En directo |
Terell Stafford - Somebody Bigger Than You And I
13:50 |
Craig Curry - Christ the Lord Is Risen Today
13:46 |
Nnenna Freelon - Soulcall
13:44 |
Walter Rodriguez Jr - Everybody Ought To Know
13:39 |
Pamela York - He Leadeth Me
13:35 |
Mari Falcone - My Father's Love
13:31 |
Yohan Kim - Praise To The Lord, The Almighty
13:25 |
Monty Alexander - The River
13:20 |
Chris McDonald - Amazing Grace
13:14 |
Dean Mills - I Surrender All
13:10 |
Stephen Riley with Ernest Turner - Blessed Assurance
13:05 |
Cyrus Chestnut - Gospel Improv #1
13:01 |
Bryan Duncan - Got Ya Where You Want Me
12:57 |
Julius Rodriguez - Where Grace Abounds
12:53 |
Peter Dent - Abide With Me
12:50 |
Carol Rogers - Charl Herrgesell with Chuck Marohnic - HERE IN THIS PLACE - Psalm 11
12:45 |
Gary Hallquist - Savior Like a Shepherd
12:43 |
Huntley Brown - I Will Call Upon The Lord
12:40 |
Jim Martinez - How Great Thou Art
12:37 |
Patti Moran Mccoy - In Moments Like These
12:34 |
Lenny Marcus - Ode To Joy
12:31 |
Eric Reed - Come Sunday
12:26 |
Brien Andrews - Brien Andrews Seasons Change
12:18 |
Ray Lyon - On The Smooth Of The Hill
12:12 |
Stan Getz - Blue Skies
12:08 |
Uros Markovic - Glory Glory Hallelujah
12:03 |
Johnny Summers - Praises to My God
11:59 |
Ramsey Lewis - My Love For You
11:53 |
Bill Anschell - Reflections in D
11:49 |
Julia Gannon - Joy In The Morning
11:45 |
Ron Brown - Were You There
11:40 |
Bill Cantos - A Mighty Fortress
11:34 |
The Fred Hughes Trio - New Day Dawning
11:28 |
Charles Barnes - Leaning On The Everlasting Arms
11:22 |
Fred Hughes - The Day After
11:20 |
Yohan Kim - Give Thanks
11:16 |
Integrity Music - Change My Heart O God
11:12 |
Accent - Good News
11:05 |
Corinthia Cromwell & The Evolution Band - Tis' So Sweet
11:01 |
Monty Alexander - Sight Up
10:57 |
Bobby McFerrin - Joshua
10:51 |
Cyrus Chestnut - Hope Song
10:48 |
Sharp Radway - Sweet Hour Of Prayer
10:44 |
Janet Paschal - Let Us Break Bread Together
10:40 |
Jonathan Butler - Be Still
10:35 |
Peter Dent - Jesus Christ Is Risen Today
10:31 |
Nicky Schrire - Shower The People
10:28 |
Gary Hallquist - I Have Decided to Follow Jesus
10:23 |
Garon Richey - More Than A Penny
10:20 |
Eric Reed - A Love Divine
10:15 |
Jim Martinez - Rise Up O Men Of God
10:12 |
Chris Lee - Wondrous Grace
10:06 |
Bucky Pizzarelli - Just A Closer Walk
10:02 |
Dan Millheim - God Turns Our Sorrows In Song
09:57 |
John Paul McGee - Wonderful Is Your Name
09:54 |
Jason and the G Men - Jericho
09:46 |
Ray Lyon - The Upper Country (Isaiah 33:17)
09:42 |
Craig Curry - God So Loved the World
09:36 |
Karen Grant - Perfect Bliss
09:34 |
Walter Rodriguez Jr - Amazing Grace
09:31 |
Huntley Brown - Power In The Blood
09:27 |
Bill Cantos - You Are My Hiding Place
09:19 |
Ramsey Lewis - Second Thoughts
09:16 |
Pamela York - Were You There
09:10 |
Jay Hoggard - Come Thou Fount of Every Blessing
09:06 |
Tom Booth with Chuck Marohnic - COME ON UP TO GOD'S HOUSE - Psalm 12
09:00 |
Gabriel Espinosa - Nostalgia
08:56 |
Stephen Lee - As The Deer
08:52 |
Brandon Muchow - Your Name
08:49 |
Monty Alexander - Holy Holy Holy
08:43 |
Spike Wilner Trio - Prayer For Peace
08:38 |
Gladys Knight - God Bless The Child
08:33 |
Ron Brown - God Will Take Care Of You
08:27 |
Uros Markovic - Converted And Convertin'
08:22 |
Luke Sellick & Andrew Renfroe - Harvest For The World
08:18 |
Peter Dent - What A Friend
08:13 |
Chuck Marohnic - Grace
08:09 |
Cyrus Chestnut - Old Time Religion
08:04 |
Laila Biali - Radiance
08:02 |
Jerry Zellers - The Old Rugged Cross
07:57 |
Lou Rawls - What A Wonderful World
07:52 |
Roberto Tola and Bill McGee - Lullaby of Christmas
07:48 |
Jim Martinez - How Majestic Is Thy Name
07:44 |
Eric Reed and Jamison Ross - Shine
07:39 |
Gonzalo Rubalcaba - Pray
07:35 |
Paula Chavis - The Healing Tree
07:31 |
Todd Ledbetter - Meditations
07:24 |
Sharp Radway - Leaning On The Everlasting Arms
07:19 |
Sam Levine - In Christ Alone
07:14 |
Bill Cantos - I Surrender All
07:09 |
Joey Alexander - What a Friend We Have in Jesus
07:06 |
Huntley Brown - Samba Praise
07:01 |
Ramsey Lewis - With One Voice
06:57 |
Integrity Music - You Are My God
06:52 |
06:48 |
Gary Hallquist/Benjamin Harlan - No One Ever Cared For Me Like Jesus
06:44 |
Patti Moran McCoy - Aaronsong
06:37 |
Jonny & the Jazzuits - This Is Amazing Grace
06:33 |
Chris Lee - Light At the End
06:30 |
Bob Ravenscroft - Just A Closer Walk
06:25 |
Zephryn Conte - Just One Thing
06:22 |
6 String Praise - Higher Ground
06:19 |
Craig Curry - I Know That My Redeemer Lives
06:12 |
Benny Green - Down By The Riverside
06:07 |
Come Sunday - Take My Hand, Precious Lord
06:03 |
Peter Dent - Pavane
05:56 |
Cyrus Chestnut - Pass Me Not
05:54 |
Walter Rodrigues Jr - What A Friend
05:49 |
Jonathan Butler - We Need You Lord
05:44 |
Gary Hallquist - How Great Thou Art
05:41 |
Pamela York - Ain't-a That Good News!
