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23:57 | Singing - Near to the Heart of God |
23:55 | Various Singers - When The Roll Is Called |
23:53 | Various Singers - Fairest Lord Jesus |
23:52 | GBN ID ID GBN ID 001 |
23:48 | Robert Hatfield - Truth For Youth - Episode 043 |
23:47 | Jim Dearman - Truth For The World - Episode 0469 |
23:46 | Dan Manuel - Something To Think About - Episode 171 |
23:31 | 80005 - GBN ID -- 12 secs - good news for the world |
23:30 | BJ Clarke - Station Promo 2 |
23:00 | Johnny Ramsey - Johnny Ramsey Sermons - 11198907 |
23:00 | Mark Dawson - Station ID |
22:58 | GBN ID ID GBN ID 012 |
22:57 | Jim Dearman - Truth For The World - Episode 0021 |
22:28 | Cliff Goodwin - Searching The Scriptures - Episode 088 |
22:27 | Bob Strickland - APH Promo |
22:00 | Cliff Goodwin - Thy Word Is Truth - 087 |
22:00 | Jimmy Holland - Station ID 003 |
21:56 | Roger Johnson - Insight To Life - Episode 025 |
21:49 | Robby Owens - IMHO - Standing Outside The fire - Part 2 |
21:44 | Glenn Colley; Jeff Archey - Five Minutes For Faith - Episode 045 |
21:41 | Jayse Pruitt - Daily Bible Reading |
21:41 | Network ID Radio website Jim Dearman |
21:00 | Kyle Butt - Truth Be Told - 4 |
21:00 | Laney and Landon - Station ID 1 |
20:59 | Singing - Sun of My Soul |
20:56 | Singing - More Love to Thee, O Christ |
20:45 | Tom Holland - Stand Up For America |
20:43 | Singing - Hark The Gentle Voice of Jesus Falleth |
20:40 | Singing - O Why Not Tonight |
20:39 | Glenn Colley - Let's Make The Most Of A Minute - Episode 002 |
20:37 | 32062 - Lead Me to Calvary |
20:35 | Bob Strickland - Weekly Moment 6 |
20:32 | 32096 - Though Your Sins Be As Scarlet |
20:30 | 32020 - Far and Near |
20:27 | Bob Strickland - SSAD Intro During |
20:24 | 32005 - Beautiful Robes |
20:19 | 32112 - Wonderful Story of Love |
20:15 | Jim Dearman - One Minute Walk On The Pathway To Peace - Episode 026 |
20:12 | 32047 - I Must Tell Jesus |
20:06 | Jayse Pruitt - Daily Bible Reading |
20:06 | Bob Strickland - SSAD Intro During |
20:02 | Robby Owen - Devo 41 |
20:00 | 32042 - I Know the Lord Will Make a Way |
20:00 | Bob Strickland - SSAD Introl |
19:59 | Network ID Radio Youre Listening Personal Jim Dearman |
19:29 | Station Promo - IGH - Jeff Archey 1 |
19:28 | Jim Dearman - Truth For The World - Episode 0065 |
19:00 | Station ID - Jeff Archey |
18:58 | Singing - Does Jesus Care |
18:58 | 80003 - GBN ID -- 6 secs - the truth and nothing but the truth |
18:58 | Jimmy Holland - BCC 002 |
18:57 | Jim Dearman - Truth For The World - Episode 0520 |
18:28 | GBN ID ID GBN ID 015 |
18:00 | Eddy Craft, Roby Ellis, Clayton Winters - Biblical Viewpoints - Episode 306 |
18:00 | Scott & Elizabeth - Station ID |
17:59 | Singing - Ready to Suffer |
17:57 | Various Singers - When The Roll Is Called |
17:54 | Singing - The Sands of Time are Sinking |
17:52 | Various Singers - Above The Bright Blue |
17:49 | Various Singers - There Is A Habitation |
17:49 | Network ID Radio Youre Listening To GBNRadio Jim Dearman |
17:48 | Glenn Colley - Let's Make The Most Of A Minute - Episode 040 |
