00:00 |
Garsa @Garsa music - The Devils Own
23:58 |
Sick and Fancy @sickandfancy - Mr. White
23:56 |
9-Volt Velvet - Blues From a Gun
23:53 |
Indie Soul @indiesoullmusic - The Road
23:53 |
Sick and Fancy @sickandfancy - Mr. White
23:48 |
Stealing Lucky @LuckyStealing - Stones
23:47 |
Indie Soul @indiesoullmusic - The Road
23:47 |
Beck Black @beckblackrocket - Lackluster
23:47 |
Stealing Lucky @LuckyStealing - Stones
23:45 |
Get Out @Getoutpunk - Florida Woman
23:44 |
Beck Black @beckblackrocket - Lackluster
23:42 |
Stealing Lucky @LuckyStealing - Stones
23:39 |
Get Out @Getoutpunk - Florida Woman
23:33 |
Slaid Cleaves @slaidc - Flowered Dresses
23:31 |
KPLR & Clara Sofie @KplrMusic - Safer On My Own
23:27 |
Victoria Caffè - Grand daddy
23:25 |
Arthur Nasson @ArthurNasson - AllISeemToHear
23:17 |
Fred Hostetler @FredHostetler10 - Bright Lights Big City
23:13 |
Sicky @sicky333 @ShamelessPR - Garbage Town
23:10 |
Senistro @Senistro Band - Parting
23:05 |
Loving and Leaving - MosesMaster 44.1 16
21:02 |
New Unsigned Alternative with Jay Adkins
20:57 |
The Ember Glows @emberglowsband @ShamelessPR - High Fever Studio Master
20:52 |
Violet Blend @EclipseRecords - Voices In My Head
20:49 |
Segmentia @S3gm3ntia - Fighter
20:42 |
Indie Soull @indiesoullmusic - Roses
20:40 |
Arthur Alexander @StirBig - Woman
20:38 |
The MARXMALLOWS - Cheeta is a Punk Rocker
20:35 |
Goldenboy - Para Toda La Vida
20:29 |
Anastasia Khomenko - Rise From The Ashes
20:27 |
Why is That Adorable Norwegian Family Laughing At Me
20:24 |
Joker Out (ID) - Carpe Diem
20:21 |
Cold Irons Bound @coldironsband - All I Think About
20:16 |
Jon Worthy @jonworthymusic - Better Days
20:12 |
pMad @pmadtheband - Fury
20:07 |
ColourMind @ColourMind Band - Endless
20:05 |
Frenchy and the Punk @frenchyNthepunk @ShamelessPR - Paradise Found
20:05 |
4 - Broadcasting the best indie and variety music on the web, this is Odyssey Radio WODY-DB Harford County Maryland
20:04 |
The Bad Somethings @bad somethings - That Girl's Electric
20:03 |
Frenchy and the Punk @frenchyNthepunk @ShamelessPR - Paradise Found
20:03 |
4 - Broadcasting the best indie and variety music on the web, this is Odyssey Radio WODY-DB Harford County Maryland
19:59 |
The Bad Somethings @bad somethings - That Girl's Electric
19:54 |
Crime Scene Cleaners @SceneCleaners - Inheritance
19:52 |
Phil Hendriks @HendriksPhil - All ThroughThe Years
19:51 |
Tricky Susan @AmbiconMusic - Grab
19:48 |
Crime Scene Cleaners @SceneCleaners - Inheritance
19:43 |
The SoapGirls @The SoapGirls - Summer Rain
19:40 |
Tricky Susan @AmbiconMusic - Grab
19:33 |
George Nooks - So Nice To Be With You
19:29 |
Cardinal Line - On The Edge
19:25 |
Singleton - Storms
19:22 |
Mason Summit @mason summit - Confidant
19:21 |
800-597-9323 - Diabetes Solution Center
19:17 |
Khalia, Loud City & ZJ Sparks @itsmarlab - Time
19:12 |
Caustic Waves @causticwaves - Regenerate
19:09 |
Weekend Recovery @weekendrecmusic - Dangerous
19:04 |
Gregory Julas @GregJulas - Better Than I Do
19:02 |
London Plane @LondonPlaneNYC @ShamelessPR - Bright Black
18:57 |
Other Noises @Other Noises - Slash
18:54 |
The Metal Byrds @TheMetalByrds - Stop Motion
18:46 |
Cory M. Coons @CoryMCoons1 @MTSManagement - Leavin'
18:41 |
Michael Ellis - Beth Takes a Picture
18:39 |
