In diretta |
Rev James Moore - It's Gonna Be Alright
16:28 |
J J Hairston and Youthful Praise - Miracle Worker
16:20 |
J Eric Brown - When I Get Home
16:13 |
It's A Wonder - Darrell McFadden
16:08 |
Israel & New Breed - Suddenly
16:04 |
Isaiah Templeton - Everything Will Be Alright
16:00 |
I Told The Storm - Greg O'Quin 'N Joyful Noize
15:59 |
WQFX FM and AM Legal ID1
15:55 |
Higher Place of Praise - CeCe Winans
15:54 |
I Wanna be Happy Station drop 2
15:49 |
Hezekiah Walker - All Of My Help
15:00 |
Amazing Grace - Pastor Hart Ramsey The Good News About Grace
14:59 |
WQFX FM and AM Legal ID1
14:58 |
Pastor James L Black Thought for Today Enjoy Your Happiness
14:55 |
Rev. James Moore - He Was There All the Time
14:54 |
I Wanna be Happy Station drop 2
14:49 |
Rev. James Moore - I Stood on the Banks, Pt. 2
14:42 |
Rev. James Moore - I Stood on the Banks, Pt. 1
14:38 |
Hart Ramsey - It is so
14:31 |
Got the Devil Under My Feet - Rev Timothy Flemming
14:28 |
God's Will - God's Train
14:20 |
Glory to the Lamb - Geoffrey Golden
14:15 |
Georgia Mass Choir - Trouble in My Way
14:10 |
Cheri Powers Page - Fire Keeps on Burning
14:05 |
Fred Perry & 2nd Generation - Jesus Loves Me
14:00 |
Fred Hammond - I Will Lift Him Up
13:59 |
WQFX and W254DJ Legal ID 2
13:59 |
Fred Hammond - Everybody Get Up
13:30 |
Passage Family Church - 13
13:27 |
Five Blind Boys of MS - If I Had a Hammer
13:20 |
Rev. James Moore - Jesus Is Able
13:16 |
Erica Campbell feat. Lecrae - Help
13:11 |
Endurance - I've Got a Home
13:06 |
Dr F. James Clark & The Shalom Church COP Mass Choir - We Praise Your Name
13:00 |
Dorinda Clark Cole - So Many Times
12:59 |
WQFX FM and AM Legal ID1
12:58 |
Pastor James L Black Thought for Today Enjoy Your Happiness
12:54 |
Donnie McClurkin - The Great I Am
12:50 |
Donnie McClurkin - Not Yet (Audio)
12:46 |
Donnell Russell - Hold On Old Soldier
12:41 |
God Did It - Evelyn Turrentine Agee
12:40 |
I Believe Station drop 1
12:37 |
Donald Lawrence - YHWH (The Sound of My Breathing) (feat. Jekalyn Carr)
12:32 |
Donald Lawrence - Jehovah Sabaoth (God of Angel Armies) (feat. Brittany Stewart)
12:24 |
Donald Lawrence - God
12:20 |
Donald Lawrence - Encourage Yourself
12:14 |
Donald Lawrence - Deliver Me (This Is My Exodus)
12:10 |
Doc McKenzie - Keep Trusting
12:03 |
Donnie McClurkin - Living, He Loved Me (One Day)-Send It on
12:00 |
Deitrick Haddon - Power
11:59 |
WQFX FM and AM Legal ID1
11:59 |
Pastor James L Black Thought for Today Enjoy Your Happiness
11:56 |
Debra Reynolds - Rejoice
11:51 |
Dorothy Norwood - Victory Is Mine
11:46 |
David Armstrong - Wonderful
11:40 |
Dottie Peoples - He's an on Time God
11:40 |
I Believe Station drop 1
11:35 |
Dathan Thigpen & Holy Nation - Praying In The Spirit
11:31 |
Darrell Pettis & SIP - At The Cross
11:24 |
Darius Brooks - Your Will Is What's Best For Me
11:20 |
Damien Sneed feat San Franklin - Healer of my Emotions
11:18 |
Clark Sisters - Blessed & highly favored
11:12 |
Dorothy Norwood - God Can
11:09 |
Clark Sisters - Amazing Grace
11:04 |
Christina Bell - Going
11:00 |
Dorothy Norwood - It's Praying Time
11:00 |
Soul Food Sunday Promo
10:55 |
Charles Butler and Trinity - Amazing Worth
10:54 |
I Wanna be Happy Station drop 2
10:50 |
Dorothy Norwood - Shake the Devil Off
10:45 |
Andrae Crouch - Let the Church Say Amen
