Nainstalujte si na svůj smartphone zdarma aplikaci Online Radio Box a poslouchejte své oblíbené rozhlasové stanice online – ať jste kdekoliv!
Nevíte, jaká píseň se hrála v rádiu? Použijte naši službu a zjistěte to! Náš seznam skladeb ukládá WHNJ Radio seznam skladeb za posledních 7 dní.
23:57 | The Brooklyn Tabernacle Choir - Jesus We Crown You With Praise |
23:54 | Daily Bread Ministries - Engraved Grief |
23:50 | FairHope Music - I Am The God Who Heals You |
23:46 | Elvis Presley - Farther Along |
23:41 | New King James Version - 2 Samuel Chapter 11 |
23:39 | Elvis Presley - An Evening Prayer |
23:12 | Shawn Boonstra - Shawn Boonstra - It Is Written |
23:09 | Tennessee Ernie Ford - Peace In The Valley |
23:03 | New King James Version - Matthew Chapter 14 |
23:00 | Fair Hope Music - He's Our Victory |
23:00 | Juanita - Station ID |
22:57 | Daily Bread - He Leadeth Me |
22:53 | Shawn Boonstra - Better Way To Live |
22:50 | Daily Bread - For The Beauty Of The Earth |
22:47 | Daily Bread - He Leads Me |
22:43 | New King James Version - 2 Samuel Chapter 10 |
22:13 | Pastor CD Brooks - CB-101L Amen - Alleluia C.D. Brooks (P)ACM, part 1 |
22:10 | Evie - All The Glory |
22:02 | New King James Version - Matthew Chapter 13 |
22:00 | Hallal Music - Day By Day |
21:59 | Steve - Station ID |
21:55 | Evie - At the Cross / Are You Washed In The Blood? |
21:51 | Answers In Genesis Canada - What's Life's Largest Philosophical Question |
21:48 | Don Moen - Ascribe Greatness |
21:46 | Tennessee Ernie Ford - Just A Closer Walk With Thee |
21:43 | New King James Version - 2 Samuel Chapter 9 |
21:40 | Fernando Ortega - This Is My Father's World |
21:37 | Tennessee Ernie Ford - Put Your Hand In The Hand |
21:10 | Associates For Biblical Research - Digging For Truth |
21:03 | New King James Version - Matthew Chapter 12 |
21:00 | Fernando Ortega - The God Of Abraham Praise |
21:00 | Lynn - Station ID |
20:58 | Tennessee Ernie Ford - Life's Railway To Heaven |
20:56 | Elvis Presley - In My Father's House |
20:53 | Hallal Music - From The Inside |
20:49 | Evie - Just Because I Asked |
20:44 | Don Moen - Crown Him With Many Crowns |
20:40 | Elvis Presley - Reach Out To Jesus |
20:03 | Dr. Walter Veith - Did Catholicism Create Islam? 2 |
20:00 | Tennessee Ernie Ford - In The Garden |
19:59 | Kay Kuzma - Got A Minute For Your Family? |
19:59 | Gene - Station ID |
19:55 | Daily Bread - Guide Me Now, O Great Jehovah |
19:53 | Hallal Music - Come, Now Is The Time To Worship |
19:48 | New King James Version - Matthew Chapter 11 |
19:44 | Fernando Ortega - This Time Next Year |
19:42 | Tennessee Ernie Ford - If I Can Help Somebody |
19:27 | Institute For Creation Research - Science Scripture And Salvation |
19:01 | Chris Buttery - Chris Buttery |
19:01 | Ethan - Station ID |
18:01 | Pastor Doug Batchelor - Pastor Jean Ross - Bible Answers Live |
18:00 | Carolyn Ainsworth - Station ID |
17:56 | FairHope Music - God Will Make A Way |
17:55 | Seedtime & Harvest - Rod Bieber |
17:53 | White Horse Media - The 1st Commandment |
17:50 | FairHope Music - I Love To Be In Your Presence |
17:46 | Fernando Ortega - Glory To The Lamb |
17:43 | Daily Bread - Faith Of Our Fathers |
17:20 | George Vandeman - Blood Type H |
17:16 | 0059 - Sharing Hope - Joni |
17:12 | Daily Bread Ministries - Encouraged In God |
