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Shirley and Spinoza Radio playlist

¿No sabe qué canción se jugó en la radio? Utilice nuestro servicio, para encontrarla. Nuestra lista de reproducción contiene la planificación de difusión Shirley and Spinoza Radio en los últimos 7 días.

(hora actual en San Francisco 07:47)
23:58 The Starlights - Mao Mao
23:56 Paul Mark - Mr. Golden Beetle
23:53 Augustus Pablo - Havendale Rock
23:50 The Joker - What Is A Fisterris?
23:49 HellerCorp Commercial ThisBrand
23:48 Don Cherry, Ronald Frangipane & Alejandro Jodorowsky - Drink It
23:47 The Day The Music Died / 100 Veronica Jingles - Veronica (5x Amsterdam)
23:45 Comedian Harmonists - Ich wollt' ich wär' ein Huhn
23:43 Irving Joseph - MurderInc PrisonBreak
23:42 NASA Archives - Mercury-6 Zero-G
23:41 Ken Nordine - Mauve
23:38 Oscar's Chicago Swingers - New Rubbin' on That Darn Old Thing
23:36 The Tape-Beatles - You People Are In Great Danger
23:35 ȺÐÇ - 我爱中华
23:33 Tony Schwartz recording - Auctioneer
23:32 Tom Dissevelt - Atlantic
23:28 Tom Dissevelt - Seconds to Eternity
23:24 Tom Dissevelt - Anchor Chains
23:22 MovieTrailer TheLonelyWoman
23:20 Rita Ford - High above the Mountains
23:18 The Tape-Beatles - Do You Think It's An Accident
23:15 Helge Schneider - Wurstfachverkäuferin
23:14 Polyphony Project - Через сад-виноград
23:12 AndrewPekler Dreamboating
23:08 Mort Garson - Black Mass
23:06 EnnioMorricone BadOrchestra
23:05 Plearn Promdan - Farang Zeang Zeang Bong Fai
23:03 Royal Oakland Gramophone - LiveMix - SS LiveMix ROGC July24 2005 DrunkenSwain
23:00 La Sonora Cordobesa - La mafafa
22:58 BigCityOrchestra Schwakk short
22:58 Ken Nordine does Robert Shures - TWINK - Blotter
22:55 Hawaiian Kuu Lei
22:53 Quiet American - Checkmate
22:47 Lennington Shewell - Theremin - You're Driving Me Crazy
22:45 Andre LaFosse - Slow Motion Saturation
22:44 MovieTrailer IslandofLostGirls NiceGirl
22:43 GodsGrandparents Daisy
22:39 DavidLiebeHart - RapMusic
22:35 Balinese Pemungkah FrogSng
22:35 Ferlin Husky - Promototion for National Country Music Week 1961
22:31 Crowander - Traces of War
22:29 fcaceres did the recording - Monk at Market Luang Prabang, Laos
22:28 MSC generic 60sbouncy
22:27 PimpDaddySupreme MrFatsA
22:21 Halloween3 SoundtrackMainTitle and ChariotsOfPumpkins
22:19 Wade Ward, Independence, VA - Shady Grove
22:19 BigCityOrchestra Atomic
22:15 Jocelyn Pook - Masked Ball
22:14 Moondog - Trimbas in Quarters
22:12 Solex - Knee-High
22:10 The Tape-Beatles - Byways Of Ghostland
22:09 Ray Anderson and Chris Anderson - Let's all listen to the song that's number 1
22:09 NeungPhak/MonoPause - Cam Huong Theme
22:07 Dementia 13 - Musica
22:04 Jim Fassett - Second Movement (Buffo)
22:03 Okapi and Aldo Kapis Orchestra - Death Of Henry II
22:01 Dowser - Magic Memo 08
21:57 Matmos - Nugent Sand
21:54 recorded by David Fanshawe - Funeral Dance
21:48 Shirley and Spinoza - MayDay Intro
21:47 Big City Orchestra - ub171
21:44 Okapi & Aldo Kapi's Orchestra - massaggi
21:42 Neil Richardson - The Riviera Affair
21:41 QuietAmerican Night
21:39 Shirley & Spinoza LIVE mix - SS LIVEmix April24 2005 fakeItalian
21:38 Bruno Spoerri - Don't Blame Jane
21:37 Panama2005 Testing123
21:36 Commercial - French 76
21:34 Messer Chups - Hexe Chips
