsy Cline - How Can I Face Tomorrow
04:38 |
Patsy Cline - Bill Bailey, Won't You Please Come Home
04:36 |
Patsy Cline - Come On In
04:34 |
Patsy Cline - Sweet Dreams (Of You)
04:31 |
Patsy Cline - That's My Desire (feat. The Jordanaires)
04:29 |
Patsy Cline - Gotta Lot Of Rhythm
04:26 |
Patsy Cline - Seven Lonely Days (feat. The Jordanaires)
04:24 |
Patsy Cline - I Love You So Much It Hurts
04:22 |
Patsy Cline - Lovesick Blues
04:19 |
Patsy Cline - When I Get Thru With You (You'll Love Me Too)
04:17 |
Patsy Cline - There He Goes
04:14 |
Patsy Cline - Lonely Street
04:11 |
Patsy Cline - How Can I Face Tomorrow (Extended Version)
04:08 |
Patsy Cline - She's Got You
04:05 |
Patsy Cline - Hungry For Love (Extended Version)
04:02 |
Patsy Cline - When You Need A Laugh
03:59 |
Patsy Cline - A Stranger In My Arms
03:57 |
Patsy Cline - I Love You Honey
03:54 |
Patsy Cline - A Church, A Courtroom And Then Goodbye
03:52 |
Patsy Cline - I've Loved And Lost Again
03:49 |
Patsy Cline - Crazy
03:46 |
Patsy Cline - The Heart You Break May Be Your Own
03:44 |
Patsy Cline - Half As Much
03:42 |
Patsy Cline - Strange
03:39 |
Patsy Cline - Your Cheatin' Heart
03:36 |
Patsy Cline - The Wayward Wind (feat. The Jordanaires)
03:34 |
Patsy Cline - Blue Moon Of Kentucky
03:32 |
Patsy Cline - San Antonio Rose (feat. The Jordanaires)
03:29 |
Patsy Cline - Three Cigarettes In An Ashtray
03:25 |
Patsy Cline - Faded Love
03:24 |
Patsy Cline - Crazy Dreams, Pt. 2
03:21 |
Patsy Cline - Why Can't He Be You
03:17 |
Patsy Cline - You Belong To Me (feat. The Jordanaires)
03:15 |
Patsy Cline - Crazy Arms
03:11 |
Patsy Cline - If I Could Stay Asleep (Duet with Beth Nielsen Chapman)
03:08 |
Patsy Cline - Tra Le La Le La Triangle (feat. The Jordanaires)
03:06 |
Patsy Cline - Stop The World
03:03 |
Patsy Cline - I Fall To Pieces
03:01 |
Patsy Cline - I Don't Wanna
02:58 |
Patsy Cline - Does Your Heart Beat For Me
02:55 |
Patsy Cline - That Wonderful Someone (Duet with Bob Carlisle)
02:52 |
Patsy Cline - Always
02:50 |
Patsy Cline - Crazy Dreams
02:49 |
Patsy Cline - Crazy Dreams, Pt. 1
02:46 |
Patsy Cline - He Called Me Baby
02:43 |
Patsy Cline - Never No More
02:38 |
Patsy Cline - A Poor Mans Roses (Or A Rich Mans Gold)
02:36 |
Patsy Cline - True Love (feat. The Jordanaires)
02:34 |
Patsy Cline - Leavin' On Your Mind
02:31 |
Patsy Cline - Today, Tomorrow, Forever
02:29 |
Patsy Cline - Back In My Baby's Arms
02:27 |
Patsy Cline - I Cried All The Way To The Altar
02:24 |
Patsy Cline - Hungry For Love
02:22 |
Patsy Cline - Too Many Secrets (Duet with Glen Campbell)
02:19 |
Patsy Cline - So Wrong
02:17 |
Patsy Cline - Honky Tonk Merry Go Round
02:14 |
Patsy Cline - Have You Ever Been Lonely (Have You Ever Been Blue)
02:12 |
Patsy Cline - Anytime
02:10 |
Patsy Cline - You Made Me Love You (I Didn't Want to Do It)
02:07 |
Patsy Cline - Heartaches
02:06 |
Patsy Cline - You Were Only Fooling (While I Was Falling In Love)
02:03 |
Patsy Cline - Foolin' 'Round
02:00 |
Patsy Cline - You're Stronger Than Me (Non-Orchestra Version)
01:58 |
Patsy Cline - Walking After Midnight
01:55 |
Patsy Cline - South of the Border (Down Mexico Way)
01:53 |
Patsy Cline - I Can't Help It (If I'm Still In Love With You)
01:50 |
Patsy Cline - I Can See An Angel
01:47 |
Patsy Cline - Imagine That (feat. The Jordanaires)
01:45 |
Patsy Cline - Don't Ever Leave Me Again
01:42 |
Patsy Cline - Gotta Lot Of Rhythm In My Soul
01:40 |
Patsy Cline - Just Out Of Reach
01:36 |
Patsy Cline - Just Out Of Reach (Duet with Waylon Jennings)
01:34 |
Patsy Cline - How Can I Face Tomorrow
01:31 |
Patsy Cline - Life's Railway To Heaven (Duet with Willie Nelson)
01:29 |
Patsy Cline - Come On In
01:26 |
Patsy Cline - Cry Not For Me
01:24 |
Patsy Cline - Sweet Dreams (Of You)
01:21 |
Patsy Cline - Bill Bailey, Won't You Please Come Home
01:19 |
Patsy Cline - Gotta Lot Of Rhythm
01:16 |
Patsy Cline - That's My Desire (feat. The Jordanaires)
01:14 |
Patsy Cline - I Love You So Much It Hurts
01:11 |
Patsy Cline - When I Get Thru With You (You'll Love Me Too)
01:09 |
Patsy Cline - Seven Lonely Days (feat. The Jordanaires)
01:06 |
Patsy Cline - Lonely Street
01:04 |
Patsy Cline - Lovesick Blues
01:01 |
Patsy Cline - She's Got You
00:58 |
Patsy Cline - There He Goes
00:55 |
Patsy Cline - When You Need A Laugh
00:52 |
Patsy Cline - How Can I Face Tomorrow (Extended Version)
00:50 |
Patsy Cline - A Stranger In My Arms
00:46 |
Patsy Cline - Hungry For Love (Extended Version)
00:43 |
Patsy Cline - A Church, A Courtroom And Then Goodbye
00:41 |
Patsy Cline - I Love You Honey
00:39 |
Patsy Cline - Crazy
00:36 |
Patsy Cline - Half As Much
00:34 |
Patsy Cline - I've Loved And Lost Again
00:31 |
Patsy Cline - Your Cheatin' Heart
00:29 |
Patsy Cline - The Heart You Break May Be Your Own
00:27 |
Patsy Cline - Blue Moon Of Kentucky
00:24 |
Patsy Cline - Strange
00:22 |
Patsy Cline - Three Cigarettes In An Ashtray
00:19 |
Patsy Cline - The Wayward Wind (feat. The Jordanaires)
00:15 |
Patsy Cline - Faded Love
00:12 |
Patsy Cline - San Antonio Rose (feat. The Jordanaires)
00:09 |
Patsy Cline - Why Can't He Be You
00:08 |
Patsy Cline - Crazy Dreams, Pt. 2
00:05 |
Patsy Cline - Crazy Arms
00:03 |
Patsy Cline - Tra Le La Le La Triangle (feat. The Jordanaires)
00:00 |
Patsy Cline - You Belong To Me (feat. The Jordanaires)