23:45 |
La Voix de l’Evangile Quebec- Médiocrité - Médiocrité 2 - 2022-10-24
23:43 |
Keith Lancaster - When I Say Farewell
23:39 |
CityAlight and Sandra McCracken - In the Valley (Bless the Lord)
23:38 |
Acappella - A Prayer of David
23:33 |
Mission - This Could Be The Day
23:29 |
Mission - Send Me
23:24 |
CityAlight - Home
23:19 |
CityAlight - My God Is All I Need / My God Is so Big
23:14 |
CityAlight - Only a Holy God
23:09 |
Mission - This Could Be The Day
23:00 |
Feature Story - Top World News
22:56 |
Mission - Tell The World
22:53 |
Bj Speer - Little Is Much
22:48 |
Bj Speer - Does Jesus Care (feat. Lynda Randle)
22:46 |
Billy Speer - I'll Fly Away
22:42 |
Billy and Paula Speer - The Middle Man
22:39 |
Bj Speer - Great Is Thy Faithfulness (feat. Tiffany Coburn)
22:35 |
Billy and Paula Speer - Hang On to the Cross
22:31 |
The Joslin Grove Choral Society - Victory In Jesus
22:30 |
The Joslin Grove Choral Society - Come Thou Fount Of Every Blessing
22:25 |
CityAlight - There Is One Gospel (Live)
22:24 |
The Joslin Grove Choral Society - Tell Me The Story Of Jesus
22:18 |
CityAlight - Yet Not I but Through Christ in Me
22:16 |
The Joslin Grove Choral Society - Take The Name Of Jesus With You
22:15 |
The Jordanaires - Angel Band
22:13 |
The Joslin Grove Choral Society - We Are Marching On To Zion
22:10 |
The Joslin Grove Choral Society - Jesus Paid It All
22:00 |
Feature Story - Top World News
21:58 |
The Joslin Grove Choral Society - Savior Like A Shepherd He Leads Us
21:52 |
CityAlight - Christ Is Mine Forevermore
21:48 |
Billy Speer - Turn Your Eyes Upon Jesus
21:44 |
The Joslin Grove Choral Society - Blessed Assurance
21:43 |
The Joslin Grove Choral Society - Since Jesus Came Into My Heart
21:41 |
The Joslin Grove Choral Society - I Know Whom I Have Believed
21:37 |
Billy Speer - It Is Well With My Soul
21:34 |
Discovery Singers - Sing The Mighty Power of God
21:30 |
Billy, Paula and BJ Speer - We've Come This Far By Faith
21:27 |
The Joslin Grove Choral Society - Grace Greater Than All Our Sin
21:24 |
Billy Speer - I Want to Be Ready
21:22 |
The Joslin Grove Choral Society - Whiter Than Snow
21:19 |
Urban Nation - Jesus Loves Me
21:16 |
CityAlight - God Is for Us
21:12 |
The Joslin Grove Choral Society - The Old Rugged Cross
21:11 |
The Joslin Grove Choral Society - Revive Us Again
21:08 |
The Joslin Grove Choral Society - Spirit Of God Descend Upon My Heart
21:00 |
Feature Story - Top World News
20:59 |
The Joslin Grove Choral Society - What A Friend We Have In Jesus
20:57 |
The Joslin Grove Choral Society - Praise Him, Praise Him
20:55 |
Rickey Payton - Oh Freedom
20:53 |
The Jordanaires - Nothing But The Blood
20:51 |
Maryline Blackburn & Steve Ivey - Trust
20:49 |
The London Fox Choir - There Is a Green Hill Far Away
20:48 |
Discovery Singers - Father I Adore You
20:45 |
Laura Jewel & Steve Ivey - Sweet Hour Of Prayer
20:44 |
Keith Lancaster & The Acappella Company - You Are There
20:42 |
Keith Lancaster & The Acappella Company - Holy Spirit, Breathe On Me
20:40 |
Taryn Trexler & Steve Ivey - Be Thou My Vision
20:36 |
Billy, Paula and BJ Speer - He Paid a Price I Could Not Pay
20:34 |
Rescue - I Love You Lord
20:29 |
CityAlight - He Calls Me Friend
20:28 |
Acappella - I Still Have Joy
20:26 |
Keith Lancaster - When I Say Farewell
20:22 |