21:32 RichardHayman Voodoo DanseCalinda
21:27 Russian - Russian Winnie The Pooh Songs - Все песни Винни-пуха - Винни-Пух и все, все, все
21:24 Ansamblul Mihail Daia - O Casuta Mica
21:23 DVD BicycleThief MusicRehearse
21:22 MondoCane More KayWinding
21:22 Porest - Life Sentences
21:19 Stanley Wilson - A Lady Sings The Blues
21:13 Dumisani Abraham Maraire - Kana Ndod Kuramba Murume
21:12 Delia Derbyshire - Music of Spheres
21:11 Shirley and Spinoza - SSLive030903lastshow 10
21:10 speak n math1
21:07 Remote Operator (Fausto Caceres) - The Science of Bitchface
21:05 Sound Scene remy
21:02 VOXss082396 call HeeHaw
21:00 The Naked City - OST - Jazz Chase
20:47 Silvia Tarozzi & Deborah Walker - La lega (Featuring Coro delle Mondine di Bentivoglio)
20:22 Remote Operator - Quieter Time of Night LIVE mix - 7 August 2021 - HOUR 1
20:00 Shirley & Spinoza Radio - s&S Radio 2025 NYE - HOUR 08
20:00 Renaldo & The Loaf - Counting Sand
19:58 Silvia Tarozzi & Deborah Walker - La lega (Featuring Coro delle Mondine di Bentivoglio)
19:57 Anarchestra - solipse 5
19:52 David Toop - The Tattooed Back
19:49 Remote Operator - Quieter Time ID: 10 February - outro
19:46 Memotone - False Cobra
19:41 Steve Roden - Trainslation
19:38 Hauras - Interlude
19:33 Gersemi - Canal of the Tortoise
19:30 Richard Hronsky - P smo
19:27 Baldruin - Im Sternstrom
19:25 Ümlaut - Conical
19:23 Remote Operator - Quieter Time ID: 10 February - middle
19:19 Tom Dissevelt - Pacific Dawn
19:19 Aliens - Queen's Queens
19:16 Wabi Experience - Outsider Tango
19:14 Sam Gendel - Cicada Duo 2
19:12 Felix Blume - Cassique de Montezuma - arbres bananiers - leger vent - MX-200402-03
19:08 KMRU - MR1
19:03 Lea Bertucci - An Arc Of The Horizon
19:00 Remote Operator - Quieter Time ID: 10 February - intro
18:58 Renaldo & The Loaf - Counting Sand
18:57 Monroeville Music Center - B004
18:54 I Marc Quattro Astro
18:52 SINUS BUDS - In Unmarked boxes
18:50 Juan D<<Arienzo - No Te Enganes , Corazon
18:45 Gökçen Kaynatan - Sihirbaz
18:45 Big City Orchestra - ub20
18:43 Bicyclops - Head Clock Ticking
18:38 Ersilia - Along an Ear Shaped Lake
18:35 Perez Prado - Historia De Un Amor (The Story Of Love)
18:32 Penguin Cafe Orchestra - Cutting Branches For A Temporary Shelter
18:32 Big City Orchestra - ub56
18:30 Various Animals - 台灣騷蟬
18:30 Zhang Liming - Lohope
18:28 Michelini, Luciano - It's Still Alive
18:27 Moog, Bob - BobMoog EnvelopeFollower
18:23 The Tape-Beatles - Lament
18:22 Shirley and Spinoza - October 4, 2002 - Part 4
18:22 The 180 Gs - Troubled Man
18:17 DAT Politics - SS LIVE May29 2005 DATPolitics 4
18:16 National Lampoon Radio Hour - NationalLampoonRadio FlashBasbo 15
18:16 Ivor Cutler - If Everybody
18:15 thomas stahlberg - live broadcast
18:14 Matt Parker - Time in Sync
18:12 Biziweki Makoka - Wakhala wekha
18:11 Shirley and Spinoza - SS stationID08
18:10 TravelRecs LaoMonks3
18:08 UNESCO Collection - Tibet / Tibetan Ritual
18:06 MSC mondocane more2
18:05 Porn 70s PearlNecklace
17:59 LittleRascals ShieldSuspenseMedley
17:58 HellerCorp Commercial BestInsecticide
17:55 Rev. D.C. Rice and His Sanctified Congregation - I'm Pressing On
17:52 Dejan Petrovic - Dubocanka
17:50 Lead Belly - Bottle Up and Go
17:49 Eddy Manson - Ride 'Em Joey!
