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Exclusively Coldplay - HITS playlist

Don’t know what song’s been playing on the radio? Use our service to find it! Our playlist stores a Exclusively Coldplay - HITS track list for the past 7 days.

(now in Dubai 01:24)
23:56 Coldplay - Midnight
23:52 Coldplay - In My Place
23:48 Coldplay - Miracles
23:45 PNAU x Coldplay - All My Love
23:41 Coldplay - Life In Technicolor II
23:37 Coldplay - Church
23:32 Coldplay - Charlie Brown
23:27 Coldplay - Brothers and Sisters
23:23 Coldplay - Violet Hill
23:19 Coldplay - Viva La Vida
23:15 Coldplay - Hymn For The Weekend
23:10 Coldplay - Clocks
23:06 Coldplay - Champion Of The World
23:02 Coldplay - Atlas
22:57 Coldplay - Magic
22:53 Coldplay - Trouble
22:48 Coldplay - Adventure Of A Lifetime
22:44 Coldplay - A Sky Full of Stars
22:40 Coldplay; Rihanna - Princess of China
22:35 Coldplay - God Put A Smile Upon Your Face
22:32 Coldplay - Orphans
22:28 Coldplay - Up and Up
22:24 Coldplay - All My Love
22:20 Coldplay - feelslikeimfallinginlove
22:15 Coldplay - The Scientist
22:05 Coldplay - Coloratura
22:00 Coldplay - Shiver
21:56 Coldplay X Selena Gomez - Let Somebody Go
21:51 Coldplay - Fix You
21:47 Coldplay - Lost!
21:42 Coldplay and Big Sean - Miracles (Someone Special)
21:38 Coldplay X BTS - My Universe
21:34 The Chainsmokers and Coldplay - Something Just Like This
21:29 Coldplay - Every Teardrop Is A Waterfall
21:24 Coldplay - Talk
21:19 Coldplay - Paradise
21:16 Coldplay - We Pray
21:11 Coldplay - Speed Of Sound
21:07 Coldplay - Everglow
21:01 Coldplay - Hypnotised
20:58 Coldplay - In My Place
20:53 Coldplay - A Message
20:49 Coldplay - Miracles
20:46 PNAU x Coldplay - All My Love
20:41 Coldplay - Midnight
20:37 Coldplay - Church
20:32 Coldplay - Brothers and Sisters
20:28 Coldplay - Violet Hill
20:24 Coldplay - Yellow
20:20 Coldplay - Another's Arms
20:15 Coldplay - Clocks
20:10 Coldplay - Charlie Brown
20:06 Coldplay - Hymn For The Weekend
20:02 Coldplay - Life In Technicolor II
19:58 Coldplay - Champion Of The World
19:54 Coldplay - Atlas
19:49 Coldplay - Magic
19:45 Coldplay - Adventure Of A Lifetime
19:40 Coldplay - A Sky Full of Stars
19:35 Coldplay - Trouble
19:31 Coldplay - Orphans
19:28 Coldplay - Viva La Vida
19:24 Coldplay; Rihanna - Princess of China
19:19 Coldplay - The Scientist
19:15 Coldplay - feelslikeimfallinginlove
19:05 Coldplay - Coloratura
19:00 Coldplay - Shiver
18:56 Coldplay - Up and Up
18:51 Coldplay - God Put A Smile Upon Your Face
18:46 Coldplay - Fix You
18:42 Coldplay X Selena Gomez - Let Somebody Go
18:37 Coldplay X BTS - My Universe
18:32 Coldplay and Big Sean - Miracles (Someone Special)
18:27 Coldplay - Talk
18:24 Coldplay - All My Love
18:20 Coldplay - We Pray
18:15 Coldplay - Paradise
18:11 Coldplay - Every Teardrop Is A Waterfall
18:05 Coldplay - Hypnotised
18:01 Coldplay - Speed Of Sound
17:57 Coldplay - Lost!