10:40 |
Good God - Doc McKenzie
10:40 |
I Believe Station drop 1
10:40 |
Candy West - Watch God Work It Out
10:33 |
C. Ashley Brown Lawrence - I've Got The Victory (Extended)
10:28 |
Brown Sisters - Hold On
10:19 |
Broken - Shekinah Glory Ministry
10:18 |
Brian Courtney Wilson - A Great Work
10:13 |
Bishop Paul S. Morton - Glory to Jesus (feat. Bishop William Murphy)
10:06 |
Bishop Paul S Morton - The Cross and Blood Medley- Down at the Cross
10:00 |
The Alabama Gurlz - Heaven Belongs To You
09:59 |
Alexis Spight - Imagine Me
09:59 |
Pastor James L Black Thought for Today Enjoy Your Happiness
09:55 |
Benita Washington - When the saints go to worship
09:50 |
Bishop JC Tidwell - Holy Roller
09:47 |
Beulah Grove Baptist church - Oh How I Need Thee Prt 2
09:40 |
Brian Courtney Wilson - Worth Fighting For
09:35 |
COGIC Intl Mass Choir - Accept What God Allows
09:28 |
The Alabama Gurlz - Heaven Belongs To You
09:23 |
The Clark Sisters - Miracle
09:19 |
Clark Sisters - Amazing Grace
09:19 |
Chester DT Baldwin - (Intro) I Still Hear Mama Praying
09:12 |
Charles Jenkins - War
09:08 |
Casey J - Fill Me Up
09:04 |
7 Sons of Soul - Prayin' 4 You
09:01 |
Alabama Spirituals - But You Did
09:00 |
Passage Family Church Gulf Coast Promo
09:00 |
Eddie James - Jehosaphat Song
08:59 |
Beverly Crawford - Sweeping Thru The City
08:55 |
Benjamin Cone III - The Race
08:54 |
I Wanna be Happy Station drop 2
08:52 |
Ben Taylor - Soul Says Yes
08:47 |
Anthony Brown - Testimony
08:45 |
Pop Winans - This Train
08:44 |
08:40 |
Anthem of Praise - Richard Smallwood
08:34 |
Anointed Pace Sisters - Already Done
08:30 |
Anointed Brown Sisters - I Need Jesus
08:26 |
Annie & the Caldwells - I'm Just Holding On
08:23 |
7 Sons of Soul - Thank You Jesus (A Tribute to the Dixie Hummingbirds)
08:20 |
08 Grace - Johnathan McReynolds
08:16 |
05 Movin' On - Johnathan McReynolds and Mali Music
08:00 |
4R - LeKeisha Cotten in the Morning - Thanks In All Things
07:55 |
Jackson Southernaires - Later Than You Think
07:54 |
I Wanna be Happy Station drop 2
07:52 |
J Moss- Psalm 150
07:45 |
It's A Wonder - Darrell McFadden
07:44 |
Station Drop If It Isn't Anointed, It Isn't WQFX
07:41 |
Israel & New Breed - Suddenly
07:36 |
Higher Place of Praise - CeCe Winans
07:30 |
Hezekiah Walker - Break Every Chain
07:27 |
Helen Miller - I Won't Let You Fall
07:22 |
Hart Ramsey - It is so
07:15 |
Got the Devil Under My Feet - Rev Timothy Flemming
07:13 |
God's Will - God's Train
07:08 |
Michael Slater & Co - Freedom
07:04 |
Georgia Mass Choir - Trouble in My Way
07:00 |
James Patterson - This Joy
06:59 |
WQFX FM and AM Legal ID1
06:59 |
Fred Perry & 2nd Generation - Jesus Loves Me
06:54 |
Fred Hammond - I Will Lift Him Up
06:48 |
Fred Hammond - Everybody Get Up
06:45 |
Joanna Hale McGill - Anything
06:41 |
J. Windsor - He That Dwells (Live)
06:34 |
Five Blind Boys of MS - If I Had a Hammer
06:30 |
Ethan Kent - My Hope Is In Glory
06:28 |
Endurance - I've Got a Home
06:23 |
Dr F. James Clark & The Shalom Church COP Mass Choir - We Praise Your Name
06:17 |
Dorinda Clark Cole - So Many Times
06:10 |
Dorothy Norwood - Will you meet me there
06:06 |
Dorinda Clark Cole - Make Me Real
06:00 |
Doobie Powell - Holy
05:59 |
WQFX FM and AM Legal ID1
05:55 |
Donnie McClurkin - The Great I Am
05:49 |