17:09 | Daily Bread - He Leadeth Me Reprise |
17:05 | Personal Testimony - The Gamo See Jesus |
17:01 | Don Moen - Celebrate The Lord Of Love |
16:59 | Marge - Station ID |
16:57 | Tennessee Ernie Ford - Just A Little Talk With Jesus |
16:53 | Fernando Ortega - Give Me Jesus |
16:50 | Hallal Music - Come Thou Fount |
16:47 | Don Moen - Come To The River Of Life |
16:44 | Don Moen - Give Praise To Jesus |
16:41 | Tennessee Ernie Ford - Maranatha |
16:38 | Tennessee Ernie Ford - Rock Of Ages |
16:37 | Hallal Music - Fellowship |
16:36 | Institute For Creation Research - Back To Genesis |
16:27 | Arthur S. Maxwell - The Ladder From Earth to Heaven |
16:01 | Pastor Derek Morris - Lecture 08 - Youth and Baptism - part 2 |
16:00 | Ray Saladino - Station ID |
15:54 | The Bible In Living Sound - 64. Israel's Civil Laws |
15:48 | New King James Version - Matthew Chapter 10 |
15:43 | Don Moen - Be Lifted Up |
15:40 | Elvis Presley - Help Me |
15:38 | Evie - Born Again |
15:35 | Elvis Presley - Life |
15:20 | John Bradshaw - Bible Talk - It Is Written |
15:16 | Don Moen - Fairest Lord Jesus |
15:11 | Daily Bread - Fairest Lord Jesus |
15:01 | Arthur S. Maxwell - Cheating Never Pays |
15:00 | Sawyer - Station ID |
14:57 | Daily Bread - He Leads Me, O, Precious Thought |
14:56 | Scott Ritsema - Beholding Good Or Bad |
14:55 | 0041 - A Moment With Joni |
14:51 | Daily Bread - God Leads Us Along |
14:24 | Your Story Hour - King Saul Saves a City |
14:19 | Answers In Genesis Canada - What's General Revelation |
14:14 | Don Moen - Be Glorified |
14:11 | Elvis Presley - HIs Hand In Mine |
14:07 | Personal Testimony - Teresita |
14:04 | FairHope Music - Into Your Courts |
14:03 | Evie - Jesus Love Me & Oh, How He Loves You And Me |
14:01 | Fernando Ortega - The King Of Love, My Shepherd |
14:01 | Jonathan - Station ID |
13:57 | Don Moen - God Will Make A Way (Narration And Underscore) |
13:53 | Evie - How I Love You Lord |
13:49 | Fernando Ortega - Shame |
13:46 | Evie - Fairest Lord Jesus |
13:44 | Elvis Presley - He Touched Me |
13:41 | Elvis Presley - He Knows Just What I Need |
13:38 | Evie - Give Them All |
13:36 | Elvis Presley - Stand By Me |
13:33 | Daily Bread - God Of Grace |
13:30 | Hallal Music - Give Me Jesus |
13:28 | Elvis Presley - Somebody Bigger Than You And I |
13:25 | FairHope Music - Jesus Is Alive! |
13:23 | Hallal Music - Give Thanks |
13:18 | Fernando Ortega - Sing To Jesus |
13:15 | Hallal Music - Down In The River To Pray |
13:12 | Elvis Presley - He Is My Everything |
13:09 | FairHope Music - I Need Thee Every Hour |
13:07 | Tennessee Ernie Ford - Others |
13:05 | Hallal Music - Come Share The Lord |
13:04 | Yvonne Dixon - 044 - ID - Yvonne |
13:01 | Larry Hall - Wonderful Words Of Life |
12:57 | Don Moen - Come Thou Fount Of Every Blessing |
12:56 | Kay Arthur - Precepts From God's Word |
12:52 | Hallal Music - Death Was Arrested |
12:50 | Hallal Music - Constant Prayer |
12:47 | FairHope Music - It Is Well |
12:18 | Dwight Lehnhoff - Your Bible and You |
12:14 | Daily Bread Ministries - Empty Hands |
12:10 | Daily Bread - How Firm A Foundation |
12:08 | Tennessee Ernie Ford - Precious Memories |
12:01 | New King James Version - Matthew Chapter 9 |
12:00 | Milton - Station ID - Milton |
11:57 | Tennessee Ernie Ford - Lord, I'm Coming Home |
