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Плейлист OTAT247

Не ведаеце, якая песьня гучала на радыё? Скарыстайцеся нашым сэрвісам, каб знайсці яе! Наш плейлист ўтрымлівае расклад эфіру OTAT247 за апошнія 7 дзён.

23:59 VooDoo Ramble - I know It's You - Can't Write a Pop Song (When You've Got the Blues)
23:55 Nzondi - Freak - Freak
23:52 The Stifftones - Backwards Down A Hill - Backwards Down A Hill
23:49 TruckStop Vampires - Shadows - Behind Vices
23:49 Joe Booe Booe-McElman - Joe Booe Booe-McElman OTAT247 Station ID - OTAT247 Station IDs
23:46 Kitty-May - Take me back - Take me back
23:43 NOLTE - Nolte -
23:39 Couchboy - Faded Lines - Summer
23:35 SupersonicPlatonic - BuzzKill - Buzzkill
23:35 Curt Ziggler - Curt Ziggler STATION ID -
23:32 GREENE - Zoomer Coomer Boomer Doomer - Le Creme De Le Meme
23:27 CHRISTOPHER MICHAEL - Perish - Perish (Single)
23:24 Subtlety - Ring Your Bell - Meant to Be
23:20 Desert of Talking Shadows - Shakespeare - I Thought You Knew
23:20 Nedan - Nedan OTAT247 Station ID - OTAT247 Station IDs
23:16 The Petal Falls - Side By Side - The Rhythm Train
23:12 Damndest - Behind - Behind
23:09 The UltraViolets - Dead End - Radiation
23:05 Curt Ziggler - Get It Right - Get It Right
23:05 Deedra Patrick - Deedra Patrick OTAT247 Station ID -
22:59 Viking1 - Bring the Machine - Bring the Machine
22:56 Firedrill Punk - State Of Panic - Pterodactyl
22:52 Trigger Armada - Secrets - Secrets
22:48 Dovecage - Bittersweet Goodbye - Bittersweet Goodbye (Single)
22:48 Joe Booe and The Dog - Joe Booe and The Dog OTAT247 Station ID - OTAT247 Station IDs
22:45 Antagonist Theory - Nothing More - Nothing More
22:42 Sangria Furlo - Unfoused - Trans European Metal Disco
22:36 Phantom Witch - Psychogenic Death - Forced to Worship
22:32 Thousand Frames ft. Gerald Albright - Nothing - Nothing
22:31 The Quits - OTAT Promo -
22:28 Greg Murray & The Seven Wonders - Wish I Was In Love With You - Wish I Was In Love With You
22:24 Embrace the filth - Reality Calling - Embrace the filth
22:21 Defiant - Don't Wanna See Your Face - IGNITE
22:17 Anton Barbeau - Psychedelic Mynde Of Moses - Magic Art
22:17 Sour Station - OTAT Intro -
22:14 Die Tired - Play - Play (Single)
22:09 Kolorado - Hei heinäkuu - Kolorado
22:05 Danny Rascal - Justine (Radio Mastered) - Justine (Radio Mastered)
22:01 Superposition - Ghost - Collapse
22:01 Jeremy- A Beautiful Scar - A BEAUTIFUL SCAR LINER -
21:57 Fab Manzini Music - No Turning Back - Chapter One
21:57 Mike Stollen - Mike Stollen STATION ID -
21:53 Jacob Vanknowe - Summer Time - Blunt Force Trauma
21:43 Sister Sandoz - The Yellow - Anthem
21:38 Vince Warry - Too Little Too Late - Too Little Too Late
21:38 Wolvenant - OTAT247 Station ID - OTAT247 Station IDs
21:36 Lone Creep - Wall St War Machine - Everything Hurts and I'm Dying
21:32 The Blanched Corinthians - Uh-Huh - The Blanched Corinthians
21:23 Sangria Furlo - Downed Uniform and King Bartholomew - Trans European Metal Disco
21:19 Crisis In America - Paradigm - Toe Tags n Body Bags
21:19 SugarCane FireWater - SugarCane FireWater OTAT247 Station ID v3 -
21:16 SPOCK - Gamer Mode - Communication Lost
21:13 Rain and the Urban Bohemians - Pretty - No Promises
21:08 TATTERED SONS - That Shine - That Shine
21:03 Obsidion - Delirion - Delirion