CityAlight and Sandra McCracken - In the Valley (Bless the Lord)
20:21 |
Acappella - A Prayer of David
20:06 |
La Voix de l’Evangile Quebec- Médiocrité - Médiocrité 2 - 2022-10-24
20:00 |
Feature Story - Top World News
19:59 |
The Joslin Grove Choral Society - What A Friend We Have In Jesus
19:57 |
The Joslin Grove Choral Society - Praise Him, Praise Him
19:55 |
Rickey Payton - Oh Freedom
19:53 |
The Jordanaires - Nothing But The Blood
19:51 |
Maryline Blackburn & Steve Ivey - Trust
19:49 |
The London Fox Choir - There Is a Green Hill Far Away
19:48 |
Discovery Singers - Father I Adore You
19:45 |
Laura Jewel & Steve Ivey - Sweet Hour Of Prayer
19:44 |
Keith Lancaster & The Acappella Company - You Are There
19:42 |
Keith Lancaster & The Acappella Company - Holy Spirit, Breathe On Me
19:40 |
Taryn Trexler & Steve Ivey - Be Thou My Vision
19:36 |
Billy, Paula and BJ Speer - He Paid a Price I Could Not Pay
19:34 |
Rescue - I Love You Lord
19:29 |
CityAlight - He Calls Me Friend
19:28 |
Acappella - I Still Have Joy
19:26 |
Keith Lancaster - When I Say Farewell
19:22 |
CityAlight and Sandra McCracken - In the Valley (Bless the Lord)
19:21 |
Acappella - A Prayer of David
19:06 |
Rev Art Larson - 1.10.22 dispappointed.
19:06 |
MGO Radio opening :33sec
19:00 |
Feature Story - Top World News
18:58 |
CityAlight - He Calls Me Friend
18:57 |
Acappella - I Still Have Joy
18:55 |
Keith Lancaster - When I Say Farewell
18:51 |
CityAlight and Sandra McCracken - In the Valley (Bless the Lord)
18:50 |
Acappella - A Prayer of David
18:35 |
Barbara Sandbek - P110
18:33 |
The Joslin Grove Choral Society - Take The Name Of Jesus With You
18:32 |
The Jordanaires - Angel Band
18:30 |
The Joslin Grove Choral Society - We Are Marching On To Zion
18:27 |
The Joslin Grove Choral Society - Jesus Paid It All
18:23 |
CityAlight - Ancient of Days
18:20 |
The Joslin Grove Choral Society - Savior Like A Shepherd He Leads Us
18:15 |
CityAlight - Christ Is Mine Forevermore
18:10 |
Billy Speer - Turn Your Eyes Upon Jesus
18:07 |
The Joslin Grove Choral Society - Blessed Assurance
18:00 |
Feature Story - Top World News
17:59 |
The Joslin Grove Choral Society - I Know Whom I Have Believed
17:54 |
Billy Speer - It Is Well With My Soul
17:51 |
Discovery Singers - Sing The Mighty Power of God
17:47 |
Billy, Paula and BJ Speer - We've Come This Far By Faith
17:45 |
The Joslin Grove Choral Society - Grace Greater Than All Our Sin
17:42 |
Billy Speer - I Want to Be Ready
17:39 |
The Joslin Grove Choral Society - Whiter Than Snow
17:36 |
Urban Nation - Jesus Loves Me
17:33 |
CityAlight - God Is for Us
17:30 |
The Joslin Grove Choral Society - The Old Rugged Cross
17:28 |
The Joslin Grove Choral Society - Revive Us Again
17:26 |
The Joslin Grove Choral Society - Spirit Of God Descend Upon My Heart
17:23 |
Billy Speer - He Touched Me
17:19 |
The Joslin Grove Choral Society - What A Friend We Have In Jesus
17:17 |
The Joslin Grove Choral Society - Praise Him, Praise Him
17:15 |
Rickey Payton - Oh Freedom
17:13 |
The Jordanaires - Nothing But The Blood
17:11 |
Maryline Blackburn & Steve Ivey - Trust
17:09 |
The London Fox Choir - There Is a Green Hill Far Away
17:08 |
Discovery Singers - Father I Adore You
17:00 |
Feature Story - Top World News
16:58 |
Keith Lancaster & The Acappella Company - You Are There
