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JAMMIN 103.9 playlist

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(now in Little Rock 20:09)
Live Empire Cast - Powerful
20:55 SRJR Productions - Socks and Drawers
20:52 Hunter - EASY AS ABC
20:37 Celina Graves - Desire
20:34 Kami Cole - Let's Do It Again (feat. Sean Dolby)
20:32 20XII - Think About Me
20:28 Heidi Tann With Kinsman Dazz Band - Island Summer (On My Mind)
20:23 Special Request - Tickle Me (feat. Rey T)
20:20 Bey Bright - Love You Down
20:11 Beyonce - Dangerously in Love 2
20:08 Special Request - You Lied (feat. Rey T)
20:01 SRJR Productions - Can You Handle It
19:58 SRJR Productions - Met Him at The Trail Ride
19:55 BRI - Tonight
19:48 Holly Joy - In The Mood
19:44 Mack Holland - This Christmas (For You)
19:40 Mona Lisa - Angel
19:34 Empire Cast - Powerful
19:31 Kristina Mennisov - Hands
19:28 Allie McIntosh - La La Means I Love You
19:23 K Rob - S&S (Slow N Sexy) feat. Kitty Gatta)
19:16 Belton Mouras Jr. - Step Step Step
19:09 Celina Graves - Desire
19:03 The Moore Twins - Is This The Way
19:00 20XII - Think About Me
18:57 Kami Cole - Let's Do It Again (feat. Sean Dolby)
18:53 Alli Cazaam - Forget Not Our Souls
18:50 Bey Bright - Love You Down
18:37 Beyonce - Dangerously in Love 2
18:28 BRI - Tonight
18:22 Special Request - You Lied (feat. Rey T)
18:18 Musa Zadika Beyom - DOTW
18:15 Hunter - EASY AS ABC
18:08 Heidi Tann With Kinsman Dazz Band - Island Summer (On My Mind)
18:04 Mona Lisa - Angel
17:59 SRJR Productions - Socks and Drawers
17:50 Empire Cast - Powerful
17:48 K Rob - S&S (Slow N Sexy) feat. Kitty Gatta)
17:44 Mack Holland - This Christmas (For You)
17:40 Holly Joy - In The Mood
17:24 Special Request - Tickle Me (feat. Rey T)
17:21 SRJR Productions - Met Him at The Trail Ride
17:19 Celina Graves - Desire
17:15 Alli Cazaam - Forget Not Our Souls
17:11 SRJR Productions - Can You Handle It
17:08 Belton Mouras Jr. - Step Step Step
16:57 BRI - Tonight
16:54 Kami Cole - Let's Do It Again (feat. Sean Dolby)
16:47 Kristina Mennisov - Hands
16:40 Allie McIntosh - La La Means I Love You
16:34 Mona Lisa - Angel
16:30 20XII - Think About Me
16:26 Musa Zadika Beyom - DOTW
16:23 Special Request - You Lied (feat. Rey T)
16:17 SRJR Productions - Socks and Drawers
16:14 Hunter - EASY AS ABC
16:09 Beyonce - Dangerously in Love 2
16:06 The Moore Twins - Is This The Way
15:59 Bey Bright - Love You Down
15:55 Holly Joy - In The Mood
15:51 Empire Cast - Powerful
15:48 K Rob - S&S (Slow N Sexy) feat. Kitty Gatta)
15:41 Alli Cazaam - Forget Not Our Souls
15:30 Belton Mouras Jr. - Step Step Step
15:27 Kami Cole - Let's Do It Again (feat. Sean Dolby)
15:22 SRJR Productions - Can You Handle It
15:08 Heidi Tann With Kinsman Dazz Band - Island Summer (On My Mind)
15:03 Celina Graves - Desire
14:59 Mack Holland - This Christmas (For You)
14:51 Mona Lisa - Angel
14:48 Special Request - You Lied (feat. Rey T)
14:39 Beyonce - Dangerously in Love 2
14:29 SRJR Productions - Met Him at The Trail Ride
14:24 Special Request - Tickle Me (feat. Rey T)
14:22 20XII - Think About Me
14:18 Empire Cast - Powerful