17:48 FleshGordon soundbyte vox GoodOxygen
17:44 matt wand - The Haunted Crayon Box
17:40 TheCreedTaylorOrchestra Panic NoSmoking
17:40 Bor BarbelSky
17:36 The Tape-Beatles - Flowers For Dead Heroes
17:35 Aural Chamber Music Orchestra - Tytönhamepilvet
17:33 Royal Oakland Gramophone - LiveMix - SS Aug28 2005 RadioHoofRepair EmergencyWhiteGloves
17:32 SS OtisFodder LIVEmix June26 2005 outro
17:31 MovieTrailer Dagmars Hot Pants Inc radio ad 1971
17:28 Conventum - Le Piège - CONVENTUM
17:25 Seval Eroglu - 14. Kaleden Kaleye Sahin Ucurdum
17:24 Movie Trailer - Radio Spot - Ruby - 1977
17:23 ARC MeadowgoldDairy 18
17:22 TimothyLeary Emerson
17:19 Tom Dissevelt / Kid Baltan - Moon Maid
17:18 Solid Eye - Palette Cleanser
17:11 Selva de Mar - TEMA CLUB EDEN #3
17:09 Mahotella Queens - Vusumuzi
17:06 TheSursiks - HitAndRun
17:04 Remote Operator - SS RemoteOperator 2011 10 24 Kalimba RK357
17:01 Renaldo & The Loaf - The Elbow Is Taboo
17:00 OlegKostrow - K-boy short
16:57 LittleRascals TheMoonandYou
16:57 unfields01 03 - bell ringer
16:53 Quantic y su Conjunto Los Míticos Del Ritmo - Get Ur Freak On
16:51 Lance Grabmiller - BlkHous103003 LGrabmiller1
16:47 Residents, The/Renaldo & The Loaf - Mahogany Wood
16:47 Big City Orchestra - ub01
16:45 Delia Derbyshire - Music of the Spheres
16:39 Suburban Bucharest - SuburbanBucharest CanMarraulan
16:36 Matmos and Lesser - SSLive 041603 MatmosLesser33
16:35 .RR - Calabaza
16:32 HAPPY CAT MEDIA - The weird sound show
16:26 Field Recordings From Mali - Morning La DJenne Les Chevaux De Sunjata
16:23 Lee Maddeford, Roland Vouilloz - Sailing
16:22 Remote Operator - SS RemoteOperator 2011 10 24 Chinese SoundsMusicID
16:21 1920's - What The Future Will Look Like
16:20 Psychedelic Promos & Radio Spots - Vol. 3 - 'Beyond The Valley Of The Dolls' - Movie Promo
16:18 Die Trip Computer Die - You Will Forget Pain
16:17 Piero Umiliani - Sperduti Nello Spazio
16:16 Dick Sebouh - Beats Set by Tuning Forks
16:15 SS OtisFodder LIVEmix June26 2005 Fabio tropicalIslands fst
16:10 Na Hawa Doumbia - Sakòrò mery
16:09 BBC - BBC OutofTune 18
16:06 Golden Gate Quartet / Leadbelly - Pick a Bale of Cotton
16:02 ajda pekkan - viens dans ma vie
16:01 Tom Recchion - The Perpetual Motion Clock Factory
15:57 Big City Orchesra - comp/diss copy
15:56 BBC - TheNewSoundOfMusic 1979 MusicOfUnlikelyThings
15:51 War Games - Armageddon
15:50 Sylvain Kassap - 09 Le Suicide de Germaine
15:49 Alexander Courage - 21 - Star Trek End Credit
15:48 The Uyghur Musicians From Xinjiang - Shadiana
15:44 Satanicpornocultshop - Edo
15:41 Cab Calloway - I've Got The World On A String