17:53 The Chainsmokers and Coldplay - Something Just Like This
17:49 Coldplay - Miracles
17:45 Coldplay - In My Place
17:41 Coldplay - Everglow
17:36 Coldplay - A Message
17:32 Coldplay - Violet Hill
17:28 Coldplay - Yellow
17:24 Coldplay - Brothers and Sisters
17:20 Coldplay - Church
17:15 Coldplay - Clocks
17:10 Coldplay - Charlie Brown
17:06 Coldplay - Life In Technicolor II
17:02 Coldplay - Hymn For The Weekend
16:59 PNAU x Coldplay - All My Love
16:54 Coldplay - Magic
16:50 Coldplay - Another's Arms
16:46 Coldplay - A Sky Full of Stars
16:41 Coldplay - Atlas
16:36 Coldplay - Adventure Of A Lifetime
16:32 Coldplay - Trouble
16:28 Coldplay - Champion Of The World
16:24 Coldplay - Viva La Vida
16:19 Coldplay - Midnight
16:15 Coldplay - feelslikeimfallinginlove
16:10 Coldplay - Shiver
16:06 Coldplay - Orphans
16:01 Coldplay - The Scientist
15:57 Coldplay - Up and Up
15:53 Coldplay X Selena Gomez - Let Somebody Go
15:50 Coldplay; Rihanna - Princess of China
15:45 Coldplay and Big Sean - Miracles (Someone Special)
15:40 Coldplay - Fix You
15:35 Coldplay - Talk
15:21 Coldplay - Coloratura
15:16 Coldplay - Paradise
15:11 Coldplay - Hypnotised
15:07 Coldplay - All My Love
15:03 Coldplay - Lost!
14:59 Coldplay - Every Teardrop Is A Waterfall
14:54 Coldplay X BTS - My Universe
14:50 Coldplay - Speed Of Sound
14:46 Coldplay - Everglow
14:41 Coldplay - A Message
14:37 Coldplay - Miracles
14:33 The Chainsmokers and Coldplay - Something Just Like This
14:28 Coldplay - Yellow
14:24 Coldplay - Brothers and Sisters
14:21 Coldplay - Violet Hill
14:15 Coldplay - Clocks
14:11 Coldplay - Charlie Brown
14:07 Coldplay - In My Place
14:03 Coldplay - Church
13:59 Coldplay - Life In Technicolor II
13:55 Coldplay - Hymn For The Weekend
13:50 Coldplay - Magic
13:45 Coldplay - Atlas
13:42 PNAU x Coldplay - All My Love
13:37 Coldplay - God Put A Smile Upon Your Face
13:33 Coldplay - Trouble
13:29 Coldplay - Another's Arms
13:25 Coldplay - Viva La Vida
13:20 Coldplay - Champion Of The World
13:15 Coldplay - Shiver
13:11 Coldplay - feelslikeimfallinginlove
13:07 Coldplay - Midnight
13:03 Coldplay - Orphans
12:59 Coldplay X Selena Gomez - Let Somebody Go
12:54 Coldplay - The Scientist
12:49 Coldplay - Adventure Of A Lifetime
12:44 Coldplay - Fix You
12:39 Coldplay - Talk
12:31 Coldplay and Big Sean - Miracles (Someone Special)
12:21 Coldplay - Coloratura
12:15 Coldplay - Hypnotised
12:11 Coldplay; Rihanna - Princess of China
12:07 Coldplay - Up and Up
12:03 Coldplay - Every Teardrop Is A Waterfall
11:59 Coldplay - Paradise
11:55 Coldplay - Lost!
11:51 Coldplay - Everglow
11:46 Coldplay - A Message
11:41 Coldplay - A Sky Full of Stars
11:37 Coldplay - Miracles
11:34 Coldplay - All My Love
11:29 Coldplay X BTS - My Universe
11:25 The Chainsmokers and Coldplay - Something Just Like This
11:20 Coldplay - Speed Of Sound
11:16 Coldplay - Yellow
11:12 Coldplay - Violet Hill
11:07 Coldplay - Charlie Brown
11:04 Coldplay - In My Place
10:59 Coldplay - Life In Technicolor II
10:55 Coldplay - Brothers and Sisters
10:51 Coldplay - Hymn For The Weekend
10:46 Coldplay - Clocks
10:41 Coldplay - Magic
10:37 Coldplay - Church
10:33 Coldplay - Another's Arms
10:28 Coldplay - God Put A Smile Upon Your Face
10:24 Coldplay - Viva La Vida
10:20 Coldplay - Trouble
10:15 Coldplay - Shiver
10:10 Coldplay - Midnight
10:07 Coldplay - Orphans
10:03 PNAU x Coldplay - All My Love
09:59 Coldplay - Champion Of The World
09:54 Coldplay - feelslikeimfallinginlove
09:51 Coldplay X Selena Gomez - Let Somebody Go
09:46 Coldplay - Fix You
09:42 Coldplay - Atlas
09:28 Coldplay - Coloratura
09:23 Coldplay and Big Sean - Miracles (Someone Special)
09:19 Coldplay - Adventure Of A Lifetime
09:14 Coldplay - Talk
09:10 Coldplay; Rihanna - Princess of China
09:05 Coldplay - Hypnotised
09:01 Coldplay - Up and Up
08:55 Coldplay - The Scientist
08:51 Coldplay - Lost!