Popular Creeps @popularcreeps @StirBig - From The Past
18:35 |
Brian Lambert @LambertBrian7 - Something To Believe
18:29 |
Alexandra Hainsworth @AlexandraHainsW - Clouds
18:26 |
Alex Parker and Milan Gavris @syndicast - Insecure
18:22 |
Dino Jag @DinoJag - Hurt Myself
18:19 |
Dylan Smith @CountryMSM - Playing The Game
18:12 |
Mark Wonder - African People
18:08 |
Homeless Radio @homelessradio1 - I Don't Care
18:08 |
Muashall @ArtEshed - Vertigo
17:57 |
Jo-Jo And The Teeth @jojoandtheteeth - Don't Get Too Heavy
17:53 |
800-597-9323 - Diabetes Solution Center
17:53 |
Burnt Out Wreck @BurntWreck - Snow Falls Down
17:52 |
Ninebanks @ninebanksband - Hello Sunshine
17:51 |
800-597-9323 - Diabetes Solution Center
17:46 |
Jake O'Neill @JakeOneillVocal - Falling
17:43 |
Ninebanks @ninebanksband - Hello Sunshine
17:38 |
Indiana Bradley @indiana bradley - Pale City Girls
17:36 |
STEEP - Let Me Go
17:32 |
Helena Mace @HelenaMace @CountryMSM - Butterflies
17:32 |
Scandal - Mother
17:30 |
Spygenius @Spygenius @StirBig - I Dig Your New Robes, Pierre!
17:30 |
Helena Mace @HelenaMace @CountryMSM - Butterflies
17:27 |
Scandal - Mother
17:23 |
Spygenius @Spygenius @StirBig - I Dig Your New Robes, Pierre!
17:18 |
Jo Jo & The Teeth @jojoandtheteeth - Hellhound
17:11 |
Yoyo Xno @Yoyo xno - Make That Ride
17:08 |
Burn The Louvre @burnthelouvre - Easy
17:06 |
Jenny Stevens and the Empty Mirrors @MirrorsEmpty @the ukulelegirl - Beneath Smooth Waters
17:03 |
Moonshine Booze - Little Love
16:59 |
pMad @pmadtheband - Youth
16:56 |
Heifervescent - Deep Sea Diver
16:52 |
VITNE @VITNEOfficial - Make Believe
16:45 |
Free to Grow @FreetoGrowBand - Has It All Gone Mad
16:42 |
Lost Planet Airmen @Lostplanetairm1 @HEDRecords - We Were Soldiers
16:39 |
The League - Let's Die of Our Sins
16:36 |
The SoapGirls @The SoapGirls - Heart In Bloom
16:30 |
Animal Souls @animalsoulsmus1 - Soul Dance Redux
16:26 |
Tracy Ball @TraceyBallsongs - Into You
16:24 |
The Popravinas @ThePopravinas - Who Started What?
16:20 |
800-597-9323 - Diabetes Solution Center
16:19 |
Emperor of Ice Cream @TheEmperorsCork @CorkFifa @ShamelessPR - High Rise Low Rise
16:18 |
Eric & The Soo @ericthesoo - Here I Am
16:18 |
800-597-9323 - Diabetes Solution Center
16:14 |
This Is - Edinburgh
16:14 |
Eric & The Soo @ericthesoo - Here I Am
16:11 |
Garsa @Garsa music - These Bones
16:10 |
This Is - Edinburgh
16:07 |
Back On Earth @WeRBackOnEarth - Save Me
16:07 |
Garsa @Garsa music - These Bones
16:04 |
Inward Strange @InwardStrange - Toy Monsters
16:04 |
Back On Earth @WeRBackOnEarth - Save Me
16:04 |
1 - Broadcasting from Harford County Maryland you're listening to WODY-DB Odyssey Radio, the indie and variety station
15:59 |
Inward Strange @InwardStrange - Toy Monsters
15:57 |
JAXL @jaxlmusic - Save Your Soul
15:49 |
The Porch Light Prophets - I’m So Blue
15:45 |
Standing Crew @CrewStanding - Waiting For You
15:42 |
Phantom Lullaby @Phantomlullaby - Searching The Light
15:38 |
Get Out @Getoutpunk - Florida Man
15:32 |
Sophia Stephens @ArtEshed - Submerge
15:29 |
Laurie Biagini @laurie biagini - Do What You Gotta Do
15:25 |
Great White Buffalo - I'm Growing Fangs
15:20 |
Gabriels Dawn@GabrielsDawn - Loose Canyon
15:14 |
Kevin Jones - How Close
15:09 |
Cant Touch
15:06 |
Trundicho - Presents