16:57 |
Keith Lancaster & The Acappella Company - Holy Spirit, Breathe On Me
16:55 |
Taryn Trexler & Steve Ivey - Be Thou My Vision
16:51 |
Billy, Paula and BJ Speer - He Paid a Price I Could Not Pay
16:49 |
Rescue - I Love You Lord
16:44 |
CityAlight - He Calls Me Friend
16:43 |
Acappella - I Still Have Joy
16:41 |
Keith Lancaster - When I Say Farewell
16:37 |
CityAlight and Sandra McCracken - In the Valley (Bless the Lord)
16:36 |
Acappella - A Prayer of David
16:06 |
Steve Regnault - Radio 146 Job 031
16:00 |
Feature Story - Top World News
15:59 |
The Joslin Grove Choral Society - I Know Whom I Have Believed
15:54 |
Billy Speer - It Is Well With My Soul
15:51 |
Discovery Singers - Sing The Mighty Power of God
15:47 |
Billy, Paula and BJ Speer - We've Come This Far By Faith
15:45 |
The Joslin Grove Choral Society - Grace Greater Than All Our Sin
15:42 |
Billy Speer - I Want to Be Ready
15:39 |
The Joslin Grove Choral Society - Whiter Than Snow
15:37 |
Urban Nation - Jesus Loves Me
15:33 |
CityAlight - God Is for Us
15:30 |
The Joslin Grove Choral Society - The Old Rugged Cross
15:28 |
The Joslin Grove Choral Society - Revive Us Again
15:26 |
The Joslin Grove Choral Society - Spirit Of God Descend Upon My Heart
15:23 |
Billy Speer - He Touched Me
15:19 |
The Joslin Grove Choral Society - What A Friend We Have In Jesus
15:17 |
The Joslin Grove Choral Society - Praise Him, Praise Him
15:15 |
Rickey Payton - Oh Freedom
15:13 |
The Jordanaires - Nothing But The Blood
15:11 |
Maryline Blackburn & Steve Ivey - Trust
15:09 |
The London Fox Choir - There Is a Green Hill Far Away
15:08 |
Discovery Singers - Father I Adore You
15:00 |
Feature Story - Top World News
14:58 |
Keith Lancaster & The Acappella Company - You Are There
14:57 |
Keith Lancaster & The Acappella Company - Holy Spirit, Breathe On Me
14:54 |
Taryn Trexler & Steve Ivey - Be Thou My Vision
14:51 |
Billy, Paula and BJ Speer - He Paid a Price I Could Not Pay
14:49 |
Rescue - I Love You Lord
14:44 |
CityAlight - He Calls Me Friend
14:43 |
Acappella - I Still Have Joy
14:41 |
Keith Lancaster - When I Say Farewell
14:37 |
CityAlight and Sandra McCracken - In the Valley (Bless the Lord)
14:36 |
Acappella - A Prayer of David
14:06 |
Rev Ben Campbell - Wyoming Broadcast 11.10.2024
14:00 |
Feature Story - Top World News
13:58 |
Keith Lancaster & The Acappella Company - You Are There
13:57 |
Keith Lancaster & The Acappella Company - Holy Spirit, Breathe On Me
13:55 |
Taryn Trexler & Steve Ivey - Be Thou My Vision
13:51 |
Billy, Paula and BJ Speer - He Paid a Price I Could Not Pay
13:49 |
Rescue - I Love You Lord
13:44 |
CityAlight - He Calls Me Friend
13:43 |
Acappella - I Still Have Joy
13:41 |
Keith Lancaster - When I Say Farewell
13:37 |
CityAlight and Sandra McCracken - In the Valley (Bless the Lord)
13:36 |
Acappella - A Prayer of David
13:06 |
Steve Regnault - Radio 146 Job 031
13:00 |
Feature Story - Top World News
13:00 |
Billy, Paula and BJ Speer - He Paid a Price I Could Not Pay
12:58 |
Rescue - I Love You Lord
12:53 |
CityAlight - He Calls Me Friend
12:52 |
Acappella - I Still Have Joy
12:50 |
Keith Lancaster - When I Say Farewell
12:46 |
CityAlight and Sandra McCracken - In the Valley (Bless the Lord)
12:45 |
Acappella - A Prayer of David
12:30 |
Rev Art Larson - 1.10.22 dispappointed.
