Langsung |
Tim Knutson - Not Afraid
13:25 |
Alvin Martinez - This Is Just What Heaven Means to Me
13:23 |
West Coast Baptist College 1 - Holy Holy Holy
13:18 |
Stringhaven - Rejoice in the Lord
13:15 |
Mac and Beth Lynch - God Most High
13:12 |
Friends Singing the Gospel - Sing, O Sing
13:09 |
Darren Tharp - What a Savior Is Mine
13:06 |
Calvin Allen - Mercy Walked In
13:03 |
Higher Ground Irish Stylings - Psalm 23
12:38 |
Ed Russ and The Old Fashioned Quartet - An Old Convention Song
12:35 |
Gayle Russ - How Big Is God
12:32 |
The Steadfast Quartet - Keep on the Firing Line-Steadfast
12:28 |
Golden State Baptist College More Than I Ever Asked For
12:25 |
The Wilds - Grace
12:20 |
Matt and Christy Taylor - Behold The King
12:16 |
His Own - God Wants To Hear You Sing
12:12 |
Jay Rushing - Til The Storm Passes By
12:09 |
Lacey MacRae - Give It All to Him-What a Friend We Have in Jesus
12:06 |
Rachel Bell - By The Gentle Waters
11:55 |
Glorybound Quartet Hide Thou me
11:52 |
The Wilds - See the Christ
11:15 |
Streams In The Desert Trio - We Cherish the Cross
11:13 |
Tim Knutson - The King And The Beggar
11:08 |
Abigail Miller - More Faithful
11:03 |
Golden State Baptist College 1 - Glory Road
10:59 |
Glorybound Quartet - Preacher Tell Me Like It Is
10:56 |
Lois And India - But I Have Prayed For Thee
10:53 |
West Coast Baptist College 2 - The Lord Is My Light
10:51 |
Harpeth Gospel Quartet - When the Roll Is Called Up Yonder
10:48 |
Alvin Martinez - If I Can Help Somebody
10:18 |
The Hamilton Family - Jehovah-Jireh
10:15 |
Ed Russ and The Old Fashioned Quartet - Then I Met the Master-OFQ
10:11 |
Darren Tharp - If You Knew Him
10:07 |
Calvin Allen - The Beauty of the Blood
10:04 |
Rachel Bell - Thy Way Not Mine O Lord
10:01 |
Glorybound Quartet The Word
09:56 |
Lancaster Baptist Church - How Great Thou Art
09:53 |
Herbster Evangelistic Team - Search Me, O God
09:47 |
His Own - Not For Selfish Gain
09:44 |
Michaela Woon - Bow The Knee-Woon
09:39 |
Alan Camperson - God Himself The Lamb
09:35 |
Soundforth Music - Wayfaring Stranger-Soundforth
09:31 |
One Accord Men's Ensemble - Sweet Beulah Land-One Accord
09:27 |
Ron and Shelly Hamilton - Look Up
09:23 |
Matt and Christy Taylor - I'll Sing Forever
09:20 |
The Wilds - When God Is Silent
09:17 |
David Snider - No Other Word For Grace
09:14 |
Rejoice Singers - God On The Mountain
09:12 |
Tim Knutson Instrumental - This Is My Father's World
09:07 |
Ed Russ and the Old Fashioned Quartet - When I Survey the Wondrous Cross
09:03 |
Daniel Cox - Jesus Loves Me-My Savior's Love-Cox
08:52 |
The Hamilton Family - A New Song
08:51 |
Tom Fettke - Lead Me Lord
08:47 |
Galkin Evangelistic Team - Complete in Thee
08:44 |
Alvin Martinez - All The Way
08:41 |
Crown College - Beautiful Savior
08:37 |
West Coast Baptist College - Truth Is Marching On
08:34 |
Karm Ritchie - Lord Be Glorified
08:29 |
Herbster Trio - How Firm A Foundation
08:25 |
Matt & Hannah Galvan - Hallelujah, for the Cross
08:22 |
The Wilds - See the Christ
08:18 |
Lois And India - But I Have Prayed For Thee
08:15 |
Rejoice Singers - Blessed Be The Name Of The Lord
08:12 |
Psallontes - Rock Of Ages O God Our Help
08:08 |
Matt & Hannah Galvan - God Is Good
08:05 |
Rejoice Singers - No Other Word For Grace But Amazing
07:57 |
Abigail Miller - Ears To Hear
07:53 |
Ed Russ and the Old Fashioned Quartet - No One Ever Cared for Me Like Jesus-Russ
