Online Radio Box upotrebljava kolačiće za pružanje najbolje usluge korisnicima. Obrada vaših osobnih podataka mogla bi biti potrebna za omiljene radio postaje i glazbene žanrove, favorite korisnika, recenzije postaja i mnoge druge usluge.
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Cutting edge talk radio station Dubai Eye 103.8 brings together an eclectic mix of informed individuals to provide business, news, current affairs, sports, entertainment and special interest programming for a cross-cultural audience, 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. The leading English talk station in the UAE, Dubai Eye sets the agenda every morning with its award winning flagship show The Business Breakfast, featuring high profile guests and generating discussion on the issues that matter. With news updates every fifteen minutes during breakfast and drive time, Dubai Eye is recognised as the leading provider of news and information, keeping listeners connected with the world around them. The station is uniquely placed to capture an educated and news hungry audience who are primarily over the age of 35. These listeners are multi-cultural and multi-faceted, armed with the latest knowledge they are influential opinion-leaders amongst their friends. Dubai Eye has been multi-award winning since its launch picking up such accolades as Radio Station of the Year 2009/2010 and 2008/2009 as well as International Radio Conference Breakfast Show of the Year.
Radio kontakti
Zone C, 2nd floor, Dubai Properties Headquarters Building, Knowledge Village