17:35 | GBN ID ID GBN ID 028 |
17:31 | Glenn Colley; Jeff Archey - Five Minutes For Faith - Episode 060 |
17:00 | Miike Hixson - Anchor Of The Soul - The church at Ephesus; Revelation 2:1-4 |
17:00 | Station ID - Laney |
16:55 | Jayse Pruitt - Daily Bible Reading |
16:30 | Digger Doug Underground - 016 |
16:29 | 32070 - Nearer Still Nearer |
16:29 | Larry Acuff - 002 |
16:28 | 80001 - GBN ID -- 15 secs - from the churches of Christ |
16:00 | Jimmy Holland - Station ID 002 |
15:57 | Singing - Everybody Will Be Happy Over There |
15:55 | Singing - Why Did My Savior Come to Earth |
15:52 | Various Singers - Give Me The Bible |
15:51 | GBN ID ID GBN ID 064 |
15:51 | Jim Dearman - Truth For The World - Episode 0714 |
15:50 | Jim Dearman - Truth For The World - Episode 0508 |
15:47 | Gary Hampton - Lesson From Bear |
15:39 | 07 One Proof for the Existence of God is the Fact that Humans Possess a Conscience--DM |
15:39 | Jim Dearman - Truth For The World - Episode 0158 |
15:30 | David B Smith - In A Word - Episode 101 |
15:29 | Bob Strickland - APH Promo |
15:28 | Jim Dearman - Truth For The World - Episode 0842 |
15:28 | GBN ID ID GBN ID 040 |
15:28 | Billy Lambert - Promo 1 |
15:00 | Bob Strickland - Aaron & Ella Wright |
14:36 | Various Singers - Gospel Is For All |
14:36 | 80011 - GBN ID -- 13 secs - this has been a presentation |
14:35 | Jim Dearman - Truth For The World - Episode 0227 |
14:34 | Jim Dearman - Truth For The World - Episode 0717 |
14:31 | Jim Dearman - Truth For The World - Episode 0332 |
14:30 | Jim Dearman - Truth For The World - Episode 0026 |
14:29 | Bob Prichard - One Gospel Minute - Episode 105 |
14:28 | 80002 - GBN ID -- 11 secs - every hour of every day - Mark |
14:28 | Jimmy Holland - Special Church Promo 001 |
14:00 | Bob Strickland - Station Id 1 |
13:33 | Gary Colley - Fundamentals Of Christianity - Episode 074 |
13:32 | FM103.9 FPCR |
13:00 | James Watkins & Cliff Goodwin - Preaching The Gospel - Episode 928 |
13:00 | Bob Strickland - Station ID 7 |
12:59 | Jim Dearman - Truth For The World - Episode 0849 |
12:57 | Paul Sain - Pause And Consider - Episode 053 |
12:28 | GBN ID ID GBN ID 058 |
12:00 | Bob Strickland - Station ID 3 |
11:59 | 32111 - Why Did My Savior Come to Earth |
11:58 | 09 Was the Universe Created “Ex Nihilo”—Out of Nothing--DM |
11:30 | Larry Acuff - Fountain Of Life - Episode 122 |
11:29 | Amazing Grace |
11:28 | Glenn Colley - Let's Make The Most Of A Minute - Episode 016 |
11:00 | Barry Gilreath Jr; Guests - Fabric of Family - Episode 175 |
11:00 | Jimmy Holland - Station ID 001 |
10:58 | 32068 - My Jesus, I Love Thee |
10:30 | Cliff Goodwin - Searching The Scriptures - Episode 087 |
10:30 | FM103.9 FPCR |
10:29 | 04 Modern-day Astrologers, Psychics, and Fortunetellers are Vague, While the Bible is Accurate 100 of the Time--DM |
10:28 | Station Promo - IGH - Jeff Archey 2 |
10:00 | Jimmy Holland - StationID |
09:59 | Bob Strickland - APH Promo |
09:28 | Ron Bradshaw - Cause And Effect |
09:00 | Laney and Landon - Station ID 2 |
08:58 | Singing - Be Still My Soul |
08:56 | Singing - I Want To Be a Worker |
