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Return to the Word spisak numera

Ne znate koja pesma se pušta na radiju? Upotrebite našu uslugu da je nađete! Naša lista sadržaja čuva listu numera stanice Return to the Word za prethodnih 7 dana.

(u Васила je sada 16:28)
Uživo Jennifer Haines - A Mighty Fortress Is Our God
20:27 Return to the Word - Submit a Question
19:41 Pastor Mark Fontecchio - Help Me Overcome My Besetting Sin (Genesis 20:1-18)
19:38 Jennifer Haines - Fairest Lord Jesus
19:34 Greg Howlett - Near the Cross
19:31 Jennifer Haines - Be Thou My Vision
19:28 Jennifer Haines - Nothing But the Blood
19:24 Greg Howlett - Holy, Holy, Holy
19:19 Greg Howlett - Breathe On Me
18:33 Pastor Mark Fontecchio - Lord Have Mercy (Genesis -38)
18:29 Greg Howlett - Does Jesus Care?
18:24 Jeff Bjorck - Come Thou Fount of Every Blessing
18:19 Greg Howlett - My Jesus I Love Thee
18:14 Greg Howlett - Take My Life and Let It Be
18:14 Return to the Word - Submit a Question
18:13 LifeLine Productions - Great, Great, Great Grandfather
18:10 Jennifer Haines - Be Still, My Soul
18:07 Greg Howlett - Tis So Sweet
18:02 Jeff Bjorck - Give To The Wind Thy Fears
17:57 Greg Howlett - The Savior is Waiting
17:11 Pastor Mark Fontecchio - A Little Bit of Sin? (Genesis 19:1-14)
17:07 Greg Howlett - Be Thou My Vision
17:05 Jeff Bjorck - Jesus Loves Me
17:01 Greg Howlett - The Old Rugged Cross
16:55 Pastor Mark Fontecchio - When do We Confront Someone and When do We Turn the Other Cheek?
16:51 Greg Howlett - There Is a Fountain
16:44 Jeff Bjorck - Holy, Holy, Holy
16:44 Return to the Word - Submit a Question
16:40 Greg Howlett - Fairest Lord Jesus
16:35 The Word - The Spirit Gives Life (John 6:48--6:71)
16:31 Jennifer Haines - Blessed Assurance
16:26 Greg Howlett - Abide With Me
16:23 Hymns - Just A Closer Walk
16:21 Hymns - There is Power in the Blood
16:21 Return to the Word - Bible Study Materials
16:19 Creation Moments - No Eyes
16:14 Greg Howlett - I Need Thee Every Hour
16:09 Greg Howlett - No One Ever Cared for Me Like Jesus
16:07 Hymns - It Is Well with My Soul
16:04 Hymns - Fairest Lord Jesus
15:27 Pastor Mark Fontecchio - And Justice for All (Genesis -33)
15:26 Return to the Word - Bible Study Materials
15:23 Jennifer Haines - All Creatures of Our God and King
15:20 Hymns - Just As I Am
15:16 Greg Howlett - He Leadeth Me
15:12 Greg Howlett - Hiding in Thee
15:09 Hymns - Crown Him with Many Crowns
15:07 Hymns - All Hail the Power
14:26 Pastor Mark Fontecchio - Knowing the Presence of God in Our Lives (Genesis 26:1-35)
14:22 Jennifer Haines - It Is Well With My Soul
14:20 Hymns - Jesus Loves Me
14:17 Hymns - He Rescued Me
14:14 Hymns - Amazing Grace
14:11 Jennifer Haines - This Is My Father's World
14:11 Return to the Word - Submit a Question
13:43 Pastor Mark Fontecchio - The Three Tenses of Salvation Part 2 (Discipleship Lesson 5)
13:40 Jennifer Haines - O the Deep, Deep Love of Jesus
13:36 Greg Howlett - I Shall Know Him
13:33 Greg Howlett - My Faith Looks Up to Thee
13:32 LifeLine Productions - God's Will
13:29 Jennifer Haines - Softly and Tenderly
13:28 Return to the Word - Bible Study Materials
13:03 Pastor Mark Fontecchio - The Three Tenses of Salvation Part 1 (Discipleship Lesson 4)
13:02 Hymns - Nearer, My God, to Thee
12:57 Greg Howlett - Blessed Assurance
12:52 Greg Howlett - O Sacred Head Now Wounded
12:06 Pastor Mark Fontecchio - How Much Will It Cost You? (Genesis 25:1-34)
12:03 Hymns - When We All Get to Heaven
12:03 Return to the Word - Submit a Question
11:59 Greg Howlett - Search Me O God
11:54 Greg Howlett - Be Thou My Vision
11:51 Robby Davis - Soaring
11:49 Creation Moments - Homer
11:43 Greg Howlett - Invitation Medley
11:38 Greg Howlett - Great Is Thy Faithfulness
11:35 Hymns - A Mighty Fortress Is Our God
10:51 Pastor Mark Fontecchio - Marriage by the Book: Beautiful in the Eyes of God (Genesis -67)