15:38 Puka-Pakas - Kahanamoku
15:36 Mary Dixon - MaryDixon DaddyYouGotEv'rything
15:35 Tom Sora - 20 Töhne nr.1-9 Pt. 1
15:34 David - C3-PO
15:31 Stop It!You're Killing Me! - sadece kafasi degil,ayaklari da calisiyor.fenerbahce'nin yeni transferi lucescu 6 lisan biliyor
15:28 Shirley and Spinoza - S&S episode24prt03
15:26 Ripleys072 YoungSailor
15:22 Zèwditou Yohannes, Djèdjaw Ababou & Meteku Kèbbèdè - Engènagnalèn/Antèyé
15:22 2016 10 02 Kitchen water bottle tapping
15:19 Fausto Caceres - 3 Minute Island - 001
15:17 TimothyLeary Chaos
15:14 Bruno Spoerri - Background Rhythm 1
15:13 The Tape-Beatles - The Man Of To-Morrow
15:11 Lagos Disco Machine - You Think You Got It Nice, I Will End You
15:11 Psychedelic Promos & Radio Spots Vol. 8 - 'Reflections In A Golden Eye' Movie Ad
15:10 1MinVacation LaoParty
15:09 S&S hejazzdie
15:05 Shirley and Spinoza - Anthropomo
15:02 Enoch Light - Scarborough Fair
15:02 Omoide Hatoba - Cool
14:58 Shirley and Spinoza - SSLive030903lastshow 26
14:55 Lebanese TakeMeWithYou
14:54 Slowtiger - Sinus
14:53 Ripleys099 HiddenTreasure
14:52 S.P.L. (Slusser, Paterson, Looney) - SS SPL LIVE April17 2005 pneumvoxloop
14:49 Perez Prado - Guantanamera
14:39 柏青和林东 - Under Water
14:35 Planxty - Sí Bheag, Sí Mhór
14:33 Zhou Xuan - Song of Four Seasons (Si Ji Ge)
14:32 Mort Garson - Kevin's Theme
14:31 Venomous Invisible Amanda - sABBAt Queen
14:30 Tim Krog - The Boogey Man Strikes
14:26 Uyghur - Kashgar Bazaar - Cassette - 1
14:23 HellstromChronicle Film excerpt black widow
14:21 Maciej Żołnowski - Kwartet Japonski II
14:19 Ken Nordine - Black
14:17 M. Ashraf - saathi vol.2 1980
14:14 Lisu - cassette song 1
14:10 Cyril Diaz & His Orchestra - Voodoo
14:07 mu fa or - All Creatures Sing
14:02 Fausto Caceres - Street Cries & the Wandering Song: excerpt B: “sofa repair and a blessed house”
14:00 Noisy Toys - Back EMF
14:00 LIVE MIXLETTES 2010 Jan5 1008
13:59 Innerlite - Zorba's Dance
13:58 Bumper - The Bellydance - The Sheik's Men
13:12 Radio Tzotal (Chiapas, Mexico) - Regional radio from Chiapas, Mexico – Radio Uno XERA-AM (760 kHz) from the late ‘90s, recorded by John Haviland
13:03 Radio Bandung - Radio Java (Sublime Frequencies - SF002)
13:00 Show da ilha - Aguias Reais (Angola, 1973)
13:00 Arovane - Gitter
12:01 Remote Operator - Quieter Time of Night LIVE mix - 19 March 2021 - HOUR 1
12:00 Remote Operator - Quieter Time of Night LIVE mix - 16 July 2021 - HOUR 1
11:58 Alex Ring Gray - Eridanus
11:55 Jean-François Denis - Point-virgule
11:52 Remote Operator - Quieter Time ID: 10 February - outro
11:46 Protean - Apolyspring