12:30 |
MGO Radio opening :33sec
12:27 |
CityAlight - He Calls Me Friend
12:26 |
Acappella - I Still Have Joy
12:24 |
Keith Lancaster - When I Say Farewell
12:20 |
CityAlight and Sandra McCracken - In the Valley (Bless the Lord)
12:19 |
Acappella - A Prayer of David
12:14 |
Mission - This Could Be The Day
12:10 |
Mission - Send Me
12:00 |
Feature Story - Top World News
11:56 |
CityAlight - My God Is All I Need / My God Is so Big
11:50 |
CityAlight - Only a Holy God
11:46 |
Mission - This Could Be The Day
11:42 |
Bj Speer - We'll Talk It Over
11:38 |
Mission - Tell The World
11:34 |
Bj Speer - Little Is Much
11:30 |
Bj Speer - Does Jesus Care (feat. Lynda Randle)
11:28 |
Billy Speer - I'll Fly Away
11:23 |
Billy and Paula Speer - The Middle Man
11:20 |
Bj Speer - Great Is Thy Faithfulness (feat. Tiffany Coburn)
11:17 |
Billy and Paula Speer - Hang On to the Cross
11:13 |
The Joslin Grove Choral Society - Victory In Jesus
11:12 |
The Joslin Grove Choral Society - Come Thou Fount Of Every Blessing
11:07 |
CityAlight - There Is One Gospel (Live)
11:00 |
Feature Story - Top World News
10:57 |
CityAlight - Yet Not I but Through Christ in Me
10:54 |
The Joslin Grove Choral Society - Take The Name Of Jesus With You
10:53 |
The Jordanaires - Angel Band
10:51 |
The Joslin Grove Choral Society - We Are Marching On To Zion
10:49 |
The Joslin Grove Choral Society - Jesus Paid It All
10:44 |
CityAlight - Ancient of Days
10:41 |
The Joslin Grove Choral Society - Savior Like A Shepherd He Leads Us
10:36 |
CityAlight - Christ Is Mine Forevermore
10:32 |
Billy Speer - Turn Your Eyes Upon Jesus
10:29 |
The Joslin Grove Choral Society - Blessed Assurance
10:27 |
The Joslin Grove Choral Society - Since Jesus Came Into My Heart
10:25 |
The Joslin Grove Choral Society - I Know Whom I Have Believed
10:20 |
Billy Speer - It Is Well With My Soul
10:18 |
Discovery Singers - Sing The Mighty Power of God
10:14 |
Billy, Paula and BJ Speer - We've Come This Far By Faith
10:11 |
The Joslin Grove Choral Society - Grace Greater Than All Our Sin
10:08 |
Billy Speer - I Want to Be Ready
10:00 |
Feature Story - Top World News
09:56 |
CityAlight - God Is for Us
09:53 |
The Joslin Grove Choral Society - The Old Rugged Cross
09:51 |
The Joslin Grove Choral Society - Revive Us Again
09:49 |
The Joslin Grove Choral Society - Spirit Of God Descend Upon My Heart
09:46 |
Billy Speer - He Touched Me
09:42 |
The Joslin Grove Choral Society - What A Friend We Have In Jesus
09:40 |
The Joslin Grove Choral Society - Praise Him, Praise Him
09:38 |
Rickey Payton - Oh Freedom
09:36 |
The Jordanaires - Nothing But The Blood
09:34 |
Maryline Blackburn & Steve Ivey - Trust
09:32 |
The London Fox Choir - There Is a Green Hill Far Away
09:31 |
Discovery Singers - Father I Adore You
09:28 |
Laura Jewel & Steve Ivey - Sweet Hour Of Prayer