21:03 DAISY Lloyd - OTAT Liner -
20:57 Bottomlands - Dirty Work - Dirty Work
20:54 Silver Nightmares - 8 - Apocolypsis
20:50 Blindr - Lover Fighter - Lover Fighter
20:50 Curt Ziggler - Curt Ziggler STATION ID -
20:46 mymusicalsin - Feel the Same Way - Feel the Same Way - Single
20:43 Gregory Boyce - To Need Someone - Seven
20:39 Morino - Craving For The Night - Craving For The Night
20:36 The Kyle Jordan Project - Tall Blonde Honey - Tall Blonde Honey
20:36 The Fire We Breathe - OTAT247 Jingle - OTAT 247
20:28 High Noon Kahuna - Black Lodge - Killing Spree
20:26 Fast Food for Mutants - Lie Down and Drain - Lie Down and Drain (Single)
20:22 AMY ROWBOTTOM - Mr Trickster - Mr Trickster(Single)
20:18 Michael Gabriel - Swagger - Surfacing
20:18 Shaun Robert - Shaun Robert O T A T jingle -
20:12 Courtnay & The Unholy Reverie - The Great Wave (1949) - Mercy
20:09 The Summit - Burn It Down - Burn It Down
20:05 Today's Okay - Someone New - Someone
20:02 Candy Cigarette - Revolution - Revolution (single)
20:01 Trickshot - Intro From Our Friends at Trick Shot -
19:58 VIKING1 - Break the Cycle - INNOMINATAM
19:55 Rebels in Stereo - Conspiracy Gold - Smear Campaign
19:51 First Form - Lost In Labyrinth - Remember the Name
19:47 THE LOVVES - When Everything Goes Wrong Deluxe Version - Vintage Goes Viral
19:47 Subtlety - OTAT Promo -
19:42 Apewards - What Holds us Together is Decay - Akrasia
19:39 Tenderlash - Open Your Eyes (Halovox Remix) - Open Your Eyes (Halovox Remix)
19:34 Numb Surprise - Been Down So Long - Introspect
19:30 The Black Vultures - Treat Me Like An Animal - Treat Me Like An Animal
19:29 KTO - KTO OTAT247 Station ID & PITC -
19:27 Brain Size 61 - Death by Pity Sex - Pudknocker's Ball
19:23 SFSF - I'm Gonna Come To You In A Magic - Manifest
19:21 Shy Blossom - Somebody New - Bloom
19:17 Indecent Proposal - Albright - Albright
19:17 Gez Lloyd - OTAT Radio Liner - Gez Lloyd OTAT Radio Liner
19:14 Redial Destination - Operatic Mudshow - Operatic Mudshow
19:12 Kindsight - Top 10 Things You Need in the City - No Shame No Fame
19:09 The Dreaming Void - Selfie - Lines
19:04 Red Temples - Concrete Boots - Concrete Boots
19:04 Dragon and Ber - Dragon and Berr for OTAT247 - Thanks Dragon and Ber
19:00 Booe/ McElman - Gimme the Rain - Gimme the Rain
18:57 Firedrill Punk - State Of Panic - Pterodactyl
18:50 Dovecage - Bittersweet Goodbye - Bittersweet Goodbye (Single)
18:46 The Fods - Shopping - Shopping
18:45 The Fods - The Fods OTAT247 STATION ID - OTAT247 Station IDs
18:42 THe Michael Dunn Project - Bridge Across the Years iii) Can't Stop Me Now (The Rising) - Bridge Across the Years iii) Can't Stop Me Now (The Rising)
18:38 Firedrill Punk - Without Us - Pterodactyl
18:34 VIKING1 - The Ballad of Bucky Rogers ft. Dustin Foulk (EWL) - The Ballad of Bucky Rogers ft. Dustin Foulk (EWL) (single)
18:31 The Fods - Shopping - Shopping
18:30 thanks mom - thanks mom OTAT247 Station ID - OTAT247 Station IDs
18:26 Feminoise Stolen from the sky - The end of me - The end of me
18:22 Far Beyond - Alternate - The Moment of Creation
18:19 Madison Galloway - Freedom - Madison Galloway
18:16 AMY ROWBOTTOM - Je Vous Aime - Je Vous Aime (single)
18:16 Couchboy - Couchboy OTAT247 Station ID #1 - OTAT247 Station IDs
18:12 Three To One - Sustain - Beyond The Divide