11:45 Scott Sherk - At the Glacier
11:41 Joe Frawley - Grounded theory
11:39 Tom Dissevelt - Atlantic
11:36 Jan Jelinek - Someone Squeezes A Concertina, Sailors Begin To Sing
11:31 Arovane - Youd
11:29 Remote Operator - sketch-noodle 2020 03 24 001 growlyfeeps
11:27 Remote Operator - Quieter Time ID: 10 February - middle
11:24 Anarchestra - batur 09
11:18 ten and tracer - self awareness as a suffocation
11:14 Perila - Estimated To Savage
11:12 Piero Umiliani - Nello Spazio
11:08 Osmanthus - When Winds Blow
11:07 Francesco Aroni Vigone - Inverno
11:03 Jonathan Kawchuk - Solar Plexus
11:00 Remote Operator - Quieter Time ID: 10 February - intro
11:00 Ms Whisperson - Quieter Time of Night - intro
10:57 Phil Dadson - Pacific 3-2-1 Zero
10:53 John Hammond - Little Birdie
10:53 Chazev - Done By Chazev 10.84
10:53 Delia Derbyshire - A07 delia derbyshire - time to go
10:50 Brian Eno - M386 (2005 Digital Remaster)
10:47 Shirley and Spinoza - MartinDenny tsetseFly
10:44 Gurdjieff - NY #3
10:38 Radio Vietnam - Medium Wave Youth Choral And String
10:36 S&S acutrac skip
10:34 Omar Khorshid - Lama Bada Yatasama
10:31 Stealing Orchestra and Rafael Dionísio - Nunca mais me rapo para ti
10:27 The Tape-Beatles - From The Tide Or The Wind
10:26 Bruno Nicolai - Seq 16
10:23 Puny Humans - Track 12
10:18 OOIOO - Irorun
10:17 Dullijoh - Australien
10:14 Secret Mommy - Kool Aid river
10:11 Don Limpio - Patpong Ping Pong
10:08 Siberian 02bezit
10:06 Dominic Muldowney & Sting - Ballad of Mac the Knife
10:03 Googie René - Rebecca
10:01 RemoteOp LIVE 2010 04 12 14
09:58 Jerry Colonna - Your My Everything
09:55 Super Deluxe - Trump Saves America From Fake News Climate Change Paris Agreement Hoax
09:50 Speedy West and Jimmy Bryant - Old Joe Clark
09:48 Augustus Pablo & The Chosen Few - Java
09:46 Dave Evans - Chaplinesque
09:42 John Oswald - Brown
09:40 Unidentified Artists - Shades of Color
09:37 Wing - Beat It
09:34 Yximalloo - July Sky
09:31 Dick Hyman & Mary Mayo - Moon Gas
09:31 Dokaka - new kinchan
09:29 Croiners - Untitled
09:28 Commercial - Gasoline
09:26 matt wand - Night of the Holy Fishnets
09:25 The Evolution Control Committee - Media Trust
09:22 Abe Schwartz Orchestra - Dem Monastrishter Rebin's Chosid'l
09:17 Shirley and Spinoza - Louis Armstrong - Just
09:14 Herbert Eimert & Robert Beyer - Klang Im Unbegrenzten Raum - part 1 (1952)
09:13 Big City Orchestra & friends - SS Sep04 2005 UbRadio FleaCircus FleaMusicBoxes
09:09 Kola Beldy - Master of Forest
09:08 Aka bondage - Big Mouth Billy Passed
09:07 MovieTrailer Stanley radio ad 1972