11:56 | Pastor John Bradshaw - Every Word - It Is Written |
11:54 | Tennessee Ernie Ford - May The Lord Bless And Keep You |
11:47 | The Bible In Living Sound - 63. The Ten Commandments |
11:45 | Tennessee Ernie Ford - No Setting Sun |
11:41 | Evie - Meet Me Here |
11:27 | Institute For Creation Research - Science Scripture And Salvation |
11:22 | Daily Bread - Faithful Men |
11:21 | Nathaniel A Stearman - 30 Days Gospels Devotional |
11:18 | Don Moen - God Is Good All The Time |
11:14 | Shawn Boonstra - Better Way To Live |
11:11 | Our Daily Bread - How I Get Rid Of Stress |
11:09 | Tennessee Ernie Ford - Let The Lower Lights Be Burning |
11:03 | New King James Version - Matthew Chapter 8 |
11:02 | Paul Gerstenberger - Station ID |
10:58 | FairHope Music - Fiel Y Justo |
10:57 | Lisa Terkeurst - Proverbs 31 Ministries |
10:53 | Daily Bread - For The Beautiful Earth |
10:50 | Evie - At the River of Jordan |
10:45 | FairHope Music - Give Thanks |
10:43 | Fernando Ortega - Grace's Waltz |
10:39 | Don Moen - Give Thanks |
10:25 | John Bradshaw - Bible Talk - It Is Written |
10:20 | Answers In Genesis Canada - What Was The Scopes Trial |
10:15 | Don Moen - All Things |
10:12 | Daily Bread - Hallelujah We Shall Rise |
10:10 | White Horse Media - The 10th Commandment |
10:06 | Don Moen - For All You've Done |
10:01 | Alicia Childers - Chris Yuan's Advice To Apologeticists |
10:00 | Ramon - Station ID |
09:57 | FairHope Music - Fiel |
09:56 | Pastor John Bradshaw - Every Word - It Is Written |
09:51 | Fernando Ortega - Sleepless Nights |
09:26 | Pacific Garden Mission - Huck Houser |
09:24 | Hallal Music - Deep Is Our Hunger For You |
09:21 | Tennessee Ernie Ford - Jericho Road |
09:18 | Shawn Boonstra - Better Way To Live |
09:14 | Hallal Music - Come To Me |
09:10 | FairHope Music - God Is Good |
09:06 | Personal Testimony - Taron |
09:04 | Daily Bread - Grace Greater Than Our Sin |
09:02 | Paul - Station ID |
08:58 | FairHope Music - God Is Able |
08:57 | Institute For Creation Research - Back To Genesis |
08:52 | Don Moen - Ancient Truths Medley |
08:49 | Elvis Presley - In the Garden |
08:46 | Elvis Presley - Only Believe |
08:41 | The Bible In Living Sound - 62. Amalekites Battle Israel |
08:26 | Institute For Creation Research - Science Scripture And Salvation |
08:24 | Elvis Presley - Lead Me |
08:20 | Fernando Ortega - Take Heart, My Friend |
08:16 | 0058 - Sharing Hope - Joni |
08:14 | Hallal Music - Faithful Love |
08:09 | Evie - I Surrender All |
08:07 | Elvis Presley - Known Only To Him |
08:02 | New King James Version - Matthew Chapter 7 |
08:01 | Dierdre - Station ID |
07:57 | Fernando Ortega - Grace And Peace |
07:56 | Michael Guido - Seeds From The Sower |
07:55 | 0040 - A Moment With Joni |
07:30 | Your Story Hour - The Tall, Strong and Handsome Young Man |
07:25 | Answers In Genesis Canada - What The Dead Sea Scrolls Teach Us |
07:21 | Shawn Boonstra - Better Way To Live |
07:17 | Our Daily Bread - How Do You Define Worship? |
07:14 | Our Daily Bread - How Can I Talk To God? |
07:10 | Evie - Bind Us Together |
07:04 | New King James Version - Matthew Chapter 6 |
07:00 | Hallal Music - Do You Hear The Sound |
06:59 | Carol - Station ID |
06:53 | Don Moen - Be Still And Know |
06:47 | Hallal Music - Everything |
06:44 | Hallal Music - Enter In |
06:40 | Don Moen - Be It Unto Me |
