23:00 |
Pipedreams - Back with Bach in Bach Country
22:58 |
Sammons, Albert - Aubade
22:39 |
Sibelius, Jean - En Saga
22:36 |
Faure, Gabriel - Papillon
22:30 |
Alldridge, Richard - We'll Sing All Hail to Jesus' Name
21:59 |
Michael A. Dunn, General Authority Seven - Devotional
21:31 |
Tabernacle Choir - Music and the Spoken Word
21:21 |
Mozart, W.A. - String Quartet No. 15 K 421, Mvt. 4
21:16 |
Chaminade, Cecile - Arabesque
21:03 |
Mendelssohn, Felix - A Midsummer Night's Dream: Overture
20:57 |
Finzi, Gerald - Prelude for String Orch.
20:45 |
Pergolesi, Giovanni Battista - Flute Concerto
20:14 |
Schumann, Robert - Symphony No. 4
20:09 |
Williams, John - 1941: March
20:00 |
Delius, Frederick - Dance Rhapsody No. 2
19:57 |
Mendelssohn, Felix - Songs without Words Op 19/1 Sweet Remembrance
19:53 |
Mozart, Leopold - Trumpet Concerto in D
19:22 |
Hanson, Howard - Symphony No. 2, Romantic
19:18 |
Montero, Gabriela - Improvisation No. 3
19:03 |
Bach, Johann Sebastian - Concerto for 2 Violins BWV 1043
18:44 |
Respighi, Ottorino - Fountains of Rome
18:38 |
Bestor, Kurt - Waters of the Great Deep
18:08 |
Grieg, Edvard - Piano Concerto
18:03 |
Elgar, Sir Edward - Minuet in A minor
18:01 |
Renwick, Wilke - Dance
17:46 |
Schubert, Franz - String Quartet No. 1 D 18
17:40 |
Albeniz, Isaac - Suite Espanola: Asturias
17:17 |
Haydn, Franz Joseph - Symphony No. 66
17:12 |
Humperdinck, Engelbert - Hansel and Gretel: Evening Prayer
17:00 |
Molter, Johann Melchior - Bassoon Concerto, MWV VI 25
16:56 |
Sculthorpe, Peter - Music for Bali
16:37 |
Arensky, Anton - Suite no. 2: Silhouettes
16:31 |
Ravel, Maurice - Menuet antique
16:08 |
Mozart, W.A. - Violin Sonata in Bb K 454
16:05 |
Ponce, Manuel - Intermezzo No. 1
16:00 |
Satie, Erik - Gymnopedie No. 2
15:45 |
Field, John - Piano Sonata No. 4
15:20 |
Weber, Carl Maria Von - Symphony No. 1
15:13 |
Berlioz, Hector - Les Troyens: Trojan March
14:58 |
Ravel, Maurice - Mother Goose: Suite
14:51 |
Corigliano, John - Lullaby for Natalie
14:43 |
Vivaldi, Antonio - Cello Concerto RV 412
14:29 |
Bax, Sir Arnold - Into the Twilight
14:00 |
Tabernacle Choir - Music and the Spoken Word
13:59 |
Bach, Johann Sebastian - Two-Part Invention No. 10 BWV 781
13:53 |
Haydn, Franz Joseph - String Quartet The Rider Op 74/3, Mvt 4
13:35 |
Chopin, Frederic - Variations on "La ci darem la mano"
13:09 |
Bach, Carl Phillip Emanuel - Flute Concerto in G
13:04 |
Dvorak, Antonin - Legends, No. 2
13:01 |
Mendelssohn, Felix - Songs without Words Op 67/4, Spinning Song
12:58 |
Mahler, Gustav - Des Knaben Wunderhorn: Wer hat dies Liedlein erdacht?
12:52 |
Sargent, David - If Ye Love Me, Keep My Commandments
12:47 |
Hobson, Tiffany - Medley of Faith
12:44 |
Fletcher, Dave - Wondrous Love
12:23 |
Handel, George Frideric - Chandos Anthem No. 6: As Pants the Heart
12:18 |
Koschat, Thomas - The Lord Is My Shepherd
12:09 |
Gabrieli, Giovanni - In ecclesiis
12:06 |
Traditional - Ride On, King Jesus
12:04 |
Traditional - You Can Tell the World
11:58 |
de Azevedo, Lex - Fantasy on "I Know That My Redeemer Lives"
11:30 |
Tabernacle Choir - Music and the Spoken Word
11:27 |
Handel, George Frideric - Concerto Grosso Op 6/12, Mvt. 3 HWV 330
11:14 |
Vaughan Williams, Ralph - Toward the Unknown Region
11:09 |
Mendelssohn, Felix - Elijah: He Watching Over Israel
11:04 |
Huish, Orson Pratt - Come Unto Jesus
11:00 |
Warren, George - God of Our Fathers, Whose Almighty Hand
10:52 |
Beesley, Ebenezer - Reverently and Meekly Now
10:45 |
Mozart, W.A. - Misericordias Domini K 222
10:36 |
Rutter, John - I Will Lift Up Mine Eyes
10:32 |
Carter, Russell Kelso - Standing on the Promises
10:27 |
Dayley, K. Newell - Lord, I Would Follow Thee
10:24 |
Lewis, Freeman - Redeemer of Israel
10:21 |
Traditional - Beautiful Savior
10:16 |
Woodward, Ralph B. - Psalm 23
10:12 |
Woodward, Ralph - Hansel and Gretel: Evening Prayer
10:05 |
Traditional - Peace Like a River
10:00 |
Traditional - How Great Thou Art
09:55 |
Gabrieli, Giovanni - Canzon Duodecimi Toni a 10
09:44 |
Vivaldi, Antonio - Guitar Concerto RV 93
09:19 |
Boccherini, Luigi - Symphony Op 12/2 G 504
09:14 |
Falla, Manuel de - El amor brujo: Ritual Fire Dance
09:11 |
Gabriel Pierne - Suite of Small Pieces: Chanson d'Autrefois
09:01 |
Chopin, Frederic - Piano Sonata No. 2: III. Marche funebre
08:51 |
Prokofiev, Sergei - Overture on Hebrew Themes
08:32 |
Pixis, Johann Peter - Piano Concerto in Eb
08:29 |
Strauss, Richard - Also sprach Zarathustra: Introduction
08:26 |
Mozart, W.A. - Ave Verum Corpus K 618
08:19 |
Dall'abaco, Evaristo - Concerto a piu istrumenti
08:12 |
Furstenau, Anton Bernhard - Rondo Brillant for Two Flutes and Orchestra
08:00 |
Strauss, Johann Jr. - Emperor Waltz
00:00 |
Peter Van de Graaff - Overnight Classics