05:38 |
Tom Booth - Carl Herrgesell with Chuck Marohnic - FREEDOM, LOST AND FOUND - Psalm 9
05:35 |
Jim Martinez - Nothing but the Blood
05:23 |
Vince Guaraldi - Holy Communion Blues
05:20 |
Chuck Marohnic - Give Me a Clean Heart
05:14 |
Ralf Buschmeyer - Nobody Knows The Trouble I Have Seen
05:10 |
Yohan Kim - At The Cross
05:05 |
Luke Sellick & Andrew Renfroe - John The Revelator
04:59 |
Dan Dean - It's On
04:52 |
Uros Markovic - Holy Holy Holy
04:47 |
Phil Degreg - This Is My Father's World
04:44 |
Bill Cantos - Take My LIfe
04:40 |
Jerry Zellers - Crown Him - All Hail The Power
04:37 |
Kenny G & Louie Armstrong - What A Wonderful World
04:31 |
Donald Hayes - Peace Be Still
04:29 |
Ramsey Lewis - Sometimes I Feel
04:26 |
John Legend & The Roots - I Wish I Knew How It Would Feel To Be Free
04:23 |
Eric Reed - Amen
04:21 |
Garon Richey - Believe and Receive
04:16 |
Joanie Pallatto, featuring Fareed Haque - Open Your Eyes
04:10 |
Justo Almario - Give Thanks & Grateful
04:05 |
Huntley Brown - This Is The Day
03:58 |
Monty Alexander - Battle Hymn of the Republic
03:54 |
Hays Street Hart - Song for Peace
03:50 |
Pete Coco Trio - I Have Decided
03:47 |
Peter Dent - Doc's Ology (Praise God from Whom All Blessings Flow)
03:42 |
James Morrison - A Quiet Place
03:38 |
Curtis Stigers - You Inspire Me
03:33 |
Wester Desamours - Like a River Glorious
03:27 |
Benny Green - Testifyin'
03:24 |
Jason and the G Men - Count Your Blessings
03:20 |
Joey Alexander - Draw Me Nearer
03:14 |
Marc Seales Band - Deep River
03:10 |
Vince Guaraldi -vocal - Theme To Grace
03:03 |
Andre Avelino - Praise God From Whom All Blessings Flow
02:59 |
Sharp Radway - Jesus, Keep Me Near The Cross
02:55 |
Cyrus Chestnut - Wade In The Water
02:49 |
Yohan Kim - Because of Who You Are
02:44 |
Jim Martinez - Lord Be Glorified
02:40 |
Hank Jones and Charlie Haden - Precious Lord
02:35 |
Elder Randall Ogans Sr. - His Eye Is On The Sparrow
02:32 |
Dee Daniels & Denzal Sinclaire - Every Time I Feel The Spirit
02:29 |
Walter Rodriguez Jr - Just A Closer Walk
02:24 |
Craig Curry - The Day of Resurrection
02:20 |
02:15 |
Ramsey Lewis - Keep The Spirit
02:09 |
Pamela York - Be Thou My Vision
02:02 |
Richard D'Abreu Jr. - Look and Live
01:59 |
Integrity Music - Faithful To Lead Us On
01:53 |
Fred Hughes - C'mon Let's Go
01:50 |
Patti Moran McCoy - When I get To Heaven
01:46 |
Chris Lee - Amazing Grace
01:42 |
Jonathan Butler - Let There Be Light
01:40 |
Anthony Payton with Chuck Marohnic - WHEN WILL YOU COME O LORD - Psalm 101
01:30 |
Fletch Wiley - Ornament of the Universe
01:26 |
Peter Dent - Near The Cross
01:24 |
Dave Boyer - Get Happy
01:17 |
Ray Lyon - Old Paths Jeremiah 6:16)
01:10 |
Eric Reed - I Love You Lord
01:05 |
Juanita Fleming - I'm So Glad To Be With God
00:57 |
Kirk Whalum - Blessed Assurance
00:50 |
Junior Mance - I Wish I Knew How It Felt To Be Free
00:44 |
Cyrus Chestnut - God Has Smiled On Me
00:39 |
European Jazz Trio - What A Wonderful World
00:36 |
Jerry Zellers - Tis So Sweet to Trust in Jesus
00:28 |
Terrence Richburg - He'll Never Leave Me
00:25 |
Bill Cunliffe - At The End Of The Day
00:20 |
Bill Cantos - I Surrender All
00:15 |
Bobby McFerrin - Things Are Gettin Better
00:07 |
Francesco Crosara - Passion
00:00 |
Ramsey Lewis - Open My Heart