15:02 |
Permafrost @permafrostmusic - Closed Eyes
14:59 |
John McDonough @MTSManagement - Point Me East
14:58 |
Fresh Body Shop - Screw the Song
14:54 |
Forge Hounds @ForgeHounds - Redcoat
14:51 |
Night Thieves @nightthievesuk - Collide
14:44 |
Wild Horse @wildhorserockuk - Coffee In The Morning
14:40 |
Wallcrush - Satisfaction of Sheeps
14:38 |
Sickpay - How Many Times
14:35 |
Goldenboy - Late Night Buzz
14:31 |
Tommy Keyes @TommyKeyesMusic @TheSoundLabYES - Brandy Alexanders
14:27 |
You're Among Friends @YAFtheband - You Know What You Want
14:24 |
The Metal Byrds @TheMetalByrds - Vicious Circle
14:21 |
Al Boulton Band @JoeViglione - She Just Wants To Dance
14:14 |
Tibshelf Collective @TibshelfCollec1 - This is it
14:11 |
Harmony Dreamers @MemphiaMM - No Stopping
14:08 |
Green Leaf Volatiles @GreenVolatiles - Space Captain
14:07 |
STEEP - The Search
14:06 |
Burnt Out Wreck @BurntWreck - Take It Or Leave It
14:06 |
4 - Broadcasting the best indie and variety music on the web, this is Odyssey Radio WODY-DB Harford County Maryland
14:05 |
STEEP - The Search
14:01 |
Burnt Out Wreck @BurntWreck - Take It Or Leave It
13:57 |
What Strange Beasts @StrangeBeasts - Starlight's Castaways
13:47 |
The Hairy Crabs - Tell Me More
13:44 |
Ninebanks @ninebanksband - Little Silver
13:40 |
Aldo Rox @MickyV123 - Skater Boy - Christian Hosoi
13:32 |
Dan Moxon @MoxonDan @ThatEricAlper - Film
13:29 |
RENAE - Heart of a Lion (Leo)
13:25 |
Saját dal MixV2
13:22 |
Paul Maged @TheMagedMan - Paul Maged - Everything's Gonna Be Alright
13:20 |
800-597-9323 - Diabetes Solution Center
13:16 |
Patrick Ames @urbandisavirus - DontChaWanna
13:14 |
The Cranberry Merchants @CranberryMerch2 - Disturbing the Peace
13:08 |
Modern Chemistry @modernchemistry - Swimmers
13:04 |
David Long & Shane ONeill @shack9 - Sound of life
13:04 |
Tom Spell @ZachMoonshine - Ewigkeit der Sterne
13:04 |
6 - Broadcasting from Harford County Maryland on the world wide web this is WODY-DB Odyssey Radio
13:03 |
David Long & Shane ONeill @shack9 - Sound of life
12:59 |
Tom Spell @ZachMoonshine - Ewigkeit der Sterne
12:55 |
Bowen & Moore @BowenandMoore - One Man's Loss
12:53 |
800-597-9323 - Diabetes Solution Center
12:48 |
Major Moment @majormomentband - May Leave Scars (Reimagined)
12:45 |
Bad Habits - Radio
12:44 |
More Kicks @gimmiemorekicks @NoRulesPR - Come Home
12:42 |
Walker Brigade @WalkerBrigade @StirBig - Shake Shimmy
12:35 |
Infinite Sonic @SonicBandBogota - Liam
12:30 |
Aza Brown @thisisazabrown @TheSoundLabYES - Afterthought
12:26 |
Dave Haynes @DaveHaynesRocks - Why Call It Love
12:24 |
Stillnoah - Dance The Life
12:18 |
Foghat - Drivin' On
12:14 |
The Cowls @cowlsband - With a Stupid Face
12:07 |
The Delerium Trees @Delerium65 - Forbid
12:06 |
I Among You - Junk
12:06 |
Whitbeck @WeAreWhitbeck - Drama On Hastings Street
12:04 |
3 - You're listening to the indie and variety station WODY-DB Odyssey Radio broadcasting from Harford County Maryland
12:03 |
I Among You - Junk
11:59 |
Whitbeck @WeAreWhitbeck - Drama On Hastings Street
11:56 |
Nicolas Falcon - No Backbone
11:54 |
VITNE @VITNEOfficial - Say Goodbye
11:47 |
James Martinez - Beautiful Disaster
11:43 |
The SoapGirls @The SoapGirls - Liar
11:38 |
Grimelda @grimeldatheband - Dirty L'il Dirtbike
11:34 |