Paul Porter - My Redeemer Lives
05:45 |
Donnell Russell - Hold On Old Soldier
05:41 |
Erica Campbell feat. Lecrae - Help
05:37 |
Doc McKenzie - Keep Trusting
05:33 |
Denetria Champ - Can't Forget
05:30 |
Deitrick Haddon - Power
05:26 |
Debra Reynolds - Rejoice
05:21 |
Dathan Thigpen & Holy Nation - Praying In The Spirit
05:16 |
Darrell Luster - A Mighty Big God
05:12 |
Darlene McCoy - If There Were No You
05:08 |
Dale Jay Sanders - Sunshine
05:04 |
Charles Butler and Trinity - Amazing Worth
05:00 |
Catherine Herron - God Never Fails
04:59 |
WQFX FM and AM Legal ID1
04:56 |
C. Ashley Brown Lawrence - I've Got The Victory (Extended)
04:51 |
Brown Sisters - Hold On
04:46 |
Bishop Daniel T. Littleton - A Heart to Surrender (Live)
04:42 |
Benjamin Saulsberry - Latter
04:38 |
Benjamin Cone III - The Race
04:34 |
Ben Taylor - Soul Says Yes
04:30 |
Anthony Brown - Testimony
04:29 |
I Wanna be Happy Station drop 2
04:27 |
Annie & the Caldwells - I'm Just Holding On
04:22 |
Angie Cleveland - Beauty Enough
04:16 |
16 Enter His Gates - Timothy Wright
04:12 |
03 Put All Your Trust In Him by Edwa
04:03 |
Anita Wilson - Jesus Will
04:00 |
You've Been Right There - Mary Clark Banks
03:56 |
You Brought Me Through This - Rev. Timothy Wright and the New Life Tabernacle Mass Choir
03:51 |
Yolanda Adams - Victory
03:47 |
William Tolson - Never Let Go
03:39 |
Walter Hawkins - Marvelous
03:34 |
Victory's Coming - Men of Standard
03:30 |
Unity of Navasota - Jesus Is The Best Thing
03:29 |
WQFX Legal ID Giving You More
03:25 |
Tonya Ware - Way Maker
03:18 |
There's Power - Lonnie Hunter & the Voices
03:14 |
The Williams Singers....BU
03:10 |
The Smith Family Singers - Be Ready
03:04 |
The New Converted Voices - No Ways Tired
03:00 |
The Mississippi Medley, Pt. I Something Mighty Sweet About the Lord Hes a Well of Water ...
02:58 |
Tawanda Robbins - I Adore You
02:50 |
The Kaiser Singers - Nothing Stop Me (Live)
02:46 |
The Holy Ghost - Rev Milton Bruson
02:41 |
The Highway Q.C.'s - There's Not a Friend Like Jesus
02:35 |
The Glory - Pastor Jarmon Powe
02:30 |
Thank You for What You've Done - Keith Wonderboy Johnson
02:29 |
I Believe Station drop 1
02:27 |
Tremaine Hawkins - I Never Lost My Praise (Live)
02:23 |
The New Christianaires - My Faith Is Working
02:18 |
The Gospel 4 - Do Good
02:14 |
The Mellowtones - Kneel Down (and pray)
02:08 |
William Murphy - Settle Here Part 1
02:00 |
Wind Of God - Vashawn Mitchell
01:52 |
You Will Win - Jekalyn Carr
01:48 |
Donnie McClurkin - Not Yet (Audio)
01:43 |
Zak Williams & 1Akord - Unpredictable God
01:38 |
William Murphy - Same Grace
01:30 |
Safety (Part I) - LaCresia Campbell
01:29 |
WQFX WQFX Drop 04 Drop The Word Does Not Say
01:22 |
Tamela Mann - Praise Medley
01:18 |
So Good - Karen Clark Sheard
01:07 |
Todd Dulaney - Victory Belongs To Jesus (LIVE)
01:00 |
San Franklin-Jackson - Something Bigger
00:53 |
Glory to the Lamb - Geoffrey Golden
00:49 |
William Murphy- Praise Break
00:44 |
Ontatrio Showers - For The Good Of Them
00:40 |
Micah Lee - Dont Break
00:35 |
Christina Bell - Going
00:30 |
JJ Hairston - No Reason To Fear
00:24 |
Brian Courtney Wilson - A Great Work
00:15 |
Broken - Shekinah Glory Ministry
00:09 |
Ron Poindexter - Any Day Now
00:05 |
Beverly Crawford - Sweeping Thru The City
00:00 |
Ricky Dillard - The Best Day (Live)