09:27 |
Keith Lancaster & The Acappella Company - You Are There
09:26 |
Keith Lancaster & The Acappella Company - Holy Spirit, Breathe On Me
09:23 |
Taryn Trexler & Steve Ivey - Be Thou My Vision
09:19 |
Billy, Paula and BJ Speer - He Paid a Price I Could Not Pay
09:17 |
Rescue - I Love You Lord
09:12 |
CityAlight - He Calls Me Friend
09:11 |
Acappella - I Still Have Joy
09:09 |
Keith Lancaster - When I Say Farewell
09:00 |
Feature Story - Top World News
08:59 |
Acappella - A Prayer of David
08:30 |
Steve Regnault - Radio 146 Job 031
08:29 |
CityAlight - He Calls Me Friend
08:28 |
Acappella - I Still Have Joy
08:26 |
Keith Lancaster - When I Say Farewell
08:22 |
CityAlight and Sandra McCracken - In the Valley (Bless the Lord)
08:21 |
Acappella - A Prayer of David
08:06 |
Rev Art Larson - 1.10.22 dispappointed.
08:06 |
MGO Radio opening :33sec
08:00 |
Feature Story - Top World News
07:59 |
Billy, Paula and BJ Speer - We've Come This Far By Faith
07:56 |
The Joslin Grove Choral Society - Grace Greater Than All Our Sin
07:53 |
Billy Speer - I Want to Be Ready
07:51 |
The Joslin Grove Choral Society - Whiter Than Snow
07:48 |
Urban Nation - Jesus Loves Me
07:45 |
CityAlight - God Is for Us
07:41 |
The Joslin Grove Choral Society - The Old Rugged Cross
07:40 |
The Joslin Grove Choral Society - Revive Us Again
07:37 |
The Joslin Grove Choral Society - Spirit Of God Descend Upon My Heart
07:34 |
Billy Speer - He Touched Me
07:31 |
The Joslin Grove Choral Society - What A Friend We Have In Jesus
07:28 |
The Joslin Grove Choral Society - Praise Him, Praise Him
07:27 |
Rickey Payton - Oh Freedom
07:25 |
The Jordanaires - Nothing But The Blood
07:23 |
Maryline Blackburn & Steve Ivey - Trust
07:21 |
The London Fox Choir - There Is a Green Hill Far Away
07:20 |
Discovery Singers - Father I Adore You
07:17 |
Laura Jewel & Steve Ivey - Sweet Hour Of Prayer
07:15 |
Keith Lancaster & The Acappella Company - You Are There
07:14 |
Keith Lancaster & The Acappella Company - Holy Spirit, Breathe On Me
07:12 |
Taryn Trexler & Steve Ivey - Be Thou My Vision
07:08 |
Billy, Paula and BJ Speer - He Paid a Price I Could Not Pay
07:00 |
Feature Story - Top World News
06:59 |
CityAlight - He Calls Me Friend
06:58 |
Acappella - I Still Have Joy
06:56 |
Keith Lancaster - When I Say Farewell
06:52 |
CityAlight and Sandra McCracken - In the Valley (Bless the Lord)
06:51 |
Acappella - A Prayer of David
06:06 |
Radio Nepal Philippians 015
06:00 |
Feature Story - Top World News
05:58 |
Rescue - I Love You Lord
05:53 |
CityAlight - He Calls Me Friend
05:52 |
Acappella - I Still Have Joy
05:50 |
Keith Lancaster - When I Say Farewell
05:46 |
CityAlight and Sandra McCracken - In the Valley (Bless the Lord)
05:45 |
Acappella - A Prayer of David
05:30 |
Barbara Sandbek - P110