18:09 Sue The Dinosaur - Her - Her
18:05 The Rising Fall - I Surrender - I Surrender
18:02 Dashing Skull Club - Knowing You Did Everything - Knowing You Did Everything (single)
18:02 Dashing Skull Club - Dashing Skull Club OTAT Spot #2 -
17:52 Crawling Solo - Running Scared - Running Scared
17:48 Booe/McElman - Paper Lion - Paper Lion
17:48 Mortalus - Mortalus- Listening to OTAT247 -
17:44 High Noon Kahuna - Parachute - Killing Spree
17:41 Hermosa - Too - Hermosa
17:37 Kevin McLoughlin - Beeer:30 - Beer:30 (Live)
17:33 Holding Ghosts - Down - Down (Single)
17:33 Tonic Breed - Tonic Breed OTAT247 -
17:29 Stratification Music - Let Love In - Let Love In (Single)
17:24 DD SOT - The Marvelous Structure of Reality - Boundries
17:21 SHANNON DARCY - Easier Said Than Done - Easier Said Than Done (Single)
17:16 Deedra Patrick - Gold Inside (Live) - GOLD INSIDE
17:13 Deft Color - Quick Sand - Grey Skies
17:10 King Zog - Hollow Man Blues
17:07 MX THE AMERICAN - Cut the Lights Out - Kingdom of the Winter Clouds
17:06 OTAT247 - On the Air Live! -
17:04 Madison Galloway - Whiplash - Madison Galloway
16:58 The Stifftones - Midwestern Town - The Stifftones At the OTAT247 Rather Small Desk
16:55 Freeze Time - I don't know what I dont know - Nw8
16:51 IONIC - Skyline - Skyline
16:49 Dracula Drivers - They Came From Outer Space - Reborn
16:46 Cruella D'Vil - 364 St. Cloud - 364 St. Cloud
16:45 Darkness - Darkness OTAT 247 STATION ID. - Lacky
16:44 OTAT247 - On the Air Live! -
16:42 Bliss - Halfway Human - Amateurs
16:38 Synthetik Blonde - Waiting - Dark Side Of Your Love
16:37 OTAT247 - On the Air Live! -
16:33 RAFz - Everything And a Little More - Everything And a Little More
16:30 Desert of Talking Shadows - Shakespeare - I Thought You Knew
16:30 Drunkelweizen - Drunkelweizen otat intro -
16:26 A Thousand Reasons - Obsession - A Thousand Reasons
16:21 Someplace - Snarky - Stuck In A Loop
16:17 2nd Brightest Object - Take a Shot - Emergent Signals
16:13 Today's Okay - Someone New - Someone
16:13 OTAT 247 - METAL HEAVY! -
16:10 Massasauga - Break the Chains - Slither
16:07 COVENTRY - Rendezvous - Rendezvous
16:04 The Sand Pebbles - Sometimes A Great Notion - The Antagonist
16:00 Sound of Steel - One (ion) - One (ion)
15:57 Giga Imposters - Idiot for President - Shock-Head's Return
15:53 Pinhdar - At the Gates of Dawn - A Sparkle On The Dark Water
15:50 Modern Fossils - Three Keys - The Demos
15:47 Eddie Keller - French Cowboy - French Cowboy
15:46 The Quits - The Quits OTAT247 Station ID2 - OTAT247 Station IDs
15:42 Curt Ziggler - Here With Me - Here With Me
15:38 Rufus McBlack - Creepy Crawly - Boathouse Sessions
15:36 GRRRizzly - Give The Dog A Bone - GRRRizzly
15:33 The Marches - Talking Too Much - Talking Too Much
15:33 FreakyThings - FreakyThings OTAT247 Station ID - OTAT247 Station IDs
15:28 Ryder - Hard Time (Live) - Ryder Live
15:25 Timtmmusic - Check Your Actions (Drumless Edition) (feat. Brittany Morgan) - Check Your Actions
15:21 BÖNE - Red Rocket - BÖNE
15:18 Trick Shot - We Got The Night - Magic Bullet
15:17 XIII Minutes - XIII Minutes OTAT Station ID - Station ID
15:13 STONEBOURNE - Riding The Snake - Stonebourne
15:09 Couchboy - Change - Change (Single)
15:06 Adverse96 - Forevermore - Clear the Lane
15:02 NVSN - Distress - Distress