Twelve Caesars @twelvecaesars12 - Dawn In The Cold Light Of Day
11:29 |
Steve Stoeckel @StirBig - Christine
11:29 |
Pete Price @MTSManagement - Old Movies and You
11:28 |
James Ethington III @Davie FTPK - Becca
11:26 |
Steve Stoeckel @StirBig - Christine
11:23 |
Reverend Genes @reverendgenes - Left And Right
11:20 |
Vicky Pasion @PasionVicky @BeatFilterPR - Switch It Up
11:15 |
James Ethington III @Davie FTPK - Becca
11:09 |
AIRE - Show Me
11:07 |
Wallcrush - Today I've broken my guitar
11:02 |
Monkeyland @monkeylandband - Come Fly With Me
11:00 |
Shotgun Mistress - Down
10:53 |
Paul Walsh - Home
10:49 |
Coastal Fire Dept. @CoastalFireDept - Stranger Town
10:47 |
The League - Kill the Old
10:44 |
Goldenboy - In That Bottle
10:38 |
Mark Lee @marklee3d @BoleynRecs - Love to Be Loved
10:34 |
Estella Dawn @estella dawn - Buzzcut
10:30 |
Nick Reeve @NickReeveMusic - Good Day
10:26 |
Between Daze @between daze - Burn For You
10:18 |
Of The I - Mercenary
10:17 |
Jeff Fetterman @JFetterman1 - Southside Blues (Bonus Track)
10:11 |
Carter Vail - Tigers on Trains
10:11 |
Of The I - Mercenary
10:06 |
The Legendary Ten Seconds @legendaryten - Before the golden age
10:06 |
Carter Vail - Tigers on Trains
10:05 |
Freeky Cleen & Dickey F - Small Town Woman
10:04 |
The Legendary Ten Seconds @legendaryten - Before the golden age
10:03 |
2 - You're listening to WODY-DB Odyssey Radio, broadcasting from Harford County Maryland
09:59 |
Freeky Cleen & Dickey F - Small Town Woman
09:56 |
Sicky @sicky333 @ShamelessPR - Sleep On It
09:52 |
SKAM - Selfish Friend
09:50 |
Core Of iO @Coreofio @Haulix - Done
09:42 |
Scott & Maria @Scott and Maria - Soul Driver
09:41 |
Sinkhole - Leaner Days
09:41 |
Trashed Ambulance @trashedambo - Cyntax Error
09:41 |
No Captains @ShamelessPR - Never Been Named
09:40 |
Sinkhole - Leaner Days
09:38 |
Trashed Ambulance @trashedambo - Cyntax Error
09:35 |
No Captains @ShamelessPR - Never Been Named
09:31 |
Charlie Nieland @ShamelessPR @CharlieNieland - Skin
09:26 |
Frank Joshua @frankjoshua - Seeking to Hide
09:23 |
Mike Vallas @vallasmusic - Wedding Ring
09:19 |
Dan Moxon @MoxonDan @ThatEricAlper - Keep the Love Alive
09:18 |
800-597-9323 - Diabetes Solution Center
09:12 |
Dan Washburn @DanialWashburn @CountryMSM - What If
09:09 |
Teeniest @Teeniest5 - Hold on Till Dawn
09:07 |
Tom Tikka & The Missing Hubcaps @1mpersonators - Heart's On Fire
09:03 |
Jim Basnight and The Moberlys @jimbasnight - Lose Me
09:01 |
Michael Bennett @FendrGuitPlayr - In Your Car Blues
08:55 |
Hal Henkel and The Flying Camels @haroldhalhenkel - Bluer Than Blue
08:52 |
Papa Satch @Papasatchrts - Tell Me In A Whisper
08:45 |
Othered @OtheredOak @ShamelessPR - Pink in June
08:43 |
Roger That - Dying For More
08:43 |
The Resolutions @The Resolutions - The Girl Is Coming Home
08:42 |
Rusty Shipp @RustyShipp - What's Kraken
08:42 |
Roger That - Dying For More
08:37 |
The Resolutions @The Resolutions - The Girl Is Coming Home
08:35 |
Rusty Shipp @RustyShipp - What's Kraken
08:26 |
Aldo Rox @MickyV123 - Black Friday Night
08:23 |
Arctic Lights @ArcticLightsC - Holy Joe
08:20 |
Icarus Phoenix - High Tide
08:17 |
IOTA @IOTAofficialUK @MemphiaMM - Demons
08:10 |
Usual Affairs @UsualAffairs - Elementary to Penitentiary
08:06 |
