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95.7 The Ride

Рэйтынг: 4.0 Ацэнак: 6
95.7 The Ride - WXRC is a broadcast Radio station from Hickory, North Carolina, United States, providing Classic Hits, Classic Rock and Oldies Music.
41 0

Водгукі аб 95.7 The Ride

  • 1
    I've listened to The Ride on the WXRC station during my weekly trips close to Hickory for over a year. My first visit to the website to listen on line and the first thing I see is "Stand With Ukraine"? Why go political on something you know nothing about, or I should I say what you're being spoon fed by the Media? Total BS and lies and ab insult to all American tax payers that have been forced to contribute their hard earned money to be "laundered" back to the those guilty in this scheme. I'll not be listing to WXRC any longer and will never come to this onlineradiobox site again.
  • 3
    Music is pretty good. Same commercial over and over are annoying! Not sure who signed Ace & T-Bag, but they have no business being on the air waves!!
  • 5
    Great station, I like how you play a LOT of what I call "secondary hits" songs that weren't played to death by regular AOR Rock stations but are Very Good songs!
  • 5
    I've been a huge music fan my entire life. love going to concerts, and have checked out a LOT of radio stations over the years, and listen to music often. For my musical tastes, this is undoubtedly the best radio station I have ever heard! (As a further testament to this, my best buddy of 48 years recently drove my car, and when he got out of it he asked what station I had on the radio. I told him that it was your station, and he made the exact same comment to me as I mentioned above.) Keep doing what you're doing as it's terrific!
  • 5
    I absolutely love your station!
  • 5
    Thanks 95.7 for being there I listen everyday .Finished High Schooli the 60s Bring Back Lot Of Memories

Кантакты радыёстанцыі

Адрас: 1666 Radio Station Road Newton, NC 28658
Тэлефон: +1 828-464-4041
Email: [email protected]
Facebook: @957theride
Twitter: @957fmtheride

828-464-9662 - Fax

Час у горадзе Hickory: 20:54, 03.20.2025

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