15:02 The Rising Fall - The Rising Fall OTAT247 Station ID -
14:57 Tension Splash - Willing - Willing
14:57 Steve Klatt - Steve Klatt OTAT247 Station ID #3 - OTAT247 Station IDs
14:52 Fear in Dakota - Dont Need Fixin' - rarities
14:49 Dead Devils - M.L.C.C. - Deep-Fried Destruction
14:45 Tantrum - Sands of Time - Another Life
14:42 Yon Mon - Warmongers - Warmongers (single)
14:42 Karnage Through Crossing - Karnage Through Crossing OTAT247 Station ID - OTAT247 Station IDs
14:37 Indecent Proposal - Behind Her Eyes - Behind Her Eyes (Single)
14:33 Courtnay & The Unholy Reverie - Leave Out The Rest - Mercy
14:28 Jozey & The Corruption - Sin City Outlaw - Sin City Outlaw (Single)
14:25 The Space Sharks - Influencing Machine - The Space Sharks Fuzz Tone Psy
14:20 ARCANA NECRONOMICUS - Pain Of Nightmares The Final Doom - Pain Of Nightmares The Final Doom (Single)
14:15 Ash Fault Jungle - Tears Are Falling - Destination Unknown
14:11 Silver Nightmares - Scorns of time - Apocalypsis
14:06 Whiskey Burn - Whatcha Got Hidin' - Where We Come From
14:03 Brass Camel - Borrowed Time - Borrowed Time (single)
13:59 Votchi - The River Knows - The River Knows
13:54 GREENE - Mohawk 3000 - Le Creme De Le Meme
13:50 Gearedmah - Severed Ties - Highly Derivative
13:46 GEZ LLOYD - Life Has Just Begun - No Light Without the Dark
13:43 COVENTRY - ThinkTwice - ThinkTwice
13:38 Intercite - Stella - Stella
13:38 Botolph Dissidents - Botolph Dissidents OTAT Station ID -
13:34 Mantah - Game Over - Evoke
13:26 SPOCK - Gamer Mode - Communication Lost
13:23 pMad - Sword - Sword EP
13:23 Joe Booe and The Dog - Joe Booe and The Dog OTAT247 Station ID - OTAT247 Station IDs
13:20 The Ericsons - Zombie Run - Punk Rock In Your Head
13:18 Even Without Life - Banana Runtz - Banana Runtz (Single)
13:16 Chuck Spadina - Times Will Change - Times Will Change (Single)
13:14 Even Without Life - Rebellion - Rebellion
13:14 OTAT 247 - Discover New Music Here! -
13:10 Karma Queen - Adding To The Noise - PROJECTOR
13:08 Mornaran, Mechanic A - Haunting Me - Haunting Me
13:04 Wild Planes - Say My Name - Say My Name (single)
13:00 IONIC - Living Like A Ghost - Tainted
13:00 Jozey & The Corruption - Jozey & The Corruption STATION ID -
12:57 Livevil - Radiation - Allive to Live
12:52 Thousand Frames ft. Gerald Albright - Nothing - Nothing
12:52 KTO - KTO OTAT247 Station ID & PITC -
12:48 Jesse Bumann - Grace Gratitude - Grace Gratitude
12:44 Streetside Philosophy - Shadows - Fools Gold
12:41 SCOTT TONER - Two Nights, I Sleep Alone - Not A Soiund In The Sky
12:35 Crowsilver - Forgive Me - Forgive Me
12:35 Nick Lang - Nick Lang STATION ID 1 - OTAT247 Station IDs
12:32 MantraRay - RockStar - Between The Lies
12:29 Fyre Insyde - You Carry Me - You Carry Me (Single)
12:27 The Kyle Jordan Project - Tall Blonde Honey - Tall Blonde Honey
12:23 Michael Gabriel - Prophecy and Conspiracy - Surfacing
12:20 Nadine de Macedo feat. Lys-Jane - Lost Letter (Thomas You Remix Edit) - Lost Letter (Thomas You Remix Edit)
12:19 OTAT247 - SugarCane FireWater ROCKS! - SugarCane FireWater OTAT247 ID v2
12:16 Antagonist Theory - Abandoned - Abandoned
12:12 Elvira's Curse - Arise - Déjà Vu
12:09 First Aid Spray - The Elbow Song - The Elbow Song
12:05 The Kyle Jordan Project - Tall Blonde Honey - Tall Blonde Honey