09:06 The Silk Road Project - Tepen Kok (Mongolian Kazakh)
09:01 Seval Eroglu - 12. Bana Gul Diyorlar
09:00 LIVE DJWobbs Apr3 2004 1c
09:00 MSC elf laffs twinklefx
08:58 Ken Nordine does Robert Shures - TWINK - Freckles
08:56 Fred Lowery - The Lonesome Road
08:53 The Kabalas - Peeschoo Lee Slow
08:52 Midori Takada - Awase-2
08:51 C64 SID gadget3
08:48 Shirley and Spinoza - Aunt Martha
08:46 Ripleys057 StrangeSport
08:45 Milan Kymlicka - Krtek a raketa (The mole and the rocket)
08:42 Soneta Group - 2 Begadang II (Dangdut)
08:40 Bruno Spoerri - Jane Flees (Jazz Chase)
08:37 Ligeti Quartet Feat Christian Mason - Eki Attar
08:36 John Baker - Radio Sheffield (News Idents)
08:32 Pierre Bastien & Mecanium - People In Sorrow
08:26 Pavlos Bekaris - Chalasia Mou
08:26 Norman Paris Quintet & Orchestra With The David Carter Singers - The Happy Plastics Family
08:24 China Youth Corps - Track 5
08:23 Psychedelic Promos & Radio Spots Vol. 8 - Steppenwolf - 'Monster' LP Ad
08:20 S&S 12.15.02 WOTWRcktGalac
08:19 - Everyone Loves Ned Flanders
08:16 Unknown - Oh Mother, The Handsome Man Tortures Me
08:16 Shirley and Spinoza - PlanetApesFX
08:13 Connie Boermans - Tequila
08:10 Nun-Plus - Listen to Your People
08:08 Hank Williams Sr. - Hey Good Looking
08:07 John Baker - Brylcreem
08:04 People Like Us - Take a Walk
08:03 NASA Archives - hskquindar
08:02 Peasall Sisters - In the Highways
07:58 Tobar - Caveman - Invention of Music
07:56 The Granville Williams Orchestra - Old McDonald
07:55 Ian Wallace, Denis Norden - This Old Man
07:55 Luigi Nono - Omaggio a Emilio Vedova (1960)
07:51 Andre LaFosse - Hard Sci Fi
07:49 Remote Operator - SS RemoteOperator 2011 10 24 TenNTrancer PhyllisKing dust
07:46 Félix Blume - Vendedor de frutillas afuera del Mercado Cardenal
07:42 Barbara Buchholz - SixEight
07:41 S&S CrazyEnglish cash
07:39 WhiteNoise IV Inferno ChargedParticles
07:38 1MinVacation Megaphones
07:37 Gary Bradbury - Pure Noise Enjoy Exploit
07:36 Big City Orchestra - ub102
07:33 Milos Vacek - Krtek v zoo (The mole in the zoo)
07:32 Jean Claude Risset - Max Matthews - 04 Musique, acoustique, informatique IV
07:30 Hank Williams Sr. - The Devil's Train
07:27 Remote Operator - SS RemoteOperator 2011 10 24 me llamo Asia
07:26 Billy Green - The Death of Doctor Death
07:23 Yximalloo - Any Sense
07:22 B¿rgan - flea scratch massacre
07:19 CHIYO Okumura - きめちゃったから
07:19 Jon Rose & Eugene Chadborn - Kultural Terrorism - side A
07:16 HSoA - Twovers
07:14 IvorCutler BlueBear
07:12 Valentin Eugenio - Piritipit (Philippines)
07:11 Dave Cerf - Yerba Buena - 11 Bingo
07:09 Chip the Black Boy - Am I Weird?