10:45 Greg Howlett - What a Friend We Have In Jesus
10:40 Jeff Bjorck - O, The Deep, Deep Love Of Jesus
10:36 Greg Howlett - Jesus What a Friend for Sinners
10:27 Pastor Mark Fontecchio - Calvinism and John 6
10:27 Return to the Word - Station ID
10:24 Greg Howlett - Count Your Blessings
10:19 Jeff Bjorck - Fairest Lord Jesus
10:16 Greg Howlett - This Is My Father's World
09:34 Pastor Mark Fontecchio - Marriage by the Book: Learning to Love (Genesis 24:1-12)
09:31 Hymns - Holy, Holy, Holy!
09:28 Hymns - Blessed Assurance
09:25 Robby Davis - The Meanderer
08:57 Pastor Mark Fontecchio - Bible Study Methods Lesson 3 (Discipleship Lesson 3)
08:52 Robby Davis - My Hope Is Built (The Solid Rock)
08:48 Robby Davis - It Is Well With My Soul
08:43 Robby Davis - Doxology
08:38 Robby Davis - Be Still My Soul
08:33 The Word - The Way, the Truth, and the Life (John 14:1--)
08:29 Robby Davis - I Need Thee Every Hour
08:25 Jeff Bjorck - Softly And Tenderly Jesus Is Calling
08:21 Greg Howlett - Sweet Hour of Prayer
08:17 Robby Davis - Come Thou Fount
08:12 Greg Howlett - I'd Rather Have Jesus
07:28 Pastor Mark Fontecchio - Till Death Do Us Part (Genesis 23:1-20)
07:25 Robby Davis - Just as I Am
07:21 Robby Davis - Ash's Voyage
07:16 Robby Davis - What a Friend We Have in Jesus
07:11 Robby Davis - I Surrender All
07:06 Jeff Bjorck - All Creatures Of Our God And King
07:06 Return to the Word - Station ID
07:05 LifeLine Productions - Hello, This is Heaven
07:01 Jeff Bjorck - Be Thou My Vision
06:58 Robby Davis - Awakening
06:50 Pastor Mark Fontecchio - Proving God's Existence
06:43 Jeff Bjorck - Be Still My Soul - Finlandia
06:39 Greg Howlett - Jesus Is All the World to Me
06:36 Robby Davis - Though Bridge Waters Come
05:49 Pastor Mark Fontecchio - What Are You Willing to Sacrifice for God? (Genesis 22:1-24)
05:44 Jeff Bjorck - Midnight in Moscow
05:41 Jennifer Haines - I Surrender All
05:37 Greg Howlett - God Leads Us Along
05:32 Jeff Bjorck - Jerusalem
05:26 Greg Howlett - Jesus Paid It All
05:21 Jeff Bjorck - It Is Well With My Soul
04:37 Pastor Mark Fontecchio - God Can Use a Broken Family (Genesis 21:1-34)
04:32 Jeff Bjorck - When I Survey The Wondrous Cross
04:28 Greg Howlett - Have You Any Room for Jesus?
04:21 Jeff Bjorck - Day By Day
04:15 Greg Howlett - He Giveth More Grace
04:11 Jeff Bjorck - 'Tis So Sweet To Trust In Jesus
04:09 Creation Moments - Oxygen
04:04 Robby Davis - Softly and Tenderly
04:01 Greg Howlett - Cross Medley
03:57 Greg Howlett - Hiding In Thee
03:54 Jennifer Haines - Come, Thou Long Expected Jesus
03:49 The Word - The Truth Will Make You Free (John 8:28--8:53)
03:45 Greg Howlett - Day by Day
03:42 Greg Howlett - Christ Arose
03:39 Jennifer Haines - Amazing Grace
03:34 Robby Davis - Daybreak
03:31 Jennifer Haines - A Mighty Fortress Is Our God
02:46 Pastor Mark Fontecchio - Help Me Overcome My Besetting Sin (Genesis 20:1-18)
02:42 Jennifer Haines - Fairest Lord Jesus
02:38 Greg Howlett - Near the Cross
02:35 Jennifer Haines - Be Thou My Vision
02:32 Jennifer Haines - Nothing But the Blood
02:28 Greg Howlett - Holy, Holy, Holy
02:23 Greg Howlett - Breathe On Me
01:38 Pastor Mark Fontecchio - Lord Have Mercy (Genesis -38)
01:33 Greg Howlett - Does Jesus Care?
01:28 Jeff Bjorck - Come Thou Fount of Every Blessing
01:23 Greg Howlett - My Jesus I Love Thee
01:18 Greg Howlett - Take My Life and Let It Be
01:17 LifeLine Productions - Great, Great, Great Grandfather
01:14 Jennifer Haines - Be Still, My Soul
01:11 Greg Howlett - Tis So Sweet
01:06 Jeff Bjorck - Give To The Wind Thy Fears
01:01 Greg Howlett - The Savior is Waiting
00:15 Pastor Mark Fontecchio - A Little Bit of Sin? (Genesis 19:1-14)
00:11 Greg Howlett - Be Thou My Vision
00:10 Jeff Bjorck - Jesus Loves Me
00:05 Greg Howlett - The Old Rugged Cross
00:00 Pastor Mark Fontecchio - When do We Confront Someone and When do We Turn the Other Cheek?

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