07:50 |
The Epleys - This Day Will Never Return
07:45 |
Susan McGill - All Along
07:43 |
Glorybound Quartet 2 - Because He Is
07:39 |
West Coast Baptist College Gold And Silver And Precious Stones
07:36 |
One Accord Men's Ensemble - My Ransom
07:33 |
Assurance Trio - King Jesus Is Coming-Assurance Trio
07:30 |
Shannon Knox - The Love Of God
07:27 |
Fairhaven Baptist College Ensembles - Joyful, Joyful, We Adore Thee
07:26 |
Golden State Baptist College 1 - I've Been Changed-GSBC
07:22 |
Benjamin Everson - Surrender
07:18 |
Steve Pettit Evangelistic Team - Come Boldly to the Throne of Grace
07:15 |
The Tharp Brothers - Keep On The Firing Line
07:12 |
Lois and India - Be Unto Your Name
07:09 |
Golden State Baptist College - He Pilots My Ship
07:05 |
Ron and Shelly Hamilton - O the Goodness of the Lord
07:02 |
West Coast Baptist College 1 - He Came To Me-WCBC
06:57 |
The Calvary Quartet - It Is No Secret What God Can Do
06:52 |
Amanda Montepeque - He Still Leads
06:48 |
Glorybound Quartet When Jesus Speaks Life
06:46 |
Rejoice Singers - Sweetest Song I Know
06:42 |
Lacey MacRae - Precious Presence of Jesus
06:40 |
Ed Russ and the Old Fashioned Quartet - His Marvelous Love
06:35 |
Abigail Miller - Speak Love
06:32 |
Witness - There Stands The Cross
06:29 |
Golden State Baptist College 2 - He Is To Me-GSBC
06:23 |
The Wilds - Keep Your Heart
06:19 |
The McCormicks - Thank You Says It Best
06:16 |
Alvin Martinez - The King Is Coming
06:11 |
David Snider - He Is Here
06:06 |
Lois And India - I Can Go In
06:02 |
Glorybound Quartet Oh What A Savior
05:57 |
One Accord Men's Ensemble - There Is a Higher Throne
05:54 |
The Hooker Family - Lead Me On
05:52 |
West Coast Baptist College 2 - Join In The Song
05:47 |
Susan McGill - Jesus Can
05:43 |
Golden State Baptist College 1 - For God So Loved-GSBC
05:40 |
Mike And Mark Herbster - Not I But Christ
05:37 |
Lacey MacRae - Run to the Cross
05:34 |
Ed Russ and the Old Fashioned Quartet - Wonderful Grace Of Jesus
05:30 |
Abigail Miller - Deeper Still
05:27 |
The Epleys - The Love God Gave To Man
05:23 |
Rejoice Singers - Wonderful, Merciful Savior
05:21 |
David Chamberlain - Meeting in the Air
05:18 |
Crown College - I Am
05:14 |
The Smith Trio - Calvary Covers It All
05:11 |
Alvin Martinez - I Sing Because
05:07 |
Jessica Curtis - Crowns To Lay at His Feet
05:03 |
Ron Hamilton - Home At Last
05:01 |
West Coast Baptist College 1 - Complete In Thee
04:57 |
David Snider - Wonderful Merciful Savior
04:53 |
Assurance Trio - I've Been Rescued-Assurance Trio
04:49 |
Stringhaven - Jesus, Use Me
04:46 |
Lois and India - I Will Praise Him
04:43 |
Glorybound Quartet I Know What He Did For Me
04:40 |
The Wilds - A Fountain Filled With Blood
04:37 |
The Hamiltons - He's Living Again
04:35 |
Friends Singing the Gospel - Swing Low, Sweet Chariot
04:30 |
Benjamin Everson - Lord I'm Coming Home-Everson
04:26 |
The Calvary Quartet - It Is Well With My Soul-The Calvary Quartet
04:23 |
The Hooker Family - He Is There
04:20 |
Victorious Strings - All Hail The Power Of Jesus Name
04:18 |
Herbster Evangelistic Team - O for a Thousand Tongues-Herbster
04:15 |
Ed Russ and the Old Fashioned Quartet - Shake Hands With A Poor Boy
04:12 |
Abigail Miller - Rend Your Heart
04:09 |
Lacey MacRae - The Book
04:02 |
Glorybound Quartet 1 - I Call On Jesus