11:59 THE HONEY POT - Shangri La - Shangri La (Single)
11:55 The Mesos - Rain - Quarter Past Broke
11:50 ARCANA NECRONOMICUS - The Witch - The Witch (Single)
11:48 Alvie & The Breakfast Pigs - American Something - American Something (Single)
11:44 The Lovves - Thanks to That Night (Extended Mix) - Thanks to That Night (Extended Mix)
11:44 Blind Shadow Vortex - Blind Shadow Vortex OTAT247 Station ID -
11:41 Dracula Drivers - They Came From Outer Space - Reborn
11:38 The Tomb Tones - Party of Horror Beach - Pumpkin Guts (Smell My Feet Edition)
11:36 Adverse96 - Destinies - Clear the Lane
11:32 Holding Ghosts - Down - Down (Single)
11:32 Mitxoda - Mitxoda OTAT Station ID -
11:28 The Heavy Strides - Pick It Up - Pick It Up (Single)
11:25 Eloie - I could be the one - I could be the one (Single)
11:22 Feral Housecats - Hello From Ohio - Fall In Love With Trash
11:18 The Rising Fall - I Surrender - I Surrender
11:17 Nick Lang - Nick Lang STATION ID 2 - OTAT247 Station IDs
11:13 COYCO & LOGAN PILCHER - Pinnacle - America Avenue
11:09 Someplace - Snarky - Stuck In A Loop
11:06 Squirrels From Hell - Throw A Switch - Throw A Switch
11:01 The Fens - Don't Take It Away - Lost In The Changes
11:00 Deedra Patrick - Deedra Patrick OTAT247 Station ID -
10:57 Lovescandal ft Zee Asa - If you really love me - So Sweet So Deadly Hits
10:53 Dead Devils - Besties Cheat Mix - Terrible Songs Vol.III
10:52 Deteriorot - Undead (Intro) - THE REBIRTH
10:49 Hat Stealers - Rocking On The Radio - Rocking On The Radio
10:49 OTAT 247 - METAL HEAVY! -
10:43 The Just Imagines - Confusion and Divison - Confusion and Divison
10:41 Mechanic A - Quitting Time - Quitting Time (Single)
10:37 Naitaka - Limestone Burial - Emergence
10:34 Dead Empire - Anger (Explicit Version) - Anger (Explicit Version)
10:30 Chupaskabra - Drunk Encounters - Drunk Encounters (Single)
10:30 Chupaskabra - Chupaskabra OTAT 247 STATION ID -
10:26 Nzondi ft. Fredro Starr - Kill 'em All - Freak
10:23 DIGITS LTD - Break out of it - Alfonso
10:20 Dashing Skull Club - Dolly - Unsee the Invisible
10:17 Gammage Band - Widespread Corruption - Widespread Corruption
10:17 Sonny B - Sonny B OTAT247 STATION ID -
10:13 Scythe - Lonely Road - Lonely Road
10:10 BAD ANALOGY - Hater - Color Space
10:05 High Noon Kahuna - Danger Noodle - Killing Spree
10:01 Jumping the Gun - Paranoia - Paranoia
10:00 Couchboy - Couchboy OTAT247 Station ID #1 - OTAT247 Station IDs
09:57 VooDoo Ramble - Can't Write A Pop Song (When You've Got The Blues) - Can't Write A Pop Song (When You've Got The Blues)
09:53 Tommy Stewart's Dyerwulf - Two Trog Yomp - Doomsday Deferred
09:49 The Flying Beets - Maybe Baby - Maybe Baby
09:45 DESTINITY - Dying Light - Dying Light
09:38 DreadStone - Kukiełki - Złoty Wiek
09:34 Lauren Alvarez - Sad - Sad (Single)
09:29 VoodooMirage - Break These Chains - Break These Chains
09:29 XIII Minutes - XIII Minutes OTAT Promo -
09:27 Bunker Club - Did You Know - Did You Know
09:25 Lone Creep - It's 2am - Raise a Glass
09:23 Dead Devils - M.L.C.C. - Deep-Fried Destruction
09:19 Sangria Furlo - 18th Floor - Trans European Metal Disco
09:18 Steve Klatt - Steve Klatt OTAT247 Station ID #2 - OTAT247 Station IDs
09:16 Caged Affair - Flours - Grassfed
09:08 COLLOIDAL SILVER - Good, Feels So Good - Good, Feels So Good