14:14 Holly Joy - In The Mood
14:10 Bey Bright - Love You Down
14:04 BRI - Tonight
13:56 Belton Mouras Jr. - Step Step Step
13:53 Alli Cazaam - Forget Not Our Souls
13:46 Kristina Mennisov - Hands
13:43 Allie McIntosh - La La Means I Love You
13:36 Musa Zadika Beyom - DOTW
13:33 SRJR Productions - Socks and Drawers
13:26 SRJR Productions - Can You Handle It
13:23 Celina Graves - Desire
13:19 Mona Lisa - Angel
13:12 Hunter - EASY AS ABC
13:09 The Moore Twins - Is This The Way
12:52 Special Request - You Lied (feat. Rey T)
12:49 K Rob - S&S (Slow N Sexy) feat. Kitty Gatta)
12:44 Beyonce - Dangerously in Love 2
12:41 Bey Bright - Love You Down
12:36 Special Request - Tickle Me (feat. Rey T)
12:33 Kami Cole - Let's Do It Again (feat. Sean Dolby)
12:29 Holly Joy - In The Mood
12:22 Heidi Tann With Kinsman Dazz Band - Island Summer (On My Mind)
12:15 Allie McIntosh - La La Means I Love You
12:05 Empire Cast - Powerful
12:02 Mack Holland - This Christmas (For You)
11:58 SRJR Productions - Socks and Drawers
11:53 Belton Mouras Jr. - Step Step Step
11:45 SRJR Productions - Can You Handle It
11:43 20XII - Think About Me
11:39 Alli Cazaam - Forget Not Our Souls
11:33 SRJR Productions - Met Him at The Trail Ride
11:29 Mona Lisa - Angel
11:26 Celina Graves - Desire
11:19 The Moore Twins - Is This The Way
11:10 Beyonce - Dangerously in Love 2
11:03 BRI - Tonight
10:57 Kami Cole - Let's Do It Again (feat. Sean Dolby)
10:54 K Rob - S&S (Slow N Sexy) feat. Kitty Gatta)
10:51 Hunter - EASY AS ABC
10:48 Kristina Mennisov - Hands
10:40 Heidi Tann With Kinsman Dazz Band - Island Summer (On My Mind)
10:37 Musa Zadika Beyom - DOTW
10:29 Empire Cast - Powerful
10:26 Bey Bright - Love You Down
10:16 Holly Joy - In The Mood
10:11 Allie McIntosh - La La Means I Love You
10:01 20XII - Think About Me
09:57 Mona Lisa - Angel
09:54 Special Request - You Lied (feat. Rey T)
09:51 The Moore Twins - Is This The Way
09:46 Special Request - Tickle Me (feat. Rey T)
09:41 Beyonce - Dangerously in Love 2
09:35 SRJR Productions - Socks and Drawers
09:31 BRI - Tonight
09:28 SRJR Productions - Met Him at The Trail Ride
09:17 Alli Cazaam - Forget Not Our Souls
09:13 Heidi Tann With Kinsman Dazz Band - Island Summer (On My Mind)
09:07 K Rob - S&S (Slow N Sexy) feat. Kitty Gatta)
09:03 Mack Holland - This Christmas (For You)
09:00 Kami Cole - Let's Do It Again (feat. Sean Dolby)
08:52 Belton Mouras Jr. - Step Step Step
08:48 SRJR Productions - Can You Handle It
08:41 Empire Cast - Powerful
08:38 Allie McIntosh - La La Means I Love You
08:35 Hunter - EASY AS ABC
08:26 Celina Graves - Desire
08:19 Special Request - You Lied (feat. Rey T)
08:15 Mona Lisa - Angel
08:11 Musa Zadika Beyom - DOTW
08:08 The Moore Twins - Is This The Way
08:01 SRJR Productions - Socks and Drawers
07:58 SRJR Productions - Met Him at The Trail Ride
07:53 Beyonce - Dangerously in Love 2
07:49 Kristina Mennisov - Hands
07:46 20XII - Think About Me
07:43 Heidi Tann With Kinsman Dazz Band - Island Summer (On My Mind)
07:39 Bey Bright - Love You Down
07:20 Holly Joy - In The Mood
07:09 Alli Cazaam - Forget Not Our Souls
07:07 K Rob - S&S (Slow N Sexy) feat. Kitty Gatta)