06:36 | Fernando Ortega - The Good Shepherd |
06:34 | Elvis Presley - If We Never Meet Again |
06:31 | Hallal Music - Everlasting God |
06:27 | Daily Bread - Face To Face |
06:03 | Pastor Derek Morris - Lecture 08 - Youth and Baptism - part 1 |
06:00 | Elvis Presley - Mansion Over The Hilltop |
05:59 | Lynn - Station ID |
05:55 | 0057 - Sharing Hope - Joni |
05:50 | FairHope Music - I Hear Angels |
05:21 | Pastor Chris Holland - 4. The Birth of the King |
05:19 | Fernando Ortega - Storm |
05:15 | Hallal Music - Fly To You |
05:12 | New King James Version - 2 Samuel Chapter 8 |
05:07 | Personal Testimony - Sue |
05:02 | Elvis Presley - How Great Thou Art |
05:01 | Karen - Station ID |
04:58 | Don Moen - Be Thou My Vision |
04:53 | Answers In Genesis Canada - What Is The Master Of Disguise |
04:50 | Evie - All The Time In The World |
04:46 | Fernando Ortega - Stay With Me |
04:22 | Dr. James Dobson & Dr. Tim Clinton - Adrenaline And Stress 1 |
04:20 | Hallal Music - Consider Him |
04:17 | Elvis Presley - If That Isn't Love? |
04:10 | New King James Version - 2 Samuel Chapter 7 |
04:08 | Elvis Presley - Crying In The Chapel |
04:04 | Evie - My Tribute |
04:01 | Hallal Music - Feel The Nails |
04:00 | Thomas - Station ID |
03:57 | Tennessee Ernie Ford - Nearer My God To Thee |
03:55 | Don Moen - Awesome God |
03:51 | Daily Bread Ministries - Dwelling In Our Hearts |
03:48 | Hallal Music - For The Sake Of The Call |
03:18 | Evie - Never the Same Again |
03:15 | Daily Bread - Have Thine Own Way, Lord |
03:10 | New King James Version - 2 Samuel Chapter 6 |
03:02 | New King James Version - Matthew Chapter 5 |
03:01 | Sarah - Station ID |
02:57 | Hallal Music - Fierce |
02:54 | FairHope Music - I Confess My Trust |
02:52 | Our Daily Bread - How Can I Grow My Faith? |
02:24 | Dwight Lehnhoff - Your Bible and You |
02:20 | Evie - Hold On |
02:19 | Tennessee Ernie Ford - Lord, I'm Coming Home |
02:16 | Evie - Holy, Holy, Holy |
02:11 | New King James Version - 2 Samuel Chapter 5 |
02:08 | Don Moen - By His Wounds |
02:06 | Tennessee Ernie Ford - In The Bye And Bye |
02:02 | New King James Version - Matthew Chapter 4 |
02:00 | Marie Bes - Station ID |
01:57 | Daily Bread - God Will Take Care Of You |
01:55 | FairHope Music - I Will Sing Praise |
01:52 | Daily Bread Ministries - Drawn Near |
01:48 | Evie - A Picture Of You |
01:25 | Pacific Garden Mission - Helen And Don |
01:20 | Don Moen - Deeper In Love |
01:18 | Tennessee Ernie Ford - I'll Have A New Life |
01:15 | FairHope Music - I Want To Be More Like You |
01:13 | Hallal Music - Everything Is Yours |
01:10 | New King James Version - 2 Samuel Chapter 4 |
01:05 | Hallal Music - Creation Calls |
01:03 | New King James Version - Matthew Chapter 3 |
01:02 | Arjen Bes - Station ID |
00:58 | Tennessee Ernie Ford - Precious Lord |
00:54 | Fernando Ortega - Great God |
00:51 | Our Daily Bread - Hope When It Looks Hopeless |
00:21 | Jeff Donaldson - Evangelist Jeff Donaldson |
00:19 | Daily Bread - For All The Saints |
00:11 | New King James Version - 2 Samuel Chapter 3 |
00:06 | FairHope Music - I Worship You Almighty God |
00:01 | New King James Version - Matthew Chapter 2 |
00:00 | Noah - Station ID |
Nainstalujte si na svůj smartphone zdarma aplikaci Online Radio Box a poslouchejte své oblíbené rozhlasové stanice online – ať jste kdekoliv!