09:04 Burn the Captor - Fake AF - Samsung
09:04 Dashing Skull Club - Dashing Skull Club OTAT Spot #5 -
09:00 Evershock - Black Lung - Black Lung (Single)
08:54 Solarblind - Let Me Fly - Let Me Fly
08:50 Leilani Kilgore - Better Come Running - Better Come Running (single)
08:49 Dashing Skull Club - Dashing Skull Club OTAT Spot #1 -
08:44 The Stifftones - Midwestern Town - The Stifftones At the OTAT247 Rather Small Desk
08:42 Lizzi Leigh - Holding Hands - Insane
08:38 Minna Ora - Freeze - Freeze
08:35 IONIC - Living Like A Ghost - Tainted
08:35 Crowsilver - Crowsilver My Rock OTAT247 Station ID - OTAT247 Station IDs
08:31 First Form - Lost In Labyrinth - Remember the Name
08:26 Deithesis - Beckon Tragedy - Equilibrium
08:21 MCDOWELL & WESTAWAY - BLACK TAR ACID - 19th Dream Festival
08:15 Mitxoda - La Chute - La Chute
08:15 The Rising Fall - The Rising Fall PITC Radio Promotion -
08:10 Nicotine Wisdom - Rain - Rain (Single)
08:08 A SUNDAY FIRE - The Haunted - The Haunted (Single)
08:04 Mojo Aces - In The Middle - In The Middle
08:01 Mia Nell - When The Night Comes - When The Night Comes (single)
08:01 False Positives - False Positives OTAT247 STATION ID -
07:58 Pyrocookies - Punkture - Pyrocookies
07:55 Asko Argillander & The Blue Flame - Motorcycle Song - Motorcycle Song
07:50 Jewels and the Heist - Escape The Pain - Escape The Pain
07:46 Nadine de Macedo & Michael Karns - Rainy Sunday Afternoon (Chad Lenig Jazz Club Remix) - 20th Anniversary Remixes - The Radio Remixes
07:46 Drunkelweizen - Drunkelweizen otat intro -
07:41 3 Bravo - No Quarter - Divine Wreckage
07:37 Lake Effect - Fuck Around and Find Out - Fuck Around and Find Out
07:32 Xenovoid - Xenses - Xenses
07:29 KiNG FOO - Scream - Seeker of the source
07:24 STONEBOURNE - Still - Stonebourne
07:21 ILuCidi - iStronger - iStronger
07:17 Talwarl - BARRICADOED - Sunset Blue
07:13 Vince Warry - The Narcassist - The Narcassist
07:13 Joe Booe and The Dog - Joe Booe and The Dog OTAT247 Station ID - OTAT247 Station IDs
07:10 Gone Savage - Irresistable - PastLife
07:07 Kindsight - Acid Island 45 - No Shame No Fame
07:04 Charles Cooley - All That - All That (Single)
07:01 Curt Ziggler - Get It Right - Get It Right
07:00 King Ern - OTAT Promo -
06:57 Dead Devils - Burn The Trash - Terrible Songs Vol.II
06:52 Karnage Through Crossing - Judgement Day - Shattered Chains
06:48 Generation Empire - Emptiness As Art - Emptiness As Art
06:48 Dashing Skull Club - Dashing Skull Club OTAT Spot #1 -
06:45 Michael Botte Band - Dance With Your Shadow - Dance With Your Shadow (Single)
06:43 Lone Creep - Arguing on the Internet - Everything Hurts and I'm Dying
06:39 Blind Shadow Vortex - My Wrath, My Splendor, Your Demise - Degradation of Vultures (Instrumental)
06:36 Black Smoke Trigger - The Way Down - The Way Down
06:35 Botolph Dissidents - Botolph Dissidents OTAT Station ID -
06:32 The Fods - The Ineffectuals - The Ineffectuals
06:28 Subtlety - Ring Your Bell - Meant to Be
06:22 Norwegian Soft Kitten - Complicated Destinations - Sunshine on Lava
06:18 TheSeason - Love and Learn - Love and Learn (Single)
06:18 Mornaran - Mornaran OTAT247 STATION ID -
06:13 Giga Imposters - Kings of the Chill (Ridiculous Extended Waldmeister Version) - Kings of the Chill (Ridiculous Extended Waldmeister Version)