Allan Purvis @WE ARE REACTION - Parting Shot
08:05 |
Matt Springfield @MattSpringfield - Haunted
07:58 |
Sabrina Fallah @sabrinafallah - Ask
07:48 |
Juliet's Not Dead - Open Fire
07:44 |
The Lazy Dayz @TheLazyDayz1 - Leave The Past Behind
07:40 |
Great White Buffalo - Likely Story
07:37 |
indifferentmonkey @IndifferentM - Trouble With You
07:31 |
800-597-9323 - Diabetes Solution Center
07:31 |
Saturn Saturn Saturn @SaturnSaturnSa1 @getslouder - Maybe Someday
07:30 |
Ally Cribb @allygcribb - Loves Still Lives Inside
07:30 |
800-597-9323 - Diabetes Solution Center
07:27 |
Saturn Saturn Saturn @SaturnSaturnSa1 @getslouder - Maybe Someday
07:26 |
Ally Cribb @allygcribb - Loves Still Lives Inside
07:25 |
Upside Down Man @HEDRecords - Diablo
07:23 |
Saturn Saturn Saturn @SaturnSaturnSa1 @getslouder - Maybe Someday
07:20 |
Goldenboy - You Had Me At Goodbye
07:19 |
Upside Down Man @HEDRecords - Diablo
07:16 |
Thank you for listening to the John & Heidi Show on W O D Y - DB Odyssey Radio
07:15 |
Goldenboy - You Had Me At Goodbye
07:09 |
Clark Ford @CffordFord @ArtEshed - We Must Have Angels Up Above
07:07 |
DJ Patsan - Come this way
07:03 |
String Factory @StringFactoryX - It Doesn't Matter What I Say
06:59 |
Mikey Ball & The Company @CrazyPugMusic - The Morning
06:56 |
Steve Jensen - All In A Day
06:48 |
ELY - Black Smoke
06:47 |
9-Volt Velvet - Blood Sugar Rush
06:46 |
Walker Brigade @WalkerBrigade @StirBig - V.D. Doll
06:46 |
ELY - Black Smoke
06:45 |
9-Volt Velvet - Blood Sugar Rush
06:43 |
Walker Brigade @WalkerBrigade @StirBig - V.D. Doll
06:40 |
Inca Babies @IncaBabiesUK - Walk in the Park
06:30 |
Mick Overmere @MicknLori1 - Floating Downstream
06:27 |
Color Out - Mistaken
06:22 |
Caustic Waves @causticwaves - Barriers
06:18 |
The Effigy @theeffigymusic - Petrol Heart
06:18 |
Thank you for listening to the John & Heidi Show on W O D Y - DB Odyssey Radio
06:09 |
Damian Marley @damianmarley - My Sweet Lord
06:06 |
Alexandra Stan with Nervo @AlexandraStanR - Come Into My World
06:04 |
Open Arms @openarmsuk - Falling Down
06:00 |
3 - You're listening to the indie and variety station WODY-DB Odyssey Radio broadcasting from Harford County Maryland
05:50 |
H6S3 TUESDAY - The Mike Overnight Show
05:22 |
H6S2 TUESDAY - The Mike Overnight Show
05:01 |
H6S1 TUESDAY - The Mike Overnight Show
04:47 |
H5S3 TUESDAY - The Mike Overnight Show
04:22 |
H5S2 TUESDAY - The Mike Overnight Show
04:03 |
H5S1 TUESDAY - The Mike Overnight Show
04:02 |
H4S3 TUESDAY - The Mike Overnight Show
04:02 |
Amoeba Teen @AmoebaTeen @StirBig - Mainstream
04:01 |
H5S1 TUESDAY - The Mike Overnight Show
03:50 |
H4S3 TUESDAY - The Mike Overnight Show
03:22 |
H4S2 TUESDAY - The Mike Overnight Show
03:01 |
H4S1 TUESDAY - The Mike Overnight Show
02:42 |
H3S3 TUESDAY - The Mike Overnight Show
02:21 |
H3S2 TUESDAY - The Mike Overnight Show
02:19 |
H3S1 TUESDAY - The Mike Overnight Show
02:04 |
H2S3 TUESDAY - The Mike Overnight Show
02:02 |
H3S1 TUESDAY - The Mike Overnight Show
02:01 |
5 - Music Bed
01:50 |
H2S3 TUESDAY - The Mike Overnight Show
01:22 |
H2S2 TUESDAY - The Mike Overnight Show
01:02 |
H2S1 TUESDAY - The Mike Overnight Show
00:50 |
H1S3 TUESDAY - The Mike Overnight Show
00:25 |
H1S2 TUESDAY - The Mike Overnight Show
00:02 |
H1S1 TUESDAY - The Mike Overnight Show