07:06 Coot Grant; Kid Wilson - Get Off With Me
07:05 José Vicente Asuar - Divertimento
07:02 Ennio Morricone - Pazuzu
07:01 48 Cameras - Dead Waters
07:00 Davidovsky prt5
06:58 Wobbly - Minithing
06:54 Stock, Hausen & Walkman - Schmink
06:52 Joe Maphis - Twin Banjo Special
06:50 The Meat Beetles - Poor Elvis
06:49 S&S random gtr to tell
06:49 Samir - Al bombo
06:46 Edith Piaf Avec Accompagnement De Grande Orchestre - L'Accordeoniste
06:45 ProductionMusic SitarScene1
06:44 univac - Math - Gooberd
06:44 MovieTrailer WarlordsOfAtlantis 1978
06:43 Shirley and Spinoza - SS ClickToBeginSignal
06:40 Satanicpornocultshop - Saddam Fed Birds While Jailed
06:36 Ergo Phizmiz - It Always Rains in England
06:33 TVLASUNOR - La Plaie de L'Ordre
06:31 Orera - Kto Uslyshit Moyu Pesnyu
06:30 Commercial - Western Airlines
06:27 Umekichi - Kagoshima Ohara Bushi
06:27 Pierre Raph - Dominiques Steps
06:24 FrancoisDeRoubaix - LaScoumoune - Maquette 44k
06:23 Gummo Soundtrack 17
06:20 Vernon Lenoir - Atembeschwerden
06:17 Ros Sereysothea - Wicked Husband
06:15 Madlib - Old Age (Youngblood)
06:11 RussenSoul Tschubtschik
06:08 Luciano Foglia - Use hypnosis
06:08 Big City Orchestra - ub42
06:06 The GTO's - Love On An 11-Year Old Level
06:04 Perrey-Kingsley - Strangers in the Night
06:00 Graham Davies - The Road Is Hard
05:57 Sigtryggur Berg Sigmarsson - SFEMF072403 Sigtryggr19
05:56 NASA Archives - KIC7671081B
05:54 Clean Plate Club - Thankful
05:50 Matmos - Why?
05:50 Big City Orchestra - ub71
05:48 MeikoKaji FCSJ41
05:47 Jóhann Jóhannsson & Yair Elazar Glotman - Epilogue
05:44 Madame Patate - Merlin
05:41 Stealing Orchestra - A Piela
05:41 Headphoner & The Nurse - Good Evening Friends
05:40 National Lampoon Radio Hour - NationalLampoonRadio OnlyBegotten
05:35 Stealing Orchestra - Happy Ending Theme
05:33 Félix Blume - Maestro Walter's Brass Band - MISÉRICORDE INSONDABLE
05:31 Bruce Haack - Campus Radio Voice A
05:27 Baka Pygmies - Orycterope & Pangolin
05:27 S&S stereo separation
05:26 Mannlicher Carcano - Track 55
05:25 Space 1999 Theme
05:20 Økapi - My secret love
05:17 Vernon LeNoir - brazilicon alley
05:14 Aleksandar Sisic - Chelipe
05:11 White Noise - Love Without Sound
05:08 Mikhail Matiushin, Alexei Kruchenykh & Kazimir Malevich - Victory Over The Sun (Excerpts of The Cubo-Futurist Opera, 1913). 'Introduction'
05:04 John K. Fitzpatrick - Cause And Effect
05:04 The Nordine Groop - Topsy Turvy House
05:03 Tom Recchion - Serene Neighbors
05:03 SS ID TheOnlyGroovyOne
05:02 S&S excercise 70s
05:00 Madlib - Chopstyle (Suey Blast)
05:00 Kid Baltan - Song of the Second Moon (1957)
04:07 Royal Oculus & Gramophone - 24 July 2005: Songs for Sunken Submarines
04:00 Remote Operator - Quieter Time of Night LIVE mix - 18 September 2021 - HOUR 2
03:56 Monolake - Delta Overload
03:53 Cormac Faulkner - Kelsh Plotter
03:51 Remote Operator - Quieter Time ID: 10 February - outro
03:45 Scanner - Trono
03:43 Ursula Bogner - Signalfluss
03:42 Tom Recchion - Serene Neighbors
03:36 Matt Parker - Flowers
03:34 Oni Wytars Ensemble - Düdül
03:32 Alva Noto - This Stolen Country of Mine (OST) - Swat
03:28 Ian Wellman - Gates to Print Shop
03:24 KMRU - MR4
03:21 Edisonnoside & Yakamoto Kotzuga - Yellowknife Bay