08:46 Coldplay - Paradise
08:43 Coldplay - Everglow
08:39 Coldplay - All My Love
08:35 Coldplay - Miracles
08:31 The Chainsmokers and Coldplay - Something Just Like This
08:26 Coldplay - Speed Of Sound
08:22 Coldplay - A Sky Full of Stars
08:18 Coldplay - Every Teardrop Is A Waterfall
08:14 Coldplay - Violet Hill
08:10 Coldplay X BTS - My Universe
08:05 Coldplay - Life In Technicolor II
08:01 Coldplay - A Message
07:56 Coldplay - Brothers and Sisters
07:51 Coldplay - Yellow
07:47 Coldplay - Charlie Brown
07:42 Coldplay - Clocks
07:37 Coldplay - Magic
07:32 Coldplay - God Put A Smile Upon Your Face
07:28 Coldplay - Church
07:24 Coldplay - In My Place
07:20 Coldplay - Viva La Vida
07:16 Coldplay - Hymn For The Weekend
07:12 Coldplay - Another's Arms
07:07 Coldplay - Midnight
07:04 Coldplay - Orphans
06:58 Coldplay - Shiver
06:55 PNAU x Coldplay - All My Love
06:50 Coldplay - Fix You
06:46 Coldplay - Champion Of The World
06:42 Coldplay - We Pray
06:38 Coldplay - Atlas
06:34 Coldplay X Selena Gomez - Let Somebody Go
06:30 Coldplay - Trouble
06:25 Coldplay - Talk
06:20 Coldplay - Adventure Of A Lifetime
06:17 Coldplay; Rihanna - Princess of China
06:13 Coldplay - feelslikeimfallinginlove
06:08 Coldplay and Big Sean - Miracles (Someone Special)
06:04 Coldplay - Up and Up
05:58 Coldplay - Hypnotised
05:54 Coldplay - Everglow
05:44 Coldplay - Coloratura
05:39 Coldplay - The Scientist
05:35 Coldplay - Miracles
05:32 Coldplay - All My Love
05:28 Coldplay - Lost!
05:23 Coldplay - Paradise
05:19 Coldplay - Violet Hill
05:15 Coldplay - Every Teardrop Is A Waterfall
05:11 Coldplay - Life In Technicolor II
05:06 Coldplay - A Message
05:01 Coldplay X BTS - My Universe
04:57 Coldplay - Brothers and Sisters
04:52 Coldplay - Speed Of Sound
04:48 Coldplay - A Sky Full of Stars
04:44 The Chainsmokers and Coldplay - Something Just Like This
04:39 Coldplay - Charlie Brown
04:35 Coldplay - Church
04:31 Coldplay - Yellow
04:27 Coldplay - In My Place
04:22 Coldplay - God Put A Smile Upon Your Face
04:17 Coldplay - Magic
04:13 Coldplay - Hymn For The Weekend
04:08 Coldplay - Midnight
04:04 Coldplay - Another's Arms
03:59 Coldplay - Clocks
03:55 Coldplay - Viva La Vida
03:52 PNAU x Coldplay - All My Love
03:48 Coldplay - Champion Of The World
03:44 Coldplay - Atlas
03:40 Coldplay - Orphans
03:36 Coldplay - Trouble
03:31 Coldplay - Talk
03:27 Coldplay - We Pray
03:23 Coldplay - Adventure Of A Lifetime
03:18 Coldplay - Shiver
03:14 Coldplay - feelslikeimfallinginlove
03:09 Coldplay - Up and Up
03:05 Coldplay X Selena Gomez - Let Somebody Go
01:59 Coldplay - Hypnotised
01:55 Coldplay and Big Sean - Miracles (Someone Special)
01:50 Coldplay - Fix You
01:46 Coldplay - Everglow
01:41 Coldplay - The Scientist
01:37 Coldplay - All My Love
01:33 Coldplay - Paradise
01:29 Coldplay - Lost!
01:19 Coldplay - Coloratura
01:15 Coldplay - Violet Hill
01:11 Coldplay - Life In Technicolor II
01:06 Coldplay; Rihanna - Princess of China
01:02 Coldplay - A Message
00:57 Coldplay - Speed Of Sound
00:52 Coldplay - A Sky Full of Stars
00:49 The Chainsmokers and Coldplay - Something Just Like This
00:44 Coldplay - Charlie Brown
00:39 Coldplay X BTS - My Universe
00:35 Coldplay - Every Teardrop Is A Waterfall
00:31 Coldplay - In My Place
00:27 Coldplay - Yellow
00:22 Coldplay - God Put A Smile Upon Your Face
00:17 Coldplay - Magic
00:13 Coldplay - Miracles
00:09 Coldplay - Another's Arms
00:05 Coldplay - Brothers and Sisters
00:01 Coldplay - Church

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