06:09 Vegas Day Trip - King Flagg - Night Games
06:07 Ric Gordon - The Love We Share - The Love We Share (Single)
06:03 The Home Grown - For What It's Worth - Milk & Sugar
06:03 Tonic Breed - Tonic Breed OTAT247 -
05:55 Greg Murray & The Seven Wonders - Yeah Yeah - Greg Murray & The Seven Wonders
05:52 Beautiful Freakin Weirdo - I Am Fire - Zap The Fear
05:52 First Aid Spray - OTAT Promo -
05:49 Hautajaisyö - Minä Olen Vain Puu 2024 - En Murru En Taivu
05:43 Species - Falls The Tower - To Find Deliverance
05:38 Lauren Alvarez - Sad - Sad (Single)
05:35 IMPOSTER - Monster - Of Gods and Monsters
05:34 Crippled Fingers - Crippled Fingers OTAT247 STATION ID -
05:32 Chuck Spadina - Shadow Streets - Shadow Streets
05:29 First Aid Spray - Simple Bait - Baasement Dwellers
05:27 Lone Creep - Who Am I Working For? - Raise a Glass
05:23 Even Without Life - Addict - Addict
05:23 Deedra Patrick - Deedra Patrick OTAT247 Station ID -
05:18 Courtnay & The Unholy Reverie - Mercy - Mercy
05:07 COLLOIDAL SILVER - Good, Feels So Good - Good, Feels So Good
05:03 Von Booher - Live Alive - Live Alive
05:03 Dragon and Ber - Dragon and Berr for OTAT247 - Thanks Dragon and Ber
05:00 The Marches - Talking Too Much - Talking Too Much
04:53 ZEN ORCHESTRA - Circles - Circles ( Single)
04:49 VoodooMirage - Left in the Middle - Left in the Middle
04:49 Michael Botte - Michael Botte OTAT 247 Station ID -
04:44 Mike Stollen - Fog Of Deceit - Fog Of Deceit
04:40 EXHAM PRIORY - Run Out the Clock (Unplugged) - Run Out the Clock (Unplugged)
04:37 The Dreaming Void - Stranger - Lines
04:33 VoodooMirage - Break These Chains - Break These Chains
04:33 Nick Lang - Nick Lang STATION ID 2 - OTAT247 Station IDs
04:28 STONEBOURNE - Slow - Stonebourne
04:25 Soleil noiR - Chez nous - Connect
04:21 Benjamin Russell - Seeing Trails (Sky Mix) - Waves
04:16 Michael Gabriel - Swagger - Surfacing
04:16 iLuCidi - iLuCidi OTAT247 STATION ID -
04:12 The Mercury Riots - Be Yours - The Mercury Riots
04:09 Eddie Keller - Goddess - Goddess
04:05 Vince Warry - The Narcassist - The Narcassist
04:02 THE LUNATIC'S FRINGE - Brumby's Ballad - Brumby's Ballad
04:01 VoodooMirage - VoodooMirage OTAT247 Station ID - OTAT247 Station IDs
03:59 Sugarcane Firewater - Come Out Swinging - Punk Rock/Hard Rock
03:56 Black Daggers - City Limits - Phantasmagoria
03:51 THE LOVVES - Perfect Sense (The Devil's Re-write) - Vintage Gone Viral
03:51 Karma Queen - OTAT Promo -
03:46 Yellow Dog Conspiracy - One to Blame - Confrontation
03:43 GRRRizzly - 1-2-Three - GRRRizzly
03:41 Goodwin Rainer - Blink?! - Damn Good Friends
03:35 Sister Sandoz - The Yellow - Anthem
03:30 Vince Warry - Too Little Too Late - Too Little Too Late
03:30 Vince Warry - Vince Warry STATION ID -
03:26 Bonnie - You Don't Need A Dollar - Back Up To The Horns
03:23 iLuCidi - iDisco - iDisco
03:20 ATTACK GOOSE - Past Yer Prime - Past Yer Prime (Single)
03:17 The Flying Beets - Don't Let Me Notice - Single
03:17 Shadowband - Shadowband OTAT247 Station ID - OTAT247 Station IDs
03:14 Even Without Life ft NEVIN - Black Roses - Black Roses
03:09 la lune - i feel like i'm pretending - disparity
03:04 Jesse Cantrell - Faded - Faded
03:01 The Home Grown - For What It's Worth - Milk & Sugar