03:19 Remote Operator - Quieter Time ID: 10 February - middle
03:16 Remote Operator - sketch-noodle 2020 03 28 003 encyclo
03:12 Sarah Davachi - First Triad
03:11 False Awakening - Empty White Streets
03:10 Felix Blume - Los Gritos de Mexico - Soundscape of Mexico City - part 6
03:07 Andrew Pekler & Giuseppe Ielasi - Maly Losjin
03:03 Ludwig Berger - We Stop Short, Frothy, Outdoing The Grass
03:00 Remote Operator - Quieter Time ID: 10 February - intro
03:00 Ms Whisperson - Quieter Time of Night - intro
02:52 White Noise - Nine Dimensions
02:50 Perrey Knglsy SpanishFlea
02:49 Mort Garson - Music for Advertising #1
02:47 Der Plan - Kleine Schlager Revue
02:46 MSCss ethereal01
02:43 Bill Monroe & His Bluegrass Boys - In the Pines
02:39 Matmos Wobbly PLU - Track 04
02:37 Stock, Hausen & Walkman - Nipples
02:36 Carl Stalling, Milt Franklyn, Treg Brown - Ready, Set, Zoom- (1955)
02:26 WFMU & DO or DIY with People Like Us - Bringing You The Best In 1970's Rock
02:25 RunawayWiener IraterMask
02:23 The residents - Melon collie lassie
02:22 Obeng Ungu & Jalan Buntu with Group Uang Wayang of Palembang - Hamil Daripada Golek
02:21 Oleg Kostrow - Multi Miniature
02:18 Bruce Haack & Miss Nelson - Abracadabra
02:15 Mort Garson - Solomon's Ring
02:11 Tanya Tagaq - Illunikavi
02:09 The residents - You ysesyesyes again
02:09 Mike Hardding, Peter Harwood, BBC Records - Iron maiden
02:08 The Tape-Beatles - ...Of Rebellion
02:08 HellstromChronicle Film excerpt instrument of death
02:05 Ai Yamamoto - Afternoon Exercise - Tennis, Walking, Trampoline, Beer Can, Frog, More
02:03 Theme BattlestarGalactica
02:00 Hot Butter - Popcorn
02:00 The Camarata Contemporary Chamber Orchestra - Five Grins or Mona Lisa's Moustache
01:58 اقسم بالله الزول ده ما نصيح بعد السلك انقطع لسه مواصل (Butana Region of Sudan) - Courtesy of (Rababa Melodies
01:56 Japanese Excerpt from Black Plastic Singing Flats - Volume IV (Little Axe Records, 2015)
01:53 La festa del marabutto - Bande del Gorian - Tripoli Italiana! (1979)
01:52 Dali Street Dance (Yunnan) – Field Recordings In China (Kink Gong)
01:51 Esta es mi cumbia - Conjunto Atlantico (Colombia, 1960s)
01:00 หมอลำ - 1970's Molam from Rare 45s & LPs - Dangdut Banget (Thailand)
00:58 Blue Dot Sessions - Krok
00:54 Thomas Stereo - 02 Here Is Your Robot Music
00:49 yuphin phraethong - sawan bon din
00:41 BruceHaack Rubberbands
00:41 shortwave recording - Xinjiang shortwave 2radios
00:38 Messer Chups - Dark Story
00:36 Stock, Hausen & Walkman - Veneering
00:35 AXN JazzBaby
00:33 Guy Klucevsek - Amazing Graves - Part 1 Intro
00:28 The Residents - Between a Rock and a Hard Space
00:25 Arlene Zupp - ArleneZupp FitnessIsFun PelvicArea How'BoutThat
00:24 S&S ScaryExplodingEgg
00:21 Bill Johnson's Louisiana Jug Band - Don't Drink It In Here
00:19 david minnick - Unhooked (2007-unfinished)
00:15 Kwisp - Hula Spatula
00:12 Don Barreto - Amor Cubano (Stothart-McHugh-Fields)
00:08 SS OtisFodder LIVEmix June26 2005 69AneeErotique
00:07 Otto Luening and Vladimir Ussachevsky - Concerted Piece for Tape Recorder and Orchestra
00:04 Eyelet - Tubular Rebells
00:02 KenyonHopkins Crank
00:02 DrFuzz BeziOdRezerve

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