Live |
Sounds Of Faith - Tell Me His Name Again
05:31 |
Lois and India - Be Unto Your Name
05:29 |
Men of Grace - I Like The Old Time Way
05:25 |
West Coast Baptist College 1 - Bow The Knee
05:24 |
Mary Calvert - Leaning on the Everlasting Arms-Calvert
05:21 |
Darren Tharp - If You Knew Him
05:18 |
Assurance Trio - O It Thrills Me
05:13 |
Amanda Montepeque - He Still Leads
05:09 |
Ed Russ - Music to Your Ears
05:04 |
Mike And Mark Herbster - Softly And Tenderly
05:01 |
Golden State Baptist College 1 - When The Savior Wipes the Tears from Our Eyes
04:56 |
Ron And Shelly Hamilton - In God We Trust
04:51 |
Lacey MacRae - More Than Wonderful
04:47 |
The Vandenburgs - Looking At You
04:44 |
John Marshall Family - My Old Bible
04:41 |
Alvin Martinez - The King Is Coming
04:38 |
Rejoice Singers - We Will Glorify
04:33 |
Golden State Baptist College - That Glad Reunion Day
04:31 |
The Hooker Family - Come Drink The Water Of Life
04:27 |
Susan McGill - Jesus Can
04:24 |
Echoes of Grace - I've Been Changed
04:20 |
West Coast Baptist College He's The Only King
04:18 |
David Chamberlain - Crown Him with Many Crowns
04:15 |
Bob Jones University Student Body - O God, My Joy
04:13 |
Sounds Of Faith - I Can See The Hand
04:10 |
Lois and India - I Will Praise Him
04:06 |
Ed Russ - Somebody Prays
04:03 |
Herbster Trio - Delight Yourself In The Lord
04:00 |
Golden State Baptist College All Hail The Power
03:56 |
Golden State Baptist College For The Glory Of One
03:53 |
Mac and Beth Lynch - He Who Holds Us In His Hands-Lynchs
03:50 |
His Own - Give Me Your Heart For Souls
03:45 |
Benjamin Everson - Lord I'm Coming Home-Everson
03:40 |
The Hamiltons - Heaven
03:37 |
The Wilds - Only Trust Him
03:32 |
West Coast Baptist College God's Been Good
02:58 |
Streams In The Desert Trio - I Will Walk The Way of the Cross
02:55 |
Shawnee Baptist - I Know He Lives
02:49 |
Abigail Miller - Speak Love
02:46 |
West Coast Baptist College 2 - Great Day Medley
02:43 |
Rejoice Singers - Unworthy
02:42 |
Golden State Baptist College - Some Happy Day
02:38 |
The Tharp Brothers - I've Come Too Far
02:35 |
Alvin Martinez - I Sing Because
02:30 |
Witness - I Will Worship Only At The Feet Of Jesus
02:26 |
Golden State Baptist College Whom Am I
02:23 |
Majesty Strings - Always The Same
02:19 |
The Hamilton Family - Arise!
02:18 |
Ed Russ and The Old-Fashioned Quartet - Spirit of the Living God
02:14 |
Michelle Fugate - Jesus Is The Sweetest Name I Know
02:09 |
One Accord Men's Ensemble - Faithful to the Cross
02:04 |
Lancaster Baptist Church - How Great Thou Art
02:02 |
Glorybound Quartet 2 - I've Passed Over Into Canaanland
01:57 |
David Snider - The Power Of The Cross
01:54 |
The Smith Trio - Sweet By And By
01:52 |
Benjamin Everson - The Final Account
01:46 |
Abigail Miller - Deeper Still
01:44 |
Golden State Baptist College 2 - He'll Do It Again-GSBC
01:41 |
Ron Hamilton - I Will Go
01:37 |
Lacey MacRae - I Could Never Praise Him Enough
01:34 |
Friends Singing the Gospel - Rock of Ages
01:30 |
Alvin Martinez - The Lifeboat
01:27 |
The Hooker Family - Be Thou My Vision-THF
01:23 |
Redeeming Grace Trio - The Greatest Of All Miracles
01:22 |
David Chamberlain - I Sing the Mighty Power of God
01:18 |
Mac and Beth Lynch - The King In His Beauty
01:13 |
Ed Russ and the Old Fashioned Quartet - I Know He Heard My Prayer
01:10 |
Alan Camperson - Sweet Beulah Land
01:08 |
The Hamiltons - He Loves To Save
01:04 |
Rejoice Singers - His Hand In Mine-Rejoice Singers
01:01 |
Echoes of Joy - Under His Wings-NVB
00:57 |
One Accord Men's Ensemble - Sweet Beulah Land-One Accord
00:53 |
Sounds Of Faith - The Same Old Fashioned Way
00:51 |
West Coast Baptist College Springs Of Living Water
00:48 |
Lois And India - How Deep The Fathers Love For Us
00:45 |
Glorybound Quartet Somebody Touched Me
00:41 |
Matt and Christy Taylor - Sing Forth His Glorious Name
00:38 |
Abigail Miller - Soldier On
00:34 |
The Outreach Quartet - Be Thou My Vision
00:29 |
Andrew Decker - It Is Well With My Soul
00:27 |
The Calvary Quartet - Revive Us Again
00:23 |
The Hooker Family - The Value of One
00:19 |
Majesty Strings - Medley On The Presence Of God
00:15 |
Herbster Evangelistic Team - No Other Name
00:12 |
Harpeth Gospel Quartet - There Is A Fountain
00:09 |
David Snider - The Judgement
00:06 |
Ed Russ - O Love That Will Not Let Me Go
00:03 |
Rejoice Singers - Sing To The Lord
00:02 |
Golden State Baptist College 1 - He Made a Way-GSBC