07:00 Empire Cast - Powerful
06:49 Special Request - Tickle Me (feat. Rey T)
06:45 Mona Lisa - Angel
06:42 Special Request - You Lied (feat. Rey T)
06:34 BRI - Tonight
06:31 Allie McIntosh - La La Means I Love You
06:28 Musa Zadika Beyom - DOTW
06:24 Belton Mouras Jr. - Step Step Step
06:21 Kristina Mennisov - Hands
06:17 Hunter - EASY AS ABC
06:12 Beyonce - Dangerously in Love 2
06:09 The Moore Twins - Is This The Way
06:05 Mack Holland - This Christmas (For You)
06:02 Kami Cole - Let's Do It Again (feat. Sean Dolby)
06:00 Celina Graves - Desire
05:51 SRJR Productions - Can You Handle It
05:41 Bey Bright - Love You Down
05:37 SRJR Productions - Socks and Drawers
05:30 Alli Cazaam - Forget Not Our Souls
05:22 K Rob - S&S (Slow N Sexy) feat. Kitty Gatta)
05:06 Special Request - Tickle Me (feat. Rey T)
05:02 Empire Cast - Powerful
04:59 BRI - Tonight
04:56 SRJR Productions - Met Him at The Trail Ride
04:49 20XII - Think About Me
04:45 Heidi Tann With Kinsman Dazz Band - Island Summer (On My Mind)
04:42 Special Request - You Lied (feat. Rey T)
04:38 Mona Lisa - Angel
04:32 Celina Graves - Desire
04:27 Beyonce - Dangerously in Love 2
04:23 Holly Joy - In The Mood
04:20 Hunter - EASY AS ABC
04:12 Kami Cole - Let's Do It Again (feat. Sean Dolby)
04:10 Allie McIntosh - La La Means I Love You
04:06 SRJR Productions - Socks and Drawers
04:02 SRJR Productions - Can You Handle It
03:51 Mack Holland - This Christmas (For You)
03:44 Musa Zadika Beyom - DOTW
03:37 Special Request - Tickle Me (feat. Rey T)
03:34 Kristina Mennisov - Hands
03:27 Belton Mouras Jr. - Step Step Step
03:19 Empire Cast - Powerful
03:16 BRI - Tonight
03:13 K Rob - S&S (Slow N Sexy) feat. Kitty Gatta)
03:09 Mona Lisa - Angel
03:06 The Moore Twins - Is This The Way
02:51 Alli Cazaam - Forget Not Our Souls
02:47 Heidi Tann With Kinsman Dazz Band - Island Summer (On My Mind)
02:44 SRJR Productions - Met Him at The Trail Ride
02:41 Bey Bright - Love You Down
02:38 Kami Cole - Let's Do It Again (feat. Sean Dolby)
02:31 Celina Graves - Desire
02:26 Beyonce - Dangerously in Love 2
02:10 Special Request - Tickle Me (feat. Rey T)
02:07 Kristina Mennisov - Hands
02:03 SRJR Productions - Socks and Drawers
01:58 Special Request - You Lied (feat. Rey T)
01:52 20XII - Think About Me
01:48 Hunter - EASY AS ABC
01:45 Mack Holland - This Christmas (For You)
01:42 K Rob - S&S (Slow N Sexy) feat. Kitty Gatta)
01:35 Allie McIntosh - La La Means I Love You
01:31 Mona Lisa - Angel
01:23 Holly Joy - In The Mood
01:20 Belton Mouras Jr. - Step Step Step
01:17 The Moore Twins - Is This The Way
01:10 Bey Bright - Love You Down
01:07 Kami Cole - Let's Do It Again (feat. Sean Dolby)
01:03 SRJR Productions - Can You Handle It
00:59 Alli Cazaam - Forget Not Our Souls
00:55 Empire Cast - Powerful
00:50 Beyonce - Dangerously in Love 2
00:47 Musa Zadika Beyom - DOTW
00:43 Heidi Tann With Kinsman Dazz Band - Island Summer (On My Mind)
00:23 20XII - Think About Me
00:19 BRI - Tonight
00:13 SRJR Productions - Socks and Drawers
00:09 Hunter - EASY AS ABC
00:02 Mona Lisa - Angel

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