03:58 |
His Own - Paid In Full
03:54 |
Ron Hamilton - Holding Father's Hand
03:50 |
Michelle Fugate - Jesus Is The Sweetest Name I Know
03:48 |
Golden State Baptist College Getting Ready To Leave This World-Goodbye World Goodbye
03:45 |
Rejoice Singers - Jesus Died So I Wont Have To
03:42 |
David Snider - Stand Still
03:39 |
The Outreach Quartet - Heavenly Sunlight
03:35 |
Alvin Martinez - The Lifeboat
03:32 |
Shawnee Baptist - Resplendent In Your Glory
03:27 |
Voices Of Praise - Turn The Tide
03:24 |
The Wilds - Day by Day
03:21 |
Bob Jones University Student Body - Complete in Thee
03:17 |
The McCormicks - Standing In The Presence
03:12 |
Andrew Decker - It Is Well With My Soul
03:09 |
Ed Russ - Greater Still
03:06 |
Shawnee Singers - Emanuel
03:03 |
Glorybound Quartet 2 - When He Washed My Sins Away
02:59 |
Abigail Miller - Soldier On
02:55 |
The Voorhees Family - Be Thou My Vision
02:52 |
The Epleys - My Redeemer Is Faithful and True
02:48 |
Alan Camperson - Sweet Beulah Land
02:44 |
Golden State Baptist College 2 - The Old Rugged Cross-GSBC
02:41 |
Rejoice Singers - We Have An Invitation
02:38 |
One Accord Men's Ensemble - What a Wonderful Name
02:35 |
Sounds Of Faith - I've Never Loved Him Better Than Today
02:32 |
Alvin Martinez - Tell Me His Name Again-Alvin
02:30 |
Golden State Baptist College Revive Us Again
02:26 |
West Coast Baptist College Is Anything Too Hard For God
02:22 |
Majesty Brass - A Servant's Heart
02:18 |
Tom Fettke - Holiness and Purity
02:14 |
The Masters 4 Quartet - A Wonderful Shepherd
02:11 |
David Snider - The Judgement
02:07 |
Jessica Curtis - Thank You!
02:04 |
Ron Hamilton - Mansion Over The Hilltop
02:01 |
Glorybound Quartet 1 - God Handled It All
01:57 |
Echoes of Grace - He Loved Me With A Cross
01:54 |
Lois And India - How Deep The Fathers Love For Us
01:50 |
The Hooker Family - Hold On
01:47 |
Herbster Trio - Like A Lamb-I Will Follow
01:43 |
Lacey MacRae - It's Enough-Christ Is All I Need
01:39 |
Friends Singing the Gospel - In the Garden
01:36 |
Alan Camperson - On My Father's Side
01:32 |
Benjamin Everson - Amazing Love-Everson
01:29 |
Golden State Baptist College I Believe
01:26 |
The Wilds - Make Me A Stranger
01:23 |
The Hamilton Family - The One Who First Loved Me
01:20 |
The Tharp Brothers - Thinkin' About Home
01:16 |
Alvin Martinez - Something About That Name-His Name Is Wonderful
01:11 |
One Accord Men's Ensemble - Statement of Faith
01:07 |
Matt & Hannah Galvan - Lest We Forget
01:03 |
Glorybound Quartet The Borrowed Tomb
00:59 |
Ed Russ - Music to Your Ears
00:54 |
The McCormicks - God's Been Good-McCormicks
00:51 |
West Coast Baptist College I Can See The Hand
00:44 |
Tonya McCormick - I Have Been Blessed
00:41 |
Voices of Praise - He Already Sees
00:39 |
Shawnee Singers - With A Song Of Praise
00:36 |
The Hamiltons - Together for Him
00:33 |
The Steadfast Quartet - Since Jesus Came into My Heart
00:30 |
Benjamin Everson - Blueprints
00:27 |
The Brothers - Do You Know How It Feels
00:24 |
West Coast Baptist College 1 - He's In The Midst
00:22 |
Psallontes - Saviour Like A Shepherd Lead Us
00:19 |
The Wilds - Stand By Me
00:16 |
Blessed Hope Quartet - When I Get Home
00:12 |
Darren Tharp - A Name I Highly Treasure
00:09 |
Lacey MacRae - Always the Same
00:06 |
Herbster Trio - Marching To Zion
00:02 |
Golden State Baptist College The Morning Light