08:45 | Tom Holland - Stand Up For America |
08:43 | Singing - Almost Persuaded |
08:40 | Singing - Far and Near |
08:39 | Glenn Colley - Let's Make The Most Of A Minute - Episode 002 |
08:37 | 32062 - Lead Me to Calvary |
08:35 | Bob Strickland - Weekly Moment 6 |
08:32 | 32096 - Though Your Sins Be As Scarlet |
08:30 | 32020 - Far and Near |
08:27 | Bob Strickland - SSAD Intro During |
08:24 | 32005 - Beautiful Robes |
08:19 | 32112 - Wonderful Story of Love |
08:15 | Jim Dearman - One Minute Walk On The Pathway To Peace - Episode 026 |
08:12 | 32047 - I Must Tell Jesus |
08:06 | Jayse Pruitt - Daily Bible Reading |
08:06 | Bob Strickland - SSAD Intro During |
08:02 | Robby Owen - Devo 41 |
08:00 | 32042 - I Know the Lord Will Make a Way |
08:00 | Bob Strickland - SSAD Introl |
07:58 | Jayse Pruitt - Daily Bible Reading |
07:29 | Digger Doug Underground - 015 |
07:28 | Robbie Owens - Daily Devotional |
07:00 | David Fanning - Station ID |
06:56 | GBN ID ID GBN ID 035 |
06:55 | Dan Manuel - Something To Think About - Episode 162 |
06:45 | David Kenney - GBNBRH032 |
06:44 | Don Blackwell - Sixty Seconds About The Second Coming - Episode 029 |
06:43 | Jim Dearman - Truth For The World - Episode 0183 |
06:37 | David B Smith - In A Word - Episode 116 |
06:35 | 32086 - Take the Name of Jesus With You |
06:29 | Ben Bailey - Think On These Things - Episode 025 |
06:29 | BJ Clarke - Station Promo 1 |
06:28 | Jim Dearman - Truth For The World - Episode 0601 |
06:00 | Patrick Gray - Forgotten Truth - Episode 206 |
06:00 | Station ID WFTPID WFTP Pruit 001 |
05:30 | Jimmy Holland - BCC 002 |
05:29 | Jim Dearman - Truth For The World - Episode 0059 |
05:00 | Jimmy Holland - Station ID 004 |
04:58 | Singing - He Will Go With Me |
04:58 | Network ID Radio The Truth and Nothing But Jim Dearman |
04:30 | Eddy Craft, Roby Ellis, Clayton Winters - Biblical Viewpoints - Episode 305 |
04:29 | Billy Lambert - Promo 2 |
04:28 | Jim Dearman - Truth For The World - Episode 0125 |
04:00 | Bob Strickland - Station ID |
03:28 | Bob Strickland - APH Promo |
03:00 | Larry Acuff - Fountain Of Life - Episode 121 |
03:00 | Bob Strickland - Station ID 2 |
02:57 | Singing - I Love Thy Kingdom, Lord |
02:55 | Various Singers - Till I've Gone The Last Mile Of The Way |
02:52 | Singing - Closer To Thee |
02:52 | 80012 - GBN ID -- 11 secs - from the churches of christ |
02:51 | James Boyd - A Burning Fire - Episode 059 |
02:46 | Roger Johnson - Insight To Life - Episode 023 |
02:46 | Jim Dearman - Truth For The World - Episode 0670 |
02:42 | Larry Acuff - 003 |
02:00 | Johnny Ramsey - Johnny Ramsey Sermons - 11198906 |
02:00 | Jimmy Holland - StationID |
01:58 | Singing - Dear and Lord and Father of Mankind |
01:58 | GBN ID ID GBN ID 113 |
01:00 | Jimmy Holland - Station ID 003 |
00:59 | Singing - Sweeter as the Years Go By |
00:59 | GBN ID ID GBN ID 012 |
00:57 | Jayse Pruitt - Daily Bible Reading |
00:28 | Cliff Goodwin - Searching The Scriptures - Episode 086 |
00:28 | Billy Lambert - Promo 3 |
00:00 | Bob Strickland - Station ID |
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