05:29 |
Rickey Payton - Oh Freedom
05:27 |
The Jordanaires - Nothing But The Blood
05:25 |
Maryline Blackburn & Steve Ivey - Trust
05:23 |
The London Fox Choir - There Is a Green Hill Far Away
05:21 |
Discovery Singers - Father I Adore You
05:19 |
Laura Jewel & Steve Ivey - Sweet Hour Of Prayer
05:17 |
Keith Lancaster & The Acappella Company - You Are There
05:16 |
Keith Lancaster & The Acappella Company - Holy Spirit, Breathe On Me
05:13 |
Taryn Trexler & Steve Ivey - Be Thou My Vision
05:09 |
Billy, Paula and BJ Speer - He Paid a Price I Could Not Pay
05:07 |
Rescue - I Love You Lord
05:03 |
CityAlight - He Calls Me Friend
05:01 |
Acappella - I Still Have Joy
05:00 |
Keith Lancaster - When I Say Farewell
04:56 |
CityAlight and Sandra McCracken - In the Valley (Bless the Lord)
04:55 |
Acappella - A Prayer of David
04:50 |
Mission - This Could Be The Day
04:45 |
Mission - Send Me
04:41 |
CityAlight - Home
04:36 |
CityAlight - My God Is All I Need / My God Is so Big
04:30 |
CityAlight - Only a Holy God
04:26 |
Mission - This Could Be The Day
04:22 |
Bj Speer - We'll Talk It Over
04:18 |
Mission - Tell The World
04:14 |
Bj Speer - Little Is Much
04:10 |
Bj Speer - Does Jesus Care (feat. Lynda Randle)
04:08 |
Billy Speer - I'll Fly Away
04:04 |
Billy and Paula Speer - The Middle Man
04:01 |
Bj Speer - Great Is Thy Faithfulness (feat. Tiffany Coburn)
03:57 |
Billy and Paula Speer - Hang On to the Cross
03:53 |
The Joslin Grove Choral Society - Victory In Jesus
03:52 |
The Joslin Grove Choral Society - Come Thou Fount Of Every Blessing
03:48 |
CityAlight - There Is One Gospel (Live)
03:46 |
The Joslin Grove Choral Society - Tell Me The Story Of Jesus
03:40 |
CityAlight - Yet Not I but Through Christ in Me
03:38 |
The Joslin Grove Choral Society - Take The Name Of Jesus With You
03:37 |
The Jordanaires - Angel Band
03:35 |
The Joslin Grove Choral Society - We Are Marching On To Zion
03:32 |
The Joslin Grove Choral Society - Jesus Paid It All
03:28 |
CityAlight - Ancient of Days
03:25 |
The Joslin Grove Choral Society - Savior Like A Shepherd He Leads Us
03:19 |
CityAlight - Christ Is Mine Forevermore
03:15 |
Billy Speer - Turn Your Eyes Upon Jesus
03:12 |
The Joslin Grove Choral Society - Blessed Assurance
03:10 |
The Joslin Grove Choral Society - Since Jesus Came Into My Heart
03:08 |
The Joslin Grove Choral Society - I Know Whom I Have Believed
03:04 |
Billy Speer - It Is Well With My Soul
03:01 |
Discovery Singers - Sing The Mighty Power of God
02:57 |
Billy, Paula and BJ Speer - We've Come This Far By Faith
02:54 |
The Joslin Grove Choral Society - Grace Greater Than All Our Sin
02:51 |
Billy Speer - I Want to Be Ready
02:49 |
The Joslin Grove Choral Society - Whiter Than Snow
02:46 |
Urban Nation - Jesus Loves Me
02:43 |
CityAlight - God Is for Us
02:40 |