03:01 Dashing Skull Club - Dashing Skull Club OTAT Spot #5 -
02:58 FaceKicker - Blazin - Blazin
02:53 Wolvenant - To Your Essence - Cernegula
02:49 Jumping the Gun - Paranoia - Paranoia
02:48 Reign of Fire - Reign of Fire OTAT247 Station ID - OTAT247 Station IDs
02:45 Have I Weather - Als Een Blok - Als Een Blok (Single)
02:43 Diskount Vodka - Time Is Now - Punk Salad
02:39 FELINE MELINDA - More Than Ever - Seven
02:36 The Fire We Breathe - Follow Me - Follow Me
02:36 Deedra Patrick - Deedra Patrick OTAT247 STATION ID -
02:33 The Haptics - Mouse - Mouse
02:30 Lovescandal ft Zee Asa - If you really love me - So Sweet So Deadly Hits
02:26 First Form - BAD DREAMS - Remember the Name
02:23 Couchboy - Couchboy OTAT247 Station ID #2 - OTAT247 Station IDs
02:19 Crawling Solo - Running Scared - Running Scared
02:14 NEON WARLORDS - A Warrior's Path - Take Back the Night
02:12 SPOCK - Tony Hawk Ate My Skateboard - Communication Lost
02:09 Brendan Starr - Get Out - Reimagined
02:03 ARCANA NECRONOMICUS - Pain Of Nightmares The Final Doom - Pain Of Nightmares The Final Doom (Single)
01:57 The Red Lite District - Turning The Screw - Turning The Screw
01:54 Jaded Theories - 3rd Party World War - The Busy EP
01:54 XIII Minutes - XIII Minutes OTAT Promo -
01:50 Pestilent Scars - In Search Of Reason - Meadows of Misfortune
01:45 Jaelyn - Devil's Advocate (A Sorry Sort) - Devil's Advocate (A Sorry Sort)
01:38 KREAJOURS - Hyacinth - Hyacinth
01:36 Fast Food for Mutants - Burn In Stereo - Burn In Stereo (Single)
01:36 FaceKicker - FaceKicker OTAT247 Station ID -
01:33 Sentient Mud - Bully (Live) - Bully (Live)
01:30 EWL Unplugged With Tim - Rebel On The Run - Rebel On The Run
01:20 Sangria Furlo - Downed Uniform and King Bartholomew - Trans European Metal Disco
01:16 Sangria Furlo - 18th Floor - Trans European Metal Disco
01:16 JM Garageworks - JM Garageworks PITC & OTAT247 Station ID -
01:13 Trick Shot - Never Take This - Magic Bullet
01:10 Confined - Colorblind - Colorblind
01:05 TATTERED SONS - That Shine - That Shine
01:02 Even Without Life (E:W:L) Featuring Christian Russell - Centuries Ago - Centuries Ago (Single)
01:01 Tonic Breed - Tonic Breed OTAT247 -
00:59 Brian Strand - Hope - Selfie
00:58 Brian Strand - Brian Strand STATION ID -
00:55 KARMA QUEEN - Summer Vibes - PROJECTOR
00:49 The Fens - Goodnight Christine - Lost In The Changes
00:42 ZEN ORCHESTRA - Circles - Circles ( Single)
00:39 The Kyle Jordan Project - Tall Blonde Honey - Tall Blonde Honey
00:39 Jesse Bumann - Jesse Bumann STATION ID -
00:35 Apewards - Last Dance - Akrasia
00:31 Francesca Tarantino - TRAGEDY (Acoustic) - TRAGEDY (Acoustic) (Single)
00:26 Mindset off - Monologue 2 - transubstantial monologue
00:25 THE LUNATIC'S FRINGE - Brumby's Ballad - Brumby's Ballad
00:22 Ivanovski The Great - Warsaw - Warsaw
00:18 The Fods - Shopping - Shopping
00:18 The Fods - The Fods OTAT247 STATION ID - OTAT247 Station IDs
00:14 Indecent Proposal - The Cage - The Cage
00:10 AGBAT - All My Demons - All My Demons
00:07 Delta Circle - Back and Better - Back and Better
00:04 THE LUNATIC'S FRINGE - Brumby's Ballad - Brumby's Ballad
00:01 ARCANA NECRONOMICUS - Cemetery Winds - Cemetery Winds (Single)
00:00 Arcana Necronomicus - OTAT247 CEMETERYWINDS PROMO NOS -

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