The Joslin Grove Choral Society - The Old Rugged Cross
02:38 |
The Joslin Grove Choral Society - Revive Us Again
02:36 |
The Joslin Grove Choral Society - Spirit Of God Descend Upon My Heart
02:33 |
Billy Speer - He Touched Me
02:29 |
The Joslin Grove Choral Society - What A Friend We Have In Jesus
02:26 |
The Joslin Grove Choral Society - Praise Him, Praise Him
02:25 |
Rickey Payton - Oh Freedom
02:23 |
The Jordanaires - Nothing But The Blood
02:21 |
Maryline Blackburn & Steve Ivey - Trust
02:19 |
The London Fox Choir - There Is a Green Hill Far Away
02:18 |
Discovery Singers - Father I Adore You
02:15 |
Laura Jewel & Steve Ivey - Sweet Hour Of Prayer
02:13 |
Keith Lancaster & The Acappella Company - You Are There
02:12 |
Keith Lancaster & The Acappella Company - Holy Spirit, Breathe On Me
02:10 |
Taryn Trexler & Steve Ivey - Be Thou My Vision
02:06 |
Billy, Paula and BJ Speer - He Paid a Price I Could Not Pay
02:03 |
Rescue - I Love You Lord
01:59 |
CityAlight - He Calls Me Friend
01:58 |
Acappella - I Still Have Joy
01:56 |
Keith Lancaster - When I Say Farewell
01:52 |
CityAlight and Sandra McCracken - In the Valley (Bless the Lord)
01:51 |
Acappella - A Prayer of David
01:36 |
La Voix de l’Evangile Quebec- Soit courageux - Soit courageux 4 - 2022-10-10
01:35 |
Acappella - A Prayer of David
01:06 |
Radio 45 French (The Two Directions Part 2)
01:03 |
The Joslin Grove Choral Society - Grace Greater Than All Our Sin
01:01 |
Billy Speer - I Want to Be Ready
00:58 |
The Joslin Grove Choral Society - Whiter Than Snow
00:55 |
Urban Nation - Jesus Loves Me
00:52 |
CityAlight - God Is for Us
00:48 |
The Joslin Grove Choral Society - The Old Rugged Cross
00:47 |
The Joslin Grove Choral Society - Revive Us Again
00:45 |
The Joslin Grove Choral Society - Spirit Of God Descend Upon My Heart
00:42 |
Billy Speer - He Touched Me
00:38 |
The Joslin Grove Choral Society - What A Friend We Have In Jesus
00:35 |
The Joslin Grove Choral Society - Praise Him, Praise Him
00:34 |
Rickey Payton - Oh Freedom
00:32 |
The Jordanaires - Nothing But The Blood
00:30 |
Maryline Blackburn & Steve Ivey - Trust
00:28 |
The London Fox Choir - There Is a Green Hill Far Away
00:27 |
Discovery Singers - Father I Adore You
00:24 |
Laura Jewel & Steve Ivey - Sweet Hour Of Prayer
00:22 |
Keith Lancaster & The Acappella Company - You Are There
00:21 |
Keith Lancaster & The Acappella Company - Holy Spirit, Breathe On Me
00:19 |
Taryn Trexler & Steve Ivey - Be Thou My Vision
00:15 |
Billy, Paula and BJ Speer - He Paid a Price I Could Not Pay
00:13 |
Rescue - I Love You Lord
00:08 |
CityAlight - He Calls Me Friend
00:07 |
Acappella - I Still Have Joy
00:05 |
Keith Lancaster - When I Say Farewell
00:01 |
CityAlight and Sandra McCracken - In the Valley (Bless the Lord)
00:00 |
Acappella - A Prayer of David